That time I got my dick sucked by my married office manager who was twice my age. [MF] -an intern’s tale.

When I was a 21 year old college student I had a summer internship in my degree field (boring office job stuff). About the only good thing about the job was there was a lot of mid 20’s women in the office. After about 2 months there I had fucked one of them and messed around with another one.

One of the few other ‘perks’ of the job was the company did a bar night about once a month that usually got pretty wild, lots of drinking and usually a pretty rowdy crowd. We were all getting pretty tipsy at one of these parties and I guess word had gotten around about my encounters. The office manager, Jill, was a mid 50’s woman with huge tits, an average body with a little extra weight, light blonde hair and a pretty open sexual appetite. She was married to a dude about 20 years older than her and I don’t think he was fucking her much. Jill always made passes at me but in the way that dirty older ladies always do- half joking but still pretty direct. She made some comment to me that she’d heard I had a fling with a 28 year old woman we worked with. I figured there was no point in denying it so I said “yep, but it’s not an ongoing thing.” (The company had a no dating policy.) All she responded with was “lucky girl”.

We talked about some other random stuff including how she was trying to get in better shape. I could tell she was fishing for a complement so I told her I thought she had a great figure for her age and shouldn’t get hung up on a few extra pounds. I said, “Besides, it’s a good thing for certain parts of you to heavy” as I very decretely motioned towards her tits with my beer bottle. It was a kind of risky move on my part but, like I said, even in the office she was a pretty openly flirty dirty old woman so I figured I could get away with this. She laughed, kind of wiggled her breasts and said “yeah but Jerry (her husband) doesn’t appreciate them. What do you do for an ab workout anyways?”

Still feeling bold and still trying to knock her off her game a little bit I said “lots of sex!”

She laughed again, “so I’ve heard.”

“Yep, I guess word gets around pretty quick here, I hope they are all good words!”

She responded “well, you know how office rumors are….I heard rumor about some other ‘heavy’ body parts…” as she looked down at my crotch.

At this point I could see the writing but wasn’t about to risk my job with a half drunk married chick. “Well too bad you’re married, guess rumors will have to stay rumors, besides different people have different opinions about what counts as ‘heavy’.”

I barely finished saying that and she interrupted “Jerry won’t mind, besides it’s a simple question, nothing more, just give me a little peek and I’ll be the judge.”

At this point I figured- fuck it, I’ll whip it out for her, she’ll get her little ‘mess with the intern’ kink fix, and life will go on. “No. It’s not a simple question, or atleast not one I can answer in a bar, give me a ride back to my car and we can address these rumors.”

She hoped up and said “let’s go.” The bar was just few blocks down the road from our office and my car so we didn’t have much time to talk. Pretty much the only thing I had a change to ask her was “are you going to regret this tomorrow and tell your husband?”

“Baby, my husband and I watch porn together and go to strip clubs, he doesn’t care.”

As she pulled up alongside my car said, “alright, I’ll show you, but I need some collateral- show me a tit.”

As she was pulling down her top, I unzipped my pants. “Oh fuck, that *is* a nice dick”. (For the record: I’m above average but definitely not huge- 7.25 inches) And without asking she reached over and grab it. Given that she just grabbed me I felt embolden to grab her, so I started feeling her tits and playing with her nipples while she ran her fingers up and down my shaft. After about a minute she stopped and said “OK.”

I figured that we were done, maybe I had even gone too far so I took my hand off her breast and started to tuck my dick away. “Wait….” she paused, “Let me suck it.”

I stopped mid-zip and kind of hesitated for a second but she basically read my mind. “I won’t tell anyone at work and I can put in a good word for you- for work I mean- you do a good job anyways, but I’ll really pull for you”.

Her choice of words “pull for you” kind of made me laugh, she realized her pun and laughed, “you know what I meant, now take it back out.” And with that she flipped up her center armrest and leaned over my lap and pulled my dick back out.

It was a little strange for me given our age difference and her position of power over me, the lowly intern, but after about a minute the alcohol and the testosterone took charge so I did too. I had pulled her shoulder length hair back into a tight knot that I used like a handle and was aggressively pumping her head up and down on my dick and talking dirty to her (or atleast what was dirty in a 21 year olds mind).

I’m not gonna lie, it was a pretty great blowjob, I guess 40 years of practice was paying off. I warned her I was about to cum and she aggressively *buried* my cock in her thoat, it was pretty clear where she wanted me to cum.

The post nut clarity on that one was pretty brutal. *”holy fuck, I just got my dick sucked by a married woman twice my age who is essentially my bosses boss….oh fuck.”*

As we were straightening out our clothing she said with a laugh, “well, now that wasn’t so tough was it? I thought I was going to have to fight you for it.”

“Your husband is actually cool with this? Are you actually going to tell him?”

She continued arranging her top, “he knows I’m a flirt and like to look, but somethings are better as a secret.”

My heart sank, I think she saw the concern in my face or maybe she really was just that much more experienced at the game. “Honey, marriage is complicated, you’ll figure that out some day. But don’t you worry, just enjoy your 20s and keep being a good bad boy.”

I thought, “what the fuck? Now I’m getting motherly type advice from someone who I was face fucking and calling horny little slut just 30 seconds ago, wow my head is spinning”

And with that she said, “ok, I’ll see you on Monday. This was fun, drive safe.”

True to her word she never told anyone (as far as I know) and sure enough I got hired when I graduated. Honestly I don’t know how much the dick sucking had to do with it, but I figure it definitely wasn’t a strike against me.



  1. I’m surprised your heart sank when she implied she wasn’t going to tell her husband.

  2. Great story! Tell us more about the little cuties you banged at that office

  3. That post nut clarity is a mother fucker sometimes. Like what the fuck did I just do? Had that more than once like when I plowed a chick who I managed who was older with a kid. And she’s begging me to take off the rubber and then pulls it off and swallows every drop

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