Cutie Cumpire and the First Date

**Tags: [MF]**

[*Original Short: Cutie Cumpire Goes to the Movies*](

[*Part 1: Cutie Cumpire and the Subreddit*](

[*Part 2: Cutie Cumpire and the Sticky Keys*](

[*Part 3: Cutie Cumpire Gets Sextual*](

*Check the comments/follow me for more stories in this series.*


Jasper wasn’t sure he was going to survive the wait until his Thursday date with Nora. Seeing her in person for the first time would be intense enough, and he’d gone and cranked it up to 11 by suggesting the casual first date activity of *hey I heard vampires like cum why don’t you drain my balls*.

For better or worse, a project exploded at Jasper’s work and he ended up working late into the night for the first half of the week. He still chatted with Nora throughout the day, but he basically just worked and slept from Tuesday through Thursday.

He guessed correctly that work would run over on Thursday too, so he’d brought a change of clothes and would have to go straight from work to the bar. Fortunately, they were able to get all the tests passing right before Jasper had to leave. He’d be able to sleep in on Friday, at least.

And so as Jasper rode the train to the bar, his stomach doing its best imitation of a pretzel twist, he finally realized a key detail. He hadn’t cum since Monday night. He’d meant to take the edge off so that he could actually focus around Nora and just in case his volume was too much, but it was too late now.

He got off the train and messaged Nora his ETA and his current outfit—plaid sport coat, black jeans. It had been her idea to not see each others’ faces before they met in-person. She’d said something about it being romantic, but he’d respect it if the true reason was that she was having second thoughts.

He was having second thoughts himself. What if he wasn’t at all what she expected when she agreed to the date? Jasper pulled open the door to the bar, immediately spotted that distinctive bat tattoo, and then he had no thoughts at all.

She was a little shorter than he’d expected, wearing a tight black crop top that hugged her breasts and a black and white plaid skirt barely long enough to cover the plump curve of her ass, fishnet stockings and chunky black boots, her black hair up in twin buns.

But it was her face that he couldn’t stop staring at.

Her eyes were blue. Bright sky blue. They glittered as her burgundy lips arced in a smile. “Jasper, is that you?” Her voice was light and sweet, more cheerful and carefree than he would have expected from how desperately she moaned and how vehemently she decried the assholes that made life so hard for vampires.

All he could do was nod.

“C’mon! I got us seats.” She was suddenly right next to him and she smelled like roses and leather and she grabbed his hand and pulled him to the bar.

His brain wasn’t quite working. But if she’d gotten them seats at the bar then she didn’t expect to go to the bathroom yet. That was for the better, he wasn’t sure if he’d be up for it. Breathing was still a difficulty.

He was supposed to be cool, collected. No worries, no problem. But he was losing it. Totally losing it. ‘Sexy’ he had been ready for. But he was utterly unprepared for how cute she was.

Fortunately, she seemed to be an extrovert. “What do you want to drink?”

“O-old fashioned is good.” Those were his first real words to her? His drink order?!

But she didn’t seem bothered. She just nodded, flagged down the bar tender, and ordered the old fashioned plus a gin and tonic.

“So um… how was work?” she asked.

“It was shit,” Jasper said. He normally wouldn’t have been so honest, but his brain was not running on all cylinders.

She giggled, and Jasper had never liked a sound so much. He thought he might have a heart attack.

“Oh no, what happened?”

Jasper felt ridiculously selfish for her to take the lead on the conversation just to ask him about work, but she looked at him so sincerely and attentively that he couldn’t help but tell her. And as he did, he slowly loosened up and accustomed to sharing the same space as her.

The drink helped. He finished his rambling story and could finally form complete thoughts again, so he asked her about her day, including specific clarifying questions to affirm that he was actually listening.

They chatted more easily after that, about corporate bullshit and trampoline parks and reality TV, as they sipped at a second round of drinks.

Nora giggled at something, and as Jasper realized he didn’t know what it was, he blinked back to his senses. He’d zoned out staring at her lips wrapped around her straw as she finished her drink.

“S-sorry!” he said.

She giggled again. “The bathroom is that way, right?” she pointed over her shoulder to the dark hallway behind the bar.

Jasper swallowed. “Yeah.”

“It looks kind of sketchy, come with me?”

“Y-yeah, of course.”

And Jasper, idiot that he was, paused to wait outside the door. Nora giggled again, grabbed his hand, and pulled him inside. She locked the door.

“O-oh, right!” he said.

Nora hesitated. “Only if you still want to…”

“Yes! Yeah, I… yes. Yes, please.” His cock needed little convincing, and was already throbbing.

Nora was suddenly against his chest, her hand against his cock.

Jasper gasped and shuddered.

She rubbed at him, and he hardened quickly under her touch.

“You seemed busy this week,” Nora pouted. “I didn’t get any videos!”

“I haven’t cum since Monday night,” Jasper said, a bit sheepish.

Nora’s blue eyes widened. “Oh, fuck.” And then her smile widened. “Yes, *please*.” She undid his pants, sending Jasper trembling, and then went to kneel.

“Wait!” Jasper shrugged out of his sport coat and put it on the floor in front of him. “Floor’s gross.”

Nora blinked up at him. “Jasper… did you just put your coat on the ground for me to kneel on?”

He blinked and nodded sheepishly.

“So that I can suck your fucking cock?” she continued.

He winced, but nodded.

Nora smirked. “You’re such a fucking nerd, I love it.” And then she dropped to her knees on his coat and his cock was in her mouth.

He was so sensitive—from the nerves, the intensity of the arousal, his accidental abstinence—and he couldn’t help but moan. Her mouth was hot and wet and her tongue slid gently under his tip to start.

She leaned back for a moment, and Jasper worried that she was going to say something like his dick tasted weird. Did it? He’d taken a shower that morning. Did he taste like soap? Oh god, soap tasted so awful—

Nora licked her lips and hummed. “Oh, before I forget. I don’t really need to breathe, so don’t worry about that. I’ll tap your leg if I need a break for any reason. And feel free to face-fuck me.”

Her words were like a cinderblock on his gas pedal and Jasper’s remaining inhibitions flew aside like scattered traffic cones. As her mouth wrapped around him again, his hips thrust reflexively, plunging him into the tight squeeze of the back of her throat. She moaned approvingly, and the sensation sent quivers of pre-orgasmic heat down his length. Already?!

Jasper took her head in his hands, firmly yet gently, and thrust through her mouth. Nora moaned even more deeply, and Jasper was already dripping. And then she grabbed his ass and pulled him down to the hilt. She shifted her tongue to lick at his balls, and the movement brushed along his entire length.

“I hope you don’t mind fast food because… fuck you’re good at that… I s-swear I usually last longer, just… not when it’s been three days…”

His prostate throbbed, pre-cum flowing steadily from his tip, and both his breathing and his thrusting accelerated. “Fuck, Nora… Cutie… I’m gonna… I’m gonna…”

His thrust hard as his pleasure exploded, flowing white-hot down his length and into the back of Nora’s throat, so hard his vision turned to stars.

And then Nora swallowed around him, her tongue and throat squeezing down his length, milking the cum out of him, and he groaned with every pulse. His body was all too happy to oblige her suction, and he set yet another record for cumming harder and longer and more.

When the climax finally faded, Jasper had to catch himself on the rail on the wall. His legs had turned to jelly.

Nora reluctantly pulled off his cock, sucking all the way, sending a sharp shiver down his spine.

As she sat back on her heels, she caught her breath.

“Y-you okay?” Jasper asked.

Nora beamed up at him. She licked her lips. “Satan’s tits, you taste good…”

“I can’t help but feel like I’m dreaming…” Jasper breathed.

“That makes two of us,” Nora said.


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