[MF] I fucked my gf’s roommate who was also her ex-gf

I was seeing this girl Sam for about 4 months. Technically she wasn’t my girlfriend, because she didn’t wanna commit to anything since she was planning on moving away soon. We didn’t see anyone else even though we both made the rule that we could totally do that. We agreed to be open as long as we were open with each other about who we were with. I did still keep it from her so this falls into the cheating category.

It was December 1, 2017 and Sam had to leave her apartment because the lease was up. Nabila, an old friend of hers recently moved to our city and agreed to help her out considering it was temporary as Sam was planning on leaving in 3 months for a job out of the country. Nabila was an old friend but also an ex girlfriend of Sam’s. They only dated for a few months, but remained friends nonetheless.

We found Nabila’s small house tucked between two normal single family homes. Sam loved her friend, but told me that Nabila was hard to live with because she was messy and didn’t always cooperate with others, but Sam had no other options so she bit the bullet. Once we entered the house, I understood what she meant. It wasn’t a wreck but it was obviously not swept or mopped in who knows how long. The kitchen sink was piled full of dishes. Nabila had a dog who destroyed the cushions on the couch. It was pretty messy.

Nabila (I called her Bila) greeted us warmly. She gave me a tight hug and thanked me for being good and helpful to Sam. First thing I noticed was that she smelled so damn good. For a messy house, she did take care of herself. I also found her very pretty. Bila was Egyptian. Her skin was brown but pale. She was about 5’6″. For some reason I was really drawn to her thick eyebrows and her hair. She had long brown hair that draped over her shoulders. She wore the same outfit every time she was in the house as if she was a cartoon character. Really short, black, tight workout shorts that showed off her fit round ass and thick legs and a small black shirt that stopped just above her belly button. She literally had 8 pairs of those shorts and 10 shirts. She used to be a personal trainer a few months ago and it showed. Her body was soft, but still pretty well shaped. Her ass wasn’t huge but perfectly round and her thighs were thick and strong. Her breasts were maybe a C or D. She didn’t have greatest face ever but I still found her really pretty. She described her own face as long. She was very self-deprecating.

Bila showed us to Sam’s room and we started unpacking. During the unpacking, Bila basically interviewed me in an attempt to get to know me. She had a bubbly personality which usually annoys me but she pulled it off well. She was really funny and quick witted. Style-wise she was the opposite of Sam and I. We were “dark and brooding” with piercings and wild dark and sometimes colorful makeup (we’re marshmallows, but the lqqk was hard and jagged). Nabila was almost always wearing her all black in-home uniform, but her aesthetic was as cutesy and bubby as her personality. The décor and even the paint in most of the house was soft and cute. Despite our different looks, Bila and Sam bounced off of each other well and I was happy Sam could live with someone she enjoyed.

I was a freelance artist and had just finished a job so I found myself with a lot of free time, so I spent it with Sam in her new home whenever she had the time. We spent the first week or so cleaning the house, inside and out. Even Bila helped out and kept up with maintaining a clean home. We turned the house around and while cleaning everyday, we all grew closer.

One day, Bila asked if we could buy paint to redo the walls of the living room because they were a harsh yellow. I agreed and asked Sam to come but she stayed home to rest. She changed out of her uniform of black shorts and tights into more weather appropriate clothes and was excited to go. On the way there, Bila talked about her insecurities and her problems in her past relationships. I tried to reassured her that she was “fire as fuck” but also that I understood her insecurities and that I’m also insecure about my looks and weight and everything. She seemed a little happier and hugged my arm while I drove. This hug was nothing new to me. Bila was very affectionate and often hugged me or Sam. She often gave us kisses on our cheeks and heads. She was opening up to me more than usual though which I just saw as natural growth of our relationship.

When we got into the Home Depot we went straight to the paints. She was going through all the colors in her list of possibilities and so I let her do that while I wandered nearby. I checked out lights and doors and then looked back to see Bila talking to some guy. She saw me looking at her and she met my gaze with a look of distress. I walked over and before the guy even knew I was there Bila spoke up.

“Babe!! There you are. I found the colors I want. Let’s go get a couple cans of these.”

The short, round man who was making her uncomfortable reminded me of Bob Hoskins from the Super Mario Bros. movie. I guess I looked like a character from the Matrix or Blade. I had a long, black, flowing overcoat; black hoodie under that with the hood on my head; platform boots; tight black jeans; a face full of piercings on black skin. I’m 6’2″ but with the boots I had at least 3 or 4 extra inches. He turned around to see this giant black goth punk thing towering over him and his eyes got big with fear or surprise when she took my arm and I held her waist. We gallantly jaunted through the store holding each other like this, picking out the rest of the items we needed. On our way back to the car, she saw the Christmas trees and said it’d be cute if we got one for the house. Bila was raised Muslim and never celebrated Christmas growing up. Sam was just never raised celebrating holidays, so she never had a tree either. I thought it’d be fun for them, so I bought a tree, tossed everything in the car, and ran back inside to get decorations. I strapped the tree to the roof of my little car and we were off to the house.

“You’re such a good boyfriend to me. Getting me everything I want and driving me places.” She hugged my arm again and rested her head on me until we got back to her house. We got inside and found Sam lying in bed, passed out. I quietly dragged in the tree and found a good place for it. Bila couldn’t contain herself so her noises and squeals of excitement woke Sam up. Sam walked in and saw the tree and had the biggest smile. I went over and gave her a kiss and hug. Bila told Sam how much of great boyfriend I was to the both of them. She also told her how I protected her from the creep in the store and that I held her the rest of the time to keep other creeps away. For a second, I worried Sam would get jealous, but she was her usual easy going self and just kissed me and smiled; happy that I had her friend’s back. We spent the rest of the night decorating the tree and watching movies.

I sat there on the couch squished between two beauties watching Saw movies at Christmas. Sam was the first to fall asleep, leaning over the armrest of the couch. I followed soon after, sleeping while sitting up with my head leaning back pointed to the ceiling. I woke up a little while later to find Bila had fallen asleep with her head on my lap. I didn’t move so as not to wake her, but seeing her lying with her head rested right on top of my dick, I did start to get hard. I worried if she’d feel it. I rubbed her arm and Sam’s thigh while they slept then I drifted back off too. Sam woke me a little while later telling me to go to her bed. Bila had already left to go to her bed. We went to bed and went straight to sleep.

We were halfway through the month of December and by now I practically lived there. I spent 4 or 5 days of my week in their place. I still wasn’t working outside of my personal projects. Sam just recently had a shift change at the hospital and so she was working early mornings into the evenings now. Bila was a teaching assistant for special needs kids and with winter break here, she found herself with a lot of free time. The three of us spent our nights hanging out and weekends adventuring. Occasionally, just me and Sam, but most of the time, Sam invited Bila which I really didn’t mind. Bila continued referring to me as both of their boyfriends. Again, something I didn’t mind. Sam got a kick out of it, because I technically was no ones boyfriend. Sam wouldn’t “claim” me and it was fine. We weren’t necessarily looking for that. We were enjoying or time together while we had it. Sam was the one I fucked and kissed and took more care of, but they both got love from me. Bila got pecks on the cheek and occasional cuddles and care in the things I did for them both like cook and clean. It was strange, but nothing we seemed to discuss or even care about. It just happened in the way it was supposed to. We were living our idyllic Christmas dream. We were becoming a cute and oddly shaped throuple. Like an isosceles or scalene triangle with Bila being the furthest part and we were all happy.

With my opened schedule, I started lending Sam my car to get to work. My studio/home wasn’t too far of a walk, and I wasn’t doing much with my car anyway so it was an easy call. Given that Bila also had an opened schedule, we started doing “breakfast dates” as she called them. The typical routine was Sam would wake up and get ready for work around 6. I’d wake up from the noise and make her espresso for the road. We walk to wherever I parked my car. She’d leave and I’d decide if I’m awake enough for the 20 minute walk home. Most of the time, I would go back to her room and either sleep or watch Fuck That’s Delicious or something about food and get hungry. By now it’s around 8 or 9 and Bila would be up. We’d wash up and she’d just say “breakfast date” and I’d repeat it. Then we’d walk down the street to one of the cafés. Eat. Drink. Chat. I’d walk her back then I’d either go inside and chill until Sam came back 9 hours later or walk to the studio and work on something…or play video games…or watch movies. Most days of the week went like this.

On one of our breakfast dates, Bila was especially chatty. She was typically chatty, but never really in the mornings until after our fill of coffee and food. I listened to her talk about her dating life and how stressful things had been for her. Apparently she was talking to this guy who she really liked a few years ago and when she sent him pics, he stopped replying. I chalked it up to him just sucking. She decided it was her or the pics themselves and her looking older than the last time they saw each other. I did what I could to reassure her that her pics did not make him run. After that my phone vibrated. She sent me the pics and they were hot to me at least. Apparently they were taken by Sam. It was nothing very risqué about the first pic. Just her standing at her side looking at the camera. The other two showed her bent over on her knees with an angle of her ass that made it look huge. It was a damn good shot if I do say so myself. I told her that these definitely didn’t make him run. She said they were so boring and guys want crazy nudes, but she couldn’t feel comfortable doing that. She started worrying she was too old (she’s 7 or 8 years older than me and I was 24 at the time) and nothing could stop her from refuting anything I had to say. I moved to sit next to her and put my arm around her. She leaned in, but kept talking badly about herself. I jokingly told her to shut up and kissed her head.

“Don’t let yourself spiral over some lame dude. If he doesn’t reply then I’ll find the guy from Home Depot who liked you a lot and let him take you out.”

This got her smiling and in a calmer state and she got up to pee. I checked my phone and saw I was getting messages from Sam warning about Nabila’s guy troubles and how she spent most of yesterday and last night obsessing over her faults. I told Sam I walked into that exactly and that she seemed to calm down a bit. Sam suggested I try to keep her distracted today. So like the “good boyfriend” I am I started thinking of stuff to do. Bila came back and I shot out a few suggestions to her and she wanted none of it. She just wanted to be home and be warm and lazy. I figured that was better than any of my plans.

We walked back with me holding her close to me, wrapped under my arm and in my big coat. We got back to the house and I told her I’m putting on a movie. She wanted something funny so we searched until we landed on Yes Man. She brought a blanket over to the couch and wrapped herself up. We watched and laughed and she moved closer, covered me under the blanket, and started cuddling me. She told me again that I was a good boyfriend to her and I laughed and said I don’t have a girlfriend. Bila started kissing me. I kissed her back. Before I knew it we were all over each other. It felt wrong, because of Sam, but at the same time it felt so normal as if I was her boyfriend.

Bila started kissing my neck and rubbing my dick through my pants. I was rubbing her back and squeezing her ass. It felt so nice in my hands. She straddled me and kissed me all over. I moved her hair and started kissing her neck and nibbling her ear and she moaned so much. I lifted her shirt and her breasts were immaculate. I looked her up and down and smiled at her and she said thanked me for enjoying her body.

She got up and started to pull down her shorts and I undressed as well. She climbed back on top of me and started kissing me all over. Her skin on my skin was so engrossing and felt so special. She grabbed my hard dick and started rubbing it on her wet pussy. Once the head of my dick was wet she slowly slid down onto me. Working her way down a little at a time she slowly rode me until I was all the way inside of her. She hugged me tight and rocked her hips into me. She was quiet and only made small noises of pleasure. With her hugging me while riding me, her mouth was right next to my ear and I heard every sound she made. I spanked her and she whimpered. I started kissing her neck and she exploded with moans. I found her sensitive spot. I stood up while she clung to me and I laid her on her back and started fucking her missionary while kissing her neck. She squirmed and moaned while I slid in and out of her and my tongue explored her neck. Her pussy suddenly gripped me extremely tightly as if she was cumming and she wrapped her legs around me holding me in place. I was about to cum inside of her. I managed to get out and then I erupted. I came all over her stomach and tits. She looked so surprised by the spread and fulfilled from the orgasm. Before she could fully relax, I started eating her out. I squeezed her thighs and she gripped a handful of my hair and began winding her hips on my mouth. I ate her out until she came again and again. We eventually stopped to clean up. Bila was going to shower and she invited me to join her. I took my time, then heard my phone vibrate. Of course it was Sam.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/p8qedv/mf_i_fucked_my_gfs_roommate_who_was_also_her_exgf


  1. Great story! The backstory was a perfect length. Just got invested in everyone and you set the stage well. Now I just need to know what happened next!

  2. So once Sam left for her new job did you and Billa continue messing around.

  3. Oh shit! Doesn’t it feel so fucking shit when you’ve done that to your 2 great girlfriends….. man

    This story makes me think of 3 different stories of my own, but im not a writer. The resisting Bila at the end is like my mates gf/exgf. Fuck she was so hot but I resisted in her time of urgency and kept it at a cuddle buddy level of friendship. I hope Bila has grown out better than ‘crazy’ Sara…..

    The living with 2 cool girls reminds me of the summer in Lillehammer when I was shit outta money and staying in the mountains with a girl I met 1 month before, and the girl I was supposed to fuck the night I met her (random coincidence!). They went to work daily in shopping mall down the hill, I made coffees and dinners and cleaned and fucked as needed. Damn that was a summer that none of my old country friends would ever believe!

    Man I miss Scandinavia, where women are hot and men are chill !!!

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