Always my baby girl [Part 1] [F/D] [Incest] [Dubcon]

I hated it with every ounce of my being, but there was no way around it.

“Daddy, stop! You can’t do this!” She sobbed as she gripped me tighter, her whole soul aching as I was getting ready to go.
Tears streamed from my eyes, but all i could mutter out was a bittersweet “I’m sorry baby girl.” I picked her up and pulled her in tight, as if these were our last goodbyes. “Bad people are trying to hurt our country and lots of people we can call family. You must know how much this pains me, but i have to go.” The tears didn’t leave, but my depressed demeanor did. I knew it was my duty and as i gave her one last final squeeze, i laid her down in her bed, kissed her forehead, and left the house. With only my duffel bag of clothes, i set off to start a new chapter in my life… and i prayed it wouldn’t be my last.


“Oh god, we’ve done it!” My heart beat raced as my finger pulled the trigger to the sniper and my eyes watched the billet soar straight through his head. We had won the war…


“It’s been too damn long…” i thought with a smile. “I can’t wait to see them again!” I got off the plane and was greeted only by my daughter. I was too happy and overcome with different emotions to think about anything else as we ran towards each other and she jumped into my arms as we embraced for what seemed like an eternity before finally pulling apart to look at each other. I had noticed from afar but even more so as she was in front of me, that these past four years she had grown, and in all the right places.
“Look at you, baby girl! You’re so beautiful and you look so mature and grown! It’s been too long!” I said ecstatically as we embraced again.
“Daddy! Do you have to call me that?” she giggled.
“Well of course baby! Just because i leave for four years and you grow up and become an adult doesn’t mean i see you any differently haha. You’re still my baby girl.” i brushed the hair out of your face and kissed your forehead. I took a moment to subtly admire your ‘features’ as you held me in your arms. You indeed grew in all the right places, plump and perky tits, (D-cups, i assume?), a nice firm bubble butt (definitely from your mother). i was snapped back to reality as you pulled away and grabbed my hand. “Come on Daddy, somebody missed you more than you could imagine.” she said in such a serious tone, that i had put some serious thought into who it could’ve been. As we pulled up to the hospital, my heart dropped as i had the faintest idea…

It took every ounce of my being to get into that elevator, more afraid than anything about what i would see within the next minute. As we stepped out onto Floor 6, it was only right around the corner when i felt my heart drop and my knees weaken.

“Daddy, please…” Mia pleaded as she tried to keep me up with tearful eyes. “Please she just wants to see you…” I straightened myself up, surprised that I had no tears yet, as we entered her room. She was unconscious at the moment, but was as beautiful as ever. I wondered what she was doing in the hospital bed at all if she had looked completely normal. I sat down on her left, which was her dominant side, and squeezed her hand gently as i kissed her forehead and brushed her hair out of her face. After a long talk with the doctors, I had found out she was terminally ill. I started to panic and get nervous, but i remembered nothing about that night except the final words she gave before leaving. “She only has a few minutes…” She gathered her things and walked out of the room, trying to keep her calm before falling to the ground weeping uncontrollably. Mia mentioned that she had seen to Mom’s needs since she went in, about two years ago, and she had been the most caring and loving nurse with Mom. Mia got up out of her seat and ran out of the room, helping the nurse steady herself and taking her somewhere more private as she continued to cry.
I took your hand and squeezed it more, knowing that there was nothing to stop you from leaving. Just as you had to work the night i left and felt so helpless in making me stay, I felt your pain the same way at this exact moment. No matter what i did, i wasn’t able to make you stay. Even worse, you were unconscious and i wouldn’t even get to say goodbye to you. Tears filled my eyes and fell from my cheek as i kissed your cheek. I sat down and put my head on your bedside, my hand still firmly gripping yours, as the monitor let out an endless beep, and your hand grew cold. The doctors rushed in and pulled me away, my eyes streaming with tears while my face was expressionless. I hadn’t said goodbye back then, and I lost my only second chance.
At 9:39pm, she was pronounced dead. Neither me, nor Mia could muster up the strength to drive, so my sister had come to pick me up and drop us both off, including the car, and she helped us both to bed. I stared up at the ceiling until the sun came up, still trying to process what had happened. I finally closed my eyes and lost myself in a deep sleep.


Though short-lived, i was able to lucid dream with all the emotions in my head, and see my wife again. We had a long talk and a few laughs before saying goodbye. It was a dream but it felt so real and as she let go of my hand and slowly walked away, I shot up straight, sweating in my bed.
I got up to get a glass of water and as i checked the time it was around 3am. I waved it off as i was going to bed anyways, until i was heading back to my room and noticed Mia’s door cracked open. I crept closer and heard her sniffling a bit, mixed with a few cute little giggles as a video played, i assumed was on her phone. i knocked and she kind of jumped a little before i let her know it was just me. “Come in Daddy!” she called back and sat upright, waiting for me to come in. I opened the door and noticed her manner of clothing, or rather the lack of clothing she had on. “Woah, sorry baby girl, you don’t want to cover up?” I laughed, before she pointed out i wasn’t so modest either. Looking down i noticed i was in my boxers, i quickly covered them with my hands, doing little to nothing at all to help the situation, before she called me over and told me she doesn’t care about that.
“What are you doing up so late?” i asked, drinking my glass of water.
“Well every year you get these memories on snapchat and they just show you what up were up to a year ago. The video that popped up was when you facetimed us from your base and we did a funny face contest, and i couldn’t help but laugh!” she said giggling a bit before telling me to sit down with her. She laid her head on my shoulder and cuddled close to me as i continued to drink my water. She started scrolling through some more memories, laughing and ‘aw’ing and tearing up at a variety of photos. I remembered that facetime video. It was the last time i had seen the two of them together before our communications were cutoff and we went into full on bloodshed. After that we couldn’t do anything but fight and eventually win the war, and even then, the most i could manage was a text letting them know when my flight came in. I held her close and tight and sat back as all my worries washed away. She continued to scroll through photos upon photos and videos upon videos of her and her mother spending time together as they were the only two at home.
“You know … I wasn’t able to do a lot of that with you, or your mother, but i was wondering … maybe we could start? I already feel bad enough that it was too late to do that with your mother, but i don’t want it to be too late with you. Can we spend more time together?” I asked, quickly regretting whatever i had said.
“Yes daddy! of course we can!” she said in a ‘no duh’ kind of tone. she hugged me tight. i rubbed her head and kissed her cheek, “Alright i was just wondering haha.” i got up and went back to my bedroom, but was soon met by her, asking if she could join me and sleep with me, just because of everything that had gone on in the last six hours. i was hesitant but agreed as we cuddled each other under the sheets and fell asleep.
