You’re Meant To Be Mine, Miss [F/F] [Yandere] [Dubcon]

“You wanted to see me, Mrs. Fontaine?” Kate said, smiling coyly as she brushed her long black hair over her shoulder with one hand as she closed the door behind her.

“Yes I did. Recently I noticed a sharp drop in your performance, and I wanted to see if there were any issues I could help resolve.” Mrs. Fontaine said, with the usual tone she reserved for underperforming students–a mix of genuine concern crossed with a tiredness born out of years of hearing the same tired excuses.

Normally, she approached these meetings with a sense of futility, for she knew once a student’s grades started to slip, they rarely rose again. Still, she set aside time to meet with each student to see if there was some assistance she could provide.

Perhaps she’s struggling with something, Morgan Fontaine thought as she sat down at her desk, reaching for her gradebook, she’s usually one of my better students.

Kate sat across from her, far enough away from the desk that Morgan could see Kate’s short black skirt and the pink cotton stockings running up her thighs and disappearing under the pleated fabric. She crossed her legs and leaned forward ever so slightly when Morgan spoke.

“Frankly, I’m mildly perplexed by how your grades could drop so suddenly; you’ve always been one of my better students, so the sudden drop of,” she paused, glancing down at her papers, “nearly ten percent is a bit of a shock to me.”

“Ten percent? However could that have happened?” Kate said, her sarcasm going unnoticed.

“Exactly what I’d like to find out,” Morgan said, with a concerned look, “have you been understanding the material? If not, I’m happy to review it with you to ensure that you understand it.”

“I mean,” Kate paused, gently twisting her hair around one finger, “I’d always be happy to stay and get some extra help, maybe even some extra credit too.” She said, with a slight giggle.

“Well I feel we need to resolve the matter at hand prior to discussing extra credit,” said Morgan, sternly, “but, I mean, that is something I’m open to discussing with you of course.” Her tone softened, after seeing a flash of sadness cross Kate’s face.

“Yeah I get that, it makes sense obviously! What would my options for extra credit look like?”

“There are a plethora of options obviously,” Morgan paused momentarily, gathering her thoughts, “such as additional homework, early submission credit, optional projects, and” Morgan stopped, her train of thought having derailed as she noticed that Kate had spread her legs, giving Morgan a clear view of her white panties. which had a small damp spot on them. “And potentially acting as a teacher’s assistant.”

Kate’s eyes lit up when she heard that–an assistant? To Mrs. Fontaine? An opportunity like this is too good to pass up, it’d be just the moment I’ve been waiting for, thought Kate.

“Ooh tell me more about that teacher’s assistant thing,” Kate said, shifting in her seat, causing her skirt to ride up her thighs; she could tell Morgan had looked, and she wanted to Morgan to get a good view, to let her see just what she does to Kate. Perhaps I won’t have to wait until that moment, Kate thought, slyly.

“Well the role is fairly wide-reaching obviously, however, you’d effectively be acting as an aide to me; you would be responsible for photocopying handouts, perhaps grading a quiz or two, and then whatever miscellaneous tasks may present themselves.”

“Do you have any other assistants?”

“Not at this time, unfortunately,” Morgan said with a sigh, “I mean it’s understandable, it results in a student spending a lot of time in the classroom outside of school hours, however, the help makes my workload incredibly more manageable.” Morgan said, leaning back in her chair. “Which is preferable, given that I can get to see my wife more as a result,” Morgan added.

Kate’s brow furrowed upon hearing that–that stupid bitch, like she offers anything I don’t, Kate thought–but quickly relaxed. She didn’t want Morgan to notice, and, thankfully, thought Kate, if Morgan did, she hadn’t let on.

“Well that seems kinda dumb to me, I mean, like, who wouldn’t wanna spend time with you?” Kate said, giggling and flipping hair. “You’re, like, the best teacher in the whole school!”

“Aww well thank you,” Morgan said, blushing–compliments had always been her weakness, never failing to reduce her to a blushing mess. “That’s very kind of you to say.”

“I mean it! Like you’re always super helpful and super nice and really pretty too!” Kate said, smiling warmly.

Morgan could barely hide her blush.

“Thank you very much,” Morgan said, her usually professional demeanour overwhelmed by Kate’s compliments. “I’m flattered.”

“You’re welcome! You always look so well dressed, and your hair is so perfectly styled, and you have such pretty eyes!” Kate said, intentionally gazing into them with a warm, flirtatious smile.

Morgan couldn’t suppress her blush any longer. Her cheeks flushed as she made a futile attempt to regain her usually formal composure.

“You’re a very kind girl to say that,” Morgan paused, debating if she should try to refocus back to Kate’s grades. “As long as we’re complimenting each other, you’ve always been my favourite student, honestly, you’re always punctual and friendly and obedient.”

Kate was feeling bold now. Not only had Morgan not resisted her flirtation, but now she was flirting with Kate in return. In a fluid motion, Kate quickly brushed her hair forward with her hands, then unfastened the top button of her white button down shirt–a move she had rehearsed in front of a mirror until she could make the motion look perfectly natural, as if she was just fluffing her hair and the button just so happened to come undone.

As Mrs. Fontaine smiled back at Kate, she noticed Kate’s open shirt. Her eyes saw the edge of Kate’s lacy bra, and traced over the soft curve of Kate’s pale breasts. Kate shifted forward, letting Morgan see further down her shirt, to where Kate’s breasts disappeared into the embroidered cups.

I shouldn’t be staring like this, thought Mrs. Fontaine. After all, not only was she Kate’s teacher, she was married. Her mind drifted to her wife; the past few months had been rough for them: a mix of clashing schedules, long hours, and a virtually dead bedroom had taken a rough toll on their marriage. Counselling had been mutually proposed, then forgotten and left to collect dust–seemingly a pattern in their marriage.

Fuck it, Morgan thought, a look never hurt anybody.

Her eyes traced all over Kate, down her wavy black hair, past her pale neck, following the soft curves of Kate’s small breasts, along the smooth curve of her waist, then jumping to her feet and following her stockings up her legs and under her skirt, to her white panties–the formerly small wet spot had grown, and now the damp fabric lightly clinged to her pussy.

“Like what you see Miss?” Kate giggled.

“I…umm,” Morgan stuttered, at a loss for words for the first time in her career, “I mean I’d be lying if I said no.” Morgan said, giggling.

“Anything else you’d like to see?” Kate smirked, feeling emboldened after Morgan didn’t correct her use of Miss; her chance had come and she didn’t intend to let it slip through her fingers.

Morgan stuttered, speechless and blushing uncontrollably.

“You seem to like my breasts,” Kate said, her hand sliding up her shirt, “how about I let you see them then? Maybe even feel them.” She flashed a coy smile as her fingertips found the next button on her shirt.

Not waiting for Morgan to reply, Kate began undoing the buttons of her shirt, gazing into Morgan’s eyes while biting her lip softly. She then softly slid her shirt off of her shoulders, tossing on the chair behind her. Morgan’s face flushed as Kate slid her hands up her back and carefully unclasped her bra, leaning forward as she let her bra slide down her arms.

Morgan stared at Kate’s bare breasts, her eyes tracing all over the soft curves of her small, pale breasts–the way they softly bounced when Kate’s bra slid down, her brownish-pink nipples, the light indentation left along her underbust.

“Wanna touch ’em, Miss?” Kate giggled, cupping her left breast in her palm and lightly tracing her thumb over her nipple.

“I’m not sure if I, if we, should be doing th–” Morgan was cut off as Kate climbed onto her desk, staring at Morgan with a hunger in her eyes.

“Oh please Miss, I know you want me, I know you want this,” Kate said, in a sultry voice.

“I-I-I-I-I,” Morgan stammered, “I think we should stop.”

“It’s way too late for that, besides, I know how much you want me,” Kate said, her tone taking on an intensity Mrs. Fontaine had never heard before.

Kate quickly closed the distance between them, sliding off the desktop and onto Morgan’s lap.

“Besides, you’re meant to be mine, Miss,” Kate said, as she draped her arms onto Morgan’s shoulders, “so do whatever you want to me,” Kate said, licking her glossy lips.

Morgan sat frozen for a moment, then Kate grasped her wrists and guided Morgan’s hands to her soft breasts. Morgan softly cupped each breast in her hands, her slightly calloused fingers elicited moans and gasps from Kate each time they slid over her sensitive nipples.

Kate smiled at Morgan for a brief moment, then began kissing her deeply. She loosely wrapped her arms around Morgan’s neck as she kissed Morgan, darting her tongue into Morgan’s mouth, and then, after finding no resistance, lightly slid her tongue over Morgan’s as Kate kissed her with ever increasing fervor.

As she kissed Morgan, Kate began to spread her legs, and then carefully straddled Morgan’s thigh, moving slowly so as to not interrupt their kiss.

Morgan was gobsmacked. She couldn’t believe this was happening. She shouldn’t do this, she shouldn’t keep going, but she couldn’t stop herself. Morgan placed her hands on Kate’s hips, guiding Kate as she slowly began to grind on Morgan’s thigh.

Kate’s panties were thoroughly soaked as she grinded on Morgan’s strong thigh. Fuck, it’s finally happening, Kate thought, she can’t resist herself, she’s realizing we’re meant to be together. The thought of her success, the feeling of Morgan’s soft lips, and her plans for what would happen next only made Kate more and more aroused.

Kate began grinding rougher and rougher on Morgan’s thigh, moaning into Morgan’s mouth as she began to feel her orgasm begin to build.

Morgan couldn’t believe she was doing this, but she couldn’t stop, she couldn’t resist this, couldn’t resist her. She gripped Kate’s hips tighter, grinding her thigh against Kate harder and harder. She was beginning to feel Kate’s wetness start to soak through the thin fabric of her leggings.

Kate wove her fingers into Morgan’s short auburn hair as she kissed her, deeper and longer while her orgasm came closer and closer. As she moaned and felt waves of pleasure wash over her, she squeezed her legs tighter and ground herself harder and harder on Morgan’s thigh–the fabric of Morgan’s leggings and Kate’s soaked panties giving just enough friction to send Kate over the edge.

Her orgasm was sudden and intense. She quivered as she felt wave after wave of pleasure wash over her, her lust only intensified from the fulfillment of her fantasies and her plans of what would happen next.

Kate loosened her embrace of Morgan as her orgasm began to subside. Morgan didn’t say anything, save for heavy breathing and occasionally stuttered the odd word or two. She couldn’t believe what had just happened, not only had she made a student orgasm, she had cheated on her wife and now jeopardized her teaching career too.

“Kate, we…we..fuck I can’t believe we did this,” Morgan stuttered, each passing second brought waves of shame, guilt, and fear, “we need stop, we, we can’t keep going,” she said as Kate kept kissing up and down her neck.

“No, I know you want this, you want me, and I’m not gonna let you back out now.”

“We can’t do this. Not only am I your teacher, I’m also married,” Morgan said, firmly.

A bolt of anger flashed across Kate’s face. How dare she, Kate thought, she leads me on like this, just to then bring up her stupid fucking wife after? No, no, she doesn’t need her, she only needs me–she just needs to realize that.

“Oh fuck her!” Kate snapped, “you don’t need her, you only need me,” Kate’s voice rose, her carefully cultivated mask of playful flirtation falling away to reveal her true motives. “Forget about her, forget about that stupid bitch! Do you have any idea how much I’ve done for you? How hard it was to have to choose all the wrong answers and see how disappointed you’d look when you handed our tests back? How hard it was to just sit still and take notes when all I wanted was to feel you wrap your arms around me? How it felt like a knife was in my heart every time you brought up your stupid useless wife? I love you more than her, more than anyone–no one loves you like I do!” Kate said, her voice shaking slightly.

Morgan was at a loss for words–what am I even supposed to say in reply to that, Morgan thought. She couldn’t let this keep going, it had already gone much too far. She had to put a stop to this, even if it ended her career.

She went to stand up, but Kate shoved her back into her chair roughly.

“We’re not done yet, Miss,” Kate laughed, “nowhere near it.”

Kate dropped to her knees, sliding her hands up Morgan’s legging and hooking the tips of her fingers under the waist band.

“You don’t have to do anything, Miss, I’ll take good care you.”

Morgan sat frozen as Kate slowly pulled down her leggings, the fabric bunching up slightly around Morgan’s thighs before Kate gave a hard yank and pulled them down to Morgan’s ankles.

“No panties, Miss? How naughty!” Kate giggled, “so you were planning for this to happen!”

“What? No it’s just–” Morgan was cut off by Kate kissing her inner thighs–Morgan almost always wore underwear, however, there’d be the odd day where she felt the urge to go without, a practice born out of a past girlfriend’s kink she partook in occasionally.

Kate’s delicate hands gripped Morgan’s thighs as she softly kissed and licked Morgan’s inner thighs–just barely grazing the outer edges of her vulva, teasing her softly. Finally, Kate couldn’t resist, and dragged her tongue up and down Morgan’s lips, softly grazing Morgan’s clit with her tongue. Can’t have you cumming just yet, Kate thought, giggling. She gently lapped up Morgan’s wetness as she gradually increased the speed and intensity, alternating between gentle licks and roughly dragging her tongue along Morgan’s clit.

Morgan couldn’t help but moan as Kate ate her wet pussy, she hadn’t been eaten out in months, and the sensations felt too good to attempt to ignore. Her moans only emboldened Kate, who began to lick her faster and faster, focusing on licking and gently sucking on Morgan’s clit, causing Morgan to moan louder and louder.

Morgan pressed a hand against her mouth in a feeble attempt to muffle her moans as she felt the beginnings of an orgasm start to build. Part of her wanted to resist, to push Kate away, and put a stop to this, but another part of her wanted to cum so badly, to soak Kate’s face as she rode out her orgasm.

Fine, I can let her finish but nothing beyond that, Morgan thought, this needs to stop, it’s unacceptable–her mind thought of the consequences of this: termination, barred from teacher, possibly jail time–but fuck, she’s so good at this.

Morgan began to grind her pussy into Kate’s face as she wove her fingers into Kate’s thick wavy black hair, gripping it as Kate buried her face between Morgan’s thighs. She could feel her orgasm nearing, the waves of pleasure getting more and more intense as they crashed over her. Normally it’d take her much longer to orgasm, but the circumstances mixed with the dry spell she had been going through had made her more sensitive than normal.

Kate could tell Morgan was getting close. Each time she swirled her tongue around Morgan’s clitoris, Morgan’s thighs squeezed tightly around her head. She wrapped her hands around Morgan’s smooth thighs as she buried her face into Morgan’s dripping pussy, focusing all her attention on licking and sucking Morgan’s ever-so-sensitive clit.

“Fuck, fuck, FUCK!” Morgan moaned as her orgasm hit her. She tightened her thighs around Kate’s head as she ground her pussy against Kate’s soft tongue as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her. Kate kept licking through Morgan’s orgasm, almost overstimulating her as a result.

Morgan fell limp in her chair, her chest heaving as she caught her breath. She hadn’t cum that hard in months, in years–if she was being honest with herself.

“That…that was incredible,” Morgan said, her voice a bit shaky, “b-but we have to stop now, no more.”

So she’s determined to be difficult, Kate thought, fine, fine, then I guess we can’t play nice anymore.

“Just one last thing, Miss, and then we’ll be done,” Kate said, “for now,” she added, softly.

“No, seriously, I know I said this before, but we cannot go any further. This already shouldn’t have come this far, and I will not let it progress any farther,” Morgan said, her normal reserved composure returning.

“Fine, do it the hard way,” Kate said, exasperated, as she reached for her purse. Digging through it, she pulled out a harness and dildo, then, reaching deeper, withdrew a large knife.

“Listen to me, and listen carefully,” Kate said, motioning towards the harness and dildo with her knife. “You’re gonna put that on, and you’re gonna put that on now, with no whining, or I’ll fucking slit your throat–get it?”

Morgan froze. For the first time in her career, she felt a cold rush of fear wash over her. This couldn’t be happening, she thought, Kate wouldn’t, Kate couldn’t–how could the sweet little Kate, the Kate who always was early to class, the Kate who never missed a deadline and always wrote with such elegant cursive, be uttering such a threat?

“I’m losing my patience, Miss.”


With shaking hands, Morgan put on the harness, inserting the dildo, and tightening the straps on it. Kate watched eagerly, licking her lips as Morgan made some minute adjustments to the harness.

“C’mon, Miss, I don’t have all day,” Kate said, sneering.

Morgan stood frozen in place, heart beating rapidly, unsure of what to do–what does she even want me to do now, pondered Morgan.

“Come here, Miss, I know you want this as much as I do,” Kate paused, her eyes dropping to Morgan’s chest, “oh I guess we won’t be needing this anymore, will we?” She said as she cut through Morgan’s sweater.

“Now,” Kate climbed onto the desk, “fuck me like you know you want to.”

Morgan slowly approached the desk, trying to avoid Kate’s knife but knowing that if she hesitated Kate would surely stab her.

Kate spread her legs, having discarded her panties while Morgan put on the harness. She rubbed soft circles around her clit as she smirked at Morgan, the knife tightly gripped in her other hand.

With shaking hands, Morgan placed her hands onto Kate’s hips and scooted her closer to the edge of the desk. Kate reached down, her glossy black nails contrasting against the pinkish dildo, and slowly guided it into her wet pussy.

“Fuuucccckkkk,” Kate moaned, wrapping her legs around Morgan, “I knew it’d feel amazing with you.”

Kate placed one hand on Morgan’s shoulder, the other, holding the knife, hung loosely. Morgan hadn’t moved since Kate inserted the strapon, and stood frozen, hoping that Kate would come to her senses and stop this.

Suddenly, Morgan felt the flat side of the knife pressed against her lower back.

“Miss, if you don’t wanna spend the rest of your life on dialysis, then you’d better start thrusting.”

That was enough to shatter Morgan’s paralysis. She began to slowly thrust into Kate, who moaned and tilted her head back, her long hair falling behind her shoulders.

“Fuck that’s good, I knew I wouldn’t have to hurt you,” Kate said with a giggle, “I knew you really wanted me; now I want you to mark me.”

“Mark you?” Morgan said, confused.

“Like, bite my neck, leave a hickey or whatever they’re called,” Kate said, as she tilted her head, presenting her neck to Morgan.


“Don’t tell me I have to threaten you again,” mocked Kate.

“No, it’s just, like, I’ve never done that before,” stammered Morgan, “like, what do I even do?”

“Bite. Me.” Kate said, coldly.

Not wanting to risk angering her again, Morgan obeyed. Her mouth closed onto the soft skin of Kate’s neck, her teeth pressing into her hard enough to leave a mark but not enough to break the skin. Kate squirmed and moaned as she felt Morgan’s teeth on her neck. She’s marking me, claiming me, as hers; I’m finally hers and she’s finally mine–just like it’s meant to be–Kate thought. She wrapped her legs tighter around Morgan, pulling her deeper into her.

Morgan pulled back, examining Kate’s neck to find a slightly discoloured semicircle, with the faint impression of teeth on the inner corner of Kate’s neck.

“How does it look, Miss?”

“I mean, I’m no expert, but I’d say it looks pretty good.”

“Perfect,” Kate smiled warmly, “I knew you’d do a good job!”

Morgan was about to reply, when she heard the faint rumble of the Janitor’s cart. She felt Kate tense under her.

“Who the fuck is that?” Kate whispered, “did you call someone? If you did, you’re fucking dead.”

“No, calm down, it’s just the Janitor. He’s probably just heading past us to clean up the gymnasium after the practice finished.”

“He’s not coming in here, right?”

“No, classrooms are only cleaned on weekends, in case of meetings or tutorings or similar things.”

“Good,” Kate said, her relief apparent, “now you have to be quiet, do you understand me? Not. A. Single. Word.”

Morgan nodded.

“In fact…just in case,” Kate held the knife against Morgan’s neck, lightly pressing it against her skin.

The rumbling grew louder. Kate and Morgan remained frozen, in a twisted tableau of fear and arousal as they waited for the Janitor to pass by.

“You know…this is kinda hot,” Kate whispered into Morgan’s ear.

Morgan didn’t reply, all she could do is hold her breath and think about the very sharp knife that was very close to her neck.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the Janitor and his cart passed, becoming a distant rumbling as he went about the thankless business of cleaning up after the school’s athletics division. Morgan sighed with relief as Kate lowered the knife, resting her hand on the desk, her free hand still laying on Morgan’s shoulder.

“Now, where were we?” Kate said, giggling.

Morgan placed her hands back onto Kate’s hips, and resuming thrusting. Her movements were choppy at first–normally she was the one getting pegged–but she gradually found a rhythm, with Kate grinding into her each time she pushed deeper into her.

Morgan traced her hand across Kate’s waist, down her soft tummy, slowly trailing down to her pussy, then began rubbing small circles around Kate’s clitoris.

Kate’s breath hitched and she gasped as Morgan rubbed her. She leaned back onto the desk, pulling Morgan forward until she was practically on top of Kate.

“Yes Miss, Yes Miss, fuck me, make me cum, use me, please, Miss,” Kate begged.

Sensing Kate’s neediness, Morgan decided to play along.

“Who do you belong to?” Morgan said, in a firm tone.

“What?” Kate said, shocked at Morgan’s sudden enthusiasm.

“I said, who do you belong to?”


“Say it.”

“I belong to you, Miss!”


“I belong to you, Miss!”

“Again. I want you to tell me who you belong to, who owns you, who owns this pussy,” Morgan said, getting more and more aroused.

“I belong to you, Miss! I’m yours! You own me, my mind, my body, my pussy, everything that I am belongs to you! Please, Miss, please let me cum! Let me cum around your strap!” Kate begged, her voice quivering as her second orgasm approached rapidly.

“And don’t you fucking forget it,” Morgan said authoritatively, as she grabbed Kate’s neck. “Look me in the eyes as you cum.”

“Y-y-yes M-m-m-Miss,” Kate stuttered, staring into Morgan’s eyes as she felt herself start to cum. “Fuck I’m cumming, fuck I’m cumming.”

“Good girl, good girl, my good girl.”

With that, Kate orgasmed. Her legs tightened around Morgan as she felt herself shake and moan uncontrollably. She was a good girl, Miss Fontaine’s good girl–always and forever, Kate thought.

Morgan held Kate tightly as she came, holding her as Kate moaned and shivered, holding her as she gradually came down from her orgasm.

“Fuck, that…that was incredible,” Kate said, panting. “I-I haven’t cum that hard in, like, forever.” She said, with a giggle.

“Well I’m glad at least you enjoyed it,” Morgan said halfheartedly, “so are we done, or did you have something else planned?”

Kate was still too spaced out after her orgasm to notice Morgan’s vexed tone. She was silent for a minute, which Morgan took as an opportunity to pull out of Kate and take off the strap on.

“Yeah we’re good,” Kate said, with a relaxed sigh, “I mean, for now.”

“For now?” Morgan said, nonplussed.

“Oh honey, we’re not stopping,” Kate said with a smirked, as she smoothed her skirt and packed the knife, strapon, and her panties into her purse. “We have so much more we can do together.”

A cold sweat broke out on Morgan’s brow. Kate smoothed her hair, then slung her purse strap over her shoulder.

“I can’t let you get away so easy,” Kate said, kissing her cheek, “after all, you’re meant to be mine, Miss.”

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