[FM] Housemate pt. 1

recently, four of my best friends and i graduated college and decided to all get a place together. it was comprised of me (21f) , my best friend and her boyfriend, and two of his (male) friends. one of these guys was dating a girl who didn’t live with us, leaving me and the third boy (we’ll call him john) as the only two single people in the house.

john knew that i had kind of a thing for him. he was sexy, confident, funny, you name it. unfortunately, i had drunkenly shot my shot in the past and missed. i wasn’t bothered, though. we remained good friends and slept with whoever, and nothing was weird.

right after we all moved in together, the couple of the house went on a two-week vacation. our other roommate would stay at his girlfriend’s a lot, leaving a lot of alone time with me and john. mostly we would stay in each other’s rooms, occasionally watching a movie and drinking together in the living room.

cut to: friday night. i’m in my room, playing on my phone, wearing a big shirt and panties. i hear commotion in the living room, and at first i assume it’s our cats being crazy. i’m quickly proven wrong when there is a knock at my bedroom door.

“come in!” i say, and who opens the door? if you said john you get 10 points. “hey, you wanna watch a movie? the new suicide squad’s out.” he says coolly. i become all too aware of my lack of pants, knowing he can see so much of me. i quickly try to refocus. “uh, yeah. sounds good.” i get up and walk out to the living room behind him, trying not to overhype this in my head. we sit on the couch, a little awkwardly far apart. as the movie starts, however, we quickly become more comfortable and end up with my legs over his lap.

(part 2 soon if you want it 😉)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/p5vhzv/fm_housemate_pt_1


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