How the Boss’s Wife turned into the entire Offices Fuck hole… [Gangbang] [Spitroast] [Exhibitionism] [Innocent to Slut]

Every Job has its perks. For some its extra vacation time during Summer holidays, For others its every medical benefit you can possibly think of. Sometimes its just a nice fat paycheck that makes all the bullshit worth it.

For us? It was one fine ass woman.

This is the story of that woman, and how she went from an adorable little good luck charm to the entire offices slutty little fuck toy.

I worked for an up and coming startup that was Just getting on its legs. One of those places where half the building is still under construction and the other half looked more like a cement farm then an actual workplace.

If you couldn’t already tell it wasn’t exactly the most luxurious job one could have, But we didn’t care. We were all driven by the same purpose. To turn this little known company into something great. Something beyond our wildest dreams. And our Boss sure as hell made sure we believed in that dream.

To say the work we had to put in to get to that point was tough would be an understatement. There were hours upon hours of work needing to be done every single day. As soon as one thing was settled a new task or project needed to be taken care of. Calls needed to be made and Blueprints needed to be drawn up. We were a small group of 12 guys doing an entire companies work, and Fuck was it stressful.

This isn’t to say our Boss, Allen, didn’t try his best to help the guys though. For a company that was just getting off the ground we were paid decently well. We had every benefit we needed and the boss always understood whenever somebody needed a break.

But it wasn’t the money or dental plan that gave me that one last spark I needed to bust my ass at work every day.

That accomplishment belonged to the Boss’s wife, Kay.

Everyday she would walk in, smelling of White Jasmine and Roses as she strode in on her high heels. Her body would immediately turn every head in the office as soon as we heard the familiar taps of her heels and smelled her signature perfume. She smiled at us in a way that made you forget what exactly you were stressed about 5 minutes ago, and why you were even ever stressed to begin with.

Every single day shed come in having made some fresh lunch for all of us, and god did she know how to cook. As soon as she sat the trays of food down on the table every one of us would be on it like a pack of starving wolves. It didn’t matter whether we were already ate or not. Just one whiff of whatever new dish she made would be enough to send our stomachs growling for a piece.

As we stuffed ourselves like a pack of wild animals she would sit down to chat and joke with us. Teasing some of the guys regarding their wardrobe choices or just listening to us bitch for awhile.

“You’d look really good in a white vest” She told me out of the blue one day as I scuffed down some cookies she brought in.

“Uhh, Thank you.” I responded a bit taken a back by the compliment as my mouth was still in the process of chewing.

“Seriously though Ryan, If you just thought about what you wear a little more you could look better then most of the guys here. Why does it always feel like you just came out of a goodwill?”

I laughed awkwardly at that remark. Partially because I didn’t know how to reply and partially because she was right, I did look like I came out of a goodwill. I had never really bothered to pay attention to much of my fashion choices.

“And what do you suggest in your infinite Wisdom that I should do Ma’am?”

She smirked and put her hands on her hips.

“I’m very glad you asked.”

For the next 20 minutes she showed me at least a dozen different clothing options I should try out that would apparently suit my appearance. I wont lie, I was impressed. Some of these actually seemed pretty good looking yet still within my budget.

As she explained what tops would go with which bottoms I lost track of time as we spent most of my break and afterwards going through different clothing brands and discussing which ones fit into my meager price range as I continued to munch on cookies.

Somehow she could take all our minds off whatever task we had before us and make us forget that we were still in the office, but it wasn’t just her cooking or charm that had us mesmerized by her.

She was one Sexy fucking woman.

She had a slender yet curvy frame, with long beautiful black hair flowing down her back. Her brown skin had this amazing sheen whenever it hit sunlight that just made you want to rip her clothes off and see how far it shines. Whether it was hot or cold she somehow always wore material that would show off her body. Which we still don’t know whether she was doing intentionally or not. Shed either have her cleavage on display pronouncing her Double D breasts or letting all the guys see her ass on prominent display as she strode her way to the bosses office in a tight little skirt. Needless to say our stomachs weren’t the only things getting cravings whenever she came in.

She acted like she had no idea. Completely oblivious to the fact that all the men had their eyes on her. When she showed me clothes on my computer she seemed completely unaware that her tits were only inches away from my face, giving me a full view of her cleavage. I was secretly thankful that the plate of cookies sitting on my lap hid the massive erection she was giving me at the time.

Sometimes we even tested just how much we could get away with seeing by dropping things on the floor on purpose. She would cheerfully exclaim “I got it!” and give us a full view of her ass bent over as she picked up whatever pencil or pen we dropped on the ground. Completely oblivious to the eyes that were staring at her.

Despite how much of a tease she was. None of us ever dared lay a hand on her. She was the offices happy little good luck charm and none of us wanted to scare her away…….And because the Boss would likely have our heads torn off and turned into display pieces in his office if we did.

But it was mainly the respect.

Kay really did help make our days a lot more brighter, and we weren’t about to ruin that.

This little routine of ours continued for quite awhile. All up until one particularly busy day at the office.

I was dead focused on finishing the blueprints assigned to me that day. So focused that for once I didn’t have time to enjoy Kays cooking or even realize that I had been working non stop for the last 6 hours. Long enough that I was the only one left in the office besides the boss.

Upon finishing them, I had never felt more proud of the work I had done, This was definitely going to impress Allen and I wanted him to see right away, so I made my way to the Bosses office in stride to hand in the documents.

His office was a small room with blacked out windows. A large wooden desk was seated in the far back of the room, surrounded by bookshelves on both sides of the walls. When he wasn’t working on the main floor with us he kept it locked. Likely to take care of whatever private meetings he was having over the phone without disturbances.

I knocked on the door. Expecting the usual routine of the Boss coming up and unlocking it, but this time it was different.

“Come on in Ryan.”

I was surprised for a moment. the Boss was usually pretty uptight about his privacy, but I figured it was because he already knew it was just me and him left in the building. I twisted the handle and made my way in.

“Hey boss man I got something to show….”

Before I was able to finish my sentence the shock of what I was seeing stopped me in my tracks

Right there, laying on the bosses desk was Kay. The charming little girl that made all our days brighter. Now completely naked safe for a tight black thong barely clinging on to her ass as she was bent over the Bosses desk.

Her ass cheeks had bright red hand marks coating both sides. Her back was arched as she laid belly first on the table with her head at the very end of it facing my direction. Her usual adorable smile was replaced with a look of complete lust. As Her mouth was agape with her tongue sticking out of it. Her eyes glazed over as she didn’t even seem to notice me walking in.

“Ryan! Good to see you.” The bosses deep, booming voice snapped me out of my shock for a moment.

“Uh, Um Im sorry sir. I didn’t, I-”

He laughed as he walked his way toward me. Leaving a hard smack on Kays ass before he left the table side. She moaned as her ass shook from the impact.

“Nothing to be sorry about son. As a matter of fact its quite the opposite you should be feeling right now.”

His tall 6’1 frame strode right in front of me as he put a gentle hand on my shoulder. The usual “No bullshit allowed” look he had during work hours had disappeared and was instead was replace with a much warmer smile.

“Lets see those documents.”

He took the Blueprints out of my hands and shifted his attention toward them. As he turned his back to me I couldn’t keep my eyes off of Kay. Whos bare body was laying there on full display. I looked her in the eyes for a moment and she locked eyes with me. Biting her lip for the briefest moment.

“Daddy please, I need to be fucked.” She said without pause as she slowly raised her hips into the air.

“Be patient little one.” The Boss quipped back at her. “My apologies Ryan, Just give me one moment.”

He walked back toward the desk, grabbed a hold of her thong and ripped it off with one slight tug. It was as if it was just made of paper mache. He took the the thong and bundled it up in his hands, kneeling down in front of Kays face as he gently pushed it between her lips as his other hand held her neck.

“No talking when Daddy is speaking to another man, Is that understood?”

She gave a submissive nod with her head as her mouth was stuffed with her own thong.

“Good girl” Allen said with a smile. Giving her a light couple of smacks on the cheek before turning his face back to me.

“Now back to those documents.”

As he studied my work I stood there nervously, still at awe of the situation I was in. I mean I’ve heard of kinky shit but this was nothing like I had ever experienced before.

The kinkiest I had ever gotten was in my last relationship where we were 69ing on the living room floor. I had always wanted to try more, but she was simply never into it. In fact the one time I tried to smack her ass during sex I only ended up getting yelled at and forced to sleep on the couch for the night in my own apartment. To say we weren’t exactly compatible would’ve been putting it lightly.

But still, this was something I thought only existed in locker room fantasies.

The bosses voice suddenly snapped me back to reality.

“This is some Damn fine work son. You made these all on your own?”

“Yes sir”

The gentle hand on my shoulder was now replaced with a firm pat on the back.

He smiled, “Have a seat kid, We need to discuss giving you a promotion.”

Despite the situation I was in I was suddenly filled with excitement to see the pleased look on his face and the mention of a promotion.

He guided me to the back of the room, where he prompted me to take a seat at his desk.

I hesitated for a moment, doing my best not to look at Kays naked body not knowing what the Boss would think of it.

“Uh, Sir, Are you sure?”

He chuckled. “Of course Im sure. Don’t worry she wont bite, aint that right little girl?” Giving her a light smack against her bottom as he finished his sentence.

Kay let out a giggle behind her makeshift mouth gag. Before moaning softly and slowly swaying her hips from side to side.

I sat down on the chair slowly after getting confirmation from the Boss. Still nervous about looking directly at Kays completely exposed lower body as I did.

The boss seemed to notice my reservations regarding looking at his wifes most private areas.

“Dont worry, You can look. She more then enjoys it.” He told me in an affirming tone as he opened a drawer near the bottom of his desk.

As nervous as I was, the second he gave me permission I couldn’t control my gaze from looking directly at her naked body.

And Fuck, was it even better then what I imagined in my fantasies.

Her legs were spread with her back arched upon the desk to keep her holes on full display. The first thing I noticed was the large, jeweled butt plug that was firmly placed insider her ass. Beneath the plug her little brown pussy was dripping onto the desk. It looked so fucking tight. Enough to make my fingers twitch as I sat there desperately fighting the urge to put my hand on it. I could feel the bulge in my pants begin to throb. Both from the intensity of the situation and the view before me.

“You a Whiskey man Ryan? Or would you prefer Champagne?”

I was so entranced by the sight of Kays exposed holes that his voice somewhat startled me.

“I think I might need a mixture of your entire stock boss.”

Allen got a brief chuckle out of that.

“Well This is a cause for celebration after all, Champagne it is.” He responded.

He pulled out a large bottle of Champagne from the bottom of his desk along with two small glasses. His hand gripped the cork tightly as he popped it open.

He poured a glass for me and I graciously took it as before he poured one for himself. Once he was finished he picked up the bottle and placed it on the Arch of Kays back. The slight swaying of her hips ceased as she altered her position to ensure the bottle didn’t fall over.

Allen extended his glass to me. “To one of the best damn employees I ever made the mistake of hiring” he said with a proud look on his face.

I chuckled at the remark before meeting my glass with his. With the dink of our two glasses we both downed our drinks in one quick motion.

“Ahhh, Now thats the good stuff. Bring that glass here, let me pour you another.” he said as he sat his glass down on the table.

“Enough to make me just a bit more bolder sir.”

With a smile he picked the bottle off Kays back and poured me another glass before placing it right back on top of her. I took the glass and sipped it a lot slower as he sat down on the desk right next to his wife who was currently being used as a champagne coaster.

“Truth is you’ve had this promotion a long time coming Ryan. I’ve seen the way you work and just how much effort you give in everything you do. if there’s anyone in this company who deserves to climb up the ladder first, its you.”

You know that feeling you used to get when your teacher told you that your essay was the best out of the whole class and you just stand there smiling like an idiot? It felt like that again. “I appreciate you saying that boss.” I said with a dorky ass smile.

“However” He said as a more serious expression took over his bearded face. “You know as well as I do that our little company has a long way to go before we start raking in major profits. While your new position will bring you better credentials, you’ll be taking a lot more responsibility, which I’m afraid your pay raise wont fully match up to for the time being.”

I felt the effects of the Champagne ease up the nervousness I had before.

“Boss, If I was in it for just the money, you know I would’ve been out of here a long time ago.”

He smiled at me with acknowledgement.

“Which is another thing I like about you Ryan. You understand the bigger picture. The final goal that were building up to, But I wont have you working for me without properly rewarding you for the work you’ve done.”

As he said that, his hand moved to remove the bottle of Champagne from Kays back. Placing it back within the drawer and closing it shut. He then placed his hand on her behind and spread her ass. fully showing off her tight little holes as they twitched in front of me.

“I know you and the guys have been eyeing this little piece of ass ever since she first walked in here.” He said as he stared me down.

I swallowed hard, His gaze looked at me as if he knew every single dirty thought I ever had.

“Well, I, I didn’t mean-”

He laughed, shaking his head before looking back up at me.

“Why do you always look at me like I’m gonna kill you boy? If I had a problem with you looking at her you wouldn’t be anywhere near here right now.”

That sentence somehow both relieved and terrified me at the same time.

He placed his palm on my shoulder firmly.

“I appreciate the respect you have for my property, Which is another reason why Im comfortable with showing you this side of us.”

As he spoke Kay began to grind into his finger tips, desperately pushing her ass back against his fingers with a whine.

“While I cant fully up your pay to the amount you deserve for the time being. I can give you certain….”Benefits”… that’ll help make your new job a lot less stressful.

The implications were clear to me, and the intensity of what was happening left me unable to form a response. My eyes were glued to Kays tight, alluring little holes. Luckily, the boss was able to read people pretty well.

“Go ahead Ryan, She’s aching to be touched. Lets not keep the little lady waiting any longer then we need to shall we?”

With that confirmation I turned my head to face her holes. Gently putting my hands on her thighs and feeling my way up. Her skin was so delicately soft I just couldn’t resist the urge to squeeze her ass.

Allen walked toward the other side where her head lay. Taking out the panties from her mouth as his large hands held her head tightly. “Do you like the way those hands feel on your ass little baby?”

“Fuck yes daddy” she said now gasping upon being freed from the gag.

“And how do you thank our friend for playing with your ass little girl?”

Kay smiled, before pushing her ass back closer to my face.

“Thank you for playing with my ass Mister Ryan. Please feel up my pussy or ass as much as you want.’

Just hearing that one phrase alone made me harder then I had ever been in my life.

I looked toward Allen to see his response, he gave me a nod that let me know it was safe to proceed.

I ran my hands up her soft thighs and put my thumbs outside of her pussy lips. She was so fucking wet that I could feel her dripping on to my lap. I teased the outside of her pussy with my fingers as she began to slowly let out moans as I slowly worked my way to her clit. As I did this Allen placed his mouth against her lips and the two began making out.

I could hear the swapping of tongues between their mouths as my fingers began to slowly rub into her clit. She moaned into the Bosses mouth as I increased the pressure.

My eyes began to wander toward the butt plug pressed inside of her. As I circled her clit I used my other hand to grab hold of the plug. I pulled it out of her tight little asshole gently as my finger continued to circle her. Letting the plug dislodge itself as the lubricant in her ass dripped down to her cunt. She moaned loudly as I pushed the plug back into her ass and began to fuck her with it.

“Oh Fuck yes.” she exclaimed as both her pussy and asshole were being stimulated at the same time.

Allen stood up slowly as he took his mouth off his little girl. His crotch becoming level with Kays face as he did, and he began to unzip his pants.

I never expected to see my bosses cock when I first began working here but I was too damn focused on the mess this girl was making on my fingers to give a shit at that point.

As he took it out of his pants he let it down against Kays face. Its Length covered her entire face and more as its thickness made her drool.

“You ready to put your mouth to work sweetheart?” He asked as his eyes met hers and the two smiled.

“Yes Daddy.”

He pressed the tip of his cock against her lips as she kissed it in between moans. As my fingers began to increase their speed he began to push his cock into her mouth. Gently pushing it in Inch by Inch until her nose was buried against his crotch.

Allen began slowly throat fucking her as her as I pushed the plug in and out in a methodical Rhythm.

My own cock began to feel so uncomfortably hard in my pants and the tightness of the hole before me just made me want rail her brains out here and now, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to do that without the Bosses permission.

As Allen’s cock fucked her throat filling the room with the sounds of her wet little mouth. She began to push herself back on to my fingers. It didn’t take an expert to know exactly what she wanted.

I took two of my fingers and began to slowly sink them into her tiny little brown hole, I expected her to be tight but it was as if her body could barely take in my two fingers and I could feel the walls of her pussy tightening around them desperately.

My cock yearned to be take its place inside of it badly.

I kept fucking her ass with the plug as I continued to finger fuck her cunt. Allen had gone from gently pushing his cock into her mouth to now slowly fucking her throat as if it was a flesh light. As I heard his balls slap against her chin I wondered how the hell he managed to fit that thing inside this tight little hole.

Our speed continued to increase as Kays moaning only grew louder and louder. All until she slapped Allen’s thigh and he dislodged his cock from her mouth did I hear her speak again.

“Im g-gonna, Fuck Im gonna squirt Daddy.”

Allen smirked and looked my way. “You wanna see this slut squirt Ryan?”

At this point any amount of nervousness I had before had completely been thrown out the window. My primal desires had taken a hold and all I could think of was the satisfaction of seeing the girl that used to smile at us innocently every day squirt all over my fingers like a complete fucking slut.

“Fuck yes I do, I wanna see this bitch squirt.”

Allens smirk turned into a huge grin.

“Thats what I like to hear”.

He turned his attention to Kay. “You heard that little girl? Squirt all over your new friends fingers and show him what a little slut you really are.” His voice boomed throughout the whole office.

I finger fucked her pussy harder and harder, making sure to continue fucking the plug into her ass as I did. All three of her holes were being stuffed. One with Allens cock, the other with the plug, and one with my fingers.

As she grew closer her body began to tremble and her pussy gripped my fingers tighter and tighter. She was too lost in the moment at that point that she couldn’t even suck cock. her moans filled the room as she begged for more.

“Fuck yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.” She exclaimed as her body finally gave in.

She pushed herself back as my fingers buried within her to the hilt and Allen held on to her. I felt her pussy tighten up when she began to squirt all over my hands again and again and again. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she became lost in the feeling.

Fuck me was it the hottest thing I ever felt.

She made a mess all over the floor and my hand as she lay there panting. Her pussy twitching as her body tried to recover from her massive Orgasm.

While it was a blessing the Bosses office was soundproof, I wasn’t sure if those moans could’ve been hidden by any walls.

I looked at the boss with bewilderment on my face. “Holy fuck, that was intense”. I exclaimed as my eyes wandered to my soaked hand.

He smiled. “Enjoying the new benefits thus far?” He said with a satisfied look.

“Lets just say If you had offered me my full pay raise or this. I think I still would’ve gone for this, sir.”

The boss laughed. “Good to hear, but were not done yet. Kay, What do you say to the man who just made you squirt?”

Kay responded in a cock dumb tone. “Mmmm thank you for making me squirt Mister Ryan.”

I smiled at her response and rested my hand against her ass. Then looked up at the boss for permission. he gave it with a nod.

I gave her ass one hard smack across the rear,

“Your welcome slut, truth be told I always fantasized about using your little holes like this from the moment you came in here.”

Kay let out a little giggle as her ass shook from the force of the smack. She then raised her ass higher, placed both her hands on her ass, and spread herself wife open.

“You mean these holes Ryan?” she said in a teasing tone with a huge smile on her face.”

“Fuck….” Was all I could mention as I stared at her twitching little ass and pussy with my bulge now clearly visible in my pants.

“Thats my girl” Allen told her before giving her a long, deep, loving kiss on the lips.

Allen stood back up and looked at me. “Switch sides with me Ryan. That cunt of hers is mine first and foremost, but you’ll get a chance next.”

I smirked as I gave Allen a nod. This was his toy, and I was more then happy to accept his rules in order to play with it. “You got it Boss.”

Besides, I’ve always dreamt about having her mouth around my cock since the day she walked in…….

To be continued in Part 2.



  1. Writing like this makes me so happy having been an office girl – if only I could have truly been the office slut 💓

  2. Holy shit, fuck the money, I will be so loyal and hard working if this was how my bosses appreciation for my hard work was rewarded. So damn hot 🔥 🥵 😘

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