The Ectasy of You (M/F)

*This is my first time writing erotica so I hope you guys enjoy :3*

These shining lights brighten my view of you. With just a flash, I analyzed your whole facial structure. He stands at 6 feet, his strong jaw-line, salt n pepper hair, linebacker shoulders, and the Cartier Panthere glasses. I am currently seeing my reflection gazing back at me. His gaze under the glasses has me hypnotized. What is under those glasses? Being distracted by his aura, one of my friends grabs my attention.
“Oh my god! Girl, where have you been?! ”
Yaritza exclaimed. She and I have been friends since the beginning of time. What you will notice about Yaritza is she’s a savage. I mean, what do you expect when your best friend is a Scorpio. She is like a fireball shot with a drop of juice. She proceeds to give me my drink. My go-to is a whiskey sour with extra cherries. Yaritza begins to explain her experience with a man at the bar. I couldn’t help but zone out and gaze back over and zone into another realm of possibilities. I keep my composure together as the look of him was intense yet gratifying. Mysterious but adventurous. As I get lost in the reflection of his glasses, Yaritza goes to get another drink. Before she leaves, she taps me on the shoulder and says. “Girl, you want another one? It looks like you need one. You have gulped yours down so quick. I hope you’re not thinking of you know who again!” All you see is a trail of sequence and glitter. She is the quintessence of sass.
I realized I need to freshen up. Anxiety strikes like a drum in my body. I, unfortunately, had a realization. To go to the bathroom, I had to the mysterious man in the glasses. Yes, the guy that I’ve been eye-fucking all night. My clit tingle just from the thought of having to pass him and graze him. Even though my life is the epidemy of mundane, the sheer thoughts of him dominating me are intoxicating enough. Do I even need another drink if I’m drunk on his lust? As I walk in my heels, I thought I had enough room but grazed. Of course, I had to acknowledge the situation at hand.
“Excuse me.” I felt him. That soaking in the thick, steamy, fuck me dick.
I turn around and, I am ashamed of how wet that made me.
“I’m so sorry to bump into you. Pretty cramped in here.”
In response, he rebuttals. “Well, maybe this is where you will have to stay, then.” The ever-looking existence of you up close. Man, I am the prey in the sea of predators and, I am not complaining about it. I turn around and, I giggled nervously. As his hands are on my waist, he said.
“I noticed you staring at me. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to get to you. But, this club is so packed and I’m not sure if you’d be interested in dancing with me.” He paused and began to sip on his drink.
“I’m pleased to make your acquaintance. My name is Atlas. What’s your name?”
As he asked me my name, my mouth quickly became dry. Maybe it was because all of the moisture was on my thong. The thought of his dick pressed up in between my legs has it hard to concentrate.
“My name is Wyatt. Very pleased to make yours. Will you be here when I come back? I have to use the bathroom. Will you be here when I get back?” I flashed him a lip bite. I just realized I’m so tipsy, I asked if he was going to wait for me twice. What in the fuck. He must think I’m desperate for that dick. He chuckled and says. “Of course.” As I turn around, he licks the back of my ear; I felt paralyzed from the waist down.
As I make my way to the bathroom, I let my hair down in a frenzy. Should I be embarrassed? Should I wear it like a badge that he’s undeniable sexy and into me? All I know is I am wet from a man I barely know. Is this what passion is? Have I been deprived all along? As I enter back onto the dancefloor, I see him meeting my gaze. The only difference, he took his glasses off.
He turns me around and sticks his tongue out as he politely asked. “I couldn’t wait.” My jaw is on the floor. Him following ME?! The tension is so abrasive, it could make a flame.
” I know this sounds forward but, would you like to indulge in a trip with me to another dimension? I want to see something.”
He read my mind. It’s like he knew I indulge in party favors. I love getting introspective. I nod my head in agreeance. I wonder what my friends will think, me tripping with a stranger. Will this be like table talks about our dirty escapades?
He leads me to the dancefloor and we begin to lust over each other. A seductive mist covers our bodies. The overheating and his hands begin to slide down my hips cradling me. For one, I am submissive and the thought of him inside me is making me dizzy. I close my eyes and, a wave hits me. The acid kicked in and, I’m about to trip. What’s etched into my mind is his sweet surrender. The music takes me and I begin to grind on him. Me, standing at 5’7, I’m feeling it all. Is it time for me to surrender yet?
I cannot stop fantasizing about his flesh on top of my flesh. It is the immaculate conundrum. As we are dancing and melting into each other, he grabbed my cheek and proceeded to give me a peck on my lips. He slowly retracted his lips and I am craving more. As I tried to kiss him, he put his finger on my lips and says “Shhh, you have to work for it, baby girl. And if you have any requests, call me sir.” My heart dropped out of my body and into the first floor of the club. It’s like someone took my mind and mass-produced it into the perfect male.
“Sir, can we please get out of here so I can have you all to myself. I would just have to say goodbye to my friends first.” And then, he nodded at me. I found Yaritza and she already knew what was up. I walked up to her and she whispered.
“Girl, he is all sorts of fine. Just let me know when you get home and how good the dick is.” She stuck her tongue out and proceeded to dance with this guy at the bar. I think that was the guy she was talking about earlier. We walk toward coat check and he proceeds to pull me into a nook and proceeds to choke me and shove his whole tongue down my throat. He slips his fingers in between the nook of my dress and proceeds to rub my nipples while simultaneously licking his fingers and rubbing me. It’s so hard for me to pull away. I want him to take me here, right now.
“That’s enough for now.” It was hard to breathe. It felt so so good. I didn’t him to stop. We grab our jackets and we walk toward his car and I dropped my lighter. As I bend over, he managed to slip his fingers in between my labia. And I was frozen. As I slowly get up, he carries me onto the hood of the car and begins to trail his lips from my belly button to my undies, and proceeds to lick in between the fabric and my vagina. I think I am slowly shutting down because of the lust. He stops and I am in hot sweats. I’m so turned on and I know what he’s doing. He is teasing me and we’re etching and he wants me to surrender. We get into his car and the mere thought of him putting his arm in between my legs has me weak…(To Be Continued)
