Symbiotic Invasion pt 5


It was late when Sebby got home. I heard the door open and close, pulling myself out of bed and wrapping a robe around my body before approaching my bedroom door. My husband remained asleep, but I was eager to see how my son’s little date went. He tossed himself onto the couch, not even bothering to go to his room. I went out to check on him, but he was already snoozing peacefully by the time I made it over the mess of books that had come spilling from his discarded bookbag.

My eyes lingered on something they shouldn’t. A sizable bulge in his pants. “That girl got my boy all worked up, and then just sent him home,” I thought, trying to distract myself. His father and I had just had a more than satisfying encounter that night, and I could feel a slow leak trailing down my inner thigh. Seeing the bulge, and knowing what was down there stirred something in me that made me want to go wake my stud for another quick ride. I hurried back to our room, closed the door behind me, and let the robe fall from my now naked body. He continued to snore when I took a step to the bed, remaining asleep when something soft brushed against my bare foot. 

I didn’t think anything of it, but a small burning sensation washed over me as I climbed onto the bed. My hand stopped just before reaching his blanket, arm seemingly paralyzed as I struggled against some unseen force. I tried to call out to him, but my mouth wouldn’t move, words wouldn’t form with me stuck in solo doggy style. So close to my husband, _so_ close to feeling him inside me again, but unable to act on my desires. But the most concerning thing was the sensation of something else, already inside me. I could feel a slithery creature work its way up, sliding around in my thigh, slipping down around my stomach, climbing up to my back. It latched to my spine and pulled itself to my neck, then pressed against my skull as the horror of my situation gripped my heart. With a sickening “pop,” it entered my head, and everything went dark.

Intense desire was what woke me. I thought I was horny before, but now I _seriously_ needed some dick. My idiot husband was still asleep, but I no longer had any interest in him. Images and countless ideas of the meat within Sebby’s pants flooded my mind, but I couldn’t do that. Could I? The memory of my personal invasion was well faded before the bed fell away under me. My body seemed to be moving of its own accord, not bothering to wait for me to make any conscious decision. I strolled out into the living room, moonlight illuminating my bare curves as the couch drew near. 

He was laying on his back, still hard beneath the rough denim of his pants. I could see the outline of his cock under the fabric, dropping to my knees at his waist has he slumbered. There were voices in my head, coaxing me along, urging me to do what I knew to be wrong, but what my primal desires convinced me were right. I unfastened his belt buckle, slipped his button aside, and watched hungrily as my fingers pulled his zipper down. His thick member was still obscured by his pants, so I pushed and pulled until it flopped out. My eyes widened at the glistening manhood standing before my eyes, my need growing beyond desperate as my hand wrapped around his base. 

The voices continued with gentle encouragements as my tongue touched his rigid shaft, sliding up and tasting the flavors of so many local girls mixed with his own delicious zest. He groaned in his sleep, and my eyes flicked to the growing bead of precum forming at his tip. His savory juice soaked into my tongue as I finished my climb, moaning after dragging my tongue up nine inches of prime cock. I’d never had one quite so big, or _thick_. Thoughts swirled as my body argued over where to stick it first, my hands idly working up and down his reddening rod. Eventually, it began to pulse in my naughty hands, and my mouth won the debate as it caught most of Sebby’s orgasm. His cum was warm and delicious as it forcefully erupted into my mouth, my fingers toying with his balls as they worked to create more seed. I gulped his load down, slurping as his cock as the last few spurts faded, then held his base firmly as I pulled away.

His cock remained hard, just as the voices said it would. I smiled inwardly, all reservations leaving as I climbed up onto him. He moved a little in his sleep, but remained solidly under as his fat cockhead brushed against my parted labia. My juices ran down his member, both of us already well lubricated and more than ready to proceed. I lowered myself onto him, relishing every last inch splitting me open, stretching my aching pussy as it probed deeper than any cock I’d ever had. My moans were stifled as we went, my body trembling with an orgasm that was so deviously close. I doubted I could stay quiet, and reassured myself that he and his father were both heavy sleepers, so maybe a little noise would go unnoticed?

The theory got a good test when my foot slipped off the couch, the rest of Sebby’s cock plunging into me as I fell onto him. My clit grinded into his pelvis as I tried to steady myself, clenching walls twisting around his buried shaft. All attempts to remain in control went out the window when the most mind altering climax hit, leaving me as spasming, twitching mess atop my son. My arm slapped onto the couch, fingers digging in for support, toes of one foot curling into the carpet while the other disappeared into the ccouch. I gasped through a series of moans as my orgasm carried me higher, only aware of the climax flooding into me when something warm gushed against my deepest reaches. The sensation increased my own bliss, and I lost myself in a throaty howl. My arms folded around my head, hands swimming in my loose, shoulder length hair as my hips found some subconscious rhythm on his lap. Our orgasms continued for what could have been hours for all I knew, rocking on his lap as he pumped me full, my convulsing tunnel milking every drop it could.

I felt something churning inside me, my orgasm dying instantly. My annoyance was palpable, but I hoisted myself off with shaky legs and dropped back to my knees. No reason I couldn’t get another snack while birthing more Masters, right? Our flavors coated my tongue as his still hard cock entered my mouth, and I groaned around him when something round wriggled from my used folds. Another was forming inside, so I continued sucking contentedly as he moaned softly in his sleep. He moved again, and I cupped his balls while bobbing my head on his lap. I could feel him getting close again, and was about to try and take him all the way inside, hopefully down my throat, when I noticed him sleepily looking at me. My lips suckled all the way up his shaft, tongue swirling expertly as dread flared inside me. It disappeared almost as quickly as it had come when his full cock came back into view, and I simply smiled at him.

“Such a big boy,” I cooed with one furry hand gripping his throbbing manhood. I felt it pulse, and moaned as the hot, sticky rope landed on my face. Another soaked into my hair as he fell back into sleep murmuring something about “_mommy_,” and I went back to slurping away at his orgasming organ. Another small ball was wriggling from my tingling pussy, and I began to wonder just how much I could get out of Sebby in one night. Tonight was already halfway over by the time I started, maybe tomorrow we’d start right at bedtime. I could probably fill all sorts of containers with his savory semen, something that the voices say we’ll need for our upcoming campout. I didn’t even mind the sticky mess oozing from my thickening hair, the thick goop trailing down my face as I climbed back up on top of Sebby. 


Violet fur now covered my whole body. It was finer on my tummy and over my breasts, faint traces of pale skin visible beneath the purple, but everywhere else was coated in dense fuzz. I stood in the bathroom, marveling at what my Master and I had become. Cat-like ears poked out of my poofy hair, their pointed tips just tall enough to be seen. I’d never felt more attracted to myself, or so invigorated in all my life, and it was all thanks to the alien lifeform seeking nothing more than refuge inside me. They were going to take humanity to the next level, _and then some_, but first there would need to be a transition. Nothing worthwhile comes easy, after all. 

After Sebby fixed the array all Masters could communicate telepathically. This has made planning and executing plans much more effective, and we all had our own missions. The girls were going to take over the school, infect a couple other key recruits, and then incapacitate the local police. Sebby’s mom (who ended up getting infected instead of Sebby to our frustration) was going to help plan a “camping trip” for most of the adults in town. From there it would be infections all around. As for me? Communication disruption. 

There’s only one cell tower close enough to our town to provide any cell signal. There are also just a few other points of interest in our meager infrastructure, each of which proved fragile under my new abilities. The town was left effectively cut off within a matter of hours. After disabling phones, cable, satellites, and cellular capabilities, I found my way to the nearby military base. The men there were under the influence of my pheromones instantly, overeager to satisfy my every demand. A couple heavy pieces of equipment blocked the roads in and out of town, making outside interference a virtual impossibility. That, and the army on standby to take out anyone who tries to “help.”

All that I had to do now was wait for the others to infect the __right__ girl this time, and gather materials to call our armada. In the meantime, maybe I could help Jessica drain a few thick loads from our pet?


Ashley scolded us telepathically when our plan to infect Jess fell through. She’s the smartest girl in school, possibly more handy with technology than Sebby. The idea is that she’d be able to build the device needed to call for backup. An endless stream of symbiotes raining down on the world. We placed one of the symbiotes on the chair she religiously sat in every lunch period, but it somehow went wrong? The symbiote simply vanished – here one second, gone the next. I may have taken my eyes off the chair for a minute or two when Sebby walked by, his thick load still coating my guilty throat as I scrambled to formulate a new plan with my sisters.

Natali had heard Jess talking with Nini about going to a movie later today. They were planning on catching the latest superhero flick, Nini looking for inspiration for a new cosplay. This would usually turn to a gossip session about the school lesbians going on a date, which would probably have gone down a twisting path of social justice, defending people’s sexuality, and one-off comments, but those things all seemed so trivial now. Instead, we formulated a new way to infect Jess, and possibly get Nini, too.

I left school early that day. The theater was all the way across town, and I wanted to be sure to get set up for the ambush. Natalie and Tiffany remained behind to continue dowsing the school in pheromones, elevating the uninitiated to an infested level. They would be useful zombies, or at the very least out of our way. Perhaps they would even play with Sebby throughout the day and generate more recruits. A flash of envy sparked in me at the thought of them taking turns with his cock, draining load after load. My arousal increased, and my body hummed with a nearing orgasm as my Master reminded me to stay focused.

The movie theater was empty when I arrived. Employees had just started to arrive, one still working to unlock the building. I rubbed my furry wrists across his face, dragging my fur covered arms up and around his uniform for maximum exposure. He actually drooled while I was giving him instructions. I followed him inside, and walked into the theater set to play the movie Jess and Nini were rumored to be watching in about an hour. The low lights cast shadows all across the large room, and I easily concealed myself in a darkened corner until the show was about to start. 

As a reward for my achievement, and our pending victory, and probably also because it was enjoyable for both of us, my Master triggered a powerful orgasm. I squirmed in ecstasy, stifling as many moans and shrieks as I could as wave after wave of pure bliss washed over me. My orgasmic fluids soaked into the fur along my legs, seeping back into myself instead of splattering to the ground. I gripped the back of a seat as the orgasm only seemed to strengthen, whimpering as I grinding fruitlessly against a cock that wasn’t there. One furred hand went to my spasming pussy, quivering thighs quaking around my hand as fingers probed beyond my slick lips. Right around that time, the theater got even darker. The big screen lit up, and the show was about to start. 

I was in the back of the theater, my idea being see Jess enter, watch where she sits, then casually sneak a symbiote onto her at some point during the movie. My orgasm faded slowly as my eyes scanned the seats. Only one looked to be occupied, Nini’s tell-tale hoodie leaning back comfortably in the slightly reclined chair. But, where was Jess? I moved from my hiding spot, sneaking carefully up along the rows behind her. Her hood was pulled up over her head, concealing her features. It wasn’t until I was practically behind them that Jess came into view. She was leaning low from her seat, her head planted firmly on Nini’s lap. I came up right behind them, all pretense of stealth abandoned as I watched Jess lick Nini’s exposed slit, Nini’s pants pulled halfway down her thighs with Jess’ arm reaching down between her legs. Her fingers worked tirelessly at Nini’s small pussy while Jess teased her clit with her tongue. Nini’s eyes were closed when her head turned towards me, agonizing bliss etched into her features while an orgasm built up within.

“So, it’s true?” I asked, casually sitting behind them. Jess shot up in surprise, head swiveling around to me as Nini’s eyes shot open. Jess’ hand was still buried between Nini’s thighs, but both girls were locked onto me like deer in headlights. “I just always thought it was a rumor.”

“Uhhh,” Jess said uncertainly while Nini cleared her throat. 

“Oh, don’t mind me,” I offered dismissively. “I’m just here to watch.” I leaned back in my own chair with a sly grin, drinking in the apprehension of both girls before pointing at the giant screen innocently. They laughed nervously, shifting in their seats until both were facing forward as well. I rolled my eyes and leaned forward, “Didn’t mean to interrupt, seriously. Go back to whatever, no judgement from me.” The two girls eyed each other, neither willing to look back at me as I pretended to be even slightly interested in the movie. No one made any moves, so I figured they just needed some help.

A symbiote rolled from my sleeve, wobbled in my hand as I silently reached forward, and dropped into the space between Jess’ back and her chair. She tensed up, and Nini turned to glare at me. I watched Jess’ features slowly relax as she gave in to her new Master. Her inhibitions faded, and she turned her sultry gaze to Nini before steadily lowering herself back down on the girl’s lap. Nini offered a surprised protest, but quickly let Jess get back to work as cinematic booms masked her moans. I dropped the other symbiote onto Jess’ back, letting it roll down under her as I made my way out. 


I saw Shelby put something onto Jess’ usual lunch seat, and smirked when she gazed hungrily at Sebby. She caught up to him quickly and pushed him into the boy’s bathroom, no one even batting an eye as the fur-clad hussy rushed him in for a quickie. And they all call _me_ the school slut? Those fuzzy tramps are the ones walking around getting the whole school all worked up, acting like they’re all under some spell. At least I’m considerate enough to wait until after hours to jump someone’s bones, and not use some gross bathroom. The thought of hooking up in a public restroom sends shivers down my spine as I absentmindedly sit in Jess’ seat. I tried to stop myself, too late remembering that I’d wanted to see what was over here, not _sit in it_!

There’s a pinch, a small burning sensation, and some discomfort extending from my ass up around my belly as something crawls its way up inside me. Panic builds and I try to scream, but nothing comes out. I can’t even make the motions to scream, or any movements at all, anyone around me would just see me sitting calmly. That is, if they were bothering to look at all. Everyone was so zombified I could probably be on fire and no one would react. The thing inside twisted its way into my ribcage, climbing up my spine before latching to the base of my skull. A silent shriek echoed inside my body as the thing drilled into my head, everything becoming dull around me.


Some new voice in my head called out, using one of my favorite words. I love saying “bored” before casually walking away from whatever conversation or situation, leaving whoever behind in stunned silence. And now, it was me sitting in stunned silence. 


Another favorite of mine, usually after finishing with a guy in one way or another. Just a way to keep myself from getting attached and dependent, or so I always told myself. But really I just loved the thrill of going from guy to guy, dating, flirting, fucking whoever for any length of time with no strings. They were all wrapped tightly around my fingers, even after being tossed to the curb, each one willing to do whatever I say for one more go. Thinking about it now, wandering aimlessly like the other zombies, made me unusually aroused. A bell rang off in the clouded distance, mindless hordes meandering to their presumed classes as I continued down the hall. I could feel myself getting wet between my legs, my thighs seeming to be taking extra effort to grind my panties up against my drooling pussy.


Not really a word I’d used on its own before, but certainly one I’ve whispered in a sultry strand once or twice. My hand groping Tyler’s crotch beneath his denim pants in the gym after a pep rally; just before wrapping my lips around James’ cock in the back of his car at the park, Coach K… _fuck_. My knees felt weak as they carried me to some unknown destination, thighs, panties, and memories edging me to madness. Is this what everyone else is experiencing right now?


There’s a word I’d never fucking used before. Not outside of homework, anyway. Taken great lengths to avoid that; birth control, condoms, plan b in my locker and at home. Not really taking any chances when it comes to “breeding.” Oh, but what I wouldn’t give for a good dicking right now. So worked up, I’d take half the guys in school raw if they offered.

…just one, then we’ll be stronger…

Well, I like the sound of that. My senses strengthen, a scent filling my nose as my feet continued to carry me. Each step took me closer, and I knew this wasn’t some random path. We were walking to whatever, or _whoever_ this smell belonged to. He smelled delicious, and I really couldn’t wait to have him. The scent led us to some room, I hadn’t really paid attention to which. I opened the door and let a dazed Mr. Denton know the principle needed some help and had requested Sebby. He nodded his vague approval, and gave Sebby permission to leave. Sebby got out of his seat, positioning books to try to conceal his hardon as he followed me into the hall.

“What does Mrs. Fairbow need?” he asked while struggling to keep up with me. We turned a corner and went halfway down some stairs when I turned to him.

“She needs you to pump a thick,” I stepped toward him, “hot,” another long stride closer, “sticky load into me.” My sentence finished as I grasped his concealed sex in my hand, my lips brushing his ear as I whispered, “And _I_ __need__ it bad.” His books dropped to the floor, quickly followed by his pants. No resistance was offered, not surprising since the boys always give me what I want, but I was under the impression he may at least try to refuse. I was on my knees in front of him, his already reddened cock throbbing at my face. A thick strand of cum had begun to drool from his tip, and flowed more quickly when my hand gripped his girthy base. Without my usual seductive taunt, or even another word, my head launched forward, lips sliding all the way down his rigid shaft until his bulbous cockhead thumped the back of my throat.

I gagged as he plugged my throat, gasping when my head bounced back. His fingers were in my pixiecut red hair, palms pressing into my scalp as I pushed onto him again. Shelby could probably throat this fat cock, and I certainly wasn’t about to be outdone. He groaned as I pushed, turning my head as his member popped into my throat. His thickness probed deeper than any cock I’d ever inhaled, and trickled a steady leak of semen into my hollow stomach. All the while, the voice was slowly growing louder, stronger, commanding…


My head moved back and forth, his cock working my throat like a firm pussy as my hands grasped at his ass. He moaned harder, clearly not caring who heard as his climax neared, hips thrusting into my face. Tears streamed from my eyes as the plunging continued, far longer than I’d ever anticipated taking any object in my throat. Just as my eyes began to roll back, hands slipping as my grip began to fade, he came. Forceful, rhythmic pulses surged along his shaft, passing along my tongue before gushing thick ropes down my battered throat. His seed coated my esophagus as it oozed it’s way down to my stomach. His grip softened on my head, allowing me to slip from his waist, and I managed to catch myself on my side with one hand on the tile floor. I gasped for air, licking my lips as the ringing from near suffocation died down.

…More… the voice commanded.

Sebby was reaching down to help me up, before even pulling up his own pants. I couldn’t help but admire the gesture, and feel aroused as my eyes settled at his still hard cock. A door caught my attention, the girl’s restroom. I’d just recently judged Shelby for going into one with Sebby, and here I was, about to drag the same guy into a similar room. _Oh well_. He didn’t offer any resistance yet again as I pulled him by the hand into the restroom, his books, shoes and pants getting lost somewhere in the hall.


What could have gotten into Jess? Her cunnilingus style is usually somewhat lazy, while still effective. But today, at the theater. With other people around… She was like a completely different woman, working me with fingers, tongue, and _teeth_ so expertly! I came so hard that we were asked to leave with how loud I was wailing. I’d asked her to come here, or if I could go to her house so we could continue, of course, but she made up an excuse about homework. Like always. I rolled my eyes as I worked on my next cosplay, thinking about my smart _girlfriend_ that no one knows about. 

Well, except for Shelby. And some random movie goers. And now whoever Shelby tells! My hands stop working on the costume as fear builds up. Shelby is a well known gossip, who wouldn’t be able to keep a secret to save her life! I’m not ready to “_be out,_” yet, let alone outed by some chatty hoe! I gotta get out in front of this thing and keep her quiet, somehow.

My chair falls to the ground as I spring out of it on my way to the bed for my discarded phone. It’s still in my purse, along with the “surprise” Jess slipped in there. I’d forgotten about it until just now, she whispered to me about it as we exited the theater. I was in a post orgasmic stupor, her words barely registering as she said something along the lines of “opening in a private place.” ‘What the hell would she have gotten me that needs to be open in private?’ I wondered as I reached into my nearly-shoulder-deep bag. My hand sifted through the contents, quickly finding the phone and dropping the bag as focus returned to my “not socially acceptable in this small, backwoods town” sexuality getting out. Some items spilled from the open bag, but I was too distracted as I sat on the bed, swearing quietly to myself. 

A nice little rant was playing through my head, same as usual. The one that guides me though some of my more grueling cosplay projects. ‘Who fucking cares who I love, or that our genitals don’t interlock? Why is it anyone else’s business? I shouldn’t have to be on guard for having feelings.’ Tears well up in my eyes as I start entering and deleting texts to Shelby and Jess, trying to figure out what to even say to anyone.

Something soft brushes onto my foot and I try to kick it away instinctively, but too late. My foot rises up, level with my hip, and I can see some weird furry mass latched to my ankle as it begins to shrink. My body is frozen as the thing gets smaller and smaller, shriveling outside while it seeps into me. I feel it slither itself into my leg, crawling up the bone under my muscle. The fear and agony I felt in my body was not reflected on my face, which was clearly visible to me in the mirror on the wall over my desk. I watched, paralyzed, as I felt the intruder pull itself through my interior, grimacing inwardly as it crossed around my pelvis. It climbed up my spine, unseen tendrils wrapping tight to the bone as a larger mass pushed higher. Eventually it ran into my skull, hesitated for a moment, and then squeezed itself inside my head.

The horror my features managed to display melted away as the creature latched to my brain. Images of a world that could be, and my future in it flash through my mind as my new Master takes hold. With the promise of equality and prosperity for all, and flawless ideas for how my Master and I will look when we’re fully progressed, I rise from the bed. For the first time in a long time, I have no fear of the future, and am, as always, eager to get the materials needed to start my next big cosplay. And collecting these materials should be more pleasurable than any other.


I arrived back at school just before the closing bell. Natalie and Tiffany had kept the student body and faculty thoroughly zombified throughout the day, and our Masters were all in agreement that they should be pacified for the foreseeable future. We were going to talk to Sebby, who was essentially putty in our hands at this point, and convince him to work on a project with Jess, when Alesa burst through a set of double doors. The skank was sporting a furry choker, mittens, and knee high boots, all as red as the hair on her head.

“Guess we know what happened to the missing symbiote,” I murmured to Tiff and Nat.

“Yeah,” Alesa retorted, “can’t believe I sat on such a wonderful creature!”

“You sat on it?” Natalie asked incredulously. 

“It was life-changing. Well, you all know.”

“So,” Tiffany began with a sly grin, “you have a butt Master?”

Alesa’s wanton smile faltered at that. “What? No, it’s inside me just like yours in you?”

“But,” Natalie started, “yours entered through your ass?”

…This is pointless banter… my Master scolded, but I just rolled my eyes as the girls teased. Tiffany and Natalie laughed while Alesa’s face grew redder, her feeble attempts to explain away the nickname having no effect. Eventually our Masters rewarded us all with a migraine and instructed us to get back to the task at hand.

Sebby had left the school at some point during our squabble, but Jess texted to confirm he was on his way to her for the next phase of the plan. With any luck, they’d be able to develop a machine that can broadcast a signal to a whole fleet of Masters. If not, she can drain a few loads from him and produce some more the old fashioned way. Maybe both. Next for us? Help Sebby’s mom arrange for any nosy parents to go on a little “camping trip.” We leave the school and make our way to Sebby’s house, ready for anything. 
