Shopping is a Pleasure [MFF] (Part 2)

[Part 1 Here](

Our dinner that we were shopping for went off without a hitch. The wine definitely helped, but I didn’t end up needing all of it. With our collection we already had, and the few bottles we had picked up, there was plenty of wine in the house. When next Friday afternoon rolled around, I texted Sarah to see if we had anything going that weekend.

“I don’t think so, why?” she asked.

“I was thinking we could see if Maddie wants to help us get rid of all this extra wine we have,” I said.

“Oh, help us with the wine. Is that all?” Sarah texted back, along with the telltale “…” of continued typing. “I’ll text her in a few,” she finally added. *Green light. Maybe this may happen after all.*

I still had a few hours left at work, but Sarah told me later on what she had sent. She arranged a few of the bottles on the counter and snapped a picture, texting it to Maddie with the caption “We have some extras, you should come over and try something new!” (See what she did there?)

I still hadn’t heard anything back when I left work, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to prepare. I swung by our nice adult shop on the way home, picking up some lube we were running low on (seriously, don’t be afraid of lube guys & girls) and I grabbed a new bullet vibe, kind of on a whim. I saw it on the wall and thought *oh, that could fun.*

As I was leaving, Sarah finally texted back that Maddie had work tonight but that she was free for Saturday night. She hadn’t committed to coming over yet, but said she would text us in the afternoon to let us know. *Alright, yellow light. But the dream is still alive. She didn’t say no to anything yet.*

After some errands the next morning (homeownership can be mighty complicated sometimes), Sarah’s phone finally chimed at lunch and she showed it to me. It was from Maddison.

“Alright, I’m free to hang out for tonight. What time should I come over?”


“Oh shit,” I said. Sarah laughed.

“Keep it in your pants, just because she’s coming over doesn’t mean you’re getting any yet,” Sarah reminded me.

“I might, if we make a nice meal out of it. I’m thinking our lemon-butter chicken and risotto that we made a few months ago,” I suggested.

“Oh, damn. That’s not a bad play,” Sarah said. “And, I’m pretty sure we already have everything at home to make it.”

“Dinner is at 7:00” Sarah texted back.

“See you then!” Maddie responded.

The afternoon flew by and before we knew it we were taking a shower, getting dressed for company, and starting dinner prep. I picked a comfortable pair of hybrid shorts and a cotton polo. Sarah had picked out a sexy light-pink lingerie set and covered it with a black dress that was a favorite of hers (not too tight, but low cut and about fingertip length).

I was about to take the chicken out to the grill when our doorbell chimed to inform us our guest had arrived. Sarah was starting the risotto, so it was on me to open the door. When I did, I struggled to keep my jaw from dropping.

Maddison was actually standing on my doorstep, and in her usual chuck taylor shoes as always. Instead of the work uniform I was used to seeing, she wore black-and-white-striped socks that came up over her knees. Her thighs were bare for a few inches (rare, for mid-October) before reaching a pleated black skirt. She wore a light grey hoody, and the simple black choker she usually wore to work was exchanged for a wider lace choker that had an off-centered bow accent. Her golden blonde hair was in a tight single braid showing off her full array of cute ear piercings. The brightest thing she wore was her smile, which I also rarely got to see due to Covid masks.

I welcomed her in, and as soon as the door was closing she was already unzipping her jacket.

“I can take that, if you’d like,” I told her, motioning towards the coat hooks on the wall by the door.

“Oh, great!” she said, taking off her hoodie and handing it to me. Underneath was a thin white v-neck shirt that ended just above her waist, the faint lines of a black bra just detectable underneath. She kicked off her shoes and left them at the shoe rack by the door.

I hung up her jacket and motioned towards the kitchen. We turned the corner and Maddie was admiring the house when she caught a glimpse of Sarah.

“Oh, wow. Did you dress up for me?” Maddison asked.

“Oh, this?” Sarah said as she gave us a twirl in her black dress. “We haven’t gotten to host as much, obviously. And this didn’t really feel appropriate for family dinner last weekend.”

“Well it looks fantastic on you,” Maddie said.

“Thank you, sweetie. I love that skirt, too,” Sarah replied.

“Thanks,” Maddie said, twisting in place a little.

“Well, you lovely ladies keep admiring each other, and I’ll go get this chicken cooking,” I added.

I headed out to the patio to the waiting grill, already preheated. I laid out all the chicken and closed the lid, turning to see the girls looking over the wines.

I stepped back inside to hear Sarah explaining how white wines pair better with tonight’s dinner, all the while she was working on the risotto. We had 3 bottles of Chardonnay, plus 2 Pinot Grigio in the fridge, and one top-shelf Riesling hiding in the back. Like I said earlier, we had a fair bit of wine to go through.

“So, what am I opening first?” I asked.

“I think the Pinot Grigio is the better beginner wine,” Sarah said.

I agreed and took out one of bottles, 3 glasses, a corkscrew and got to work.

“Oh, wow. A bottle of wine is only like 3 glasses worth?” Maddie asked when I finished pouring.

“Yup, or only 2 glasses worth if you had a bad day,” Sarah said.

I handed out the glasses and we all said a cheers and took the first sip.

“Well?” Sarah asked Maddie.

“It’s not as harsh as I thought it would be. And definitely better than beer,” she said.

“Good. And once you get used to it there are all kinds of ones to try and foods to pair them with. You’ll see when dinner is ready,” Sarah said.

Dinner was everything I’d hoped for, even more delicious than the last time we made it. By the time we were finished, we were already through a 2nd glass of wine. We all stayed at the table well after we were done eating, just talking. I suggested moving to the living room while I cracked another bottle of wine.

After bringing over our plates and refilling our glasses, we made our way to the couch. I took up my usual spot on one end of the sofa, and Sarah half laid down, leaning on me. That meant she was taking up the rest our half of the L-shaped couch, and Maddie had to sit across, facing us.

By that time we had gotten past Covid talk and how things had changed, and we were all genuinely laughing and having a good time. Sarah picked up the remote to pick something to put on TV. I was talking to Maddie and didn’t notice until the movie started that my wife had picked one of the 50 Shades of Grey sequels.

We’d all almost had a whole bottle of wine at this point, and Sarah’s movie selection definitely changed the vibe a little bit. Apparently, Maddison noticed and spoke up about it.

“Can I ask you two something?”

“Sure, what’s up?” Sarah answered.

“Why did you invite me over tonight?” Maddie asked, her tone inquisitive.

“We invited you over to help us with our extra wine in the house and to get to know each other,” Sarah lied. Maddison saw right through it, and looked at me.

“But why did you *really* invite me over tonight?” she pressed.

I looked at Sarah and then back to Maddie. I didn’t want to tip our hand and scare her off, so I simply returned the question. “Why do *you* think we invited you here tonight?”

She did not answer right away. She knew, but I don’t know if she was quite ready to say it. After a few moments looking down bashfully, she looked up again confidently and spoke.

“I think you invited me here because you like me,” she said. “I think you invited me here to have some drinks and go to bed with you two tonight.”

Sarah sat up, “And if that was true, how would you feel about that?”

Again, Maddison didn’t answer right away. It was almost as if she didn’t want to get this part wrong.

“As soon as we traded phone numbers, I started thinking about this possibility. I didn’t know whether or not I was right, but it still got me excited. I liked the idea that a hot couple like you two would be interested in me.”

“You are adorable, Maddison, truly. And our interactions with you are always a bright spot of our day,” Sarah started. “And I will say this, you are on the right track.”

“I thought so. And I’ve been looking forward to it all day. But now that I’m here, I want to make sure things don’t get too, overwhelming,” Maddie said.

“That’s totally understandable,” I chimed in. “We would never want you to feel forced into anything you’re not comfortable with.”

“That’s just the thing,” Maddie responded, “I’ve been thinking about this for a few weeks now. Been thinking about how it might go. And I don’t know what you guys had planned, but now that I’m here I’m not sure if I’m ready to have sex with you both.”

“That’s totally fine, sweetie,” Sarah said. “We can just continue to hang out here. I can put on a different movie and we can stop drinking if you want to cool things down a bit.”

“That’s not what I meant, actually,” Maddie interjected, sitting up straighter. “It’s not that I don’t want to have sex. I do, that’s why I accepted your invitation. I just don’t want to have a threesome.”

“Oh,” was all Sarah could say, before finally asking “Well, how did *you* see tonight going?”

Maddie froze, rosiness rushing to her cheeks as she searched for the words to say. She knew what she wanted, just not how to say it.

“Sarah, I think you really do look beautiful, and that dress is really sexy. But I’ve never been with a girl, and it’s not something I’ve really given much thought towards. To be honest, for the past few months all the ways I’ve envisioned this going were just with your husband. But when you started talking with me more and then invited me over to see you both, I didn’t want to miss my chance.”

I was taken aback by her honesty. Sarah and I hadn’t really dealt with anything like this before, so I wasn’t sure what she’d say next.

“So you came here tonight because you want to have sex with my husband?” Sarah asked.

*Oh shit, red light* I thought.

Maddison looked down, ashamed. “Yes.”

“Well we have a rule in this house,” Sarah started. Maddison looked up in hopeful curiosity. “That rule is simple, any adventures have to be talked out beforehand, and have to be generally enjoyable for both of us,” Sarah explained, gesturing to me. “If you’re willing to work within those parameters, we might be able to still have some fun tonight.”

Maddison looked excited and asked what Sarah had in mind.

“Well I have also been looking forward to tonight for a bit too, ever since my husband admitted he had a crush on the little cashier at the store. I love making him happy, because it gives him extra motivation in making me happy. But I anticipated having sex tonight and I don’t think I’m willing to give that up. If u/Strang3rM3ssages is up for it, he can fuck both of us tonight, but there is a catch.”

“What catch?” Maddie asked, finishing her glass of wine.

“If you agree, when my husband takes you to bed, I will be in the room with you two. I will sit away from the bed and watch. I will observe him using you as he sees fit. I will not interfere, I will not touch you, or him; only myself.”

“That could be really hot, I think,” Maddison said. “But when will you be having sex?”

“Well before he gets himself *too* tired with you, we are going to trade places. You will sit and watch how a husband pleases his wife after she lets him fuck the 19-year-old who came to visit us. You will stay seated until we’re done, not interfering or touching anyone but yourself. What do you think of my solution?” Sarah asked.

I was rock hard at the thought but I was worried it might be more than what Maddie had planned for, but I will ALWAYS remember how she answered Sarah.

Maddie, after listening to Sarah’s proposal, looked over to me, and back to Sarah and involuntarily but her lip. Finally, she said “I think… I’m already wet.”

“Good,” Sarah said. “How about we have 1 more glass of wine and u/Strang3rM3ssages can set up a chair?”

With that, the girls went to the kitchen and I grabbed the reading chair from our guest room. It’s one of those things we put in the wedding registry thinking nobody would buy it and then it showed up. Nothing too fancy or heavy, just an extra chair that’s a little bigger and cushier than a dining chair. Perfect for what Sarah had in mind.

I set the chair at the corner of our bed so whoever was watching could view at a good angle. Then I got an idea. I headed to the “treasure chest” in our closet that we kept all of our toys in. We had a spreader bar that has cuffs for both ankles and wrists, with multiple points you can attach them, to have Sarah bent and spread out in all sorts of angles. I put both cuffs on the ends though, attaching one set to the legs of the chair and opening the other cuffs for Sarah’s ankles. I wanted to do hand cuffs too but the arms were padded with no points too attach to. But this would do, and add another level of fun. I grabbed one of Sarah’s vibrators and remembered the new bullet vibe I had picked up the day and set them aside.

When I returned from the bedroom, the girls were watching the movie and viewing one of the steamier scenes. I grabbed my refilled glass of wine off the counter and set next to Maddie. Sarah gave me a wink when I caught her gaze. We watched the soft core with a plot that was the 50 Shades movie (I think it was the 3rd one) for a bit longer when Maddie scooted over and leaned against me.

“Is your wife really ok with this?” she whispered in my ear.

“She came up with a good plan that should be fun for all of us. If she wasn’t ok with anything you wouldn’t still be in this house,” I replied.

“Ok,” she said. She grabbed my arm and wrapped it around herself, placing her delicate hand on my thigh.

She gradually moved her hand a little higher up every few minutes. I think the taboo of “seducing the husband” while Sarah was still there was getting her worked up. I know it was working for me; the higher her hand moved up the harder I started getting. I looked over and saw Sarah watching us and not the movie. She smiled and downed the rest of her glass of wine.

“Anybody need anything while I’m up?” Sarah asked.

Maddie quickly moved her hand away from my lap as Sarah stood up. We said we were good and Sarah headed to the bathroom. As soon as she was out of sight, Maddison slid her hand all the way back to where it was. I took the initiative, grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand the rest of the way onto the bulge in my shorts.

Her body immediately relaxed as she got her hand on my dick, starting to explore all around to see how excited I was. I took the arm I had around her shoulders and slid my hand under her arm to grasp at her chest. Even with how slender she was, the angle wasn’t the best, so I changed tactics.

I scooted away from her to my left and put my wine glass on the table. She sat up a bit and looked up to me with a little pout that drove me over the edge. I slid my right arm all the way down her back to get some leverage and I pulled her over to me with ease. She gasped but did not resist, pausing only a moment to put her almost empty wine glass on the coffee table as well. She settled in to a straddle in my lap, her pleated skirt doing nothing to stop her from grinding her panties directly onto the bulge in my shorts.

We locked eyes for a moment, those beautiful brown eyes that had driven me wild for months now looked into mine with unbridled desire. She closed them and threw herself into a kiss with frantic intensity, almost smashing into my lips. My hands slid under her cotton tee shirt and she instinctively lifted her arms to let it pass over her. I kissed at her neck around her lace choker and she leaned her head back, locking her hands together behind my neck and rolling her hips into mine as I kissed down to her chest.

Her breasts were on the lower end of a B cup, her lacy black bra was very cute and had a similar bow accent to her choker. I reached up and undid the clasp and she released her grip to shimmy out of her bra immediately. Her B cups were accentuated with the most perfectly pale, slightly upward-pointing nipples. I brought my hands around her torso to take both breasts in my hands, rubbing in a big circular motion before pressing them together a bit. Maddison let out a soft little moan at the end of that and threw herself back into her aggressive kissing style.

We were getting very into it when I heard our wine glasses clink as they were lifted off the table.

“I thought we had established that I get to watch,” Sarah said. Maddie jumped, getting drawn back out of the moment a bit.

“Sorry, Sarah. He started it,” Maddison said playfully.

Sarah was out of her black dress, standing there in her pink lingerie and holding our empty wine glasses. When we both looked up at her, she simply smiled and nodded her head towards the bedroom. I did not hesitate, grabbing below Maddie’s ass and lifting her up off the couch as I stood up. She let out an involuntary scream as she wasn’t ready for it and we all started laughing. I set her down to walk and took both girls by the hand to lead the way.

[Part 3 Coming Soon]


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