Exhibitionist road trip Pt.5

We drove for about an hour chatting we talked about a few different things but mostly about what had happened last night I started to ask Brad if he thought what I had done was too much too slutty but he cut me off before I could even finish and assured me that he thought I was wonderful last night and he enjoyed it so much.

He told me how he had to fight off the urge to cum all over the floor as he watched almost the entire time often not able to touch himself at all even though he really wanted to for fear that it would put him over the edge.

We were more than halfway to the resort and it was early afternoon we pulled into a roadside ice cream shop and ordered burgers and chocolate milkshakes we ate and Brad left me at the table to go to the washroom when he came back he had that wicked smile again and I knew he was going to dare me to do something fun.

Are you ready for the first one of the day he smiled and asked. you know it I said. I dare you to play me in a round of mini golf and if you lose you have to give me a blow job in the car on the drive to the resort.

I laughed and said yes Brad paid for our lunch and the mini golf game and we went out the back door of the restaurant when I stepped outside I realized what he was up to the entire restaurant was dead and we hadn’t seen any other customers while we had our lunch but out the back door there was a small patio with two large picnic tables overlooking A small but really nice mini golf course

and at one of the tables were five older men in their early 60s probably all recently retired they were having coffee and chatting together, one of them was reading a newspaper they looked very comfortable this was probably their daily hang out spot.

When they saw me they all looked shocked and surprised and they were awkwardly long silence as they stared at me before they said hello and pretended to go back to what they were doing but I could feel their eyes glued on me from that moment forward. I looked at Brad smiling as my face turned red and we walked past and down the short flight of stairs to the mini golf course below.

We were at the first hole and Brad bent down and placed his own ball on one of the two starting tees then he stood back up and handed me my ball. I giggled and said you’re going to get us kicked out of here, I took the ball and dropped it to the ground and rolled it onto my tea with my foot and Brad said just act naturally those guys are going to say anything to the owners trust me! Act natural I said, you mean act like I’m wearing pants. and a bra yeah exactly laughed Brad.

Teeing off at the first hole I had my back to the old men’s table for my club to reach the ball I had been slightly at the waist from my experiments in the mirror this morning I needed that this would probably not show off my pussy but the bottom part of my butt cheeks might be exposed I made my first put and trying not to look too obvious I immediately turned my head and looked at the old man’s table I saw all five men’s eyes darting away trying to look like they had not been staring at my ass

Brad had a better view of them than me and when I looked back we smiled at each other I made three more putts, with my butt towards the men’s table on each one of them then. I sunk the third and when I bent to pick up my ball I was facing the men. I was careful not to pop one or both my boobs out but I did give the table a great look down my dress I’m sure. The next three holes went roughly the same I gave the table lots of peaks at my ass and down my shirt and it was getting easier and easier to catch them in the act of staring.

The fifth hole started off right in front of the deck only like 10 feet from their table and I was getting turned on. It was my turn to Pope first I walked towards the tea and I gave the table a friendly smile because every one of them was looking right at me I said hey there casually as I turned my back on them. Quickly and like it was no big deal I bent to the ground and placed my ball on the tee. I felt the cool breeze on my damp pussy for a long second, it was one of those long straight holes with a bridge over a little river filled with real water and floating boats the little river was about 3 feet wide and had little rocky Mountains about 8 inches tall all around its perimeter.

I carefully took aim and made my putt, my ball went partway up the bridge but then it went off the edge and landed in the pond. I smiled at Brad. I could feel my face getting red and my pussies getting wetter by the second. Without hesitating I walked away from Brad and the table of men, I knew all of them, Brad included were watching my ass as I walked. My ball was at the bottom of the pond about 6 inches deep and the little fake mountains would make it awkward for me to reach. I was going to have to bend at the waist almost to ground, then reach out with my left arm and use the little bridge for support. Then I would have to lean forward reaching with my right arm.

I worked all this out in the three steps it took me to get there then I did it As my fingers touch the water, not only could I feel the cool breeze but I could feel the heat of the sun bearing down on my pussy. I stretched a little further And felt the sun warm rays hit my ass crack and I grabbed the ball. I had to stop myself from laughing when I heard one of the old man at the table behind me actually choke and start coughing. It was such an awkward position. I almost had trouble standing back up so my flash lasted even longer than I meant for it to.

But I was able to stand up and turned around trying to act natural although I couldn’t help that my face was burning red, or stop smiling. I walked back to Brad as I did I could see all six men’s faces were red as well. When it was my turn again I almost went off the bridge a second time but by accident and I heard an gasp from one of the guys behind us. On my next shot I sunk the putt and giving another quick flash of my pussy as I grabbed my ball. We went to the next hole. As we played the next couple holes I noticed that the jig was up the table was openly staring. I played the next few holes only giving them quick little peaks of my booty and down my dress.

The ninth hole was almost as close to the deck as the fifth and when I sunk my putt I’ve bent down slowly to grab my ball giving them a side view. I picked up the ball and stood up quickly as one of my breasts fell out of my dress. I dropped the ball and looked embarrassedly at the table as I tucked it back in and giggling. They all laughed and smiled then I turn my back on them and pick my ball off the ground giving them a quick peek at my pussy again. Off to the 10th hole The last 8 holes were furthest away from the deck and I bent over with my ass pointed towards them every chance I got. Brad was loving the whole show but he was golfing terribly.

I was beating him by him by five strokes on the final hole. But then he made a hole-in-one and laughing at me he pointed to the house rules painted on a sign on the fence. It said hole in one on number 18 automatic victory and free ice cream cone. I smiled at him and laughed and finished the hole in three strokes. Making sure to give them a little better peak than usual when I grab my ball and we started walking across the course to the deck stairs.

I was so horny and it was written all over my face, I could feel it. That made it more embarrassing to walk up the steps and past the table then it was to flash them from the course. I did it quickly as I could with Brad walking painfully slow behind me. As I passed the table I smiled and winked at the retired men and they started uploading loudly clapping and cheering, this was too much for me. A painfully big smile came to my face and I giggled like a maniac as I broke into a run for the restaurant door, not waiting for Brad I just kept going straight to the car.

When Brad got to the car he climbed in smiling from ear to ear. You’re crazy babe that was amazing I’m counting that as three dares he said. And we sent off for a short drive to the nudist resort.

When Brad first told me that this was our destination I was surprised at him for thinking that I would agree to go, but in light of everything that has happened so far this weekend I was not at all surprised now when Brad didn’t seem nervous at all as he told me his secret. Babe I actually have a little secret I been keeping from you the resort we’re going to it’s not technically a nudist resort it is actually a clothing optional a Adult Only resort.

What’s the difference I said. Well nudist resorts are supposed to be nonsexual for example it’s considered rude if a man at a nudist resort openly has a boner. I giggled as Brad continued. Adult only clothing optional resorts, are strictly adults over 21 only and they are clothing optional, people come to have a sexy fun time, most people don’t walk around naked everywhere but you can get naked anywhere, or wear lingerie and at some resorts public sex is allowed. I was a little shocked and I let it sink in. As I thought about the concept I got excited and even a little turned on. I started to smile and said.

That sounds like fun how did you find this place . Like I said I’ve been fantasizing about this weekend for a long time. I actually found their website when I was jerking off one day and after watching a live video of a bunch of people having sex in a sauna and hot tub. I noticed that the resort was not too far away from us.
There’s cameras I asked. no not all over but their website has a live video feed only some of the time of sauna, shower and hot tub room.

Sometimes the live feed comes on and there are nude people on camera, but not always having sex. also there is about a dozen saved videos that are always on the website. They show wild sex parties in the same room, sort of a best of, replied Brad. I wondered what it would be like to take a shower naked live on the Internet and as I was thinking that when I remembered that Brad had won a blow job. I wonder if he forgot himself. We were on a straight section of highway there was a vehicle behind us but we hadn’t seen much traffic today at all.

Brad had on basketball shorts that he sometimes used as swimming trunks. I moved the armrest and as I bend towards Brad I took his shorts suddenly by the hips and took them down 4 inches exposing his cock and balls. Well hello there he laughed. I moved my head near to his thigh and looked up at him and said it’s time for your prize, Mr. hole in one.

He set the cruise control and spread his legs wider, getting himself into a comfortable position. I started to work him with my right hand for a second, then I took his whole soft dick into my mouth and sucked hard whirling around my tongue. I sucked and slurped from the top of my hand to the tip, as I pulled my head away popping off. I did that three times and he was totally hard. Then taking him by the bace of his cock with my hand, I started jerking a steady rhythm and working the top half with my mouth.

I didn’t want to cause a car accident so I kept things pretty simple. I just kept the jerking rhythm going and bobbing my head I sucked hard on his head as I fluttered my tongue everywhere. When he started to moan, I sucked as hard as I could bobbing deeper gently bumping him against the back of my throat. Then he burst. I kept my lips tight around his shaft and still fluttering my tongue slowly I eagerly swallowed every drop.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/patp3d/exhibitionist_road_trip_pt5


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