[M] The time I (M28 at the time) railed my best friends girl (F20) while he and my GF were out getting KFC

I’ve spoken previously about my propensity to cheat, and I always had a close relationship with my best friends girl. I was dating at the time, and we all used to hang out all the time.

There had been a lot of general flirting between me and his girlfriend, I’ll call Ella, but nothing inappropriate. One morning, we’re all feeling pretty hungover from an evening of drinking. We’re all wake from about 11am, getting hungry, and my friend – let’s call him Dave suggests we go and get KFC.

I’m in no state to move, so I just tell him I’m gonna plonk my ass down and play Call of Duty – Ella offers to keep me company. So Dave and my girl head off to KFC – which is probably about 20 minutes away by car.

Ella and I are just sitting playing the game, and she lays her head on my shoulder, so I wrap my arm around her, holding her side and just generally enjoying her company.

Not long after, I hadn’t realised I’m gently rubbing the side of her breast, and she’s not moving, just nice, content breathing. I decide at this moment to be a bit more bold, and test the waters, but wrapping my arm around a bit further and start rubbing at the top of her belly.

She doesn’t object, but leans into me more, and rests her hand on my thigh, and starts rubbing gently herself. I take it as a sign that I can go further. Honestly my heart is racing a million miles an hour at this point, as I feel it could be a tipping point with a very close, but inappropriate friend. But I venture forward, lift my right hand off her belly, and cup her breast. Breasts that I have dreamed off seeing in the flesh.

“You shouldn’t be doing that” she says, to which I follow “Doing what?”

She moans slightly, and moves her hand over my crotch. Not grabbing anything, just tracing a line over my cock which has been stirring. She rubs a bit harder, and it has the desired effect.

At this moment I turn and face her and she looks up at me and we kiss passionately – like something has been missing this whole time. What happens next is a quick explosion as clothes are discarded and we’re on my sofa. I’m already between her legs, allowing my tongue to run over every inch of her pussy, tasting the euphoric, slight salty experience.

I had been told Ella comes really easily, and I wasn’t disappointed, I felt her grab my head and hold it tight as she spasmed through an orgasm, forcing my tongue solid and using it to penetrate her. She doesn’t even let her orgasm subside, and she pulls me up and we quickly swap positions, now with me on the bottom and she moves directly to my cock and lowers herself on top.

I can feel the warmth envelope my cock as she takes my full – but average – length inside her, and she proceeds to hump the fuck out of me. I can feel how tight she is and it’s driving me really close. I’d love to say we were pounding away for hours, but honestly I think it was all done and dusted in a few minutes. I busted a load with her riding me, grabbing her cheeks hard as I came.

We managed to get dressed, in quite a hurry I might add, and no more than a few minutes later, there was a knock at the door. They were back with chicken!

We had discussed it a few times, but nothing else happened with her after that – we didn’t tell anyone and she’s now fallen away from the group, they split up 6 years ago. I think about her often.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/pbaygh/m_the_time_i_m28_at_the_time_railed_my_best


  1. Daaaaamn, that’s a nice and hot quickie that was long overdue. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hope she’s reading this, recognises the situation and makes contact mate, wouldn’t that be awesome 😎. You made us all feel good and karma rewards you with a bit more fun 😀

  3. Very hot, glad you two went for it when the chance presented itself. Why not reach out to her again if you think about her all the time and she hasn’t been in your friend group for awhile? Maybe something can be rekindled…

  4. Your best friend is probably writing about how he nailed your girlfriend in the car on the way to KFC.

  5. Plot twist. You find a post saying. I hooked up with best friends girl while “sneaking out” to get KFC

  6. I think it’s funny how you wrote “I loved to say we were pounding away for hours” and then a few minutes later your friend and girlfriend are back. I think pounding away for hours WOULD have been a bit of a problem. Seems like it was good you lasted only a few minutes.

    And as a reader, when you said KFC was 20 minutes away, I did not think having endurance really is important in this story. It was quite obvious you needed to get in and out fast!

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