Sam [M/F]

Growing up, I’d always been the short, nerdy skinny kid so going away to University always held the hope of shedding that tag.

There were a few dalliances in my first year – one memorably on the first night where a pretty, curvy blonde girl dragged me off the dancefloor and into the corner of the bar and then home – but on the whole, underwhelming.

This all started changing in the second year, when I’d grown up a little, got more confidence and started to take a little more care over my appearance with regular gym workouts and less drinking.

I’d seen Sam (in the Uni bar I late September I think, talking to one of my friends) – she was about five foot four, and even in the relative darkness of the uni bar I could see that she was pretty, with wavy black hair down to her shoulders, an upturned nose and soft features.

She wore a tight black top and jeans, which clung to her figure – a narrow waist, curved bottom and large, firm-looking breasts – about an E cup, I thought.

As she finished talking to my friend, she blew me a kiss. I reciprocated, but was too shy or stupid to go any further. Going home, I thought no more of it other than it was pretty cool that a hot girl would do that, but a little bit kicking myself that I hand’t even thought to say hi and ask her name.

A few weeks later, a few friends and I were in our classmate Jame’s room playing cards and smoking weed.

James casually mentioned that ‘big tits Sam’ would come over, which as a breastophile intrigued me. A couple of minutes the door creaked open and she – the girl from the bar, who I then knew was Sam – walked through.

The better-lit dorm rooms gave me a better chance to surreptitiously admire her – she was prettier than I had first thought, but this time wore a baggy hooded jumper hiding her top half. A skirt cut just about the knee gave an enticing view of her thighs.

I always used to get horny when stoned, and after a couple of seconds one of my friends poked me in the ribs to stop staring.We got introduced to one another, and I happily sat there in a zoned-out state whilst she flirted with James.

I assumed that she and him had a thing, so relaxed and joined in the general chat.After a few minutes she must have warmed up a little, so took her hoody off.

Pulling it up over her head caused her arms to raise straight upwards, and as the hoody came off we could all see her deep cleavage under a cropped, baggy vest top. Her heavy bust squished together as she pulled the hoody over her head, giving us all a lust-inducing sight of that full-looking bust peeping out from her bra.

Cue another poke in the ribs to stop staring.

After about another hour of general chit-chat, we all got to talking about tv shows and I mentioned that I loved (still do) the Fast Show. She said she also really enjoyed it – at which point, I mention that there was an episode about an hour later that evening and I planned to head upstairs to my room to watch it.

The next turn of events stunned me a little.

She responded by asking whether she could join me and I instinctively said yes, and asked whether we’d all like to go to the bar for a drink first – the fug of weed in the room was getting on my nerves a little, so a change of scene could be welcome.

Nobody else was interested, so just Sam and I got up – she didn’t pick her hoody up – and headed out.

On the way out, my heart skipped when I saw her look back at the room and raise her eyebrows twice quickly at the room and wink. Maybe, just maybe, I thought to myself, her and James don’t have a thing…

We talked a little whilst walking to the bar – she told me that she was a fourth-year student, 23, and had spent the last year in Japan.

“Oh cool – how was it?” I ask, making eye contact but also mindful of the fact that in looking down at her, I could see that cleavage smiling back up at me.

“Not too bad- the culture’s pretty out-there, and being a white woman I was pretty much the centre of male attention, if you know what I mean”, she said, pushing her breasts upwards a little with her hands.

By this point, I really didn’t know what to think – my inexperience meant that I didn’t know how to flirt or read signs. In hindsight, my god I must have seemed dumb.

My only thoughts were on breaking my duck – my flings in the first year had mostly resulted in young women not wanting to go all the way in or, in one case (funnily enough, a Japanese girl who called herself Mary as she didn’t trust anyone Anglo-Saxon to get her actual name right) would only let me rub myself off against her after five hand jobs and blowjobs hadn’t sated me.

As we arrive at the bar she walked through to pick out a quiet table in the corner, and replied with just “a small glass of white” when I asked her what she wanted to drink.

Over our drinks, she leant forward on the table with her arms squeezed together. This pushed her breasts together, creating a cleavage at least eight inches deep.

I realised that my earlier estimate of E cups was likely wrong – especially when seeing that her boobs were being pushed up partly by her arms, but mainly by the table.

After a few minutes of tease torture, she pointed at the clock

“We need to head back to watch the show – I’ll go to the ladies, meet you out front?”


As she walked in front of me, another mate in the bar mouthed the words “you’re in there” whilst pointing at her and looking at me.

Fingers crossed, I thought, and nodded back to him with a smirk.

I headed to the front of the bar, and waited with my back to the door on the garden area.

Suddenly, a couple of footsteps bounded up behind me followed by the sensation of what I can only describe as a basketball being thrown at my left-side ribs.

“Oh hi Sam” I say, as she pushed her enormous right boob into my side.“Back to yours”, she replies, slapping my arse and squeezing.

“Sorry hun, I get a bit cheeky when stoned and drunk”.

To recap for a second – I’m 19, with a breast fetish (more of the origins of that in another story) and horny.

I genuinely didn’t know what to say in reply, other than “I think we all do, Sam”.

We walk in almost silence the fifty metres to my block, and climb the stairs. She goes first, and I swear to this day there was an extra wiggle as she did so.

“Where’s your room?”

“Far end, on the left. Door’s open”.

At this point, my brain is screaming sex – but she walked into the room, grabbed the tv remote, turned on the set to the show and threw herself onto the bed. The jumping and bouncing pushed her breasts further out of her top, which she accentuated by folding her arms under what I know thought to be G cups.

“Don’t just fucking stand there, lie here and let’s watch this together”.

I lay down, but with my head slightly further down the bed so that she could see the telly – which was to our side, on a table – over me.

One of the recurring extra actors was Donna Ewin, a British glamour model of the time with wavy black hair and DD cup breasts. Her role in the show was basically to appear semi-naked in mock sex-comedy scenes.

“Wow” says Sam, “She’s hot”.

I’m now going to try to describe, in real time, what I thought, said and what happened next.

Right, I think to myself. She’s invited herself back to your room, gone out of her way to show you a lot of cleavage and used her bust as a battering ram to get your attention. Fucking well turn around, face her and say <<something>>.

“Hah”, I say, still facing the telly and with my back to her. Oh, so fucking smooth.

I turn around, to face her, and don’t factor in our relative head/torso positions.

The result is that I nudge my head into her cleavage, and the next thing I say (“yes, she is – she looks a little like you too” – still so smooth) is slightly muffled at the start before I can pull my head back to say the last couple of words.

She collapses into giggles, still lying on her side facing me, clasping her arms up over her boobs and putting her hands over her face. The resultant view is of two massive breasts, squished tighter, right in front of my eyes.

Fucking hell I can’t take this anymore.

As she giggles, she moves her legs against mine and rubs against my erection.

“Ooh, are you excited?”

“I mean – it’s hard not to be. And sorry, I didn’t mean to…”

“Yep, it’s hard babe”, she cuts me off. Her right hand moves downwards onto my crotch.“Fucking hell Joe, you kept that hidden”. She starts rubbing.

“Someone’s a lucky boy”.She unzips my fly and pulls out my dick. Grabbing it in both hands, she starts slowly twisting her hands, one on top of the other, around the shaft and rubs up and down. “And he’s about to get luckier if he wants?”

I can’t speak. I can’t say anything at all, so I nod and go ‘ummghh’, the universally-recognised expression for horny teenage men that will in later years be replaced by something more erudite.

Reading my mind, she climbs to straddle me giving me a full view from below. Her waist, even through her baggy top, is even smaller than I’d thought. Her breasts aren’t. They’re massive, almost blocking the view of her pretty face and slim shoulders.

“They’re huge, aren’t they?. I saw you looking at me in the bar a few weeks ago, I had a sports bra on to hide the full size”.

This is my fantasy coming through – I’ve never got to ask a girl this, but always wanted to.

“How big are they?” I smile. She grabs my hands and squishes them into her breasts through her vest top, using her hands to squeeze my hands in turn to squeeze her boobs.

“Fucking massive. It depends on brand, but basically 34HH is what I use most, some brands that’s a 30JJ”, she replies, still using her hands to move mine around her bust.

“Oh my god – and they’re so firm” I reply. They really are – firm to squeeze, but also soft enough to be pleasurable to play with.

“Enough about my tits, you could see they were big from the start. How many inches is that thing, you’ve kept it secret well!” She points at my erection, pinned under her but still reaching over my belly-button.

“I don’t know – never measured it” I laugh – “pants don’t get sized to that detail, so I…”

“Fucking shut up you nerd”, she laughs. “I don’t need your life story. Are you ready for this?”

She whips off her top and undoes her and bra, and thrusts her breasts over my face. I can’t breathe, or can but only just about.

“Suck them. I love it rough, but nothing rough on the nipples. Be gentle with those”. I gently lick her nipples whilst clamping both hands round her left breast and squeezing. She starts to moan, and by this point my cock is burning and purple.

“Fucking hell, that’s hot” she whispers. No laughing now, we’re both fully turned-on and ready.

She grabs my right hand from her breast and places my index finger and middle finger through her knickers and between her thighs onto her wet opening.

Without saying a word, she starts to rub and push my hand into her, herself onto my hand. Her moaning deepens, and for what I think is about two or three minutes she grinds my hand and smothers my face with her huge bust.

Suddenly, she sits bolt upright, tenses and lets out a ‘ggnnnnrrrhhhgg’ sound, pulsing up and down, grinding and groaning for ten to twenty seconds, biting her lip hard.

“Oh my god, sorry, that was too soon” She says. “Let me suck you off while I recover for a couple of minutes”.

Her oral skills are amazing – licking the top and the shaft, and gently rubbing the bit of the shaft she can’t swallow. After no more than a minute, I tap her on the head.

“Sorry Sam, I can’t help it but I’m going to cum”

Without a word, she takes my dick out of her mouth – “My god, no wonder my jaw hurts” – and wraps her enormous breasts around it.

She squeezes and rubs her huge bust up and down my dick, licking the top as it pokes out.

I cum in a few seconds, hot, thick ropes all over her face and breasts.

“Fuck me, that’s a lot of cum – clearly a healthy boy!”

We both collapse onto my single bed, her huge exposed breasts lolling over her chest and my large erection still persistent.

“Wow, that was quick and intense”, I say. “Hope it wasn’t over too soon”.

“What do you mean, over?”, she says, grabbing part of my shaft with her left hand, “you better have loads more in the tank – at least, that’s what I’ve been told”

“Eh? What do you mean?“ I ask.

“Let me explain – I know that you fucked – or almost fucked – Mary, the Japanese girl last year. I was at a girls’ dinner with some of us from the exchange programme and we got to talking about guys. She mentioned you – and that (pointing to my dick) and gave a description but couldn’t remember your name. She said that she wanked you off five times and thought you could still go for more. I figured out the rest myself based on her description of you, but couldn’t be sure until now”

“Ha” (still smooth, but at least this time I’ve got the excuse of being drained).

“Yeah, you’re kind of a myth around a group of us for it. I decided to be the first to take the plunge”.

“Well, I think I can go again?”

“OK, big stuff – I want you on top though, there’s no way I’m letting you in from behind and I’ll give myself black eyes bouncing around on top”.

She removes her knickers and skirt, and it’s my turn to climb on top of her.

“Only the tip, babe”. She puts her right hand next to her vagina to control how much of my dick I can put into her, and uses the other to help slide me in. She’s tight, wet and warm, and I know straight away that I’m going to cum again really quickly.

We start to grind and push into each other, deep, open-mouthed kisses raising the passion.I pull my back upwards to allow a better angle to slide in deeper, pushing my whole cock in. She breathes out hard.

I prop myself up with my left arm and squeeze her left breast with my right hand whilst she squeezes her left breast with her left hand.

Her face flushes and her breathing intensifies, getting deeper and loader.

“Oh, oooh, ooaaah, ooaahhh” she moans, her mouth wide open and eyes bulging.

Suddenly, I feel her pussy clamp down hard on my cock and convulse and I can’t help but drop my head between her tits. Her orgasms set me off again, and with a shuddering climax of my own another round of cum sprays into her as she wraps her legs around me and crushes me tightly to her.

The sensation of her deep kissing, her thighs around me, her pussy climaxing on me and those giant breasts squashed tight into my face set me off even harder.

We collapse into a heap on the single bed.“Oh my god” we both exclaim at the same time.

We lie next to each other, her chest rises and falls as her breathing returns to normal.

“I fucking did it”, she says, pointing at my dick now returning to its normal size “I managed to get us both off so hard that your erection has faded – Mary bet me I couldn’t!”

“Mary doesn’t have what you do, Sam” I say, as she rolls her bust onto my chest and kisses me softly on the lips.

“I’m fucking knackered, going to shut my eyes now” She says.The comforting feeling of her breasts gently resting on me helps me get to sleep. We rest soundly, wake up at about 6am for another couple of rounds and then go our own ways in the way that you do when at University.


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