You know what’s humiliating? Meeting someone to get skullfucked the day *after* he fucks you at a party [F23] [FM] [FMM] [group]

Alternate title: Fucking every single guy at a vaccinated party (F23)

## Saturday: Jul 3

At this point, my pussy was sore as hell. My whole body was starting to ache. This wasn’t necessarily more sex than I was usually having, not with my flatmates and boyfriend using me regularly, but I was still feeling sore from [Sam’s frozen dildo]( and [George’s drug-assisted fucking](

“How was your night?” my boyfriend texted me in the morning.

“An army recruiter? Really?”

“Glad you liked it!”

I left him on read. I wasn’t going to deign him with a reply.

Over lunch, I received an address and a time, but no name. George was very interested to hear what I’ve been up to this whole week, which got him hard enough for one last fuck before he reluctantly left for work in the afternoon. Sure, he was very obviously interested in recruiting me for the armed forces, but he really knew how to pamper a woman.

While George paid for the hotel to launder my dress, I stayed behind to read by the swimming pool and work a little on my tan. I’d love to tell you guys about the lifeguards I fucked and the flashing I did, but honestly I was way too engrossed in my book to do any of that shit.

As evening approached, I changed back into my dress and headed out to that address, only to realize my boyfriend had scored me an invite to a frat party over the summer.

Now, I do not condone hosting parties during the pandemic. They’re either risky events where practically everybody’s unmasked, or you’re gonna have to party while masked and tiring yourself out. Moreover, it’s hard to party while socially distanced or in small groups.

But hey, nobody said I was a paragon of morality or goodness. I’m a chaotic horny cleric for the sex gods, and my pussy has been dying for group sex ever since George told me last night about his gangbang plans.

So what I’m saying is, yeah I graduated with first class honours, but I’m still a stupid slut at heart. I took a PCR test and tested negative, and off I went to the party.

I don’t drink much at parties, partially because alcohol does not mix well with my birth control and psychiatric medication, and partially because I’m here to hunt for sex, not pass out drunk in a bedroom. I just need enough alcohol to work past my introversion.

The music was good, pop-punk songs from the 2000s. I gave myself a short tour of the place. It was a small party, maybe a dozen guys and a handful of girlfriends. I found myself giving my first blowjob to the host (Guy 1) within 10 minutes as Fall Out Boy played in the background, which is quite possibly my Personal Record. As the party wore on, I made out with someone and got fingered on the dance floor (Guy 2?) and fucked someone else (Guy 3?) in the bathroom, before finally breaking away from the pack to head to the kitchen.

I met one of the host’s friends (Guy 4) as he was looking for something in the top cabinet. I’m not sure what it is about this particular position, but seeing a man on his tip toes, his shirt riding up his back, arm outstretched? I absolutely love that sight and **I don’t know why**.

We chatted about chips and the playlist, which was currently working its way through the first few Panic! At The Disco albums. To my surprise, he told me that this party was less of a fraternity party and more of a themed party. Right on cue, the playlist skipped ahead to [I Write Sins Not Tragedies](, and I heard the living room explode with delight.

This was quickly becoming my favorite frat party of my time in college.

I suppose he did try to put his moves on me, but it’s not like he needed to convince me to fuck him. I was intentionally flashing literally everybody in front of me with every step I took, which easily placed me as the sluttiest motherfucker within this postcode. It actually took *me* repeated attempts, but he finally got the message when I started pulling his zipper down. His eyes widened a little, as if to ask if I was really going to suck him off in the kitchen.

“Don’t you like the *risk*?” I purred into his neck.

On cue, he started unbuckling his belt.

Within a few minutes, I had him leaning back against the sink, my face buried against his crotch. It took me 2 songs to get him to cum, and he pulled me off his cock to cum on my face.

Fine by me, nobody’s wearing a mask here anyway.

Before I could leave the kitchen, I was intercepted by Guy 5 and 6, with the practiced moves of a true fuckboy. You know, the sort of guy who complains about how he’s never been deepthroated because God has cursed him with an 8 inch cock. I could tell they’re on the hunt for a young girl to break, but as far as I could tell, I was the only single lady here tonight. They thought they found prey, but I’m on the prowl tonight too.

As we headed out of the kitchen, their hands started to make their way around my body. I can play this game too. They tried to direct me upstairs into a quiet corner of the flat, and I redirected them towards the party, so we compromised on a guest bedroom next to the dance floor.

They started pawing at me even before the door closed, and it took me some convincing before they allowed me to strip my dress off. I quickly found myself on my hands and knees on the bed as they spitroasted me. I was sober enough to notice that while they weren’t actually endowed with 8 inches of cock, they were definitely skilled enough to use every inch God gave them.

Guy 5 came on my face and left us to continue fucking. We collapsed onto the bed and repositioned ourselves, and that’s when Guy 6 really pulled out the stops. He lifted my leg upwards, spreading me open as he begun to fuck me sideways. It was wonderful. He had me pinned next to the wall, and the bed began to bang against the wall with every stroke.

Guy 6 was certainly good in bed, but I wasn’t particularly interested in spending the night in his bed. I heard him tear open a condom, but he was fucking me raw, and I do not take too kindly to guys trying to stealth me. I wasn’t in much of a position to complain though, especially since I didn’t exactly ask for a condom too.

“Are you gonna cum *in* me?”

“Do you want me to?” he asked, almost rhetorically, as his hips quickened. His smile widened, almost as if he was going to cum soon.

“Just let me cum fi-”

He pulled me onto his cock, forcing every inch into me as he came *hard*. I rutted against his cock, trying to cum, but he pulled out quickly and he left in a hurry, with his shirt barely buttoned.

Almost on cue, someone (Guy 7?) peeked in, to see my bare ass and disheveled hair on the bed. I beckoned him in. He introduced himself almost awkwardly, as if he hadn’t been attracted to this room by the sound of me getting fucked out of my mind. But as always, his cock quickly took over, and I found myself sitting myself gingerly on his cock. It started to hurt after a while, so I convinced me to fuck my ass instead. We moved around the room, trying to find a good angle, and I eventually ended up sitting on the edge of a table.

Naturally, the commotion began to attract some attention from the party.

“Is there room for one more?” someone (Guy 8? Honestly, I wasn’t keeping track.) joked. Seeing as I had 2 loads on my face already, I figured I might as well welcome him in. You could see his brain short-circuiting, before his cock took over. I got spitroasted a little, before they realized my pussy was free for the taking.

I’ve talked about this elsewhere, but I’m a huge fan of getting DPed. It still hurts, but the way it stretched me out that night was simply *exquisite*. I started cumming harder, tears running down my face, and this was when the party began to blend into a series of cocks.

In total, a total of 4 or 5 guys and the host fucked me absolutely senseless. Sure, I didn’t spend much of it airtight, but I wasn’t complaining. Between the cum drying on my face and the fact that they were running an impromptu train on me *while* the party was still happening a few meters away was hot enough, even for me.

Of course, I was entirely sober by the end of it, and I had been fucked absolutely sore. As the last guy filtered out of the room, I put on my dress again. I could feel the cum clinging to the fabric as I stepped out. There were a few girls leaving with their boyfriends as the night ended, and I was positive some of them had fucked me.

As the music died down, I began to appreciate the situation I was in. The host stood around by the lounge, ushering the few remaining non-comatose people out of his house. I was clearly very alert and able to leave, so I lingered near the longue and made myself useful, by clearing the cups and trash on the dance floor.

He eventually noticed me. “Lee!”

I cajoled him first into letting me help him clean up the dining room and the dance floor, where I belatedly learned his name, Anthony. We started chatting about the party, almost as though he hadn’t came balls deep in each of my holes before this. Well, I reasoned, if I’m willing to help clean up your house after the party, shouldn’t I be allowed to shower and clean myself up before leaving?

It’s hard to say no to a girl stripping herself off in your bathroom, especially if she then invites you to join her in the shower. We were a little too tired for shower sex, or to even jerk him off, but the words unsaid between us crystallized into a mutual understanding, and we made our way to his thankfully untouched bedroom.

Anthony’s bedroom was pretty cute, all things considered. His room looked surprisingly normal. A Halsey poster on his closet, a corkboard pinned with pictures of him and his friends, and an alarmingly cluttered desk. He opened his closet, offering me something to sleep in. While my eyes gravitated to his varsity tanks initially, I spotted something I wanted more: A shirt from Halsey’s latest concert tour.

His eyes lit up as I picked it and started gushing about her. It was decided, I was definitely staying the night. Anthony shared his experience at her 2020 concert, and I found myself riveted even though I was dead tired. Like, she had announced the week before that this would be her last concert tour for a long ass time, which made his concert especially magical. The way he described it, the atmosphere was electric.

We dozed off at some point, and it was well in the early afternoon when we both woke up. I only had to pee once, an amazing feat considering how much I drank the night before.

“Not your first time waking up with someone from a party?” I asked, as he woke up. I had been idly masturbating while waiting for Anthony to wake up. He made a grumbling noise as he squeezed my chest. It definitely wasn’t his first time. Anthony scratched his head and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, like a man in need of caffeine. I can empathize with that.

Over brunch, coffee, and a blowjob, we exchanged contact details and promised to stay in touch.

| Location | Total loads | Loads from Guys 1 to 7 | Loads from the train and Anthony |
| Mouth | 11 | 1 | 4 |
| Pussy | 12 | 2 | 2 |
| Ass | 7 | 1 | 2 |
| On me | 6 | 2 | 4 |

## Sunday: Jul 4

The plan was to have me spend the week sleeping with new people, so I only needed to sleep in a new person’s bed for 6 nights, but I was down to push my luck. My boyfriend didn’t have a 7th person to fuck, and I technically did buy a dress for Friday and Saturday, so I figured I try my luck. I had spent the week idly matching with people on dating apps, but nobody in particular struck me as particularly wild.

On the other hand, I had a few new friends thanks to Anthony’s party. It was a little awkward discussing the train they ran on me the night before with him, but he loosened up once I sat on his lap with his cock snuggled deep in my pussy.

I began texting a few of the guys innocuously, keeping in mind that they could have partners who might not take too kindly to last night’s party slut sliding into their boyfriend’s messages.

“Hi! This is Lee, from last night! We were talking about *Panic! At The Disco* last night in the room next to the dance floor?”

Yeah, we were definitely *talking*, if you know what I mean.

I left Anthony’s flat in a shirt (I stole from him) and Sam’s shorts. I was sorely tempted to steal his Halsey shirt or to ask for it, but I have to draw the line somewhere. The concert meant a lot to him, and I wouldn’t want my flings to steal any of my band shirts, let alone one I’m emotionally attached to.

The search for my next lay quickly narrowed itself down. Theodore sent a dick pic, which certainly looked smaller than it felt last night. Elijah certainly looked bigger than he felt though. He knew his angles.

But Axel asked if his cock was memorable enough for me to text him so quickly. What a fucking prick. No, I wasn’t in much of a position to inspect the cocks fucking me. His cock wasn’t even the thickest of the lot. That said, Anthony had given some good reviews of him, so I replied, “Yeah, and? :P”

You know, like a liar.

I met Axel for coffee at an outdoor cafe, and I quickly realized what Anthony meant. The man was confident, and he smiled like the cat that swallowed the canary.

“That’s Anthony’s shirt, isn’t it?” he asked as I sat down. I nodded, and his smirk widened. I could feel myself starting to blush, as he kept the conversation sexual. How many men had I flirted with before the train? (“Define flirt. But also, 7?”) How many cocks fucked me during the train? (8, I think. But some felt more familiar than others.).

In my defense, this was the first time I’ve met someone *after* he came in me.

Eventually, Axel ran out of things to ask, and I began to steer the conversation back towards slightly less sexual things. It turns out that while Anthony was from a different college in my city, Axel was a sophomore (second year student) in my college.

“What about you?” he asked. His eyes swept over me. “You can’t be older than me.”

I wasn’t gonna meet him again, so I shrugged. “You think I’m a sophomore too?”

“Well, you can’t be a freshie.”

I laughed. “I’m not *that* young!”

But I was intrigued. Did he actually think I was freshly out of high school? Were the eyebags from my final year starting to fade?

We took public transportation back to his apartment, dinner be damned. Axel was hard as hell, and I was ignoring his increasingly unsubtle hints for a blowjob in a public bathroom. Instead, I began asking him about his time in my college, keeping a conservative distance from the bulge in his pants.

Axel’s studio apartment was in a cheaper part of town. His hand was on my ass as we climbed the stairs up to the second floor, and I fondled his crotch as we squeezed through the tight corridor. His apartment was clean, but by no means romantic. A third of the room was filled by his twin bed, and his TV doubled as his laptop’s second monitor.

By the time Axel had locked the door, I’d ditched my clothes and made myself comfortable on his bed. He gave me a predatory look, and I smirked right back at him.

“Yes, Axel?”

“You’re one cocky fucking freshie aren’t you?”

“And you’re not-?”

Axel crossed the room in 4 steps, pushing me on my back as he climbed on me. His lips met mine, crashing like waves on a shoreline. I helped him pull his jeans and briefs off, and I smiled into his lips as his cock sprang free.

Oh, it was definitely bigger than I remembered.

“You’re not gonna pussy out from my cock, are you?”

I rolled my eyes. I took his cock and more last night, didn’t I?

“Feel my pussy,” I instructed. He pushed his cock aside and his fingers quickly found my clit.


“For you.”

Axel knew what he was doing, and he began to stretch my pussy out with a finger or two. It didn’t take me all that long to cum on his skilled fingers, and as I rode out my orgasm, I could feel his cock pushing into me.

He took his time, letting me relax around his cock. He savored the way I stretched around him, the way my mouth dropped into a wordless cry.

“Don’t worry baby, I know it’s uncomfortable. Just relax.”

I bottomed out on his cock, keeping him in place for a moment before he started fucking me into the mattress. With long strokes and a steady rhythm, Axel fucked me to my first orgasm, stopping for a brief moment as it crescendoed, before picking up right where he left off.

I loved the way Axel fucked me. He held me in place, with his arms wrapped securely around my body and his hands tangled in my hair. All I could see was his face, haloed in the afternoon sunlight, and I could tell he was getting off to my pain.

“It hurtsssss,” I whined. “I’m so *fucking* sore from last night!”

Axel’s breath caught in his throat and he pulled out, cumming on my stomach. As he caught his breath, I played with his cum, licking it up and wiping myself clean. He rolled off me, and we scooched upwards, making ourselves comfortable on his bed.

We began to chat about the party. It turns out I was the only single girl at the party, which instantly made me the centre of attention. Anthony refused to share where he found me, which only made Axel curious. Based on his expert opinion, I was fresh out of high school, but I moved here earlier than the rest of the other freshies.

Amazingly enough, Axel got every single detail wrong. Not only was I not a freshman, I actually arrived on campus on the very first day of classes all those years ago, and I had to attend my first lecture with my carry-on luggage.

But nobody needs to know that.

The conversation naturally got very sexual very quickly. As I shared how I had given his friend in the kitchen a blowjob (Rigel? Nigel? I don’t know, my ears are kinda bad), Axel’s cock began to harden.

“You’re one fucking filthy slut, huh?”

“I guess?”

I ought to win an Oscar for the look of uncertainty that flashed across my face. Axel patted my inner thigh reassuringly. “Being a slut is totally fine here in [College name]!”

Axel’s hand never left my thigh, as I told him how the 2 guys led me to the bedroom and spitroasted me. He guided my hand to his cock and I began to jerk him off slowly. It was almost embarrassing to realize just how many times someone came on me or in me the night before, a weirdly sexual whirlwind of an orgy that happened just feet away from the rest of the party.

I realized Axel was the 7th guy I met, the guy fucking me in my ass while I invited someone else in. That’s why it hurt so much! Axel’s cock wasn’t particularly girthy, but it was long. He’d only got to fuck my ass the night before, and tight as it was, he definitely preferred fucking my pussy today.

“You could fuck my mouth later if you’d like?”


Under the guise of a friendly mentor, Axel explained how he wanted to facefuck me. Now that he mentioned it, I could see why he’d like that. His cock was long, but it could fit down my throat easily. I laid on my back, pretending to listen as Axel attempted to convince me. I was on board with the entire idea, but I couldn’t look *too* eager.

Axel shifted me to the edge of the bed, and my head flopped down over the edge, giving me a wonderful view of his ass crack. I glanced upwards, watching his cock tower over me.

It’s hard to explain why I love getting skullfucked.

Maybe it’s my unique view of his balls and cock, the way it gazes down at me before it attempts to break my bratty ass. Maybe it’s the way Axel gently held me as he guided his cock down my throat, letting it pop past that barrier in my throat, knowing there’s no way for me to escape.


The sound my throat made as it swallowed his cock for the first time seemed to echo around the room.

Ah, that’s it.

It’s how humiliating this is.

Nothing about getting facefucked like this is convenient. All that spit has nowhere to go but my face, and my eyes are squeezed shut. Axel had the best view in the house, of my chest heaving in deep breaths and my body squirming in bed. But that’s what I secretly love about being skullfucked. It’s so messy. Nothing feels more humiliating than having a faceful of spit as I choke helplessly around a cock, milking every drop of cum from it. But yet, all he sees is my sweaty body writhing under him, gagging with every stroke.

“Gluck gluck gluck-”

I’m sure Axel announced his impending orgasm, but I didn’t hear it over the sound of my throat imitating a tight pussy. The facial I got sealed the deal. Axel came, his cock spurting ropes of cum onto my chin and dribbling it onto my spit-covered face. I felt him lower his cock back into my mouth and I sucked his cock dry, milking the last drops of cum out like I was trying to suck the last boba pearl out of my cup.

There were many moments that week that felt like I was a slut. Bouncing around from bed to bed certainly was a high point in this week, but this? Meeting someone after he’s participated in a train with him, only to get skullfucked an hour after meeting him? This easily eclipsed everything else.

“Can I cum?” I asked.

“Wh-” he asked. I felt around the bed blindly, trying to find my phone without opening my eyes too much. I fingered myself a little, more for the sound than anything, as I muttered, “This was surprisingly hot.”

I heard him smile a little to himself, as he passed me my phone. I unlocked it instinctively, swiping to my camera in a practiced motion. Dimly, the rational side of my brain protested my decision, but fuck it, I was terribly horny.

With his cock hanging beside my covered face, I explained what I wanted him to do. Take a picture of me, grinning ear to ear with his cock in my mouth.

“You sure?”

My hand was already toying with my clit. “Just do it. I’m gonna get myself off.”

Like I said, terribly impulsive, but Axel took a few pictures, and they didn’t turn out half-bad. I just needed to frame this moment as one of my Top 10 Sluttiest Moments.

Axel and I showered afterwards. I needed a long shower to get the spit and cum out of my hair, and he was content to watch me once he was done. We ordered in pizza and wings for dinner, and we continued chatting about the party. We both didn’t really see the need to wear any clothes, not that I had much to wear. The delivery person was surprised to see me topless, as I picked up the food in nothing but a pair of Axel’s shorts. Alas, the moment was ruined, when Axel saw the look in their eyes and burst into laughter.

“You’re fucking shameless,” he later remarked.

Like I suspected, the party were mostly attended by single guys and couples, and I was the only single woman attending. Once Guy 3 (A guy named Marcus?) came in me minutes after meeting me on the dance floor, word started going around that a slut was in attendance, and it doesn’t take a detective at 221B Baker Street to deduce that I was the slut in question.

At some point over dinner, Axel realized nobody had eaten me out the night before. Like, sure I came a dozen times over the course of the night, but the most I ever got was a few fingers in me. So dinner was temporarily put on hold, as Axel cleaned himself up.

“You don’t have to do this now, Axel,” I reminded him.

“I gotta treat women right! That’s how you keep them… *cumming*!”

I can see why he’s so damn arrogant. He ate pussy carefully and attentively, and he figured out how I like to be eaten out very quickly. And he was aggressive in the best way possible. Some guys eat you out til you cum. Axel was one of those guys who eats you out through your first few waves of orgasm, and they stop only when you start tapping out.

Axel was smirking at me from between my thighs when I finally stopped seeing stars. I caught my breath. “What are you smiling at?”

“Best you ever got?”

I thought to myself. Not the best I’ve ever got, but it’s definitely in my top 10. I hate to admit it, but I would come back for more Axel if he’s consistently this good at eating the ladies out.

“Just the top 10? What sort of men have you been fucking?”

“Men and women,” I revealed, with a shrug. “And you know what they say about women and eating pussy, they’re naturals.”

Axel pouted a little.

“Gimme a moment, please.”

So we continued eating.

The night ended with Axel and I talking about our sex lives, which was a nice way to cap off my Bang For Roof week. It would be weird to call a man a slut, but Axel clearly slept around a lot and I don’t blame him. A guy who gives head this well should be shared with as many women as possible. For a horny guy in college, Axel was surprisingly reluctant to cum in me. Oh, he was full of stories about taking virginities, but it was like he drew the line at creampies. It took me the whole night to convince him to cum in me, but my god it was worth it. I ended up spending the night with him, and he called me a cab back home in the morning.

| Location | Total loads | Loads from Axel |
| Mouth | 12 | 1 |
| Pussy | 13 | 1 |
| Ass | 7 | 0 |
| On me | 8 | 2 |

It’s nice being home, even if everything ached like a bitch. And it’s even nicer to soak in my bathtub with a warm cup of my coffee. But [hopping from bed to bed for an entire week]( was undoubtedly an excellent way to wrap up my time in London.



  1. “And he was aggressive in the best way possible. Axel was one of those guys who eats you out through your first few waves of orgasm, and they stop only when you start tapping out.” 😋😋😋

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