Filling each other’s void Part #02 [M/F]

_[Part #01](

As Rick laid on the bed with his eyes closed, he began to search for a reason to justify his actions. He got to know Emma at the workplace twenty-odd years ago. He had just broken up with his then-girlfriend when Emma appeared as his new colleague. He was attracted to the sweet lady who treated everybody politely and one thing led to another. What followed was a whirlwind courtship and they were married a year later.

They were happy together, having common interests and similar values. Yet if he was to complain, sex was bland. Compared to his ex-girlfriends who were adventurous, Emma was shy when it came to sex. There were no fanciful positions nor variety, blowjob was reserved for special occasions like his birthday and she would never allow his mouth anywhere near her pussy. She would always say that it’s dirty and Rick gave up trying by the end of their first year in marriage. After the birth of James, their sex life was practically zero. Emma would always use taking care of James as the reason not to have sex and Rick would respect that.

Rick did question himself at the start whether did he make the correct choice. He reasoned that he had his fun when young and that was sufficient. Being married was a serious commitment and outside of the bedroom, Emma was and is still every bit a perfect wife.

However, years of pent-up sexual frustration had taken its toll on him. Then came the age of the Internet and porn which was like a lifesaver to him. He found himself spending more time on porn and masturbation. Emma knew about it and in a way was relieved that Rick had found something to satisfy his urge. She knew Rick had a high sex drive but just couldn’t find herself enjoying sex at all.

Rick knew what happened earlier was like a second chance gifted to him and he was determined to enjoy every moment of it. _”Sorry love.”_ He whispered under his breath before staring at the ceiling and fell asleep after a few minutes.

In the room at the other end of the corridor, Jamie was having a hard time trying not to think about what had transpired earlier out at the shed. She had her first orgasm given to her by a man, and he was not James no matter how much she wanted him to be.

Jamie grew up in a single-parent family. Her mother was earning money through prostitution and spent the bulk of it on drugs to drown away her sorrow, leaving young Jamie to fend for herself. She was forced by the environment to be independent and mature at a young age.

She met James in class at the age of fourteen. James was a transfer student in the middle of the school year leaving him unable to mix with any of the cliques in class and spending most of his time alone, just like her. Two weeks after he joined the class, he surprised her with a lunchbox. _”Here. I have been observing you for two weeks and had never seen you eating any food at all. Will you accept this and be my friend?”_ he asked with a smile that melted her heart in an instant.

They became friends and Jamie found herself attracted to him as they spent more time together. He did not keep his distance from her after learning about her family, instead, he offered to help and it was no exaggeration that in her mind, he was the knight in shining armour that she had been waiting for.

In him, she found the love, the care, and the concern she had been longing for since young. On her sixteen birthday, he knelt on one knee and promised to marry her when they turn eighteen. It was the best birthday gift she ever received and that was also the night they shared their first kiss.

They never did anything beyond holding hands and sharing a kiss. She knew James was traditional in his thinking and so they both agreed to save their virginity for each other till their wedding night. It was ok, not the firework she was hoping for after reading up about it. She thought it was their first time, they were both nervous and it could only get better as they explored more but it was not what she had hoped for.

James was a gentle lover but was insecure. She remembered the first few times they had sex and James had ejaculated before she could reach her orgasm. No matter how she tried to explain that it was normal, James was hard on himself constantly apologizing for not giving her satisfaction. In the end like any good wife, she decided to fake her orgasm during sex to lessen his guilt.

She knew her life would be so much different if James did not enter her life. She would most likely have followed her mum’s footsteps and she was grateful to James for that. She was convinced she was content to never experience any sex toys or other positions as long as James was by her side. Yet that conviction had disappeared with her first real orgasm from a man.

She spent the night arguing within herself but could not reach any conclusion. When she decided to go along with Rick, her eyes would inadvertently fell on James and the guilt forced her to rethink her decision. Yet when she decided to stop, she would close her eyes and see the image of Rick’s head in between her legs and felt the rush of arousal once more. In the end, tiredness drove her to sleep an hour before sunrise.

It was close to 9 am when Jamie woke up. James was no longer in bed as he would be in the kitchen helping Emma with breakfast. It was the same routine every weekend, sex on Friday night, grocery shopping with Emma on Saturday afternoon. Then she would be alone most of Sunday morning and afternoon as James would be attending the weekly soccer session with his university mates.

As she looked at the different t-shirts she had, her hand fell on the black one and she put it on in a swift motion. She was convinced that no matter what her decision was, it was a fact that she had cheated on James. She decided to just go with it and deal with the consequences later.

Jamie could feel her heart thumping hard as she made her way down. At the same time, Rick’s head turned towards the sound of the footsteps while watching in anticipation the colour of her shirt and as their eyes met, he couldn’t help but smile before turning his attention back to his newspaper. Jamie felt a flutter in her stomach as she noticed the smile on Rick’s face but calmed down as James gave her a gentle peck on her cheek.

The rest of the morning passed by like usual. The young couple spending their time on the couch watching TV. Just before noon, Jamie headed to the car but was surprised to see Rick in the driver’s seat.

_”Emma is feeling a bit under the weather. I asked her to rest at home while we take care of the grocery shopping.”_ Rick said leaning over to open the passenger car door for her.

_”Ok, you got the list with you?”_ Jamie asked, taking a deep breath before stepping into the car. _”Yeah. Here see if she had missed out on any.”_

Throughout the ride, Jamie was quiet and nervous, occupying herself with the list.

_”Let’s pick up the grocery and some drinks before we talk in the car.”_ Rick said as they exited the car and headed into the supermarket. Jamie nodded and followed behind him. She was quiet while pushing the trolley, her mind running through the possible scenarios.

_”Hey,”_ Rick placed his hand on her, _”this is just a grocery shopping trip that’s all. Don’t be too nervous.”_ He gently patted her hand before turning his attention to the fresh fruits section. She looked at Rick wondering how could he behave as if nothing had happened the night before. She was determined, if he could continue life as per normal so could she. The rest of the shopping trip was better, she became more vocal and even make suggestions.

It was an hour before they had loaded everything into the car boot. Now sitting at the front with a cup of latte in hand, Jamie’s knees were pressed against each other.

_”See it’s easy to behave as though nothing had happened. You need to get used to this soon.”_ Rick said taking a sip from his coffee before turning to face Jamie. _”Thank you for deciding to carry on. There are a few ground rules I want to spell out before we begin. Feel free to interrupt at any time.”_ Rick said taking another sip of his black coffee.

_”One. At any time, either of us can call it quits and the other has to respect and continue our life as if nothing had happened. Two. This is not going to be some horny father-in-law telling you what to do what not to do. This is something new to both of us. I want you to have as much say in this and enjoyment as I do. That’s all.”_ Rick paused as he looked at Jamie’s facial expression trying to read her reaction.

Jamie listened and nodded in response. She wasn’t sure about continuing life as per normal but she knew that he had as much as her to lose should anybody found out about this. She liked the fact that Rick was treating her like a grown-up, asking for her active participation and ensuring that she would enjoy this. It gave her that false impression that they were just two adults coming together to explore their kinks.

_”Good, one more thing. Mary, my assistant had tendered her resignation last week. Emma and I had a discussion and we both agreed that you should give it a try. The pay is much much better than what you are currently earning as a waitress.”_ Rick said as he recalled the conversation he had with Emma days ago.

Emma argued that it was the perfect opportunity. With Jamie in the company, perhaps James would reconsider his decision to succeed the company. It was a modest interior design company that Rick started after they were married. When they moved out 2 years ago, Rick would travel back every other weekend to spend a few days in the office before heading back. Initially, Emma would join him but in recent months it was just him alone as she had been volunteering at the nearby hospital during weekdays. Jamie could be her eyes to make sure that Rick did not stray, she joked. Rick could only laugh at the irony of it at this moment.

Jamie was unsure what to make of the sudden employment opportunity. Yeah, it was true that the pay at the cafe down the street was mediocre and James had more than once asked her to quit. The additional income would aid in their saving and an opportunity like this was hard to come by. Then her thoughts were interrupted by Rick’s voice.

_”You know about the trip I take every other week back. As my assistant, you will join me on the trip which will provide the opportunity for us to be alone away from here.”_ Rick added. In his mind, all the different pieces falling into place providing a perfect opportunity was just another example he used to convince himself that fate had a part in this.

_”Okay.”_ Jamie replied as a sense of relief washed over her. She wasn’t sure what arrangement they would make to hide from James and Emma. She wasn’t sure how but now listening to Rick, she had to agree that this was a perfect cover story.

_”Do you have any questions for me?”_ Rick asked halfway through the journey home.

_”I do.”_ Jamie replied before looking out of the window to hide the embarrassment on her face. _”To be honest, before last night James was the only man I have ever been with. There are a lot of things I would like to try but there are also certain areas I am not comfortable with. Will you be asking me to do those things?”_

_”Of course not. Like I say this is something I want the both of us to have a say in and enjoy together. Think of it as a partnership where we help each other. I too have areas I have no interest in. Scat for example.”_

_”Scat? What’s that?”_ An unknown term caused her to turn and look at Rick who was still focusing on the road as the traffic was unusually heavy.


_”Oh an accident. You can explain to me after we go past it.”_ Jamie commented as her eyes were drawn to the blinking lights a few hundred meters down the road.

Rick was surprised at Jamie’s comment momentarily. Then he realized why and began to chuckle. _”No no. Shit as in scat is an activity involving shit, poop. Not the car accident.”_

_”Oh. Haha.”_ Jamie laughed upon realizing that she had misunderstood his reply earlier. For some reason, the laughter was something that broke the icy atmosphere in the car. _”Wow. I have no idea there are people into those. Sorry, not for me too.”_ She crossed her hands in front of her forming a big X.

_”You know I was afraid I will never get to enjoy something like this with you again.”_ Rick said turning quickly to smile at Jamie before focusing back on the road. It took about half a year after they started living together but a genuine relationship had formed between the two of them. He always wanted to have a daughter and when Jamie entered into their life, he inadvertently viewed her like that. It helped that unlike Emma and James, Jamie was someone who was not always serious, someone who he can goof around with, and someone who sit with him drinking beer talking about life on the porch on a Saturday night.

_”Yeah me too.”_ Jamie replied while looking at Rick. Growing up without a father, Jamie looked up to Rick who had always place the family in front of his interest. She knew he was someone reliable who she could go to if she ever needed any help or advice. Rick would always sit down with her and listen to what she has to say before respectfully providing his analysis or suggestion. He was like a father figure to her and she was afraid that those were a thing of the past after last night.

The rest of the journey home was a stark contrast to earlier. There was more chit-chat, friendly banter that was common between the two of them. Just as Rick had parked his car, he turned and looked at Jamie. _”We did what I want yesterday night. For this weekend let’s do something you want instead. You can get whatever you need from the storage box. We can discuss more on the way tomorrow.”_ He said before moving to the back to collect the grocery.

_”Ok.”_ Jamie nodded and followed suit.

_~The Next Day~_

Jamie spent most of the morning talking to Emma about the trip. To her surprise, Emma advised that she bought a piece of luggage full of clothes over as Rick had a nice apartment in the town area and she could keep her clothes there for subsequent trips. After packing up her clothing and necessities, she laid on the bed giving some thoughts on what she would request from Rick. By the time she had decided, James was home, and not long after it was time for dinner.

After dinner, James helped Jamie loaded her luggage into the car before kissing her goodbye. _”This is a good opportunity to learn from father. If you enjoy this, I will seriously reconsider taking over his company and we can run it together as husband and wife.”_ He smiled, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek as she took the passenger seat.

As the house went out of sight from the rearview mirror, Jamie spoke. _”I have been thinking about it and..”_ her voice trailed off before catching a deep breath to compose herself before continuing with blushed cheeks, _”I want to try having sex in different positions.”_

When she was contemplating in the afternoon, she knew that eventually, they were going to have sex. She thought that it would be better to initiate it at the start and not giving her any chance to reconsider nor to regret her decision. She had decided that she was going to try to enjoy herself, to experience her desire, and once fulfilled, she will go back to being the lovely wife of James. Besides she had always wonder what it would feel like to have sex in positions that were neither missionary nor her on top.

_”Erm..sure. Don’t mind me asking but what positions have you guys been doing it in? “_ Rick asked surprised at Jamie’s request and her directness. With what happened the day before, he was worried and wasn’t sure how to kick start the conversation with her in the car

_”Missionary and cowgirl. That’s all.”_ Jamie replied still looking out of the window. Taking a deep breath, she turned towards Rick and continued, _”I have decided to be fully into this, to experience what I want which I know James will never be able to give me. But when we are back at home, I will behave as I normally do. It’s like split personality if you know what I mean. A is me at home and B is me when I am with you on these trips. Sorry I blabbered.”_

_”That’s work for me.”_ Rick smiled, knowing that Jamie was just trying to repeat whatever she had come out with to push herself into this and if this was what it took for her to do this wholeheartedly, he would go along with it. _”Missionary and cowgirl? You are missing out a lot Jamie.”_

_”Can we drop by the convenience store to get some condoms and alcohol along the way?”_ Jamie nervously asked.

_”Well there is no need for that. You see when Emma said that she wasn’t keen on sex anymore after James was born, I was devasted and went for a vasectomy procedure thinking that I would cheat on her. In the end, I did not cheat on her but relied on porn instead. Plus recent months it was only me on these trips so I stock up some alcohol to drink in the apartment. Seeing your luggage, I guessed Emma told you about it.”_

It was by pure luck that he had the apartment. Many years ago, the mayor of the town had asked him to help with the interior design of the residential-commercial building which he was convinced was the way to develop the town and bring in more revenue. It turned out to be a big hit and the mayor decided to gift Rick one of the apartments in the building for his contribution. The apartment was initially meant to be a wedding gift to James and Jamie but as they had decided to move away, the apartment was used as an accommodation whenever he was back in town.

_”Oh ok.”_ Jamie wasn’t sure how to react for a moment upon hearing that there was no need for a condom. She could feel her pulse quicken as her mind registered the fact that she was going to have raw sex tonight and possibly experience the feeling of a man’s cum inside her for the first time. _”Erm yeah. Emma told me about that.”_

By the time they reached the apartment, it was close to 11 pm. Jamie was stunned when she stepped into the apartment for the first time. It was at the corner on the seventeen floors of the twenty storey building which gave the bedroom an unobstructed view of the city night. What made it even more attractive was the fact that two sides of the room were full-length windows and the connected bathroom had similar full-length windows which gave another unobstructed view while spending time in the bathtub beside it.

_”It’s nice isn’t it.”_ Rick smiled seeing the awe on Jamie’s face. _”The full-length windows were made of one-way glass which gave this apartment another layer of privacy. This was supposed to be our wedding gift to you.”_ Rick added, pride clearly in his tone as the design of this whole building was his finest work to date.

_”You can wash up first while I take out the wine and let Emma know we have reached the apartment.”_ Rick said turning back to the living room of the apartment.

She went to her luggage and took out what she had prepared for tonight before heading back to the bathroom. Next to the bathtub, there was a walk-in shower at the corner with full-length glass surrounding it. For the first time in her life, she felt like a princess enjoying the facilities which she had deemed too luxurious for her. Once done, she dried herself up before putting on the pink lace babydoll set. She had initially bought it as a surprise birthday gift for James but he came home drunk that night from his dinner celebration with his university friends and slept right as he hit the bed.

Looking at the mirror she was satisfied with what she saw. The lace lined from her shoulder to just below her breasts and the pattern was covering her breasts nicely. From there on the material was sheer giving herself a good view of her toned midriff. She had been keeping herself fit from a mixture of dance and aerobic workouts and the result of her hard work could be seen. Just below her pierced belly button with a piece of dangling jewellery, her pink thong could be seen and she felt sexy and nervous at the same time. Putting on a bathrobe, she left the bathroom and headed for the second bedroom to call James.

Rick took out a bottle of red wine and two wine glasses. He knew that Jamie was lightweight when it comes to wine but tonight seemed like a good opportunity. He then called Emma. Emma had reminded him to be patient with Jamie when teaching her the skills to handle her new job. She was happy that James at least had reconsider taking over the company as she had always felt it would be a waste of Rick’s hard work should he had to close down the company. By the time they ended the call, Jamie came out in a bathrobe and Rick headed in to wash up.

Stripping down in the shower, he took the time to clean his body and even shave his pubic region. He knew Jamie was bare down there and he felt it was only right for him to do the same for her. He knew how unpleasant she could feel with hairs poking her face and he wanted her to enjoy every minute of their time alone together.

Drying himself up, he looked at the mirror and shook his head with a silly smile. At 55, Rick was someone nobody was going to take a second look at on the street. Slightly on the plump side with a beer belly and balding grey hair, he had given up hope of having sex with a woman yet tonight was the night he was going to bed his 20 years old daughter-in-law. Putting on the bathrobe with nothing underneath, he exited the bathroom to see Jamie walked into the master bedroom.

_”Erm how shall we do this?”_ Jamie asked nervously, her fingers twirling around the ribbon of the bathrobe.

_”Here have a glass to calm your nerve.”_ Rick said pressing the remote resulting in soft jazz music being played in the background before opening the bottle of red wine and poured for the two of them. _”We can start with asking each other questions. I want us to be more vocal, to voice out our feeling and make this journey more meaningful and personal, like us guiding each other.”_ He added taking a sip.

_”Ok..when was the last time you had sex?”_ Jamie asked before taking a sip of the wine. It was bittersweet but it had the effect of calming down her nerves. Feeling the calmness she drank the remaining of the wine in one go.

_”That’s a tough question.”_ Rick said as he refilled her empty glass. _”Don’t laugh at me I don’t remember the exact years but it should be a year after James was born.”_

_”Oh wow. Sorry I wasn’t expecting that.”_ Jamie couldn’t believe her ears and then it dawned on her that if James was like Emma, it could easily be the same for her when James and she had their first kid.

_”Don’t be. The answer will be different after tonight. Your height and weight? I know you were a dancer but I am still curious.”_ Rick smiled.

_”160 and 51. You?”_

_”185 and 87. Your vital stats?”_

_”32C-24-35.”_ Jamie paused when she realized that she had finished her second glass of wine. Rick took the bottle and refilled her glass. _”Thank you. Your favourite position?”_

_”I will show you later.”_ Rick chuckled as Jamie’s face was now full of anticipation. Toasting his glass to hers, he continued asking, _”Have you tasted cum before?”_

_”Sadly no. Although I am hoping to change that tonight.”_ Jamie’s tongue was now licking her lips trying to seduce Rick. The wine was lowering her inhibition and she felt aroused just from these simple questions and answers. _”How often do you masturbate?”_

_”Twice or thrice a week. You?”_

_”Is that a lot for someone of your age? Once a week, usually on Sunday when I am alone in the room.”_ Jamie was blushing. The reason she masturbates on a Sunday was to get herself off from not being able to orgasm from her weekly sex with James on Friday night. _”Your dick size?”_ She asked before finishing her third glass of wine.

_”7 inches when erect, 5 inches girth.”_

_”Ooo..that’s bigger than James.”_ Jamie’s fingers were now twirling her hair which Rick took as a hint and leaned in closer to her for a kiss. His right arm was at the back of her waist pulling her closer while removing the wine glass from her hand with his left hand. _”You are beautiful. You have no idea how hard it was for me not to lust after you.”_ His left hand now lifting her chin so that he could kiss her on the lips once more.

The gentleness of Rick was unexpected and it turned Jamie on even further. _”Thank you. I have a surprise for you.”_ She began to untie the ribbon, slipping the bathrobe down to reveal the pink babydoll underneath.

_”Damn I must be the luckiest person on earth at this moment.”_ Rick’s eyes were scanning her body down from the lace to the sheer midriff and the pink thong underneath. _”You are making me hard.”_

_”Let me repay you for that night.”_ Jamie lowered herself to her knees while slipping the bathrobe off Rick to reveal his erected dick. It was uncircumcised and half of the tip was exposed from the foreskin being pulled back due to its erection. Grabbing the base of the shaft she started by planting kisses on the tip down along the shaft and at the base switch it to her tongue licking it back up to the tip. Putting the tip in her mouth, her tongue swirled around drenching it with her saliva as her hand started to stroke the shaft, pulling the foreskin further back to expose the full tip in her mouth.

_”You are good.”_ Rick said his right palm was now on the window to support himself. Spurred by his compliments, Jamie began to slide up and down his dick, taking in more of his length each time with the down motion. Her hand now moved from the base to his balls, caressing them in the palm of her hand while her mouth took in almost 3/4 of his dick before sliding out with a pop sound. Using her tongue, she began to lick from the tip to the base and the balls, licking each side thoroughly before putting them in her mouth to massage them with a sucking motion.

_”Oh god.”_ Rick moaned out as he felt the warmth of her mouth surrounding his testicles. He had missed the feeling of a woman’s mouth on his dick for too long that his dick had become so sensitive to all these and was twitching uncontrollably.

Satisfied with Rick’s reaction, Jamie was about to turn her attention to the tip once more when she felt the hands of Rick underneath her armpit lifting her to her feet.

_”I’m going to cum soon if you continue like that.”_ Rick said and before Jamie could reply, he had started kissing her on her lips again, this time his tongue was moving into her mouth while his hands began to roam around her breasts. Guiding her to the bed, he removed the shoulder straps and let the babydoll fell to her feet, revealing her breasts to him. Her nipples were already hard from the anticipation and then Rick’s mouth was all over them, kissing and licking them, further arousing Jamie.

Laying her down on the bed, Rick kissed his way from her breasts down her belly and stopped at the top of the thong. A wet patch could be seen on the material and he pressed his nose into the patch while his fingers worked to roll the thong off her. _”You are wet aren’t you.”_ He said spreading her legs wide with his hands before going down on her. As he began to slide his tongue into her, Jamie’s placed both her hands on the back of his head trying to encourage him to continue sucking her off.

Rick then began licking the outer lips of her pussy while inserting his middle finger in. The wetness of her pussy had made it easier for the finger to slide in and after a few strokes, Rick began to insert his ring finger in. With two fingers insider her, he positioned himself to the side to give his arm more room to work with. Using his index and last fingers as anchors, he began to continuously flick both the middle and ring fingers in a curled up come hither motions while his tongue licked at her clit.

By now Jamie was moaning loudly as she was feeling something she had never experienced before. Her hands now grabbing the bed sheet as her body began to arch in ecstasy and before long she could feel her orgasm building up. Seeing her reaction, Rick began to quicken the pace of both his fingers and tongue and with a loud moan, Jamie began cummimg right into Rick’s face as her back arched further before falling onto the bed.

_”Oh my god.”_ Jamie panted while laying on the bed catching her breath. She had experienced another orgasm by Rick and it felt even better than the first. She could feel his tongue lapping up her juice and as he stood up from the bed, she could see his chin was wet but his face was like a little kid finding his treasure chest.

_”I will make you feel even better than this. Flip over and get on your hands and knees.”_ Rick said as he stood at the edge of the bed and began stroking his erected dick with the juice on his fingers.

_”Are we doing it doggy style?”_ Jamie obeyed and was now presenting her ass to him. She felt hot and sexy. She had read about how sex in doggy style allowed for deeper penetration, possibly hitting her g-spot and now she was on all fours in the perfect position.

_”Yes, this is my favourite position.”_ Rick had climbed onto the bed and knelt behind her in between her legs. Placing his erected cock on her ass in between the cheek, _”The ass looks rounder in this position and it allows me to grab hold different parts of your body. Your waist, your shoulder, your hands.”_ This time he was tapping his dick against her pussy before sliding it up and down teasing her.

_”Ooo.”_ Jamie moaned softly as she could feel the tip of his cock pressing against her slit. She could feel herself getting wetter by the minute as his dick continued to press and poke but never went into her. She wanted to feel it inside her badly and began to move her hips back against Rick. _”Please..”_

_”Here.”_ Rick’s left hand was now holding to her ass while his right hand grabbed the base of his dick and began to line it at her pussy entrance. _”Trust me, you going to enjoy this.”_ He said as he slowly slid his cock into her.

_”Ughh.”_ Muffled groans could be heard escaping from Jamie’s lips as she buried her face into the pillow to stop herself from moaning loudly. She could feel Rick’s dick slowly entering her inch by inch, spreading her pussy wall open. She knew he was bigger than what she was used to but to feel it inside her was a whole different level. Add to the fact that there was no condom separating them, she could feel the warmth from his dick and how hard it was.

Rick was savouring every moment of this, his eyes locked on to the sight of the length of his dick slowly swallowed by Jamie and disappeared. He paused and closed his eyes focusing the feeling on his dick. She was tight, clearly not used to something of his size. Then he started to move his hips sliding his dick out of her in slow motion. _”Is this ok?”_

_”Yes..”_ Jamie’s sentence was cut off when Rick began to slid into her once more. _” feels deeper.”_ With both his hands now grabbing the side of her waist, Rick began to thrust into her in a slow rhythmic manner. Jamie was now using her hands to propped her upper body up to be parallel with the bed, her breasts jiggled with each thrust. _”Yes..this feels good.”_ Jamie purred between each thrust.

_”Let’s make you feel even better.”_ Rick said picking up his pace and his grip on her waist was firmer to pull Jamie into him. His eyes fixated on her ass as ripples began to form as their skin came into contact. It was a lovely sight and that spurred him on to thrust into her deeper.

_”Ughh..oh my god.”_ Jamie was now crying with ecstasy as she was experiencing something more aligned with her expectations of sex. Her fingers gripping the bedsheet to support herself as her breasts began to bounce frantically. She was moaning in pleasure loudly now and then she felt Rick pulled out of her.

_”Damn, you are tight. I won’t last long at this pace.”_ He began to lean down and pushed his tongue into her wet pussy buying some time for his arousal to subside. He wanted to have a final taste of her sweet pussy before pumping his cum into her. Feeling not as sensitive as before, he stood behind her this time in a half squat position and began tapping his hard dick on her ass cheek. _”This time I am not going to pull out like earlier. Brace yourself.”_ With that he began to slide into her in one single thrust.

_”Good lord..”_ Jamie felt the full impact of his thrust which further built up her lust. _”Yes give it to me please.”_ She pleaded knowing full well she was going to cum from this sex and Rick was pounding into her at a fast rhythm. Suddenly, she felt the palm of Rick’s hand spanking on her ass cheek, it stang but it was turning her on even more. _”Harder..”_ She muttered out in between her moans which Rick obliged.

Another swift slap hit her other ass cheek before he grabbed hold of her hips to pull herself into her. He could feel his orgasm building up and he began to put more emphasis on the thrust into her. He could feel his calves starting to ache but the visual sight of her round ass, her slim waist, her messy blonde hair was pushing him on.

Jamie’s mind was blank. She could feel the angle of Rick’s dick was different from earlier, and she instinctively arched her back slightly to accommodate him. She could feel him hitting all the right spots and her orgasm was too building up.

_”I’m going to cum.”_ Rick growled feeling his body tensing up.

_”Me too.”_ That was all Jamie could mutter as she felt her orgasm from sex for the first time.

He could feel her pussy squeezing him and with one hard thrust, he stayed inside her and he could feel his dick pulsing, ejaculating his cum into her. _”Oh god. This is so good.”_

Jamie’s face was now on the bed as her arms finally gave way to the hard movement. She could feel her legs shaking as her wave of orgasm washed over her. She could feel the throbbing of Rick’s dick inside her followed by a warmth spreading. She had no idea sex with the right person could be this good and she wanted more of this.

Slowly, Rick began to slide out of her. His dick was covered by a white foamy substance, a mixture of her juice and his cum. He helped to extend her legs so that she was now lying flat on the bed, before lying beside her looking at her face. Brushing the hair behind her ear, he leaned down to give her a gentle peck on the lips. _”That was amazing.”_

_”Thank you.”_ She smiled at him, her face full of bliss. Closing her eyes she wanted to focus on the after feeling of her orgasm but was caught off guard by the sensation of something dripping out of her pussy. She quickly left the bed and headed to the bathroom. Sitting on the toilet bowl, she stared at her pussy as Rick’s sperm began dripping out of her. The sight was weird but it was hot and she found herself aroused from it.

_”That’s normal. I guess it’s your first time?”_ Rick said standing at the bathroom door with an amused expression. He couldn’t help but wonder what had his son been doing with the cute beautiful lady in front of him.

_”Erm yeah.”_ Jamie began to reach for the showerhead to help to wash out the remaining of his sperm. _”Sorry I didn’t mean to be disrespectful. It’s just a weird feeling to have something dripping out.”_ She smiled with her tongue out.

_”Haha it’s ok. Next time I will remember to put a towel or something near so you don’t have to walk all the way here.”_ Rick said, turning towards the kitchen to get the both of them some water.

It was a while before Jamie returned from the bathroom, drank the water and jumped into the bed laying beside Rick. Snuggling into his chest, she took his arms to wrap around her. _”Thank you. I mean it. It was the best sex I ever had.”_

_”You are most welcome but I have to warn you the sex will get better as our bodies get used to each other.”_ Embracing her from the back allowed Rick to smell her hair. There was a sweet fragrance and the warmth of her body against him was comforting to him in a way. He could feel his dick getting bigger in between her thighs as he felt his arms pressing against the side of her breasts.

_”Look like someone is horny again.”_ Jamie teased as she pulled herself away from Rick before rolling him flat on his back on the bed and leaned over to the bedside table to get her hair tie.

_”Well you are beautiful and sexy. It will be hard not to feel horny seeing and feeling your naked body.”_ Rick began to place a pillow underneath his upper back to prop himself up for a better view of what Jamie was planning to do.

Pulling her hair behind, Jamie quickly styled it into a ponytail and positioned herself in between Rick’s legs. Grabbing his half erected dick in one hand, she began to kiss the tip of his dick before taking in just the head in her mouth. Her tongue was swirling around inside and she began to suck on it before taking more of the length. She could feel his dick getting harder in her mouth and somehow it pleased her. She then cupped her mouth around the foreskin and began to pull it along as her head went down further till her nose touched his skin.

_”You are good. Where did you learn this?”_ Rick asked as he saw Jamie’s head bobbing up and down his now fully erected cock. Then with a pop, his dick was freed from her mouth covered in her saliva.

_”From porn.”_ Jamie took a breath before licking his shaft from the tip down to the base and moved her attention to his testicle. She knew he was sensitive from his earlier reaction and was determined to make him feel that way once more. She began to lick around each ball and put one in her mouth while using her fingernail to trace the outline of the other. Then she repeated the same with the other side.

Rick was now slightly arching his back as her touch was sending a shiver down his spine. His eyes now closed enjoying every moment of this. Then he felt the warmth of her mouth once more on his dick, her fingers now grabbing both his testicles and was playfully massaging them while her mouth began to go up and down his dick.

Then she stopped. Grabbing the base with both her hands, she looked up at Rick and had this grin on her face. _”Will you cum inside my mouth please?”_ Before Rick could respond, her mouth was taking in his dick once more and he could feel she was adding more suction this time making him more sensitive. The sweet voice of hers, that look on her face all these were driving him over the edge.

_”Arggh..damn I am going to cum soon if you keep this pace.”_ Hearing that, Jamie started to move at a faster pace and it wasn’t long before she could feel his hand at the back of her head keeping her in that position as he lifted his hips and exploded in her mouth.

As the twitching stopped, his hand too relaxed and she managed to lift her head off him. Like a good girl she opened her mouth to show him his cum and then she made an effort to swallow before showing him her empty mouth. _”Not as bad as I thought. A bit salty though.”_ She said as she left the bed to have a glass of water to wash away the lingering taste in her mouth.

_”I will have more pineapple from now. They say it helps to make it sweet.*_ Rick said as his eyes followed her ass as she walked out of the room. He still couldn’t believe his luck. He had managed to have sex with Jamie and she was enjoying as much as he did.

Jamie returned with two glasses and after they finished the water, Jamie snuggled into his arms. _”Goodnight.”_ she said playfully twisting her hips against him and closed her eyes.

_”Goodnight.”_ Rick whispered into her ear and planted a little kiss on the side of her neck before closing his eyes.


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