The Reawakening – Sister in Law. Part 3.

It was now the weekend, which meant that Kate wouldn’t take her shower right before bed. Sadly, this mean I wouldn’t get to pop Ali’s back at night. I did however get to stare at her ass all morning in her tiny shorts.

Kate and I were downstairs getting ready for breakfast when I finally heard Ali walking down the stairs. She always slept in, sometimes until noon even. As she came down the stairs I noticed she wasn’t wearing the same shorts she usually did. These were blue and longer. Enough to cover her whole ass. Also these were much looser than the others. They didn’t hug her butt like the others.

I was somewhat disappointed. That was until I got a better look at them from behind. They had a perfectly round hole on her left ass cheek that exposed her bare ass behind them. It was small enough to perhaps be ignored but certainly big enough to stare. Again I was surprised that Kate didn’t mention anything about them. It’s like she was completely oblivious to a mans mind. Especially her man.

Kate and I began to cook breakfast and Ali sat on the ground playing with the baby. Her legs up spread out. It wasn’t until then that I saw why those shorts were better than the others. They were just loose enough to give me a perfect view up
the leg with the way her leg was positioned. I was glued to her yellow panties that hugged her pussy perfectly. I had a good enough view to even see the markings that her slit made on them.

I looked away. Doing my best not to get caught staring but it was nearly impossible not to stare. Luckily Kate was mainly facing the other way towards the stove while I chopped up some veggies. Once more I wondered if she was doing it on purpose. But again, it was innocent enough where she may of just had no clue they were showing. The debate of it drove me as crazy as the view she was giving me. Sadly, it didn’t last. She eventually stood up and my view was ruined.

We had breakfast then Kate let me know that they were planning on doing some shopping later. And asked if I wanted to join them or stay home. I had no interest in going plus having some alone time sounded great.

The girls got ready and took off. I knew I had at least 2 hours before they came home so I had plenty of time. I got my laptop and pulled up as many PAWG and sister in law videos as I could find. I closed my eyes and imagined her. Jerking slowly. Suddenly, the thought of her used panties just a room away popped into my mind. There was no way I could resist. I went into her room and found her hamper. It was filled with her panties from the week. But one stood out to me. The yellow panties she had worn that morning. I took them out and pressed them to my face. Enjoying every bit of her scent. It was incredible. Intoxicating. I felt my cock throb as I took it all in. I took another pair and began to stroke with them. The soft material felt amazing on my cock and knowing that same material had been pressed against her pussy made it that much better. I felt a rush of blood through my body and a gigantic orgasm begin to build. Those that literally roll your eyes behind your head. I didn’t even have time to worry about the mess I was about to make. I continued to stroke as my orgasm crashed down on me. Giant spurts of cum shooting out of me and into her used panties. It was so powerful it nearly buckled me to my knees. Her panties were filled. Completely drenched in cum.

My orgasm died down and I soon began to worry about how obvious it was if she saw them. I debated washing them but worried they wouldn’t dry in time for them to come home. I decided to risk it and simply buried them at the bottom of her hamper. Hoping she wouldn’t wash them for a few days to avoid suspicion. Or even worse. My cum still being wet.

I headed to the shower and cleaned myself up. Then relaxed on the couch watching some tv. Not long after they came home. Each with a few bags of new clothes. Kate had mainly department store bags but Ali had something else. A bag from Victoria’s Secret. I looked at it and instantly wondered what she got. Some cute new panties? A new bra? I was dying to know.

“Looks like you two had some fun..” I stated.

“Yeah we had a blast. We each found plenty of things we liked!” Kate replied happily. I looked at all they bought.

“I can see that..What did you all get?” I asked.

Kate answered first.

“I got a few pairs of jeans, some tank tops, and some new shoes!”

I was surprised she got that much actually. She tended to look for hours and leave with 1 item. I was glad she actually bought somethings. I looked over at Ali.

“What about you?” I asked.

She looked at me smiling.

“I got a pair of jeans as well, along with some shirts and some new panties.”

I wasn’t expecting her to just say it. And it honestly caught me off guard. I just stared like an idiot again.

“Oh. Nice.”

Is all I could spit out. It was twice now that she made me look like an idiot. If this was a game, she was certainly winning. I just wasn’t sure I minded losing.

Then, she struck again.

“I’m need to do laundry today anyways so it works out.”

It’s like this bitch knew every damn thing I did and thought! There was no way coincidence was this fucking lucky!

I did my best to conceal my red face. Terrified she would find them. And they would still be soaking with cum. Maybe I’m overthinking it, I thought to myself. Maybe she will grab the whole thing and dump it in the wash. As much I wanted to believe that I knew damn well from my mom growing up that you can’t do that. There was nothing I could do anymore but wait and pray she wouldn’t notice.

We all went our separate ways for a little and I took a seat on the couch. Turning on the tv, doing my best to keep my mind occupied. After a little while the girls joined me. We sat around for a bit then Ali got up and headed towards her room. My fears were becoming a reality.

She came out of her room with the hamper in her hands. Heading towards the laundry room that was only one door away from her room. Kate and I were literally 15 feet from her.

She went in the room out of sight. I wanted to walk by and see if she was separating it all but couldn’t bare to look. I was literally shaking in the couch. After a few minutes I heard the washer turn on. There was no screams or panic. So that was a plus. But I wasn’t sure I was out of the deep end yet.

She headed back to the couch with us but not before staring at me directly in the eyes. I had seen that look before. But I wasn’t sure if it was an angry or a lustful look. I knew one thing for sure. It would haunt me for the rest of the night.




  1. This is getting good. I can’t wait for the next installment. I’ve done that before, but it wasn’t my sister in law.

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