Before I settled down [M]

So quite a while back before I was married there used to be sites like cl and bp. I had a job where I traveled and was in a hotel 2 to 4 nights a week. I would travel with some fun dom gear and when id arrive in town id post a photo of my gear (spandex hood with only a mouth hole, metal plug, zip cuffs, and a crop) with the subject reading “Who wants to play?” On different sites. Most of the time id either get fakes, or flakes, or bots but sometimes id get real willing subs. We would DM and id find out what they desired (training, edging, forced, laptime etc).
Id invite then to my room with the instructions to pick the hood up upon arrival, go into the bathroom, disrobe, and come out in nothing but the hood on. I would lead them to the bed and instruct them to get on all 4’s on the bed. From there the plug was inserted, there hands bound, and then their limites would be pushed as far as they were able. Oh the lovely noises, tastes and smells that we would make. Once they were used, absused and raw I would lead them back to the bathroom, un-ziptie them and tell them to leave the hood and the plug on the counter and show themselves out. Today im married, domesticated and a regular joe schmo you wouldn’t think much of in passing. Every once again something will jolt me to take a walk down memory lane though. It leads to a very devilish grin on my unassumimg face.
