My Passionate Experience

We’re sitting on the ground and you’re laying back on me with your head under mine. I look down at you and you look up and we kiss almost by instinct because of how in sync we are. Then on the second kiss you open your mouth and I do the same and we passionately put our lips together and have a perfect kiss. Then we go on and do it more. Every kiss is perfect. Then I ask you if I can finger you and you ask if I want to. I say yes. Then you lift up the top of your shorts to help me and I slide my hand inside. I feel across your skin until my fingers meet your underwear. I slip underneath it and go all the way down. Once I hit your pussy I slowly feel across the middle until I get to the bottom. I pull my finger back up, pushing down more, and then bring it to the bottom again. I feel for the hole and slowly push into it. You’re tight. Only one finger fits. I feel for a spot to rub and start rubbing it slowly. Then I move inside a little more and find another spot and rub it a little harder. Then I start rubbing harder and harder. I get the urge to use two fingers even though I know they won’t fit. I start rubbing it hard with two fingers then I slowly pushed them deeper inside. I stopped thinking and just acted. Eventually I had them as far in as they could go. Without realizing I was pushing in and out as fast and as hard as I could. You were trying not to moan and you were breathing heavily. You turned to kiss a few times but could never finish without becoming frozen for an instant from the feeling. My hand started to hurt but I didn’t care. I saw how much you were enjoying it and had to keep going. The more that I saw you enjoy it, the harder I went. Then eventually you had one big reaction and after there were just a few small ones. I stopped. I asked you if you wanted to give me head and you nodded. You moved forward and turned towards me. I pulled my dick out and tried to make it hard. It wasn’t completely hard yet but you put it in your mouth. You still had adrenaline from what I did to you. It took me a while to get to a point where I was on the track to finishing, but eventually everything fell in place. Before I finished, I remembered that I had a condom in my wallet. So I said your name and when you looked up at me I asked if you wanted to do something more and I reached for my wallet. You agreed and I put the condom on. You took off your shorts and hovered over me. You looked in my eyes with uncertainty but desire. I nodded and you slowly went down. It hurt, but I opened you up a little bit earlier, so it wasn’t so bad. It took you a little while to go all the way down, but once you were just sitting on my lap with my dick completely inside, you looked at me and we started making out. I grabbed the sides of your face with my hands and you started moving up and down and forward and backward. We didn’t expect to be doing it so soon, but we both knew from how it felt, that it was right and we wouldn’t regret it. Any pain that you might’ve felt, you couldn’t really feel because you were so immersed in the passion and in the feeling and the love that was what made it all feel so good in the end. We went for as long as we could, but eventually we got tired and I finished. You slowly got off and it hurt. Once you were off you sat there looking at me and me looking at you. It was as if we were talking without saying a word. We sat there for many minutes and lost track of time. Eventually we both stood up, hugged, kissed, and said that it was amazing. Then we went home and were glad that we waited for that perfect moment to experience what we just did.
