The Girl on the Video, Part IV (M/F)(incest m/s)(anal)


The Girl on the Video


Megan pulled up Brenda’s OnlyFans page and logged in. My aunt had an extensive collection of pictures and videos engaged in a wide variety of sex acts. One thing I had to admit, my aunt was hot and she knew what she was doing when it came to selling sex. There were toy videos (really big toys), bondage videos, peeing videos, anal, girl-on-girl, boy-on-girl, girl-on-tranny, double-penetration, triple-penetration, fisting, combinations of all of the above, and so on. You name it, she had done it. All of it. There were things there I had never even heard of or considered until that moment.

Megan selected a particular video and queued it up.

“Every month or so, your aunt is visited by this other woman, who she calls her Mommy Dommy. This guest always wears a mask that covers the top half of her face, so she obviously doesn’t want to be recognized. Usually, she ties up Brenda and does various forms of torture on her – hence the ‘Dommy’ part of her name. Some of the stuff is pretty extreme, including hitting, cutting, burning, piercing, and the like. But after the abuse, the session always ends with some intense girl-on-girl sex between the two of them, usually with some big ass toys.”

The video that Megan was playing was pretty extreme, and Brenda was tied up to a rack, spread-eagled, and the dom lady was using a pair of pliers to stretch her nipples and her labia. There was blood. Brenda was moaning in seeming pain. The camera zoomed into the face of the guest dom in profile, and Megan froze it.

“Does she look at all familiar?” Megan said.

“You can’t see most of her face,” I replied.

“You can see her chin, the bottom of her nose, and her lips,” Megan shot back. “Look carefully.”

“Oh shit,” Jesse said all of a sudden. “That’s our mother.”

I gasped. She was right.

“So much for worrying she would reject you for sibling incest,” Megan said. “She’s not only fucking her sister, but doing it for money.” She fast-forwarded the video past the bondage scene to the girl-girl sex part and let it play. I had to admit, if I didn’t know it was my mother, I would have wanted to stroke one out. In fact, even knowing it was, I still wanted to masturbate. Our mother and our aunt were having an incredibly hot sex scene. They weren’t doing it because they were making a video, they clearly liked it and were into each other. It was incredibly erotic.

“Wow,” I said. I wanted to turn away, but instead I was mesmerized by my aunt who was eating out my mother. A moment later they switched and my mother returned the favor. The camera panned slowly down my aunt’s body then continued down my mother’s body, finishing up with a super close up of my mother’s snatch, glistening and wet, dribbling as she stretched and ate out her sister.

“Christ,” I said. “I want to fuck our mother.”

“I want to fuck our mother too,” Jesse said.

“Me too,” Megan said.

We sat there staring at the screen as our mother and aunt orally gratified each other, then our mother pulled on the biggest strap-on I had ever seen and slipped it into my aunt. She began reaming my aunt out, then switched from her pussy to her ass. I couldn’t stop watching, I couldn’t help myself. How could my aunt not be screaming in pain just from the size of that thing? Finally the video wound down and finished. We were still sitting there in stunned silence trying to cool off when the pizza guy knocked.

We took the pizza into the living room and once we all had a slice we started debating next steps.

“I need to call my mother,” my sister said as we ate. “We have to tell her. This has gone on too long.”

“And to think I went to juvie to spare her feelings when she was fucking her sister all along,” I said, shaking my head. “Fuck her and fuck her sister.”

After we ate, Jesse called my mom. It was a short, terse, uncomfortable conversation, but she reluctantly agreed to meet us at her home tomorrow, Saturday, around lunch time. It had to be early because Jesse and Megan had concert tickets for that night, and they wanted to get home in time to get all prettied up for the concert.

Once things were arranged, we found ourselves gravitating back to my aunt’s OnlyFans. One thing led to another and we spent the next two hours in a group circle jerk watching the videos with our mother in them. They were hot, they were incredible, and they were – outrageous.

The next morning the three of us convened at my sister’s place and drove over to the hotel where my mother lived. It was in a very nice part of town and stood twenty five stories high. She lived in the penthouse at the very top.

All three of us were very nervous as the elevator dinged the penthouse level and we stepped out into a small antechamber. My sister and I looked at each other. I hadn’t even spoken to her in several years, and my sister hadn’t seen her in person in about that long.

Our mother must have been alerted to our arrival by the front desk – after all they had to unlock the elevator for us so we could go to the penthouse – and as we stood there gathering our wits, the door opened and my mother stood in front of us.

My mother stood almost six feet tall and had dark hair with a managed touch of gray and light skin. She was curvy and had a definite mom shape – but not overly so. She was a lot like a curvier version of my sister and the resemblance was undeniable. She wore very little makeup, a conservative blouse that was buttoned up almost to her neck, a pair of baggie jeans, and tennis shoes. She did not look at all like a porn video actress, she looked like a middle aged mom.

There as a very awkward moment, then my sister stepped forward and she hugged my mother. My mother turned to me. I hadn’t seen her since the trial and I could see the disappointment still writ large across her face. We hugged awkwardly and then my sister introduced Megan as a “friend.”

A few minutes later we were seated in my mother’s living room. We tried to make small talk but the efforts were uncomfortable and fruitless. Finally, my sister cut to the chase.

“Mom,” she said. “There’s a reason we’re here. This isn’t just a random visit.”

“Go on,” my mother said, looking around at the three of us.

“This is going to be uncomfortable, but we think it’s time that we came clean about Bryce’s accomplice, and how that all went down.”

“So why are you coming to me?” my mother asked, dismissively. “You should talk to the police, or you -” she looked at me “- you should talk to your parole officer.” She said the words “your parole officer” the way you might say “intestinal parasite”.

“I plan on it,” I said. “But we wanted to talk to you first. You need to know what really happened, and why it happened, and why we didn’t tell you before now, and who else is involved.”

“I really don’t…” she started, but I cut her off.

“Give us five minutes.” I said. “At the end of five minutes if you don’t want to hear the rest of the story, we will leave and you will never need to look at my face again. Never is a long time. Don’t you owe it to yourself to at least hear what we have to say before you send me back to the outer darkness?”

My mother made a dismissive motion that I interpreted as assent. So Megan took out her laptop and showed my mother the video, showed her the evidence. Then I told my mother about that night when Brenda caught Jesse and I. I told her about the aftermath, and why I ended up in that jewelry store that night. And finally Jesse told her about how we had discovered her videos on Brenda’s website, and realized it was time to come clean.

My mother didn’t kick us out after five minutes. Forty-five minutes later, she sat in stunned silence as we finished our tale. Her eyes were wet.

“I can’t believe it,” she said. “I know I was not the greatest mother, but this…I can’t believe it. I am incredibly sorry.”

She turned to me. “What you went through to try to protect my feelings…I…” She leaned forward and we embraced. “I can never make it back up to you, but I will try.”

The next couple of hours were spent talking about what we had been doing the past few years, how I was getting on after college (so-so), our relationship with Megan (our new mutual girlfriend) and our financial situation (sucked).

“Would you like to join me in the hotel business?” my mother asked when we were discussing finances. “I can give you the other penthouse in this hotel, or one in one of the others. Furnished or unfurnished, your call. You guys can live there and learn the family business.”

It didn’t take Jesse and I a lot of convincing – giving up our tiny, shabby apartments and second hand crap furniture. By the time the mid-afternoon rolled around, we had an agreement we would meet the next day to see the apartment she was offering. Megan said she would live with us but wanted to continue her current job and career. At least we solved the boss-relationship problem.

Towards the end of the discussion, my mother brought up the videos on Brenda’s website.

“I had never expected you guys would find them or figure out it was me,” she said. “That’s why I wore the mask. I am sorry.”

Before any of us could answer, Megan spoke up.

“Don’t worry about it,” she said. “They were hot. We watched a bunch last night and had a circle jerk.”

“Megan!” I interrupted her. “Not cool.”

She shrugged, but my mother laughed.

“Did you like them?” my mother asked. I nodded, so did Jesse.

“Megan’s right,” I added. “They were incredibly hot.”

My mother smiled a wicked little smile and looked at us slyly. “I’m really glad you liked them.”

For a moment, the facade of the sweet middle aged mom was gone, and instead I could see her other side in her eyes. The side that came out in those videos. She took in me, my sister, Megan and I knew by her face that she was having thoughts like those we had when we watched her movies.

Jesse and Megan had to go because they had concert tickets for that night. I had to go with them since they were my ride.

“Why don’t you come back after you get your car?” my mother asked. “We have a lot we need to catch up on. We can go somewhere for dinner or have room service deliver. I have several rooms, you can sleep here for the night.”

It sounded fine to me.

Jesse, Megan and I were in the car, riding back to their apartment, mostly in silence when Megan broke the ice.

“She did not look like a girl who would make porn videos,” Jesse said. “I was surprised. I almost expected her to meet us at the door dressed like a camwhore.”

Megan shrugged. “She didn’t want to meet us initially, she didn’t know we had seen the videos, she wanted to play the sad, dejected mother. The real test will be how she is when you go back. If you go back and she’s still miss prissy, I’d tell her to quit playing games. We all saw that look on her face when we talked about the videos.”

I wouldn’t mind a shot at the girl I saw in the videos. And, honestly, I wouldn’t mind a shot at both the girls in the videos – including my aunt. Though the feelings for my aunt was more a rage fuck than love.

I rode back with Megan and Jesse, swung by my apartment to grab an overnight bag, and went back to my mother’s.

When I got to her apartment she was still wearing the mom clothes from earlier. I had to admit I was disappointed. I still wanted to get to know her better and to rebuild that relationship, but I had done time in juvie trying to save her feelings while she was fucking the woman who sent me there. It wasn’t right.

“So do you want to go somewhere to eat or eat here?” she asked. We can eat out on the terrace with room service, or go downstairs to the hotel restaurant – which is really good – or go out somewhere.

“Let’s go out somewhere to eat,” I said. “Someplace nice, where you dress nice.”

“I know just the place,” she said.

After making the reservation, she showed me to my room and we both went into different bathrooms to get ready. I showered and pulled on slacks and a dress shirt and went out to living room.

When my mother emerged a half hour later, my mother wore a thin red spaghetti tank that accentuated her curves, showed a lot of cleavage, and revealed her nipples at just the right angle and light. She had on a tight fitting stretchy denim mini skirt, that barely covered her ass, fishnets, and heels. Her makeup was flawless.

I literally gulped when I saw her. The woman we had met with earlier in the morning had been conservative to a fault. The woman I stared at now, mouth open, I could envision as the star of those videos we had seen. She was incredibly hot and beautiful.

She twirled once in front of me,

“Like?” she asked.

I nodded.

She came forward, pressed her chest against mine, and kissed me long and hard on the lips. She slipped a hand down and ran it up my thigh, cupping my suddenly-awake cock.

“I’m glad you like it,” she said, then disengaged.

We went to an Italian place for dinner. I had been battling butterflies in my stomach all day, so I just ate light, and my mother followed suit. We had a really nice, relaxed dinner. My mother looked gorgeous.

As we talked and chatted, I noticed that her top seemed to keep sinking lower and lower, revealing more and more cleavage. I really didn’t want to keep looking at her chest, but every time I looked down, I seemed to keep finding it.

She didn’t seem to mind, and I wasn’t sure if her top crawling down her chest was her doing or just something that happened organically. But either way, by the time we finished dinner, I could just make out the top edge of her aureoles poking above the fabric.

After the dinner we went back to the hotel and dipped into the bar for a nightcap. We took a seat in a booth in a corner and ordered drinks.

My mother leaned over and lay her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her. I could smell her perfume, her chest against my side. Her top had slid down even further her right nipple was in danger of complete freedom.

I felt a budding erection in my pants.

My mother put her hand on my knee, then slowly slid it up my leg until it was resting just below the tent in my pants.

“You know,” she said. “After what you did for me, I can never deny you. Nor can I deny your sister, or probably that friend of yours, since she seems to be the one who sorted all this out. Anything you want, just say the word.”

Her hand hovered next to my cock as she looked up at me.

I leaned forward and kissed her. I ran my hand across her breasts underneath the thin fabric of her tank, letting my fingertips hover over her nipples. Then I squeezed one.

“After what you put me through, you better mean that,” I said.

She kissed me as an answer, kissing deeper, letting our tongues intertwine. I slipped a hand inside her top and gently caressed her breast. She moaned and stroked my cock faster.

We threw back the rest of our drinks and scurried to the elevator – need, desire, lust driving us. Once the elevator doors closed and we turned the penthouse key, we grabbed each other as the elevator – and my cock – rose. I pulled down her top and released her big, soft, mommy tits. I ran my tongue around the pebbly nipple, tasting the tip, flicking my tongue. My mother moaned as I finally planted my lips on the end and sucked gently. Her nipple hardened in my mouth.

I had seen videos of her tits, I had watched Brenda suck at them, and I had seen my mother pull them up to her mouth to lick them. But the video was nothing compared to the soft, bountiful, delightful real thing, and I buried myself in them.

I ran my tongue down through the valley between her breasts to the other mound and repeated the performance, licking around the nipple before finally pressing my lips and sucking. Behind me the elevator dinged and doors popped open on the penthouse level.

Without even pulling her top back up, my mother pulled me across the hall and into her apartment. Once inside the door she pushed me against the wall and pressed her lips against mine, unbuttoning my shirt and pushing her mountainous breasts against my chest. I ran my hands down her back and down her ass, pulling down the zipper in the back of her skirt and pushing it to the floor. I stretched her ass apart then felt between her legs – she wasn’t wearing any underwear and my fingers met with her thick, soaking wet labia.

She unbuckled my belt, unhooked my slacks and pushed them and my boxers to the floor, grabbing my cock in her hands and stroking it. We stood there just inside the door, hands stroking each other’s bodies, lips locked on each other, moans of pleasure filling the air.

Finally, my mother pulled back, grabbed my hand, and pulled me into the living room, pushing me down onto the couch. She was naked now except for the fishnet stockings and the high heels. She knelt down in front of me and spread my legs, pulling my rock hard, purple, throbbing erection between her burgeoning mommy tits and squeezing it, lubricating the shaft with her spit and pre-come that was dribbling from the tip when she squeezed. She rubbed her tits up and down my meat, stroking it and teasing the tip with her tongue. I reached down and pressed her tits together even harder as she increased her pace.

She pulled back, disengaging my cock from her tits, and instead ran her tongue down the underside, then back up, forcing out another dollop of pre-come that she eagerly devoured. She sucked on the head, teasing the sensitive spot underneath the helmet, sending shivers through my body. I moaned.

She squeezed my balls with her hand as she drove her mouth down my cock, forcing my meat deep into her throat. I had never been deep throated like that before. It was incredible. She slipped her mouth up and down my cock, faster and faster. I felt my balls tighten and knew I was close to coming, but she didn’t stop.

My balls contracted and I shot my first load into her mouth. Amazingly she didn’t flinch or even pause, just kept sucking and stroking my cock, taking load after load of my thick juice into her mouth and throat and swallowing it down. I felt my cock begin to lose tone and I leaned back on the couch, expecting her to stop or at least pause, but she didn’t. She kept sucking at my cock, draining every last drop of my come she could and swallowing it all. I closed my eyes, I thought I had died and gone to heaven.

My meat was shrinking and I thought I was ready for a break, but she still kept at it and I wasn’t ready to tell her to stop. After a couple of minutes of her continued ministrations, I felt a fresh surge and my meat began to rise again.

As soon as she felt my cock coming back to attention, she stood up, pushed me back so I was lying on the couch, and straddled me, facing forward, pushing her pussy into my face. She was mostly shaven with a tidy landing strip above. I lapped at her thick lobes, pulling them into my mouth and tasting them, then setting up an even rhythm. She moaned and leaned back. Above me her heavy, pendulous tits were quaking, the nipples hard and erect.

“Eat mommy’s pussy,” she said. “Make mommy come.”

She sounded incredibly hot, but I didn’t need the incentive. Her juices ran down my cheek and chin as I licked, teasing her labia and her clitoris. I slipped a finger inside her, then two, reaching for that magic spot inside. She groaned as I found it and a fresh load of her grool coursed into my mouth. Her back arched and I felt her come under my ministrations.

It was my turn to keep going. I continued licking while also teasing her g-spot. I took my other hand and slipped a finger into her asshole. She groaned and another wave of an orgasm shot through her. She leaned forward and pulled her crotch away from my face, instead leaning down to kiss me. Our tongues intertwined, our lips crushed together.

“Fuck me,” she whispered.

She lay back on the couch and spread her legs. I gave my cock several hard strokes and hovered it over her snatch for a moment, then slowly began sliding my cock inside her.

She was soaking wet as I slipped inside, feeling every inch of her as she squeezed hard against my cock and moaned. I pushed, forcing my way in, pushing all the way until my balls bumped against her asshole.

“Fuck me, hard,” she whispered. I squeezed her tits as I began pistoning in and our of her.

I kissed her, my chest pressing against hers, her hard nipples pointing skyward atop their soft, fleshy mounds. Her skin was soft and supple and her lips tasted faintly of wine. The smell of sex filled the room.

“Harder,” she said, arching her back. “I’m no fucking amateur. Fuck me hard.”

“No problem,” I said, redoubling my efforts as I drove my cock in and out of my mother’s slit. She rubbed her clit and squeezed her tits. I adjusted my position, lifting her hips up off the couch so I could get better leverage to drive in even harder.

“Fuck yeah,” my mother said. “That’s it, that’s how you do it.”

An arch of her back, a moan, and a gush of fluid across my balls and thighs told me she had come again, but I didn’t stop, still ramming in and out of her body. Her eyes were locked on mine as she came again, her tits rocking back and forth, her ass shaking and quivering with the motion.

“Is this better than your fucking bitch sister?” I said through gritted teeth as I kept driving my cock home.

“Fuck yeah,” said my mother. “Let’s make it even better.”

She put a hand on my chest and I slowed. She slipped off my cock and padded into the bedrrom, coming out with a bottle of lube. She bent over on all fours, spread her substantial ass, and pointed her asshole at me, dropping a thick glob of lube on her sphincter, and another dollop on my cock.

“Fuck mommy’s ass,” she said.

I gave my cock a hard stroke, spreading the thick lube along the shaft. My mother leaned forward and used both hands to spread her cheeks wide.

“Fuck mommy’s ass,” she repeated. “Fuck it hard.”

I used my thumbs to stretch her asshole, revealing pink inside. I had seen it gaped a lot wider in the videos, but that was enough for now. My cock was diamonds as I slid it into her puckering asshole. She moaned as I pushed inside, bearing down and squeezing so I had to push harder for each inch. The sensation was incredible.

Her slit was still soaking wet as my balls finally came to rest on it, my cock all the way inside her.

“Fuck my ass hard,” she whispered. “Make mommy come more.”

I didn’t need the encouragement. I pistoned my cock in and out of my mother’s ass as hard as I could. Her ass shook as I worked her over, quivering with each stroke. I slapped her ass, hard, leaving a red mark.

“Slap it again,” my mother cried. “Slap mommy’s ass.”

I slapped her cheek again, and again, and again, over and over. Her ass turned bright red.

I grabbed her hips again and went back to reaming her asshole. She moaned. I pressed harder, sliding in and out of her pink asshole. My stomach slapped her ass as I pushed faster and faster.

“Come inside me,” my mother whispered. “Fill mommy up. Come in mommy’s ass.”

With that invocation I came, shooting thick seed deep into my mother’s asshole, unloading load after load into her.

I slipped forward into her arms. We embraced and kissed as I slowly emptied into her. She moaned and smiled at me.

“That was fucking awesome,” she said. “I wish I had that on video.”

