Humorous excerpt from my erotica series

I’ve updated my Jada Versailles series. Ayano looks like Dave Navarro. He’s fucking hot, but will Jada notice that he’s a selfish, insensitive prick? Not yet. These two will keep having hot, nasty sex for several more chapters. Here’s a part where Ayano explains why he was called away mid-coitus.

“Yes, I know. Fine. Sergei got shot while he was protecting one of our government contacts. This guy got himself into some trouble and we felt it was in our best interest to protect him, as he has a lot of sensitive information to exchange and we will need him for a future endeavor. So, you see, nothing to do with me or you being in danger.” Ayano assured her, sitting down on the couch and taking off his shoes and socks, throwing them across the living room floor. His ink black hair was coming loose from where it was tied up behind his head. She looked at his beautiful, soulful eyes and she noticed that he didn’t look the least bit disturbed. 

“He got shot? Was it bad?” Jada asked.“It turned out to be just a flesh wound, luckily. It was some Columbian guys, they’re very proficient killers. We were worried, but he’ll recover completely.” he said, unbuttoning every button on his shirt and wandering into the kitchen for a drink. 

“So, when you got the phone call at your place, you didn’t know if he would live or die?” she clarified, following him.

“Sergei almost never dies. Iubi, was he going to be less shot if I stopped fucking you?” he reasoned. “You only have rum?” he asked as he went through some cabinets.

“No, I guess not… but it’s strange that you can just turn it off like that and go back to sex.” she pointed out. “There’s tequila, too. And some wine.”

“This is why I always want to sleep at my place.” he muttered, pouring some tequila into a tumbler. “Would it have been better if I went to the hospital in the state I was in? That would have been so appropriate. Or maybe I should have willed myself to go limp?”

“I’m not saying that–” she began.

“Jada, lots of people shoot Sergei. And I’m sorry his well-being doesn’t make my dick go soft, I really am.” he said, smiling as he had a gulp of the liquor.

“Ayano…” Jada sighed. He wasn’t even attempting to understand what she was trying to express. Why didn’t he understand the emotional content? It was always about sex.

“When I’m with you, the rest of the world is an annoying detail. You are the center of my universe, the brightest light that dims the rest! Every… single… one… of my senses…” he said, setting the drink down. He leaned back against the kitchen counter, his hand on his heart for dramatic effect.

“Is devoted to you first. And all of my love, hope, kindness, concern, they all go to you. I have none left for the rest of the world! You have stolen me from every other place I could ever go! I’m surprised my voice has the will to even speak to another human being!”

Jada stood in front of him with a hand on her hip. 

“I’m just trying to figure out how you think.” she told him with a small smirk. 

“Is it working?” he asked, taking another gulp. He raised his eyebrows at her twice and poured another glass of tequila. Ayano walked over to her stereo and flipped it from her samba CD to FM radio. He found a classic rock station playing D’yer Mak’er by Led Zeppelin and turned up the volume. 

–read the preceding hot fucking and more about Jada and this older man she probably shouldn’t be fucking: [](
