[MF] I fucked my gf’s roommate who was also her ex-gf (Part #2)

[Previous post](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/p8qedv/mf_i_fucked_my_gfs_roommate_who_was_also_her_exgf/)


I sat on the couch naked as Nabila runs the shower. I checked my phone to find several messages from Sam. I felt my hands shaking and my heart pounding as I opened the messages. I was thinking to myself that she somehow caught us. Turns out the world is normal and Sam was only checking in to see how Bila was doing and to tell me about her work day, which was surprisingly good, so that was a plus. I told her Bila was doing better and that since breakfast we’ve just been sitting on the couch watching movies. I put my phone down and sat there trying to figure out this situation I’ve created by fucking Bila. As I thought, Bila shouted out from the shower, “You coming in here?” I dutifully walked in and immediately she was kissing and holding me under the warm water. All I could think was about how all those songs on the radio I heard as a kid said stuff like, “If it’s so wrong then why does it feel so right?” We continued kissing and soaping each other’s bodies. We hopped out and put some clothes on and went right back to the couch and cuddled. I was anxious to see what Sam had to say to me. Thankfully, Sam being Sam, she just teased me.

“Oooooo you snuggled up with your giiiiirlfrieeeeend”

“Actually yes lol. She’s cuddled up on me.”

“You guys are gay. I’ll talk to you in a bit”

“Okay. See you love. I’m gonna cook for us tonight”

Bila asked how Sam was doing and I told her she was having a good morning at work so far and that she was teasing me for being snuggled with my “girlfriend”. She slowly turned around and I saw Bila’s eyes widen with what I thought was fear but then she was smiling. She was actually turned on knowing that Sam was so close to the truth of what just happened between us. In that moment, I thought to myself how this was gonna be trouble if she was excited by that.

“Reeeally?” she purred. “What did she say? What’d you say?”

“I just told her we were sitting on the couch watching movies and she teased that I was ‘snuggling with my girlfriend’ so I told her we were.”

“She wasn’t mad?”


“Sam is the best. Do you think she’ll kill us if she found out? I know you two have your ‘arrangement’, but she does really like you and this was kinda fucked up.” Her words said it was fucked up, but now she was on the couch on all fours kissing my neck and face between words and her hand was on my crotch feeling for my dick.

“It was fucked up, but it doesn’t seem like you’re stopping anytime soon.” By now my dick was fully erect again and she was pulling my pants down.

“I could say the same for you.”

She pulled out my dick and started sucking me. I held her hair out of her face and she watched me intently as she went to work. My legs felt like Jell-O while I was in her mouth. Usually blowjobs don’t make me cum very fast, but I was already ready to explode in her mouth. I told her and she slowed down and held only the tip in her mouth and circled me with her tongue. I came in her mouth and she jumped a little surprised and then sucked out every drop. She stuck her tongue out showing she had swallowed it all. Dammit, she was gonna be a lot of trouble.

“You cum taste goooooood. This is wrong, but I love it. I feel way too comfortable with you.”

“I’m gonna have to say something to Sam. She won’t be mad if I tell her. That was part of our ‘arrangment’.”

“Okay, I understand but for now, can we keep to it to ourselves. Maybe save it for post-Christmas?” By now it was just a few days before Christmas “It’ll sour the holiday plus it’s really hot how it’s a secret. Even though it’s bad, I wanna keep riding this feeling. Am I terrible?”

“Just a little bit,” I teased. The rest of the morning played out normally. Well normally enough. We sat back being lazy and cuddling. Talking, joking around as usual. We walked to the store later and the whole time she held my hand, and it felt normal. Apparently it was normal to all the neighbors too, because they greeted us as if they didn’t just see me walking hand in hand with Sam yesterday. The more I thought about it, the more I realized it appeared to people that I was actually dating both Sam and Nabila. Bila was always affectionate and wanted to be part of the party and not just a third wheel. Most of the time she was on Sam and not me, but it was still a similar dynamic. We got stuff for dinner and walked back to the house.

The rest of day was just chill, but Bila started acting more distant than usual. Her replies were short and she would hide her phone when I got near her. I tried to ignore it, but my guilt made me feel like I was being ratted out.

Hours passed and I had nearly finished cooking. I left Bila in charge of pulling the food out of the oven. That’s when I heard Sam coming into the house. I was both nervous and excited to see her. I greeted her as usual and chatted about her work. Bila ran over and grabbed us both to embrace us and shower us with kisses all over over our faces.

“Do you smell what our man cooked us? Salmon! I’m hungry. Go get washed up, so we can eat together. I have a lot to tell you.”

“Dude, I see someone’s feeling unshitty.” Sam was kind of taken aback considering what she endured with Bila last night.

My heart dropped, because I was wondering what could she have to tell her. I played it cool and just pretended like I wanted to be in the know too. Sam and I went to the bedroom and Sam started undressing so she could shower and I listened to her recount her day. It turned out to be a really good and productive day for her. It was Friday and we were gonna have a three day weekend where I stayed over the entire time and we’ll celebrate Christmas coming that Monday. To christen our upcoming days of lazing around the house, Sam wanted me to shower with her as well, because she missed me so much (and she wanted to fuck). This filed me with guilt, but I had my baby back home and I was excited to be with her so of course I said yes. She started undressing me too, and I kind of shied away.

[I failed to mention this in part one, but Sam was basically constantly naked by day 3. If we weren’t cleaning, then Sam was nude. Bila didn’t mind. I was welcome to be naked too, but I always kept clothes on. At least just shorts, but most of the time my body was covered. Bila never was naked as she wore her signature outfit all the time. The house was pretty small, and I’m not big on closing doors so I’m certain she’s seen me nude even before we fucked. I know for certain she heard Sam and I a few times.]

“Nabila doesn’t care, I never have clothes on. Plus she’d probably like finally seeing her *boyfriend* naked.” If you only knew. I obliged and got naked then walked past Bila in the living room to get to the bathroom.

“Nice ass, Daddy!” Bila shouted as we passed her. We both said thank you and laughed.

I began lathering Sam’s big tits and her belly. Then her back and ass. I squatted down to get her legs and feet. She looked down at me and she looked like a skyscraper. Quick description for y’all. Sam was 6′ tall with long thick black hair. She had gigantic breasts. K-Cups. Her ass was wide as all outdoors. She had pale white skin and a face that was both adorable and sinister. She was built like a Pixar mom with crazy huge tits. Think Pine Pine from Space Dandy. ~~Typing this out is making me laugh because it’s making me realize that during this period in my life I definitely had a type. Tall, dominant, goth, with huge tits and ass, and gender neutral names. I have another post about another partner of mine who fits this same description.~~ Now that her whole body was lathered, she started kissing me. I moved the showerhead so it would be facing away from us and I touched Sam’s pussy while we kissed. Even through all the water I could feel how wet she was.

“We should be quick. I just want to feel you and to have your cum in me,” she whispered into my ear.

With her words I started getting hard. She dropped down and took me in her mouth and started sucking me and spitting all over my dick. She wanted me properly lubricated for the shower sex. She got up, turned around, and bent over for me to fuck her. I entered her warm wet pussy and fucked her slowly at first then harder and faster. Her moans were loud and they echoed in the shower. The water made the clapping of our bodies slamming into each other even louder. I looked over while pounding my hips into her massive ass and saw the door was opened wide, when we left it cracked. Through the clear shower curtains, I saw Bila smiling at me. Sam’s head was buried in the corner of the shower and she was moaning so much that she was on another planet. Bila occasionally walked in on us showering to grab something out of the bathroom or even pee, but never when there were obvious sounds of us fucking. Bila put her hand in her pants and started rubbing her pussy and I instantly came. She slowly creeped out of the room just as Sam started telling me to keep fucking her. I was so sensitive, but I did it and soon Sam was cumming too. We rinsed off and jumped out. While drying ourselves, Sam asked if Nabila came in while we fucked because she heard the door (apparently she was not on another planet but just didn’t care). I told her Bila came in and turned right around. She laughed at this and jokingly yelled out, “We can’t get any damn privacy in this house!!” Bila yelled back “SHUT UP!”

We came out to find Bila had made our plates and set us up with a little picnic on the floor in the living room. Sam went right for the food and I was about to stop and get dressed but Bila insisted I come eat too. We sat in a little triangle enjoying the food when Bila spoke first. The anticipation of what she was going to say scared me.

“So, Sam, Cas (that’s me Casimir), what I have to tell you is two parts and it’s amazing. First, is that I got a crazy big wire sent to my by my family and I’m giving some of it to you two because you’ve been helpful and paid for basically everything since you got here.” I was relieved, but the second one still had me wound up. “Part two is that I got you a first class ticket to Berlin. Sam, I know you were getting your money right to make that trip, but I did it for you. You guys have been here for only a little while and it’s been a godsend. I love you both so much and you’re my family. I did this all today, and I couldn’t wait until Christmas to tell you”

These were unexpected developments. I was shocked to hear all this and Sam was nearly in tears. Everyone hugged and laughed and cried and eventually got to finishing our food. When Sam got up to do whatever Sams do, Bila scooted behind me and teased that I thought she was gonna tell Sam about us. I truly did because she’s been so mischievous and sneaky all day. I guess her behavior was her getting this money and arranging the flight and everything for Sam. She was now standing behind me, hunched over to whisper in my ear.

“I wanna fuck you, but instead I’m gonna tease you until after Christmas.”

This girl is a true problem and knows how to wind me up.

Since I was to stay over, I needed fresh clothes and so I got dressed and told Sam I was leaving to my studio to get clothes so I wouldn’t have to leave again. I wanted her to come too, but she was tired from work and just wanted to rest. As I got to the door, Bila asked where I was going and I told her. She got excited as she had never seen my studio and grabbed a coat saying she was coming too. We told Sam and then we were off.

In the car ride over, I asked Bila if her early Christmas gifts were the reason for her being weird earlier and she admitted that it had been. She also said she wasn’t expecting us to be able to be alone sooner than Christmas so I can get another early gift. She unbuckled her seatbelt and reached into my pants for my dick. She started rubbing me while I drove. I tried to concentrate. Almost there. Just a few more blocks. She pulled out my dick and leaned over to suck it. Road head is the best. Only problem is that she was so good that I was swerving and slowing down a bit. I finally got to the building, but the parking lot had people coming and going so I slowly and shakily drove around to the back of the building. She told me to fuck her right there so I got up and walked around to her door, opened it, and when I did, I was greeted by her beautiful round ass. She was on the seats on her hands and knees. I ripped her shorts off and threw them somewhere in the car and started fucking her relentlessly. She was still so quiet, but she kept looking back at me and I could see from her face that she was enjoying herself. Next she told me to sit. I took a seat and laid down the seat as far back as it’d go. She climbed on top of me and started bouncing on my dick. She kept bouncing and then I leaned in and bit her neck. She started grinding her hips into me and I kept licking and biting her. I told her I was about to cum and she didn’t slow down or release me. She just kept grinding. It felt so fucking good. I wrapped my arms tight around her and started pounding into her fast and hard. I came inside of her pussy and she seemed to come too because she was squeezing me so tightly. She slumped onto me like a sack of potatoes. We sat there breathing quietly. My dick still inside of her.

“I wonder what happened to my shorts.”

*Curb Your Enthusiasm music plays*


Part 3 is coming soon. I’m off tomorrow so I might write it then.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/p96a6h/mf_i_fucked_my_gfs_roommate_who_was_also_her_exgf


  1. Are you planning on doing a second part to your lady as old as your mom story? I’ve binged all of your stories today and you’re a really talented writer.

  2. Looking forward to part 3. I am curious if it turned into a 3-way relationship.

  3. The curly black hair best friend of my Swedish flatmate…… it’s my 30th birthday party and everything was sweet except for micke picke, typical swede asshole tried on with the best work friend of the flatmate.

    She sleeps on our couch, my room in next to the couch. SHe crawls into my bed on my birthday party and says ‘i heard those things’

    then she grabs my dick and turns ass away ahahahhahaahahhahahaha fml

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