The Runner [M/F] [NC] [rape]

**The Runner**

Every day he saw her run by. Like clockwork, everyday at 10AM he would look out and see her running by his window. She lived nearby but he did not know where. He wished he did, but alas he had no chance to meet her. This would all change though…

He first heard of the app on a comment board he frequented. He could not believe his eyes when he saw it. But it was there, and people were saying it worked. The app was called “Take me.” It existed as a way for people with certain types of fantasies to indulge in them in a somewhat “safe” manner.

At first he was put off by it. The app’s reason for existence was not something he was into. He, to be quite frank, found it to be abhorrent. Why would somebody even make this app, let alone be on it? Degenerates, that’s who.

He studied her as she ran by again. It was summer so she was wearing athletic shorts and a sports bra. She looks amazing, he thought. He thought of her every time he masturbated. He looked up porn stars that reminded him of her. But none of it really satisfied him. He really just wanted her.

When he looked away from back to his computer screen he opened up a comment board only to see people talking about the app again. With the Runner still on his mind he considered the app. *There’s no way she is on the app*, he thought, *zero chance*. Still he moved his cursor closer to the link.

*Still could be fun though.* With a sigh he clicked on the link. It took him to a page with a disclaimer on it. It warned him that this app was not a normal “hook up” app nor was it for those who were interested in a BDSM relationship. This app existed for those who wanted to be taken, but could never admit it out loud, and for those who wanted to take others. Hesitantly he clicked on the prompt.

It took him to a screen that asked for all of his personal information. It wanted to know where he lived, his full legal name, his social security number, background references, place of employment, etc. The only thing it didn’t ask for was his zodiac sign. It explained in a paragraph at the top that this was to ensure the safety of all who use it. If a user went beyond what the taken party desired or the taken party failed to check in, it would automatically contact the police in the area. It would give the names of all involved as well as their location data for the time period in question.

It then asked for several pictures. One of just him, and one of him with his ID in the shot. It then searched the internet checking social media, the DMV, and a general image search to match them with. Once the photos were uploaded the screen automatically switched to a screen with a spinning circle above a message. The message stated to be patient while the background check was completed over several days.

The last thing it asked for was an STD test. It required all members to get tested regularly with a provider that the app assigned them. That way they could track how often the user was tested and ensure they were clean.

He wasn’t concerned as he did not even have so much as a speeding ticket and was clean. Still, he was nervous. He stayed nervous over the next several weeks as it completed the check. Like clockwork, he looked at the runner as she ran by. Every time he hoped she would be on the app.

A few days later he received an email a few days later welcoming him to the site. It explained how the site works. People who wanted to be taken would upload a request with some picture of themselves as well as how they wanted it to play out. It could be as simple as a single instance at a bar or party. The person laying out what they were comfortable with and what the person could not do. Other requests could last a day or more. These usually had a single instance happening during it with the taker given more leeway as to the specifics. Still, they had to abide by the limits that were put into place. Some people were into more violence than others. Some just wanted something simple like a drug mixed into their drink.

However it was to happen, the person who would be taking was required to follow the instructions laid out by the person being taken. Failing to do so would result in the police being given your entire life on a silver platter. Once the event had happened both parties were required to submit to the app within 12 hours that it was done. Failing to do so would, again, result in the police being notified.

It was exciting as he began to look through the listings for his area. Luckily he lived in a big city so there were plenty of listings. He did not see the Runner though. She definitely wasn’t on the app. Other people were though. So he clicked on one for a college girl who wanted to be taken at a bar later that week. He looked over her photos before clicking the “accept” button. Once he did, the listing disappeared from the page.

*What the fuck?* Then he saw a blip pop up at the top of the page. When he clicked it he was taken to the listing again. The “accept” button, however, had been replaced with a few sentences. They read, “You have accepted this user’s request. It is now closed and no longer listed. The user has indicated they will send their outfit description with pictures the night of.”

With that he was now set to take a person he had never met in a bar on a Friday night. He had never done something like this before. Sure, he had an opportunity once in college with a girl who was drunk. Instead though he helped her make her way back to her dorm room where her roommates take her in. He could have had her, she was too drunk to stop him. But he chose not to. It worked out though because she “thanked” him a couple days later.

This was something else though. He had never met this person before, indeed he would meet her for a brief period of time. Then he would leave her never to see her again. It was simple, well mostly. He still had to figure out how he would do it. She left it open to him to choose. He could take her at the bar, or outside it. She specified though that she did not want to be taken anywhere other than at the bar or just outside it.

She stated she was clean and on birth control, so he did not have to use a condom if he did not want to. She also specified she was into some degradation. This was all exciting to him as he thought over what he would do. He went to the bar Thursday to scout it out. He decided after pretending to drunkenly stumble into the wrong bathroom that the bathroom would be the best place. He was set, now he waited.

He was excited all day, barely able to sit still. He thanked the heavens he worked from home, otherwise a manager would have been all over him. As it got later he felt his phone ding. He pulled it out to see he had an update. He clicked it to see the girl he was taking. She had on a tight red dress with a bra and thong to match. The bra was a pushup bra that made her already decently sized breast nearly pop from the dress. She looked amazing.

He couldn’t help himself from getting insanely turned on by the pictures. So he pulled out his cock and began stroking it. It didn’t take long for him to climax though with how excited he was. He also figured this would help him last longer during the act.

About a half hour later he walked through the door to the bar. His target was on the other side of the room from the bar talking with her friends. He took stock of them as he purchased a beer. Then he found a place where he could drink his beer and observe the girls. *Fuck, she is hot,* he thought he sipped his beer.

Then he watched her move onto the dance floor. He watched dance for a little before beginning to make his move. He moved out around other people as he neared her. She had no idea who he was as they began dancing together. She danced in front of with her hands above her head while she swung her hips. Then he reached out to her to pull her closer. She smiled in return, bringing her arms down around her shoulders. They began moving in rhythm with each other. Then she spun around and began grinding her against him.

He responded by sliding his hands along her front. She responded by placing her hands on her hips. His hands made their way up to her breasts, squeezing each one. She moaned and forced her butt back against his now erect cock. He was in heaven. He almost wanted to try his hand at getting her to go home with him.

Suddenly she leapt away from him, spinning around to face him. With a playful look on her face she seemed to read his mind as she began wagging her finger at him before walking away. *Fucking tease*, he thought, *Wait, does she know who I am? It’s possible, but she has no idea what I look like.*

He went back to his perch so could continue watching her. She chatted with her friends before foraying back onto the dance floor. She repeated her earlier performance with a different guy though. He watched her do this a third time when he made up his mind. When she went to the bathroom he began moving.

He snaked his way across the dance floor so her friends couldn’t see her. He checked down the hall that led to the bathrooms, it was mostly clear. He moved around a person who was exiting before he made it to the door. Behind which lied the girl he was here to take. With a deep breath he gripped the door handle.

She was standing at the sink drying her hands off when she saw him. He quickly shut the door, and closed the latch, effectively locking it.

“Wha.. What are you doing…?” Without answering he grabbed her, covering her mouth as she began screaming. He manhandled her into the stall, locking it behind him. He spun her around and pushed her up against the wall. She felt amazing as she tried to fight him. Her ass was rubbing against his erect cock. It felt great. He realized he was more turned on than he had ever been.

Holding her mouth with one hand he slid his other down to her waist.

“Did you really think you could grind that nice round ass against me, and just walk away like that? Huh? Did you really think you could just be a little tease like that and not be fucked? You stupid little slut!”

She whimpered into his hand as he began fingering her. She was wet, so very very wet. He was loving the whole thing. He then ripped her thong off of her and shoved it into her mouth. He then gripped her hands against the wall as he used his free hand to free his cock.

“I’m going to give you this cock like you deserve you dirty little cum slut. I’m going to use you the fuck toy you are.” He then pushed her dress allowing him access to her pussy, lining his cock up with it.

With one swift motion he slammed it home in her. She felt amazing, she was hot and so wet he slid right in. He was in heaven as he began slamming into her.

“God damn you are one tight little slut,” he called out to her as he fucked her. He held her hip as he continued slamming into her. She whimpered through the whole thing. At one point she started crying softly as she accepted her fate as a fucktoy for this guy she had danced with earlier.

He felt his orgasm rising in him as he pounded her tight pussy with his cock.

“I’m going to cum in you, you dirty little skank. Ha, you like that? I’m going to breed you like the slut you are,” with that he began unleashing himself into her as he smacked her ass. “Fuck yes you little slut!”

Once he was done the world roared back into him. He was standing with his rapidly deflating cock still inside this college student in a bar bathroom. A college student he had just forcibly taken based on a posting on an app of dubious legality.

“Shit,” he muttered as he scrambled to fix himself before scrambling out of the bathroom. The latches on the door suddenly were the equivalent of the locks used at Fort Knox. He stumbled down the hallway as his legs seemed to rebel against him. He tried to get out without arousing suspicion, walking wide around her friends. Once he was out he began walking faster and faster until he was sprinting to his car.

He weaved in and out of traffic as he made his way home. Once there he tore his clothes off before scrubbing himself off in the shower. He wanted her scent off of him. The hot water acted as a cleansing catharsis for him. Afterwards he remembered he needed to check into the app, clicking that it had been him in the bathroom. Once done he collapsed onto his bed, falling right asleep.

The next day he awoke and saw that the girl had also confirmed the previous night’s events. *I never want to do that again,* he thought. While he had enjoyed the act, it was amazing during it. He hated the way he felt afterward though. He felt ashamed for having downloaded the app, taken up a request, and carried out the act. He pulled out his phone and deleted the app…



The Runner was running by again. She looked as good as she had the first day he saw her. It had been six months since he raped that girl in the bar. And that’s what it was, rape. it was something he would have to live with the rest of his life.

Since then he had gone to see a therapist about it. He lucked out on his try, small victories I guess. He helped him work through what he felt about what happened. He started going to the gym and was on his way to looking better. He felt better about himself than he had in years.

So he downloaded a dating app, made a profile, and began swiping. He came across a pretty 23 year old grad student. She was going to be a PA, had similar interests to him, and looked amazing. He swipped right and waited to see if she would message him. The app only allowed women to make first contact.

A few hours later he felt his phone ding. He looked down to see she had messaged him.

**HEYYYY!!! Remember me? I want to meet you! :)**



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