The Rookie Cure (F21) helps a hockey team perform a special ritual involving group sex and a ton of cum

I was laying there, completely naked on the beach day dreaming about how much fun Brad and I had been having on our sexy get away together so far.

When Brad broke the silence. I dare you to give me a hand job and tell me about the sluttiest thing you have ever done.

I hesitated to say yes right away and was thinking to myself that this might be the first dare I turn down of the weekend.

I had told Brad how terrible it was to be the victim of slut shaming, gossip and rumours, back in college before we got together so he knew that I was a bit wild and slutty back then but I hadn’t given him many details. Partly because I was ashamed and part… But then a new thought crossed my mind. I used to be ashamed.

This weekend was starting to be like a sexual reawakening for me and I remembered how much fun I had being wild and free back in the day. When I had no shame about being too slutty. Before I lost my trust in guys to keep their mouth shut about the fun we had together.

I was older now I was in a relationship with a man I trusted and loved and I wasn’t at a college full of immature assholes.

Suddenly the idea of telling Brad in detail a story like that was turning me on big time.

I continue to gently circle my clit with the tip of my finger. I decided to go for it.

OK I said to Brad giving him a shy and nervous smile as I did. I sat up and took his shorts by the waistband and pulled them down off his legs then I lay down beside him so that my body was blocking Brad dick from view of the people closest to us, at least a little bit I’m sure they could see especially when they were standing up.

I took his half hard cock in my hand and started playing with it gently and slowly not jerking him off like mad and then I started my story.

Well you know how I told you a couple times that all the bad rumours in college about me get started because I gave a few guys a deep throat blow job and things really get bad after I left two guys double-team me at a party and three of their friends watched from the door. Well that was only kind of the truth, I embarrassed and a little ashamed tell you what really happened to set off all the slut shaming I went through. When we were first dating I thought that she would break up with me if you found out how slutty I have been, and then as time passed it became this big secret. You shouldn’t have worried about that said Brad the things you did tell me actually turned me on and I still think about you being a little college slut when I jerk off sometimes even now. Really I said smiling this made me even more excited to tell Brad my crazy story. So in first year I had a friend named Mark he was in like almost all of my classes and he was a rookie on the university hockey team we became study buddy and then we became friends with benefits a couple months later it was the middle of their hockey season and Mark asked me one day if I will be interested in doing him a huge favour he called it. Then I laughed it’s actually kind of funny Brad I was just thinking about this this morning when we were behind the Rv at the wife wash You know that big tall box with the polkadots on it that you asked me about well I didn’t say anything then but I knew exactly what it was because I had been inside one before it was a groping box they usually have one at most sex clubs and at BDSM parties A woman goes inside usually naked and tied up then they put her in the middle of the party and anyone can reach through the holes that are cut in the walls of the box and grope her and tickle her as they please never knowing who was inside because usually you get in and out of the box in privacy. Brad looked a little shocked but also turned on and his cock was getting as hard as a rock as I slowly teased him with my hand,so I continued, as I did Brad placed his hand on my lower tummy and started doing slow circles around my wet and slippery clit with the tips of two fingers. I groaned with pleasure and smiled at him then I asked, are you sure you want to hear this story it is hot but it’s also pretty skanky I’ve never told it to you before. I’d love to hear it babe I don’t care at all if it’s a little bit skanky that makes it sound exciting to me he interrupted smiling.

So I asked Mark what kind of favour are you talking about well it’s a little crazy and don’t be offended but I was thinking that you would maybe enjoy it you see next week our team is playing in the regional final and we have a really good chance of winning the tournament if we win we get an automatic spot in the national university hockey championship at the end of the season and our team hasn’t qualified for the championship tournament in more than 10 years so our team captain Darren told the team that if we win the regional final that he would throw us a special celebration in the locker room after our next at home practice it will be team members only and because I’m a rookie and they’re constantly getting us to do all the bitch work plus I guess I have a reputation for being pretty good with the ladies he asked me if I might know a hot girl who would like to do something special for the team at the celebration OK I’m with you so far what would I be doing at this celebration of yours I asked. OK this is where it gets a little crazy obviously no pressure, I interrupted him and said just tell me already. OK OK he said so Mark found this grope box in the basement of his fraternity house no one has used it for years I asked him what the hell a group box was and he briefly explained it to me
It sounded fun and I was turned on by the concept. So you want me in the box in the middle of the locker room and naked I’m guessing yeah that’s the general idea said Mark so would you be down you can get in the box in the coaches office and it has wheels so will push you out into the locker room after the party has started no one will have to know who you are when we’re done I’ll push the box back to the coaches office and you can use his back door to sneak out of there sound fun are you in. Wow so you agreed Brad interrupted excitedly, yeah obviously I did or we wouldn’t be having story time right now I laughed. And then I continued with the story a few days later I got the news that the team had won the regional final there was a big party at the campus bar the night that the team got home and two days later was their first practice since they won the big game I meant Mark at the rink before their practice had ended and he took me to the coaches office and told me to chill out until he got back there was a TV in there and I tried to watch a movie but I was too excited to concentrate After a while I could hear the team partying in the adjacent locker room after what seemed like forever and I was dying with anticipation as I listen to the party growing louder Mark finally came back I stripped naked in front of him and stepped inside the tall black box using Velcro straps first he tied my ankles to the floor then he strap my knees to the walls of the box so that my thighs were open widely any tied my hands above my head at the top of the box He stood back to admire his work and couldn’t help himself he took the opportunity to play my tits and lick my nipples before kissing his way down my tummy and licking and fingering my pussy for a couple minutes, I was getting so turned on that I asked him to fuck me he got up from his knees and wiped my juices off his face and said maybe later babe I better get you into the party he shut the box and then I felt him wheeling it out of the office and into the locker room I heard a huge cheer as he pushed me into the centre of the locker room. I could hear the players excited comments is there a chick in there is she hot does she have big tits. Suddenly hands were planting through every hole in the box and grabbing at me wildly at first it was overwhelming and I try to squirm away from some of the hands but I could hardly move an inch the way I was strapped in , Then I heard someone say whoa whoa whoa guys let’s do this one at a time step the fuck back rookie I heard another voice say, and all the hands disappeared they kept partying and taking turns groping me through the box the team captain was calling the shots he let the tournament MVP go first then all the players who scored goals some of the guys were gentle caressing my tits, rubbing my pussy and gently fingering me other guys were way more rough pinching my ass pinching my nipples and squeezing my tits hard making me cry out in pain and pleasure which seem to drive them even more wild. then I heard the team captain say that it was the goaltender’s turn There was a pause and I heard another voice say how about my defenceman join me the three of us always work better together he laughed, seconds later six hands came into the box there was a hand playing with each of my tits roughly pinching the nipples and squeezing them, then I felt another hand grab my ass squeezing hard two of the finger slipped between my ass cheeks and I could feel that they were wet and slimy with spit fingers rub the slimy witness against my clenched asshole I screamed as he penetrated me shoving two fingers deep up my ass and I heard a voice behind me laughing and saying hey Rockies get ready to smell my fingers and the room filled with laughter I’ve never really been into anal sex but as he pumped his fingers in and out of my ass hole it started to feel really good at the same time another hand was playing with my pussy rubbing it wildly and stuffing me for three or four fingers at a time roughly I was moaning loudly and I heard the captain say good work boys finish her The guy rubbing and fingering my pussy was doing a good job and I was close to having an orgasm but the guy fingering my asshole was a bit too rough and I didn’t cum. After that things started to slow down a bit the team was concentrating more on getting drunk and only occasionally someone would come up to the box and start groping me or fingering me again thankfully no one else put their fingers up my ass which I appreciated A long time passed and I think a few people had already left one of the curtains on the holes had been ripped and I could see about half the room I wasn’t totally sure but I think there was 14 guys left in the locker room they were sitting on their benches drinking and telling stories about girls they had hooked up with another set of hands came into the box and started playing with my tits. That a boy brookie I heard a voice say then I heard another voice saying I can’t believe you’re letting the rookies even touch her back in the day there’s no way the rookies would be in on this. Over the past few months Mark had been telling me about some of the hazing and teasing that him and the other brookies were going through and as I listen to them party they started talking about how crazy rookie hazing was back in the 90s then one guy started a story and everyone else got kind of quiet I listened no one was playing with me at the time anyway. Doug Johnson used to play for this team in the 95 season when they took the championships I met him one time and he told me a wicked story apparently they used to do this all the time it started way back in the 70s and it was called the rookie cure like we were saying they were pretty tough on the rookies back then but they had a tradition if the team won the regional final they have a big party in the locker room like this one and any rookie who was tired of the hazing and bullshit could opt in to a way out near the end of the party when everyone was drunk they bring in a hot girl usually an escort and set up the team doctors table in the middle of the room over the team crest then the entire starting lineup not including any Rockies would fuck her and cum inside her pussy after she was all filled up any rookie that licked her pussy for two minutes straight in front of the whole team would be free from hazing for the rest of the season. Everyone groaned and laughed Holy fuck that sounds awesome, yeah we should totally do that, and then it started first just a couple voices but then the chanting grew louder rookie cure rookie cure rookie cure rookie cure rookie cure rookie cure. I started to get super nervous and excited I was pretty sure I knew what was about to happen then I felt the box move I could see through the hole that it was Mark and he was pushing me back towards the coaches office , What the fuck Mark I heard one boy say what do you think you’re doing Rocky I heard another voice angrily and yell Mark ignore them and kept pushing me into the office and shut and lock the door behind us. Sorry about that he said as he open the door of the box things are getting a little too crazy in there I thought you might be getting a little scared are you OK by this point I was so turned on and horny I smile at him and said I’m more than OK how about that rookie cure that sounds like fun Mark looked shocked for a second then he smiled and asked, really you would be down for that. yeah it sounds hot to me I said as he was untying me don’t you want to be done with the rookie bullshit yeah I do but I don’t really want to eat a pussy full of other guys come I smiled and giggled and said I guess that’s the price you have to pay I’m down if You are, he undid the last drop and said you’re a crazy girl aren’t you just hang tight for a second I’ll go talk to the team and he walked out of the office leaving me alone. Only a few seconds past and then I hear heard a huge tear from the locker room 10 minutes later Mark came back smiling you’re really sure you want to do this he asked there are six guys on the starting lineup and there are four rookies who said they go four it just so you know. How about you I asked are you going to do it I guess so sad Mark I am in if you are he laughed repeating my words back to me.

The next thing I know I was on a medical exam bed in the middle of the locker room completely naked with the team captain between my legs fucking me hard in front of everyone he didn’t last long after about three minutes I saw him clinch his jaw and I felt his cock twitching hard inside me as he filled me with his cum next up where the two defenceman they were both big guys and they both had big cocks The first one fucked me really hard and almost made me cum but he finished in less than five minutes blowing his load deep inside me the second defenceman was jerking his cock waiting for his turn and his soon as his teammate pulled out he slipped inside me and started fucking wildly I don’t think he lasted even one minute before he started moaning and I felt his hot cum flooding my pussy next up was the goaltender and he had the biggest cock so far it wasn’t crazy long but it was one of the fattest cock I’ve ever had inside me he slammed it into me hard with no mercy Pumping as fast as he could, I didn’t like how rough he was being and I was a little mad at him for sticking his fingers up my ass earlier but before he finished I couldn’t help myself I started screaming and having an orgasm a powerful orgasm and the rest of the team went wild he blew his load almost at the same time as me and pulled out to loud cheers and clapping and pats on the back I couldn’t see my pussy but I could feel that it was Oozing cum everywhere I could feel warm cum leaking out constantly and pooling up on the table in a puddle against my ass hole. I was glad they were only two guys left I was starting to get a little sore down there mercifully the next guy had a really small cock it was skinny and only about 3 inches long I barely felt him as he pumped away blowing his load in less than five minutes The last guy had a pretty big dick and I think he liked the look at my cum drenched pussy because before he started he teased me with the tip of his cock smearing it around in the puddle of cum and wiping it all over me it felt good and then he slipped it inside but he only managed like three thrust and I felt him blow his huge load and seven or eight big pulses, the whole team laughed and as he pulled out they were making fun of him ruthlessly
Then all six men who just fucked me gathered around me in a circle and started to chant rookie cure quietly One of them had a stopwatch even I laughed when I saw the for rookies stand up from the bench they were all wearing only jockstraps where as the guys who just fucked me were fully clothed and had only opened their zippers when it was their turn. The rookies were playing a quick game of Rock Paper Scissors to see who had to go first I was hoping for Mark sake that it wouldn’t have to be him and it wasn’t the first rookie scream no! when he lost the last game of rock paper scissors but they all padded on the back and he came over standing between my legs with a terrified look on his face he leaned in and started to lick me timidly mostly on the clit The goaltender was standing by my leg holding me up by the ankle and suddenly he grabbed the back of the Rockies head and pushed it hard into my pussy I heard the rookie gag and to play along I clenched my muscles pushing out more cum I give him credit he kept licking until the two minutes were up The next two rookies did the same thing and the goal tender push their heads hard against me as well Mark went last and he did a much better job than the others I don’t know if it’s because he liked me or if it’s because there was less cum all over my pussy by now although I could still feel it leaking out. As the two minutes were almost up marks licking was starting to feel so good and I was actually getting close to an orgasm then he stopped. There was lots of clapping and cheering and congratulating the rookies slapping them on the back everyone was ignoring me and I just stayed where I was waiting Mark came up to me and I asked him how it felt to no longer be a rookie he smiled and said pretty good I asked him if you wanted to celebrate by fucking me which the team captain overheard laughing he yelled out she want some more all right boys you’re not rookies anymore so have at her. Mark asked me if it was OK and I told him yes but make it quick I’m getting a little sore then all four rookies came at me together I was giving one a blow job I was stroking a cock in each hand and Mark was fucking me then they switched and Mark came and put his cock in my mouth he knew that I could Deep Throat because we had hooked up many times before I lean my head back off the edge of the table and he started sucking me slowly gently balls deep into my mouth watching team went wild cheering him on all four of them kept switching positions everyone wanted to chance to fuck my throat and two of them actually came in my mouth the other two finished in my pussy I got up from the table Cam was running down both my thighs and it was all over my face and lips I took a little bow and the whole team cheered and clapped for me I left them all in the locker room had a quick shower and snuck out the back door in the coaches office. And that’s it that’s the sluttiest thing I’ve ever done I enjoyed it at the time it was fun just all the bullshit afterwards made me regret doing it.

Mark was still smiling and he was still rockhard. Holy fuck babe that was so hard I’ve always wanted to hear that story. What I said with total shock in my voice Mark laughed and smiled at me warmly I know Dan Lacroix he was the forward on the hockey team that year the guy with the small dick he laughed he told me that story the day before our second date.

Oh my god really I couldn’t believe it I felt silly for hiding it from him for all these years I told Mark this and he laughed again and said that he never brought it up because he knew the aftermath was a bit of a painful memory for me but he always thought it was hot and it never bothered


1 comment

  1. Great story.

    But, holy fuck!!! Paragraphs, capitalization, and quotation marks exist for a reason. It is a jumbled,fucked up mess! Tons of spelling errors, and Brad at the beginning, turned into Mark at the end. Fuck, what a mess!

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