That Girl from Work [MF]

So, long time lurker, first time poster. Feel I need to give something back to the community. If I get through this without having to make myself cum at the memory, I will claim a technical win.

A few years ago I had a colleague. We were not in the same office, so saw each other perhaps three or four times a year. But there was something that just clicked. The way she craned her neck. The way that everything she said was fascinating. The way she held my gaze as she spoke. The way she laughed freely and raucously. The way she held a cigarette in her fingers. She was the perfect package. Let’s call her Cate.

Anyway, miles apart, work, so nothing happening.

Well, nothing much. Over a year, the hugs hello started to linger. To the point that one kiss goodbye more than grazed my mouth; I spent a night thinking about the feeling, surely accidental, of her lips barely on mine.


Well, until she went out with a mutual friend and massive troublemaker. Unlike Cate, who was quite prim (no flirtation, no innuendo), May was the utter opposite. So perhaps I should not have been surprised when Cate messaged me the day after to tell me the scandalous thing May had asked her: have you and longfingers fucked yet?

Can you believe her, Cate asked.

Well, said I, she is outrageous. “Anyway’, I added, seeing a door open, “we should”.

The pause before her reply, had substance and weight. But finally:
“Oh God. But yes”.

It took three months to be in the same city. Neither of us were sure it would really happen, so we dance around in code, little messages, barely flirtatious but deep in meaning, knowing that we both wanted it. For weeks, until we finally had a time, and a hotel.

Oh, and having to get through a day of work meetings together first. It’s hard not to be obvious when you know what is coming. I would like to say that we were subtle. But surely someone must have seen that slightly too long contact when she passed me a pen. Or our feet just innocently touching under the table. Never have eight hours dragged more. But finally, the day ended. Cate left work with a smile. I waited, followed ten minutes later, skipping the distance to meet her by my hotel. She was a vision, long legged, slender armed, brown bob, leaning against a tree smoking. She greeted me with a huge grin and a word: “exicted?” I could barely squeak out “yes”.

So, up into the hotel, up into the lift, to the room – and to discover that i had lost the key. So smooth. Anyway, I tried to kiss her by apology, in anticipation but she turned her head away: “not yet”. So a hurried trip to reception, and a failure to be nonchalant, got me a key and us into the room.

And finally I could hold her and kiss her. It wasas perfect as her, bold and confident but demure and submissive. I fumbled with her buttons, she with mine until her dress was round her ankles. Then my two hands on her shoulders and a push had her on her back on the bed, wide eyed, an intake of breath, a surprised laugh, that I quitened by taking of my own clothes – well, almost all.

We lay for a while kissing, trying to register that it was reallyhappening. But a year of built up anticipation demands satisfaction. Off came her bra. Her breasts seemed to swell when exposed, tight little bee stings but pert, upright, seeking attention (which they got). Then her pants down, then up over her ankles. Then my hand gently on her chest pushing her down as I slid onto my knees in front of her.

She wisecracked: “a feminist I see”, but that was all as my mouth on her cuntdrew an intake of breath again. She got. Wetter with each lick and tease, her pubes full, curlynow wet with herself until I felt her knees squeeze me, her stomach tighten as she sat up, hand clamped over her mouth as she came, shaking, but still demure trying not to moan out loud.

“Oh God”

And then

“Your turn”

She took my cock in hand and stroked and squeezed, too hard for me but who cares, because she slid down to take my spot onthe floor and in one go took go took me into her mouth. I have never felt a bj like it, as she kept her lips tighly closed and pushed them apart with my cock, making sure each part was wrapped up in her mouth. She was lost in my cock and me in her warm mouth until I put my hands on her face and pulled her up to kiss me. I reached for a condom but she gently touched my arm to whisper “I am on the pill”.now straddling me, she reached down to guide me in and as we sat there for a second we were silently transfixed, amazed that it was happening.

But not for long. Rocking led to grinding amd I was amazed to feel my cock, a military medium 6 inches, rub hard on her cervix. Had we been cast for each other? But the thought was quickly interrupted as her hand shot up over her mouth again: “oh my god, I just came!”said Cate, not seductively but in a tone of academic surprise and fascination at herself.

Two- nil down , I felt it reallmy turn. So I lay her on her back, and slid in again. And i fucked her, I fucked her as if fucking was about to be made illegaland all fucking had to be fucked immediately. My hands holdring hers down, never breaking eye contact, the bed shaking and rattling, me honestly grunting, her imploring me to be quite lest someone hear but only betwen her own grunts and moans until finally I filled her, with a grunt to wake the dead. And collapsed, as she skipped to the bathroom with her hand cupping her cunt, trying and failing to keep mu cum from trickling down her leg.

Part 2 if you like part 1…



  1. I noticed more spelling mistakes as the story continued. Typing with one hand?

  2. Very hot! Glad she stopped you from getting a condom and took advantage of her birth control pills. Can we get a description of Cate?

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