Step Sister Corruption Part 156 – Day 90 Kel Gets a New Car (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


What a week!

We spent the weekend *studying* which turned into one big ass orgy as we studied a little bit until we simply switched into fucking until I was drained.

Then the girls left for work while Kel and I did our own videos for our respective channels on our sites. Once night fall happened the girl’s would come back and resume *studying* until I was drained again.

Then the week of midterms started as we did our respective tests. And the few classes I had with Kel I saw her brain fart when the test hit her but then she had a shit eating grin before she started doing her test. So I guess the *studying* session helped and it was nice to see her relax.

Now we wait for our results to see who won the challenge. Honestly I think I have it in the bag though I wouldn’t be mad if any of the girls won.

With our weekend over we went back to taking care of the chitlings until our parent’s got home on day four, yesterday to be exact, and they resumed taking care of the chitlings as mom handled Samantha’s little *issue* along with the slew of questions that I’m sure followed.

Still one less problem that ***I*** have to deal with. So thankful Summer and Kel handled that for me after the whole ‘*why is my downstairs place bleeding?*’ I was out.

Kel came into the house super excited and ran up to me, “Gabe Gabe you have to check out my new ride.”

I looked at the over zealous girl who earlier left the house excited and nervous to come back jumping up and down for joy.

I smiled as I was lounging on the couch essentially being lazy watching TV….well not entirely lazy.  I had gone to the gym on a temporary membership until the new studio was finished which I was told would be some time after the new year.  So since the house got built I got a temporary membership at the local gym only having to pay a whopping $1.50 per visit…..that or *train* at home which I have done numerous times.  So I had gone out shortly after Kel and dad left and went to the gym then got home long enough to lounge around and start to feel my muscles yell at me.

I would have gone to Pink’s where I’m sure Summer could *help* me with my membership…..but the last time I looked I’m not a girl and Pink’s is a female’s only gym.  So I had to settle with the big chain gym and told them it was temporary until my studio is done.  So I only pay per visit instead of doing a membership which they kept telling me I would save money and have all their *perks*.  

Originally the *plan* for everything was to start on the studio upgrade first but when mom found out about Kel and my discretion in our *special* activities she managed to divert my step father’s focus from the studio to us.  She had won the ‘*get Gabe and Kelly a new place*’ argument with my dad when she decided to help Kel in her little *issue* with not being able to hold down a guy.

So dad in his infinite wisdom was able to *speed* up a new house for Kel and me to live in so we can come and go as we please with us being in college now it seemed fitting for us so we wouldn’t wake up mom or dad……or the girls, with us coming or going.  We don’t have to be quiet.  We mainly fend for ourselves.  And the big reason why mom tricked dad into getting us this house… we can fuck undisturbed.  

Before this whole event or even either of our relative orifices coming into contact Kel had totaled her fairly new car with an accident that was ultimately ruled not her fault.  And she had been waiting patiently for the insurance to pay out on her vehicle until our whirlwind life started.  Since then she had been a little tied between school, volleyball, and…..well me and Summer both metaphorically and literally.

Then there was the issue that her dad and her schedule kept conflicting with him taking a sudden bout of traveling for what he said ‘providing for us kids’ saying that building the extra house dipped into funds he didn’t have with the random surplus that was supposed to go to the studio rebuild.  

Granted dad had never complained about the sudden build for a new house he just took it in stride but told us he would be traveling more to make up the funds expended in the rushed house build.

So his schedule had become rather sporadic between being home and not….lately not.  Which also caused a WHOLE different issue with my mom.

So Kel had been putting off her new car purchase further and further down the line until her dad was ready to help her until this morning that is.

Both him and mom came home from their ‘work’ whatever that was.  And he and Kel went off to the dealership(s) this morning to find Kel’s new car.

Before they left I had an idea what Kel would go after but I knew she had her eye on a couple of vehicles that she wanted.

So now that she was home jumping up and down with joy it was time to see what she went and got.

I may have gotten distracted in Kel’s excitement as she used her assets to hypnotize my ass so I didn’t hear a word she was telling me.  The only thing I heard was ‘Bloop” “Bloop’ as I watched her assets bounce.

I had to look at her and concentrate as to what she was trying to tell me.  Then she bounced again and I was hypnotized…..again.

After the third time I heard Kel huff, “Gabe did you listen?”

I looked at her, “No not really.”

She looked at me with daggers then she replayed the last few moments as she tried to figure out why I wasn’t listening then she looked down and turned a little red.  She looked up at me, “Damn it Gabe,” she held onto her hypnotizing weapons, “I got a new car.”

That time I heard her, “Ok.”

She smiled, still holding herself, “Come out and look.  You’re gonna be ***SO*** jealous.”

I smiled and thought ‘*I doubt that*’.

We walked out and I was greeted by a pearl white large sized SUV with a BIG F in a cage as the emblem on the front of the hood.

I looked at the *vehicle* in question a little confused as to what I was looking at.

Kel was super excited, “Isn’t it gorgeous?”

I looked at the vehicle and spoke, “Yeah,” I looked at her, “But what is it?”

She looked at me completely astonished that I wouldn’t know what she got.


I know yes I’m a car guy….but I’m not a REAL gear head.  So I was completely clueless as to what was in front of me. To me it was a SUV.

She looked at me, “It’s a Faraday.”

I blinked at her, “A what?”

She looked at me and spoke slowly, “A FAR-A-DAY.”

I shook my head at her veining I had no clue.

If she rolled up in a classic muscle car there was a 90% chance I knew exactly what it was and could possibly tell you a lot about it thanks to the real gear head who raised me….Kel’s dad.

I looked at her, “Ok pretend I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Kel sighed, “It’s a completely autonomous electric vehicle Gabe.”

I blinked and understood the words she was using, “You’re kidding.”

Kel smiled and shook her head, “Nope.”

She walked up to the vehicle and waved an actual card against the door as the door hissed and slowly opened up as Kel stepped away.

When the door opened up I looked in the door to see your normal car seat….though it looked completely different.  And I saw the clear sign of a steering wheel.

I pointed to the wheel, “But it has a wheel.”

Kel sighed, “That’s just for show.”

I blinked at her, “But it does work, right?”

She nodded, “Of course it works.”

I looked at her, “How is a car autonomous if it has a wheel Kel?  Kind of defeats the purpose.”

Kel sighed as if she knew she needed to give me a demonstration, “Get in.”

I looked at her, “Get in?”

She pointed to the car, “Get in.”

I sighed and walked around to the passenger side of the vehicle.  Kel did something and the door hissed and did the same thing as the driver side as it slowly opened up.

I got in and found the seat was so fucking comfortable.  So comfortable that I wanted this seat in my fucking car….wait scratch that if I had this seat in my car I’d have a hard time staying awake. Still it was comfy.

Kel got into the driver’s side and placed a fob into a clear spot where it’s supposed to attach and I saw as the actual fob lit up and a design played on the actual LED screen on the fob until at the end showed the same emblem that was on the hood of the vehicle.  Then a mechanical female voice spoke, “Welcome back Kelly Michaels.  Can I assist you today?”

Kel looked at me as she wiggled her eyebrows, “Yes I would like to go to Pink’s gym on 30th and Chambers.”

The mechanical voice replied, “Very well Ms. Michaels.  Would you like to use the autopilot or would you like to drive?”

Kel smiled, “Autopilot please.”

Just then I watched the steering wheel move into the console until it was flush in the outline for it and heard something lightly whirring down where Kel’s feet were until the voice came back, “Steering Wheel and Pedals Disengaged.  Please enjoy the ride.”

With that I felt the vehicle back up and turn of its own accord until it was facing towards mom and dad’s house then it started moving slowly until it was facing the exit towards the road and started moving.

I looked at her, “Holy shit!  You weren’t kidding!”

Kel smiled, “See I knew you would be jealous of my ride.”

I nodded and saw a fucking large ass screen in the center show the map and the route it would be taking towards Pink’s.

This thing was fucking clean.

I spoke, “How much was this thing?”

Kel looked at me completely smug, “$167,900”

I blinked at her, “What?  Did I just hear you right?  $167,900?”

She smiled, “Yep.”

I blinked at her, “Holy fuck!  You got a over priced fucking vehicle Kel. How can you afford that?”

Kel shrugged, “I honestly couldn’t afford it….I mean I had the money but I decided to use the insurance payout throw a little on top and get a loan for the rest.”

I looked at her, “A loan?”

She nodded. I spoke, “For how much?”

She shrugged, “Just $100,000.”

I blinked, “You mean to tell me you paid $67,900 dollars?”

She nodded with a smile.

I looked at her, “And the bank approved your loan?”

She shook her head and scoffed, “Fuck no! Our bank wouldn’t approve the loan due to it being an all electric *autonomous* vehicle plus they wouldn’t because of my background being non existent so my credit score was shit. So we used Faraday’s approved lender.”

I blinked, “You do realize they’re probably going to give a high fucking interest right Kel?”

She shook her head at me, “No daddy co-signed to help give me a better interest rate which was 4.7% thank you very much.”

I nodded thinking that was nice of dad, “Ok but still that’s a hundred grand Kel. That’s still ridiculous.”

I tried to do the math in my head. Let’s see here $100,000 divided by……

I looked at her, “Wait how long is your loan for Kel?”

She smiled, “Ten years.”


Ok don’t over react Gabe. So at $100,000 divided by 120 months times by .047 a month was……..carry the one…….roughly $890 a month!!!

So nearly a grand give or take.

I looked at her, “Kel at that rate you’re gonna be paying $1,000 a fucking month.”

She waved at me, “Relax Gabe with me selling my eggs and the contract with Dr. Braxter I should have this baby paid off in no time.”

She gave me a wicked smile, “And then there’s my donation account where I’ve been clearing at least $5000 a week.”

I sighed, “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

She smiled, “It’s not as bad as you think Gabe.  The return rate on electric vehicles is nearly 92% return.  Plus this thing has a shit ton of features.”

I looked at her, “Like?”

She smiled, “Like this thing can go 1000 miles in between charges.  It can go from 0 to 60 in 1.8 seconds. It has a top of the line stereo 9.1 surround sound. The back seats behind you fold all the way down so I could sleep in the back if needed. These lean all the way back and with the back seats folded on top it becomes one huge area that even you can sleep comfortably. It can play movies on the screen here or on the top of the roof behind you.”

I looked behind me and didn’t see a screen.

Kel sighed, “It’s not going to work while we’re moving dolt.”

She continued, “It has a console inside so you can play games while you’re charging. There’s 4K cameras that are now recording both inside and outside.”

I looked at her, “Wait how many cameras?”

She shrugged, “Let’s see.”

She tapped on the screen and quickly found the cameras on the menu and clicked interior.

I blinked in astonishment as I saw one….two….three….four. I clicked on the arrow icon to look at the next page. Five….six….seven…..eight. Next. Twelve….next….sixteen….next……twenty…..twenty two fucking camera’s…..and that’s on the inside!!!

I looked at the locations where the screen showed they were coming from and couldn’t see more than half of the fuckers but they were surely there as the cameras showed me looking around on the screen.

At least that was a reason why it cost so fucking much.

I got curious and clicked back and hit outside…..15 cameras hitting all angles.

The more Kel talked about the car the more ***I*** wanted one. Might have to do some research into the electric vehicles. I knew there were some manufacturers of electric vehicles but couldn’t think of the names at the moment. I knew they weren’t *the* big manufacturers but were big in themselves.

And I had seen a lot of electric vehicles on the road here and there but never really paid attention to their names.

All I remember is a certain unknown company released the first all electric vehicle well before I started driving… when I was a little kid. And they ruled the all electric car market for quite some time until roughly eight years ago when *A LOT* of unknown names started popping up with their own electric vehicles and it became a sales market ripe for the taking. Even the big names were releasing their own all electric versions of their big items but only their cars giving buyers the options for gas only, a hybrid, or electric (for a slight increased cost that is).

So it started out with electric *cars* only. Then I believe people were making electric *funny* cars to go on race tracks as they tried to break the speed record, dad took us all to one of those events and when I saw an electric funny car destroy the speed record it blew my mind away but I was 9 or 10 at the time.

Then I believe when I was 12 or so the only big name for electric vehicles released an all electric truck. I remember Jason pining for one but couldn’t afford the price so he stuck with the family affordable gas vehicle.

Then when I was 16 all these different unknowns broke out with their own trucks and SUV’s that were all electric. Then about a year ago the big names released their own all electric versions of their bigger items and drove down the price of hybrids and regular leaded vehicles being much more feasible.

So like I said, I’m gonna need to research this to see if I wanted one or not. All I know is I sure as fuck ain’t paying near $200k for a fucking vehicle. I’m not rich for fucks sake. Comfortable, yes. Rich, that’s questionable but I’m saying no….there’s not enough comma’s in my account for me to think I’m rich.

Kel spoke getting me out of my thought, “And it can even do this.”

Kel leaned forward and tapped on the screen. She kept tapping around until she found what she was looking for and hit the button on the screen and I blinked in astonishment as I watched all the windows tint to near blackness making the inside cabin almost night though it was late afternoon day.

She smiled as she saw my look, “Perfect to fuck down the road.”

With that she leaned and kissed me making me stutter, “But Kel if your dad signed for it.”

Kel stopped and smiled, “Daddy only co-signed. This baby is all mine including,” she reached back towards the screen and hit a couple of locations until it showed the digital read out, “see for yourself.”

I looked at the screen.

Owner: Kelly Michaels

Loan: 10 years


Car storage: 50 TB (1.7TB used)

Loaded movies: 15

Loaded Games: 8

Carrier: A@mobile

Data plan: Unlimited

Warranty: 15 year/500,000 mile warranty

While I was reading Kel pulled out my dick and smiled at me, “I’ve always wanted to fuck in a moving vehicle.”

With that she leaned down and wrapped her lips around my limp member.

I groaned in response to Kel wrapping her lips around me and felt my limpness quickly stiffening into a solid rod that could bend metal….or bruise an esophagus.

I just laid my head back and enjoy the sensations of having a warm mouth attached to me as the car quickly had sucking slurping and light choking sounds as Kel worked her meat stick using her accumulated experience on me.

Eventually Kel couldn’t stand it anymore as she sucked all the extra saliva of my dick.

I blinked at her as she lifted her head off me, “Why’d you stop?”

She smiled at me as she started removing her clothes and I instantly got what was about to happen next….we were christening her car.

She quickly removed her clothes and spoke, “Climb over here.”

I blinked at her confused and she sighed, “Come on idiot the car isn’t going to move with no one in the driver’s seat and I can’t move over there unless I want this thing to pull over and stop to yell at me for not being in the driver’s seat.”


I removed my clothes and moved over to the driver’s seat as Kel got up and mounted on me as I was moving over.

Once I was moved over and seated did Kel grab my Johnson and guide me towards her opening before lowering herself down.

Then she started bouncing up and down simply moaning and enjoying herself.

While sitting there I had the strongest urge to grab the wheel so we wouldn’t crash but each time I looked to the side to see something all I saw was blackness.

Trust me that was the strangest feeling after driving for so long I was now trusting a computer to keep me safe while it drove our lazy fucking asses and I couldn’t see shit.

I will tell you this the whole having a computerized car chauffeur your ass down the road was so nerve racking that it did make me last longer.

Last so long that Kel had already made a huge ass puddle that I was now sitting in and was forced to use my shirt to *soak* up her special ability so it doesn’t ruin the electronics in the seat.

Yeah that was fun as she completely forgot there was fucking electronics in the seats and Kel is a natural high pressure fucking squirter.

And she lightly ‘*forgot*’ about that fact as we rushed to use whatever clothes we had on hand to *absorb* her fucking liquids.

I did that on the quickness when I heard ‘*electric*’ and ‘*seat*’ used in the same sentence. Last thing I wanted was to be electrocuted.

I can read my obituary now ‘*Young Adult Male Died of Electrocution from Fully Autonomous Electric Vehicle While Having Sex With Step Sister*’.

I’m pretty sure my step dad would dig up my remains, if there’s any left from my electrocution, and beat the living shit out of me. Re-bury my remains then piss on my grave. No idea what he’d do to Kel but I’m pretty sure that’s what he would do to me.

I tried not to think of my demise if I didn’t clean this up.

Maybe we should sprinkle rice on the seat to help absorb all of Kel’s fluids that leaked into the seats. All I know is we were **definitely** keeping a regular rotation of towels in this bitch if we were going to keep fucking in it….and maybe a shit ton of air freshener so the car doesn’t absorb the leftover ‘*sex*’ smell and turn rotten.

While we were cleaning up Kel’s mess the electronic voice come on, “We have arrived at your destination.”

