The Reawakening – Sister in Law. Part 2.

The weekend came and went without any other major moment. Sunday morning I got to enjoy her shorts once more but we had a busy day so it was much more short lived.

The week began and all things simmered down again. That was until..

It was a Wednesday night and Kate was just jumping in the shower. The baby was in bed and Ali and I shared the couch watching some tv before bed. She was wearing black tights that showed her ass well and a white tank top. Not much was being said, when suddenly.

“Ugh Mike, would you mind doing me a huge favor?” She asked.

I was a bit caught of guard. Completely zoned out at the moment.

“Yeah, what’s up?” I replied.

“My back is really hurting. Would you mind popping my back?”

A normally innocent task in most cases. But not for me. Not with her. I happily agreed.

“Of course. Umm.. how would you like me to do it?”

I was trying to decide in my mind which approach would give me the best access to her ass. Picking her up was the obvious choice, but laying on top of her was more intriguing. However, it was riskier. Would she be okay with me mounting her, or would I have to do it from the side. I waited for her response.

“Umm, however! Whatever is easiest for you!” She cheerfully replied.

Not wanting to blow it on the first try, I played it safe and chose to pick her up instead. I got behind her and had her cross her arms. Wrapping my arms around her. Her ass, perfectly pressed against my cock. I would be sure to get a massive boner if I stayed much longer but trying not to be creepy, I picked her up and popped her back. Releasing her right after.

“Mmm Mike. Thank you, that felt so good.” She let out.

In my mind imagining she was referring to my cock pressed against her. Perhaps she was.

“Good! That popped really good!” I stated.

We went back to the couch and enjoyed some to the rest of the night.


The next night. I finished putting the baby to bed and Kate headed to take her shower. I came out to the living room and Ali was already on the couch. This time wearing her half ass shorts. My favorite. We sat around for a few minutes when suddenly Ali looked to me.

“Hey Mike. You think you can pop my back again? That felt so much better after you did yesterday.”

There she went again. Was this completely innocent? or another one of her games aimed to tease me to death. Nothing she did was obvious enough to be labeled as flirting. She could easily argue she didn’t mean anything by it if she wanted too. And of course, if this was her game, I didn’t mind playing it.

“Yeah sure thing!” I replied.

We got up and she leaned back against me. The thought of her ass in those little shorts quickly sent my mind where it shouldn’t. I felt my cock twitch the second I felt it against me. Still. It wasn’t enough time for much. So I picker her up and popped her back again. Then released immediately after.

“Mmm, thanks again! That feels amazing..”

Once more, I imagined her response referring to something more than just her back.


The next night. I had a plan. She usually didn’t wait long after I made it to the couch to ask. So I planned on getting at least 50% hard before I went over and watch porn on my phone on the couch to help keep it up until she asked. It was somewhat risky but as long as I wasn’t fully hard she couldn’t be sure I was harder than usual. Or so I assumed.

I put the baby to bed and headed to the room. Kate hit the shower and I began my plan. I opened PH and pulled up the first video I could find and began to stroke my cock as quickly as I could. It didn’t take long for me to get hard. Mainly at the thought of Ali’s ass pressing against it. I was ready.

I headed towards the couch but to my surprise she wasn’t there. She was in her room. I sat down on the couch disappointedly. Mad that my plan had failed. Then. I decided to take a risk. Maybe it was my turn to play some games too. I got up knocked on her door.

“Come in.” She yelled.

I came in and noticed her laying on stomach on the bed, reading a textbook in front of her. Her perfect ass in full display in some grey yoga pants.

“What’s up?” She asked.

I didn’t think this trough enough to have an answer ready.

“Uhh.. um, I was just seeing what you were up too. It’s Friday night. Why are you studying?”

I somehow mustered a decent enough response.

She chuckled.

“I know. I know. What, did you miss me out there or something?” She let out laughing.

Fuck she was a good at messing with me. I did my best to play it cool. The tension helping me keep my hard on that whole time. But certainly not helping me focus.

“No! I mean. Well, yeah. I mean no.”

I made a complete fool of myself. She burst out laughing. I think knowing what she did to me. Thankfully she bailed me out.

“Relax haha It’s ok. Besides. You haven’t popped my back yet..”

I couldn’t believe it. She was playing me like a fiddle. Doing what she pleased with me. I shuddered again before finally being able to respond.

“Umm, oh yeah. See I knew it was you that missed me..” I replied.

She got up staring at me and rolled her eyes a bit.

“Mhmm.. just pop my back already you fool..” she said jokingly.

I got behind her and wrapped my arms around her. “Positioning” myself a little longer this time, making sure she got to feel me. Her ass felt amazing against my cock. I never wanted to let go. But I had too. I picked her up and released her. One of the best pops I had given her yet.

She looked back at me smiling, almost deviously, and thanked me.

“Mm, thanks Mike. That was the best one yet..”

