The Centaur Queen: Part 2 [MF] [arguably bst]

[Part 1 here](

*Took a little longer than expected to get this ready for posting but here we go! Part 3 should be along in the next week. Also, a big fuck you to New Reddit, bane of my existence, for (among other things) changing the way formatting works. Not gonna bother fixing all of this so sorry if there’s weird line breaks or whatever.*


Ellara, Centaur Queen of Fairland, clopped along absentmindedly at the head of the royal entourage. A couple months into her marriage and ascension to the throne, she still had yet to find a passion for the monarchic lifestyle. The endless days of nothingness in royal court, the unceasing succession of banquets and galas, the inescapable elbow-rubbing and brown-nosing day after day… Ellara felt she probably ought to be thankful for her life of privilege, but all she ever felt was trapped in that dull old stone box they called a castle. And yet, as they crested the hill, she suddenly remembered there were at least some things she could enjoy the life of a Queen.

As a young child — later a princess — in her home land, she had had free run of all the meadows and forests and foothills she could gallop across. She used to run all day, feeling the beat of her four feet on the ground and the wind in her hair and under her arms. She felt some small echo of that old freedom now, as the sprawling farmlands of Galara spread out below them and a brisk autumn wind filled her lungs with energy.

“Err, my lady? Are you listening?”

“Hmm?” Ellara broke out of her revery, realizing her husband was talking to her.

“I said, what do you think? Are you pleased to have come on this little diplomatic trip now, eh?” King Athrum raised an eyebrow as she pulled her gaze away from the enticing landscape and toward her husband. Underneath him, the royal mount Roman panted lightly, giving her what looked like a sardonic glance, if horses are capable of such expression. She glanced down, relieved to see only his sheath hanging between his legs.

“Uh, yes,” she made herself say, meeting the man’s eyes again. “Lovely. Beautiful fields.”

Athrum chuckled. “Why yes, I suppose they must be rather interesting to you. I was referring more to the city, the castle. Pelion, the City of Towers they call it! And more importantly, the home and kingdom of my old boarding school buddy, King Miklem the Third! Hah, still feels odd to call the old so-and-so “King”, what with all the, uh, the– well, the mischief we got up to as lads. Why, this one time…”

Perhaps it was because she was always so short of words that Athrum tended to prattle on and repeat himself, but then again he was probably always like that. At any rate, Ellara sighed and started up again down the winding road to the city, passing fields and paddocks with cows and horses who watched her go by with glazed eyes. She wasn’t chomping at the bit to reach another castle, but after all the whole entourage was waiting for her to set the pace. She already felt bad for keeping the servants out for so much longer than if she’d gone at full pace, but after all — she could only go so fast with a child growing inside her.


“I say, who let this vagrant into my palace?” The words echoed through the vast marble and glass of Pelion Castle’s atrium.

“Miklem, you old so-and-so! Whoever had the bright idea to put you in charge of the Jewel of Galara?” Athrum bellowed a hearty laugh back at Miklem, and Ellara plastered a courtly smile on her face as a round of insufferable banter sloshed back and forth between the two kings. It gave her a chance to take him in — still a rather young man, like Athrum, but much more striking. Tall, lithe yet built, with long hair hanging in several braids down his back, his skin more of a chestnut to Athrum’s dun. And while obnoxiously boisterous at the moment, he seemed a little more engaging and quick-witted than her dear husband, and his voice actually quite mellow as he (finally) addressed her.

“Ahh, oh, yes,” spluttered Athrum. “Yes of course, you haven’t met my darling queen, my dear Ellara. Isn’t she… magnificent?”

“Precisely the word, old friend. My lady, you are most magnificent indeed! Every bit as beautiful as Athrum has said in his letters. I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure of meeting one of your kind, but I do hope to call at least one among my friends before the day is out. Your man knows the place backwards and forwards, but I will endeavour to make certain you see only the finest of what Pelion has to offer. Come now!” And Miklem turned and motioned them to follow, giving her time only to say, “A pleasure, my lord,” as he led them to a comfortable private courtyard.

The sunny courtyard was well furnished with all manner of outdoor furniture and overhung with beautiful vines and blossoming plants. Ellara reclined on a sort of futon mattress next to the seats where Athrum and Miklem continued catching up. She sat in silence, sipping cold water with herbs, as they laughed over old school stories and whatever else they were talking about. Ellara had little to contribute to the conversation, but couldn’t help but notice the glances that Miklem kept throwing her way. Perhaps it came down to her being the first centaur he’d seen, but she got the feeling there was more than that. His eyes would flick over, lingering on her haunches, her undercarriage, her breasts held in the tight wrap she always wore when out for a gallop. Not that she was galloping much in her condition, but…

“Expecting? Expecting a child, you mean?” Athrum said, turning her way. “Why, I *expect* she’d have told me if that were the case, hah! Though I suppose she has rather rounded out, now that I’m looking. The product of our wedding night, perhaps, eh dear?” He chuckled, and Ellara blushed. She hadn’t thought she was showing and could not guess how Miklem had noticed when even her husband hadn’t. She had not, in fact, told Athrum. She couldn’t quite say why, but perhaps she felt she wanted control over something. Perhaps she didn’t want to risk having to explain the discrepancy in human and centaur gestation periods, not that he would know anything about that.

She managed to keep her face placid, unsmirking. “Yes, Athrum dear, perhaps it was that night.”

Miklem’s eyes slid over her again, now focusing on her belly. “Well, lady, if that is the case then might I say you look, I presume, even more radiant than normal. It is a joy to all here — to all the kingdom, I should wager — and it only serves to emphasize your majestic… divine nature.”

Her blush deepened, but their conversation returned to themselves, and their attention was (for the most part) directed away from her again. Shortly later on, however, they decided to take a stroll around the castle balconies. As Ellara stood to join them, Miklem once again ran his eyes over her body. “I hardly noticed it when I first greeted you. Most pleasing,” he said, the last part almost to himself. Then, to Athrum: “The child, I mean. If there is to be one. Most pleasing!” And the two of them chuckled more in their understanding, boyish manner.

All through their walk, Miklem kept up with the leering glances (usually behind Athrum’s back, but not always) and the comments about her body. Ellara found herself troubled by how *un*troubled she was by this behaviour. The man was acting like a scoundrel, Athrum seemed mostly oblivious, and Ellara couldn’t help but feel… she didn’t know what, but feel some way Athrum never made her feel. At one point, he was holding open a gate to a garden area, letting Athrum pass first. As Ellara came through after him, Miklem reached out a hand and ran it over her back, stroking the shiny coat. She stopped short, in dead shock, while Athrum strolled over to a railing, completely unaware.

“My congratulations again, my lady,” he said in private tones, now slowly stroking her barely-showing belly, his hand lingering. “I know much of your people, actually, Ellara. Long have I wished to see one, and now to have the privilege to meet one in such… intimate terms. You are true divinity, lady. Daughter of the mares of Magnesia — real divine blood, not the myths we kings tell about ourselves. I do hope he treats you appropriately as such. He ought to show his… appreciation.” Now his hand fell from her belly to the thigh of her back leg, groping slowly upwards and inwards, and Ellara’s breath hitched, her heart skipping, her flush moving from her cheeks to between her legs, until…

“Don’t make me use it, old friend.” Athrum’s voice had an edge to it that Ellara had never yet heard. She opened her eyes in shock, seeing her king standing just behind Miklem and to the side, his hand resting on the scabbard of his ceremonial dagger. Miklem held his hands away from her, in a conciliatory gesture.

“My apologies, Athrum. I meant no harm. Merely meant to express my appreciation for her beauty.”

“You’ve done your share of that for today, I believe.” Athrum slowly removed his hand from the scabbard, and Ellara felt a swell of both guilt and affection for her husband, sticking up for her with genuine protectiveness. That affection was somewhat soured, nonetheless, by his final comment on the matter: “I’ll thank you to remember she’s mine. I married her. She’s my wife and she will be my child’s mother. You may look, as any man may, but none but me shall lay a hand on her.”

“Right you are, friend. What’s yours is yours, indeed,” said Miklem, putting a friendly hand gently on Athrum’s back and giving her a look over his shoulder. “Let me repent my rudeness with the fruits of these vineyards. I’ve a certain vintage I’ve been saving just for you.” And with that, it seemed, the matter was forgotten.


Ellara tried her hardest to stifle herself, uncertain how many guards or servants might be near the stables in the wee hours of the morning. Not that it would’ve been much quieter without her moans of pleasure; with the forceful thrusts of Roman, the scrape and clatter of hooves on paving stones, and both their grunts and heavy breathing, they made quite enough noise to attract attention. She couldn’t bring herself to care, though. She was so worked up from this day, so confused and pissed off and aroused, she had to blow off steam somehow.

The massive Clydesdale, by day the steed of the king himself, spent most nights rutting the queen with relish. Their midnight trysts were a regular occurrence back at home, where the stable area was all but deserted at that hour. On the road, though, there had been no way the queen could possibly find a private spot with the steed without raising suspicion. When everyone was clustered in tents or simply sleeping on the ground nearby, it was hard to hide this type of rendezvous. Two feet of hard, pulsating cock rammed into Ellara, never for too long but always with the force, the frenzy, and of course the size she craved.

Now in the the pristine stables of Pelion, the moonlight streaming in from high windows, her human half buckled over the low stone wall she was pressed up against. Both lovers had pent up their cravings for days and days, and finally the floodgates were let to burst. She came hard as a pint of the steed’s hot cum surged into her, the engorged head of his cock throbbing deep inside, guaranteed (in her mind) to get her pregnant — if she weren’t already.

Their panting gradually slowed and Roman slid himself out of her, immediately turning and walking over to his feeding trough as though she weren’t there. Ellara sighed, still slumped against the wall. Her breasts, bare and starting to grow heavy, rested on the cool stones, slowly leaking. She was thrilled to be with child, but that wasn’t all there was to life. Athrum was nice enough, but in the bedroom he saw her as merely a hole to fuck, a womb to impregnate. Roman, on the other hand, could at least fuck her brains out… and yet he saw her exactly the same way. Shove it in, spurt, and move on to the next thing — sleep or food. As filled-up as she might feel in the throes of coitus, she always felt a little empty afterwards…

Ah well — she wrapped herself up again and, bidding Roman goodnight, decided to go for a moonlight wander on her way back to the guest quarters and Athrum.


“I saw you from the window.” The words sent a chill down Ellara’s long spine.

“W-what? What did you see?” Her voice trembled. She had just been admiring the view from another balcony garden, finally feeling a little at peace, when her heart had been sent spiking again. Now the owner of the voice stepped out of the shadows — Miklem, of course.

He chuckled good-naturedly. “Hah, sorry to frighten you. I was in my quarters,” — he gestured to the windows a story above — “And I saw you out here. Not lost, I hope?”

“Ohh,” sighed Ellara, trying her hardest to keep her voice steady. “No, thank you, my lord, not lost. Simply out for some night air. The king — Athrum — is sleeping — h-he sleeps well, but I often get restless, need to walk around at night. I-I was just… I hope it’s all right. I didn’t wake you?” Really, why was she *this* flustered?

Miklem laughed softly, not wanting to make fun of her. “Quite all right, Ellara. I’m the same way. I’m up at all hours of the night. Sometimes it’s just a nice time to be alone, to be with your thoughts. Other nights it’s that the day left you unsatisfied with something… yes?”

She couldn’t deny it. Miklem just offered her his arm, saying, “Why don’t we continue this conversation up in my private courtyard? It’s like this one, but with a better view, and with wine.” Ellara smiled and took his arm.

Miklem was right; this courtyard had a much better view — one of the relatively few to face the mountains and foothills, lying silver and grand under the moon. It was certainly also — of the many courtyards she’d been to at Pelion — the most private, being surrounded by his private royal quarters. The door opened only to his key, and at this hour not even the servants or guards were allowed in. Ellara wasn’t quite sure how to feel about this, or about the wistful, heart-thumping feeling that came over her as she gazed over the landscape and accepted wine from Miklem.

Even as she stared at the rolling foothills, Ellara could feel Miklem staring at her. At length he spoke, almost in a whisper. “It’s true what I said, you know. You are a divine creature, and I doubt– I hope the king treats you as you deserve.”

Ellara sighed, traced the rim of her wine cup with a finger. Her hooves shuffled on the brickwork. “He’s a good man,” she said hesitantly. “He treats me well. He’s a fine king, and I’m sure he’ll be a fine father.” She wasn’t quite lying.

Miklem sipped his wine. “Quite right, of course. I’ve known Athrum many years, and he’s always been a fine man.” His green eyes glinted on his deep reddish face as Ellara turned to face him. He laughed a soft laugh. “But I can’t help but wonder if he ever outgrew his schoolboy days. If he has enough sense in his head to see the people close to him, to see what they need, to want to give it to them.”

Their faces seemed so close now. Ellara’s hand swayed and she put the glass down on the railing. Their eyes locked on each other too long to deny, so that she saw there was no hint of disgust or vitriol in his face when he said, “And that’s why his horse has to fuck you the way he doesn’t. Or is it ‘can’t’?”

Now more than just her hand swayed. Ellara clung to the railing with both hands, chest thumping once again on this trying night. She was struck dumb, unable to think what might come next. Would he expose her? Rat her out to Athrum, shame both of them and the kingdom? Would he blackmail her, force her to… to…

But he just put a hand on her flank, trying to steady her. “Now– there there, it’s all right. I’m not going to tell anyone.” He led her to an area of the ground piled high with dozens of cushions, guided her to kneel there. When she had caught her breath and felt less woozy — a compound effect of sex hormones, wine buzz, and pure shock — Miklem went on. “I did say I saw you from the window. That Roman seems quite the lover. How does he compare to your man?” He was teasing, trying to lighten the mood, but he also meant it.

When she could speak, she said, “I-I-I didn’t… I love him, I do, it’s just. I. He just *can’t*… it’s not his fault, he’s sweet, really, but…” Miklem wiped the tears from her eyes, rubbed her shoulder as she went on. “I didn’t mean to shame him, to, to cuckold him, with his *horse* at that, but… Oh please, you can’t tell anyone.”

“I won’t, Ellara, I won’t. I just wanted to make sure. I could tell from your body, the way you interact, there’s no physical connection. I’ve seen enough unsatisfied women in my day.” He raised his eyebrows, shook his head regretfully. “I *unsatisfied* quite a few myself in my younger days, sad to say. But, one hopes, we improve with age and with experience. In this as in other fields.

“So when I was out on one of my midnight wanders and I saw you down below, I thought I’d follow and try to bring it up in a way that wouldn’t embarrass Athrum or look unseemly to the courtiers or the guards. By the time I got down to the level of the stables, where I’d seen you go, there were noises coming from one of the windows, and of course I had to investigate. My god, if it isn’t awe-inspiring enough just to look on you, full stop, then to see you in the heights of ecstasy is something altogether beyond that. I couldn’t pull myself away. Like witnessing a storybook picture from a great myth, brought to life under the magic of the moon’s light. And the horse, well, good on the old chap for bringing you to such a state.” Ellara laughed a sniffly laugh, covering her face with her hands.

“I’m so ashamed,” she said into her palms.

“You oughtn’t be,” said Miklem simply. He took her two hands in one of his, gently folding them down away from her tear-stained cheeks. “You simply desire what anyone desires. If Athrum can’t see that, that’s his failing. You deserve to have it anyhow.”

What was it, exactly, that made her grab his face and lock him in a long, deep kiss? Was it genuine attraction? Was she so easily manipulated in this emotional state? Or did she simply wish to act first, to take command and make it her doing instead of, inevitably, his?

Whatever the cause, she relished in the long minute their mouths were locked together, tongues coiling like coupling snakes, lips hungry, hands grasping. Nothing, nothing like this ever with Athrum. He might pull a tit out of her blouse, squeeze it like a water-skin just enough to get his prick hard, then shuffle around to her other end and squirt his seed barely inside her. But this was something else entirely. The way Miklem held onto her with the same passion she held onto him. The caress of his hands slowly up and down, grasping her tits and savouring the experience of them, running a hand along her cheek and her neck. How he sighed into her, gave a peck on her cheek, nipped her lower lip just hard enough, kissed in wet, lingering lines down her neck.

He kissed along her collarbone and paused, looking up at her. Ellara hastily pulled off her shawl and wrap, exposing her breasts to the cool night air and Miklem’s warm lips. Somehow he knew precisely where to kiss, how to suck, when to pinch her nipples and get a squeal and a gasp out of her. He was lighting her on fire, inch by inch, bringing her body to life. Her pussy throbbed and dripped, her tits trembled along with her breaths. Miklem’s lips travelled down her chest, her stomach, down to…

…Her coat of thick horsehair. Miklem drew his face away, not in disgust but in merely surprise, and then laughed sheepishly. Ellara giggled too. Athrum had made the same mistake on their wedding night, though he hadn’t been planning to do what Miklem had in mind. She pulled Miklem back up, held him close for more kisses interrupted only by her pulling his shirt over his head. The two of them half-reclined for a while, forgetting everything but each other’s mouths, their hands playing with each other’s chests, fingers running through hair. Ellara toyed with his braids, wishing she could use them to hold him down on her pussy. Obviously she couldn’t do that, but now she remembered that *his* genitals actually *were* accessible from this position. So she pushed him back and laid him down before her.

Miklem raised an eyebrow, but obviously raised no objections. Ellara slid her hands over his crotch, feeling the (for a human) sizable bulge under his loose linen trousers. Not wanting to wait another moment, she yanked them off of him and took his rock-hard cock in her hands. It was gorgeous: a shade or two darker than the rest of his skin, veiny and gently curved, the big round head standing free from its foreskin. “It’s beautiful,” she said to him. “A little bigger than Athrum’s… maybe it’ll do the trick?”

“Only a little bigger? My my, so he is blessed too, but still not enough. Believe it or not, my queen, eleven inches is, well, massive as far as the human phallus goes. If this can’t fill you up, we’ll just have to find other ways tooo*ooohh*…” She hadn’t heard most of what he said, transfixed by the need to take him in her mouth, and she had done so with eagerness. He broke off into a moan of pleasure as she buried what she could down her throat, bobbing up and down on it and working her hardest to take it all. Still, she found she could hardly get more than half of its actually-impressive length and girth inside.

Not that Miklem was complaining. Nor was she; while this had always been a chore with Athrum, a perfunctory prelude to get him ready to leave her unsatisfied, she was now overcome with lust and pleasure just from sucking Miklem’s cock, revelling in the taste, the size, the pleasure that came through in each twitch of his shaft and testicles, resonating through her and magnifying her own pleasure almost to bursting. Eventually she could take no more. She pulled away, wiped the saliva and precum from her lips, and breathed in his ear, “I want you at my other end.” The good king kindly obliged.

After a moment of awkwardness, Ellara found that while rolling completely on her back wasn’t an option due to her upper half, she *could* roll her back end to be upside down while the rest of her laid sideways on the pillows. She looked back to see Miklem staring motionless, and for a moment she worried he was suddenly disgusted, that he was finally seeing her as a filthy animal… but momentarily, he sunk to his knees as if in prayer before a holy relic, gently running his hands over her. No, it was clear he saw her as a woman, one with the blood of the gods at that, and one worth the pleasure and respect she was due.

Miklem’s hands ran down her thighs, bent in the air on either side of him, raising all her hairs down there in anticipation. Finally he touched her aching pussy, parting her long lips with both hands. His fingers dipped inside her, getting slick with her cum as her eyes rolled back and she laid her head down. He uncovered her clit from under its hood, finding it large enough almost to hold in one hand, and he stroked it and sent twitches of sensation through all of her body. Meanwhile, his other hand found her two teats within arm’s reach and began to caress them just as he had with her human breasts. This was an entirely new sensation (Athrum probably wasn’t even aware of them), similar to the pleasure she or he could draw out of her upper tits, but also distinct and seemingly more wired in with her vaginal pleasure zone. Her hands instinctively went to her chest, mirroring Miklem’s tweaking of her lower nipples. He seemed to notice her pleasure at this, and kept it up even as he moved his mouth down to her pussy.

Ellara gasped as she felt his tongue run along the inside of her labia, dig deep into her as his nose brushed her clitoris, then lustfully he took her clit fully inside his mouth and sucked just as she had on his cock. Athrum had certainly never found it, had never bother to lower his head and look for it, and Ellara couldn’t even reach it with her hands, so the intense ripples of ecstasy as Miklem licked and sucked her throbbing clit was almost too much to handle. Then he slipped his free hand inside of her.

Her back arched as three fingers, then four, pushed easily into her leaking pussy. His entire hand was now in her, fingers tickling upwards, as if searching for… for *that*! Ellara cried out, bucking and twitching, trying her hardest not to kick Miklem, as his hands and tongue brought her crashing into orgasm. Her vaginal walls tightened against his hand, a small flood of juices poured out over his wrist, and she soon had to pant at him to pull his mouth off of her raw, sensitive clitoris.

For a good minute she just laid there, catching her breath and basking in the afterglow. When she finally lifted her head and looked down at Miklem, he was still kneeling there giving her that same awed, spellbound look. One she rarely saw, at least to this degree, from her husband. His eyes were on her long equine torso heaving with slow breaths, her dewy and still-spread pussy, and now lingering on her just-showing baby bump. After a moment he was broken out of his reverie and noticed her eyes were now open, watching him. He smiled gently.

Ellara smiled back. “How did you know?” she asked.

He considered this. “I don’t know,” he said. “There was just something about the way you carried yourself, I think. A gentleness, like you didn’t want to bother something. Someone. There *is* a certain radiance, honestly, though I can’t know how it compares to your usual radiance. And… there was also a hint of a hidden smirk, something like that. Like you had a secret, a wonderful one, but one you were holding close. But I suppose you’ve more than one secret, haven’t you, lady?”

Ellara rested her head on a higher cushion so she could still face him. She sighed, more out of an overflow of confusing feelings than anything else. Miklem was absentmindedly stroking her little teats, too, which was sending lovely little twinges through her. He continued, “Though I have to say, I was a little surprised you could’ve gotten pregnant at all. I wasn’t sure Athrum could do it… honestly, I’ve been wondering about it since he first wrote me about his exotic wife-to-be. Wasn’t sure how all of that would work. But I suppose in the end, you worked it out on your own, didn’t you?”

Ellara couldn’t quite be certain if this was an expression of Miklem’s admiration for her, or dig at her infidelity, or both. All she could focus on was his hand on her teat, the other just inches from her clit, and his cock sticking up between her legs, still throbbing and dripping. “I suppose I did,” she said finally. “I suppose I tend to work things out on my own. Now are you going to fuck me?”
