[M] How to approach women who grew up in conservative environment

I’m a bit concerned cuz i have seen few incidents on how violent women react to love proposal & i like a girl in singing club i am worried how she may react

I tried few dating apps(6-7) no one uses them here in my town(people use dating apps mostly in metropolitan cities because they are far from parents/relatives doing a job & people in cities are a bit modern)


In my school my best friend used to put a big bar chocolate in her crush bag for few days then one day he put both chocolate & letter then got surrounded by her & her friends then one girl pushed him down & warned him for few minutes & also verbally said some nasty things (he is top 3 muscular guy in our class won many wrestling matches he could have taken them all down but gentlemen never hurts women)

Case -2:
Other friend had a crush one a girl one year younger than him. We like idiots forced him to confess his feelings to her. He confessed to her in front of us “he said: i like you & i want to be spend most of my time with you ” she said: i am not interested, then we went to our class

Few minutes later she complained to school management & PT sir just bashed us all

I’m not telling that all girls are same cuz there were few love couples in our school & college l & I’m not blaming those girl who reacted immature they were raised to reject love proposals that way by there parents

My rant over Indian mindset (You may skip below part)

India population more than 1.3 billion, love before marriage is looked down & they suspect the character of women, parents are worried that her daughter may not be married in future & many men want to marry a virgin, rejects if she had any relationship in past.
.Taking about sex is taboo, PDA is not tolerated , mostly no one knows kamasutra exists, Indians are obsessed with arranged marriage.(no strip clubs etc)

If you watch Indian movies 99% are love stories why cuz its fictional to us just like harry potter & avengers to you love stories are like a fantasy to us.

My personal:

My school is not religious still we were advised to call opposite gender as brother & sister

My Junior college had separate classrooms for both genders

My college if you even talk to a girl such as asking a pen etc you will be warned by teachers

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/p6nfy6/m_how_to_approach_women_who_grew_up_in