I’m Sorry I Broke Your Bed (Part 4) [MF] [Incest]

Part 3:

I’m Sorry I Broke Your Bed (Part 3) [MF] [Incest] from eroticliterature

After the twins’ little session in Josh’s bed, he got ready for school, letting Chelsey recuperate in his bed. There he let her sleep until her alarm went off, at which point he got her up. They finished getting ready, and went out to the bus. On the way to school, Chelsey put her head on the bus window and didn’t talk the whole ride; her arousal had detracted from the prior night’s sleep quality. Sabrina and Josh chatted on the way to school, but Sabrina’s responses were a bit more hesitant than usual.

The school day played out how any other school day did, and then it was time to go home. When Josh got on the bus, Sabrina was already waiting in their usual spot.

“Hey,” Josh said as he sat in the seat across from her.

“Hi,” she responded distractedly, and Josh looked over at her. She took a breath, “Um… Josh. Do you think… maybe… we could go out sometime?”

Josh looked at her, his mouth ajar. “What does she mean, ‘go out?'” he asked himself. Before he could ask her what she had meant by her question, Chelsey showed up and Sebrina looked as though she wasn’t going to continue the conversation.

“What’s with that face? You look like an idiot,” said Chelsey as she sat next to Sabrina.

“I was just telling him what Sam did in class today,” Sabrina lied, obviously not wanting her to know the truth.

“That whore,” Chelsey remarked, “What, did she blow a guy in the back of the classroom… again?” she asked in a crass tone, emphasizing the “again”.

“Might as well have, right Josh?” she tossed the puck to Josh.

“Uh, yeah. She’s definitely… uh… loose,” he said, trying to wrap his head around the situation.

They chatted on the way home as if everything was normal, except Sabrina’s question weighed heavily on Josh’s mind. Once home the twins set about doing their own things, and Josh decided to text Sabrina.

Josh: What did your question mean on the bus?

Sabrina: Do I have to spell it out? It was pretty obvious.

Josh: So, you’re saying you want to go on a date?

Sabrina: If I have to explain it to you, then I change my mind.

Josh: No, just, I’ve thought about it for a long time, but I didn’t know if I should ask or not, since you’re my sister’s friend and all.

Sabrina: Really? I never guessed that.

Josh: I hid it because I didn’t want to make things weird.

Sabrina: Well, I’m willing to try it if you are, as long as you don’t make it weird ;P

Josh: Can I think about it for a little bit? I don’t want to screw things up.

Sabrina: Typical! A girl comes to you and asks you to ask her out and you say, “Let me think.” But I get it. I don’t want to hurt Chel either. I was kind of worried about that too.

Josh: Thanks, I’ll get back to you on it.

Josh set his phone down. “Fuck,” he said under his breath. “All this time I’ve been thinking of asking you out, and that opportunity pops up now that I’m…” he stopped his train of thought. Things had just got much more complicated. “What am I doing with her?” he thought, not sure what sort of relationship he had with his sister. “Would seeing Sabrina be cheating on Chel? Is that even possible? Surely it’d be cheating on Sabrina to keep going.” Josh was quickly falling into a valley of unknowns. What is a guy to do? He decided to talk to Chelsey that night after their mom went to bed.

After dinner was cleaned up, their mom, Karina, said, “Well, I’m going to my room. I probably won’t be back out. See you kids tomorrow,” and proceeded to her room after receiving goodnights from her kids.

After a few minutes making sure their mom wouldn’t be back, Josh spoke up. “Chel, can we talk about this?”

“Talk about what?” Sabrina responded. Josh lifted an eyebrow, and she got the message. “I don’t know, do we need to?”

“Of course we do! This isn’t exactly normal,” and indeed their relationship was no longer standard fare.

“Can’t we just… continue as normal? Everything is fine. Let’s just have fun.”

“What if you get a boyfriend or I a girlfriend? You don’t think we’re going to get married do you?” Josh said, trying to drive home the point that this was important.

Chelsey thought for a second. She hadn’t put any thought into what their new relationship meant for their futures, or presents for that matter, nor did she really want to. “What does it matter? I’m single, you’re single, I don’t plan on getting a boyfriend, and you’re probably going to be single for a while. Let’s worry later.” Josh looked at her deeply, and she got the impression that something wasn’t that simple. “You are single, right?”

Josh sighed. “Sabrina wants to go out with me,” he said reluctantly.

Chelsey’s heart twanged with a hint of anger and jealousy at his words. Thoughts of, “She wants my brother?” “She hid this from me?” and “She wants to take him from me,” went through her head. Chelsey had become more attached to her brother than she cared to admit. She didn’t want to give her brother up. More implications came to her head, thoughts of betrayal on both her party and Sabrina’s. It was all too much.

“Look, I asked if I could have some time to think about it. I’m not really sure what to make of it either, but realistically what we’re doing isn’t normal, not that I’m judging you. I’m in just as deep as you are. I think Sabrina and I could work out, and I want to try it, and I don’t want to ruin any of the relationships we have. Just, put some thought into it, ok?” and with that, Josh left her be.

Chelsey wasn’t sure what to think. Part of her was a little angry and a little jealous that her friend would go after her brother, her lover, but she could see reason. The thought of secretly continuing her incestual relationship with her brother while he dated her best friend was unnerving but realistic. Could she do that? It was wrong on so many levels, but what she had already done was aswell.

As she laid in bed that night, she went over many scenarios in her head: Sabrina and her having a falling out, Josh and her having a falling out, Josh and Sabrina leaving her behind, Josh and her continuing behind Sabrina’s back. Those and more played themselves out, and none of them seemed good to her. Chelsey fell asleep uneasy that night.

The next day saw little excitement. The twins kept their hands to themselves, and they avoided bringing up the elephant in the room. Their time with Sabrina on the bus was a little more awkward than usual, but they still got along. All day the two couldn’t quite shake the previous night’s conversation. It sat in the backs of their minds all day, poking its head out periodically.

As Chelsey’s mind drifted off in her English class, she came to a somewhat rash and morally questionable decision. Josh would ask out Sabrina, she would pretend not to know, and they would continue to have their more-than-siblings relationship. She justified it to herself. “Cheating is wrong,” she thought, “but Josh and I are brother and sister, so it’s not that wrong. He isn’t really cheating on her, and it’s ok that he sees Sabrina, she’s my friend, she isn’t stealing him from me.” Though her logic was quite flawed, it was a good enough explanation for her. In her mind, this way caused the least harm to the three of them, and was therefore the right decision.

After school, Chelsey and Josh didn’t talk to each other much. When their mom went to bed, Chelsey sat near Josh on the couch. “So I’ve thought, and I think I’ve made up my mind on how this should happen.”

Josh, surprised she actually figured things through, encouraged her to explain.

“You ask her out, you two can date, and you and I can continue… what we’re doing. I’ll pretend I don’t know about you two, and everything will work itself out,” she explained.

Josh, seeing the obvious flaws in her thinking, spoke up, “So you’re okay with me cheating on your best friend with you?”

“No, it’s not cheating,” she said, reinforcing her shaky logic both to him and to herself, “She’s my best friend, and you’re my brother. It’s not really cheating. It’s not like you’re dating someone behind her back.”

Josh didn’t exactly like the idea of cheating on someone, let alone his and his sister’s friend and the girl he was most interested in. To him, being sexual with Chelsey, even though she was his sister, was still cheating. “I guess that’s good enough for now, even if I’m a little uncomfortable with it.”

Chelsey beamed. Her faulty logic was now reinforced, and she felt much more confident about it. “Thank you Josh!” She leaned in and locked her lips with his. Chelsey was glad to have the issue dealt with, but for Josh, the kiss was tinged with a slight guilt. He did love his sister, a bit more than a brother should, but he also loved Sabrina, at least he fancied her, and the whole situation was unsettling.

That night, Josh texted Sabrina back. He thought carefully about what he said.

Josh: I’ve thought it over, and I think I will ask you out.

Sabrina: Really? Yay!

Sabrina: I mean, I’m glad you decided to ask.

Josh: How about coffee on Saturday, sound good?

Sabrina: Can’t do Saturday. Sunday?

Josh: That’ll work. I’ll pick you up at noon.

Sabrina: Alright, looking forward to it!

Josh needed to replace his battery, so he asked his friend Taylor to drive him to the auto parts store after school on Friday, since he regularly drove to and from school. He obliged, and Josh got himself a new battery. When he arrived home, he set about installing it. The twins mom, Karina, had left shortly after getting home from work, and the twins would be alone all weekend.


Sorry guys, no sex in this one! I promise the next one will be a little more stimulating. The plot is important. I think it makes the sex part better to have at least a little character development. Anyway, see you in the next one!

P.S. Sorry, my post is a bit later than I expected. I spent the weekend somewhere with bad reception, and Reddit wouldn’t let me post.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/p9o3wv/im_sorry_i_broke_your_bed_part_4_mf_incest


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