Step Sister Corruption Part 155 – Day 83 Midterm Study Game final (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


What started off as a *study* session has turned into a full blown fucking orgy.

Pun intended.

But I did have some fun with it.

Shortly after my favorite girl’s were able to suck my first thick load out of my nuts effectively deflating them from beach balls into coconuts I felt more relieved.

Not relieved enough to not continue this *session* that has moved away from it’s intended purpose.

Or is it intended as the girl’s readily agreed to Summer’s terms knowing full well that it would get to this.

Either way, I grabbed Summer and laid her down with myself on top as I guided my purple headed yogurt slinger and shoved my still stiff flesh into it’s favorite home…. Summer’s pussy.

And I began fucking her with all my pent up energy from those blasted supplements.

Due to the action Summer’s cave was completely drenched telling me she was turned on though I didn’t need that clear sign but it was good to know.

My soldier easily slid into Summer’s comfy confines as her velvet enveloped folds tried to grab onto its offender but her slippery insides made grabbing near impossible.

The thing I loved about both girl’s was that their insides were never *tight* nor *loose*. They were always comfy and welcoming as my dick slid perfectly into them.

Granted my first time with Summer was nearly too tight and shallow as I felt like I was bottoming out on her.

Though if I wanted that *bottoming* out feeling on Summer all I had to do was make her knees touch her ears as she was folded in half and start pushing my dick into the girl.

Kel was the same way, though unlike Summer, she got overly wet way too fast as her special ability quickly kicks in and easily gets sensitive if I’m not careful she will become too sensitive before I can fire off. Though now she pretty much goes into autopilot as her body continues accepting all sensations as she lays there in a puddle of orgasm goo. Granted her endurance has risen since then… though not much. But usually any rough or extended sex where she’s squirted a lot she needs lots of water afterwards to make up the lost fluids.

Still both girl’s were perfectly made for me.

The other girl’s, Morgan included, hadn’t fully accepted my dick. Last time I fucked Morgan though she can go a while before she’s useless but her performance lacks that special spark that leaves you wanting to continue. Sometimes I felt like I was fucking a dead fish. And her elasticity I still felt like I was bottoming out on her.

Karinna was still tight, it’s been a while so I don’t fully remember, and her depth was still a little shallow. Her performance was likeable.

Mia was the worst of the female’s here. Her pussy depth was definitely shallow to where if I bottom out on her she was out for the count for a little while. And her pussy was definitely tight that almost threatened to break my dick as it went inside her. Then there was her performance that needed to be worked on.

So Summer just felt right to me.

I enjoyed myself in Summer as I plunged my dick into her through multiple thrusts until Summer started her orgasm that I stopped to greedily enjoy the sensations.

I was like an addict getting my *fix* as I enjoyed the sensations her pussy did on my dick as it quivered and tried to milk my dick.

God yes that was the stuff.

When Summer’s orgasm subsided I started thrusting again so I could get my *fix* making sure to not pound too hard as I don’t abuse Summer too much and break a hip but not soft enough to where I was edging myself.

That happy medium that gets both Summer and I off easily.

The more I feel her orgasm the higher it builds mine.

I easily found my stride as I thrust myself in Summer eliciting her customary pleas, moans, and cursing.

Soon Summer experienced another orgasm and I stopped to enjoy the sensations.

Getting my second *fix* from Summer I waited until her orgasm subsided I unsheathed my weapon as an idea hit my head.

I know I know. You would think I could think before but nope the only thing I could think off was my swollen nuts but after firing off one shot I could think again…somewhat.

I stood and saw the array of everything.

Summer on the ground panting.

Kel eagerly waiting for her turn.

Karinna off in lala land after being eating to her heart.

Mia sprawled out after achieving orgasms from Morgan.

And Morgan lightly petting herself patiently waiting and watching me.

I smiled at spoke, “Time for a new game.”

The girl’s looked at me as I spoke, “I want all of you in the doggy position on the couch.”

Kel being the one who hadn’t been exhausted from orgasms was the first to speak, “Why?”

I growled, “Just do it.”

Kel shrugged and moved to the couch. She got on her knees and bent over offering her rear for easy access.

I walked over to Summer and bent down grabbing her wrist, “Come on you too.”

Summer eventually got up and wobbly walked over to couch to mimic Kel.

Morgan helped Mia up and both girl’s went bent over.

Karinna was the last to find her strength and moved over to the couch.

With all five girl’s bent over I spoke, “Here’s how the game is gonna go. I’ll read one of your notes if you get it right I’ll put my dick in you and thrust for exactly five seconds. If you get it wrong I’ll smack your ass. We’ll go one round or until I can’t go any longer. Whichever comes first. Agreed?”

Kel was the first to speak, “What if we get all the question’s wrong?”

I smiled, “Then I guess you’ll have a red ass and don’t get any dick.”

Kel pouted at me, “That’s not fair. Summer got dick.”

I smiled, “In deed she did.”

I picked up the first card and spoke, “Kel…,” looks like this question was from history. Why did I know that? Well it was because it in the upper left hand corner.

As I read the question even I didn’t know that. I quickly looked at the answer and I blinked in surprise.

It lasted ***HOW*** long?


Still I asked the question.

“When did the guillotine stop being used?”

Kel thought and thought. I knew she was having issues trying to remember.

I tapped my dick against her lips and teased, “Remember what’s at stake.”

Kel shuddered as she felt my dick tap her pussy but finally she spoke, “1900?”

I smiled, “Close. September 1981.” Yeah I didn’t know that about the gullotine. I think I remembered it had long usage not ***THAT*** long.


I lightly yelled in my head *motherfucker that hurt!!!* as Kel voiced, “Jesus!!” I lightly shook my head and thought *fuck her ass is still steel* but I smiled as my hand print was clearly on her right cheek.

I picked up the next card, “Mia you’re next.”

I read the question. Once again, like I had done to Kel, I tapped my hardened flesh against her moist lips.


Mia exclaimed a loud ‘*FUCK!*’ signaling her wrong answer before she started to whimper.

I picked up the next card and tossed it to the side… it was mine.

I picked up the next and called out, “Morgan this one is yours.”

I read the question then tapped my dick against her lips causing her to squirm against it before she answered.

I then slipped my dick into her waiting pussy and started slowly shoving my dick into the winner as she answered correctly and I started counting in my head.


I pulled my dick back.


I thrust forward.



Morgan lightly moaned and begged, “Faster.”

I ignored her request.


I pulled my dick out of Morgan.

I grabbed the next card and read the next contestant of *SMACK OR FUCK*.

Just like earlier the girl’s recall from the earlier game was shit as each girl received multiple spanks on their rear to where my large hand print was nearly a tattoo on each of their asses. Steadily their recall improved to where I was back to fucking each girl.

Each card that was mine I lightly read the card to remind myself of the material before I tossed it and moved on to the next card.

When a girl got multiple cards in a row I increased my thrusts until I decided to up the ante mainly because I was getting tired and I really really wanted to orgasm.

I grabbed five of each girl’s cards and spoke, “Alright for one orgasm you have to answer five questions consecutively.”

I didn’t give the girl’s to protest as I read the first name on the chomping block, “Karinna where’s your questions.”

I read each question and waited for her answer before I read the next.

Karinna answered four out of five cards so I smacked her ass one before I started fucking her for twenty seconds.

Next up was Summer. No surprise she answered all her questions right after having my hand print firmly tattooed on her ass.

I guided my flesh rocket to her waiting hole and started thrusting.

I started off slow, for the first few strokes, but quickly picked up the pace hitting that perfect speed. Still due to the earlier session and the pain staking edging Summer ended up lasting only a few seconds until she achieved orgasm.

I pulled out after enjoying the sensations.

I grabbed another set of cards and spoke, “Alright Kel it’s your turn.”

And I started asking my questions.

Kel answered the first three right and the last two she was wrong.

I quickly spanked Kel’s ass on the other cheek which elicited a quick curse before it turned into a moan as I stuck my cock in her drenched opening.

I thrusted quick and counted for ten seconds before I pulled out. Still the quick action made Kel start quivering and moaning before she squirt a short torrent of fluid as I exited her.

I smiled at my little sensitive girl before I went onto the next person….Mia.

She surprisingly answered all her questions correctly.

Mia exclaimed her usual tirade of cursing and she pleaded to feel every inch of me when she felt the first few seconds of my cock only hitting a little over half.

I decided to grant Mia’s request only because I hated only using a portion of my dick but was only doing it to be kind to short petite thing.

On the first *deep* thrust Mia’s breath was caught in her throat as her cervix was stretched after not having my dick do so long enough to where her insides went back to their original shortness.

I grunted in turn thinking *god she’s fucking tight*.

Mia’s tightness seemed to be the key to wanting to orgasm after teasing my dick long enough.

It was time.

I threw the whole *one orgasm only* out the window as I started thrusting.

Mia didn’t last long as her body tensed as her orgasm was released from the long strokes in her shallow pussy her insides slammed tight along my dick.

Normally I would stop to enjoy the orgasm but I was close.

I kept thrusting letting her tight confines milk my dick as it coated her insides with *my* lubrication to mix with her’s.

God I was so close.

I kept going until my nuts starting bouncing and with one final *deep* thrust I slammed my dick in as deep as it could go causing a high pitched ‘*IIIEEEEEEE!!!!!* as the owner felt her pussy stretched before she felt my super heated molasses cum freely spray at high speed changing her exclamation into a low guttural groan to match mine.

I felt my eyes roll as the sensation as my nuts *tried* to fire the thickened flavor rich protein but it was having issues as the next fire fired against the previous blob as it was still traveling through my body and still hasn’t exited yet.

My dick worked in over drive as it bounced inside Mia’s tight pussy not moving as it poured the over flow out.

I tried to count in seconds how long but my orgasm was enough to misfire my synapses as it seemed time stretched as each splurt was fired.

Finally ***FINALLY*** my orgasm subsided by my dick was still *pouring* my molasses cum out as I pulled out and plopped on the ottoman and Mia just collapsed.

Feeling relieved the remaining girls looked at me smiling. The first to speak, “Look his dick is still flowing.”

And I saw the hungry look on my girl’s as they began to move towards me to get their fill.

