Step Sister Corruption Part 154 – Day 83 Midterm Study Game (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I think Summer is getting me back for something I did and I have no fucking clue what I did.

Summer has had me taking ***all*** of my supplements that has turned me a stark raving horn dog…..more than I am already. Though fucking horny I could still think….barely.

Why did I do it?

Simple because though Summer is a deceptive little bitch she usually doesn’t tease me…..for too long. Sure she can make sure I have blue balls desperate for sex ready to fire off at a moments notice but she usually satisfies me in the end.

But god can she make that *wait* tortuous.

So like a good boy who has been promised sex after everything is said and done I took my supplements like told.

That was roughly six hours and three doses ago.

Long enough to where the supplements have already kicked in.

I can feel my nuts have inflated to the size of fucking beach balls because they haven’t halted production since getting full the only thing they could do was swell as production continued. My sperm is swimming around my sack and feels like it’s molasses due to being thickened because the flavor profile was being changed.

My dick won’t go fucking down and testing it’s strength against my zipper and I’m pretty sure the zipper is going to lose.

And I believe I’m actually fucking leaking precum at a steady rate.

And that’s from nothing happening.

But god do I want to fuck something….any thing.

Summer had just went over the *game* that will be played that was originally meant to help Kel over come her test paralysis so she will be confident in her test taking capabilities.

The game, which I got no fucking input on, was the girl’s, Morgan, Karinna, Mia, Kel, and Summer, all came over for the weekend so *we* can study through the use of flash cards and a pair of dice that one of them had for being naughty….I think it was Kel’s. All I know is the dice came out.

The game is the girl’s input all of their notes that they want to focus on with their name in the upper right hand corner and the subject in the upper left. The cards get put in the middle and shuffled.

One card gets picked up the person can’t use their own card. They call the girl. The girl rolls the dice and if they get the answer right then they do what the dice tells them….on the reader or whoever they choose.

If it’s my *card* then *I* get to do what the dice tells me to do….or I can hand the dice to say have girl’s kiss….or eat one out.

We play the *game* until I can’t get it up anymore and I’m officially drained.

At the end of the midterms the girl who gets the most ‘A’s’ gets a date day with me including but not limited to using me however they want.

IF **I** win I can have an orgy weekend and use each of them however I want to which I can include but not limited to….on Summer and or Kel I can use their asses until they are completely full in all their holes. I can officially convert Morgan into **MY** toy. And with Karinna and Mia I’m allowed to go as far as light bdsm, they were strongly against having their asses fucked and were surprised both Summer and Kel allowed me to destroy their assholes.

So as much as I want Kel to make all her tests her bitch I had a goal.

The goal…pass all my tests and with Ben’s little trick the only thing that will fuck me is the picture diagrams, mix and match, definitions that we were told to focus on and the essay questions.

So guess what was on my study cards….that’s right the diagrams and definitions.

Does that make me selfish that I went from starting this *studying* idea with pure intentions to wanting to win it all?

I tried not to think of the ramifications of whether I was being selfish.

I was in it to win it.

So with all our cards completed and shuffled the middle stack was the size of seven or eight decks of playing cards high.

First up to call was Summer, seeing how she created the game, picked up the first card.

She read it, “Karinna.”

Karinna smiled and waited but Summer eyed the dice, “Roll first to see what’s at stake.”

Karinna blinked and remembered the *rules*, “Oh right.”

She grabbed the dice, shook the dice in her hand and rolled.

We all watched as the dice landed on ‘*KISS*’ and ‘*NECK*’.

Summer smiled and said, “Alright this is for the right to kiss Gabe on the neck.” And she read the question.

Karinna listened and thought about it, “Shit is it Wright Brother’s?”

Summer smiled, “Sorry says here Daedalus.”

Karinna pouted, “Fuck!”

Kel grabbed the next card, “Morgan.”

Morgan nodded and grabbed the dice and rolled. The dice landed ‘*LICK*’ and ‘*NIPPLES*’.

Morgan looked up at Kel as she read the question and answered, “Ummmm Amerigo something.”

Kel looked at Morgan, “Is that your final answer?”

Morgan continued, “Amerigo V something.”

Kel looked at Summer, “She’s half right.”

Morgan looked at Summer as Summer weighed the outcome and finally spoke, “Sorry Pet you want the act you have to give the right answer your teachers probably won’t give you half credit so we won’t here.”

Morgan nodded before she looked at me, “Sorry Gabe.”

I smiled, “It’s alright.”

Mia was next and grabbed a card. She look at the card, “Karinna.”

Karinna nodded and grabbed the dice. It came up ‘*SUCK*’ and ‘*BALLS/CLIT*’.

I instantly smiled, “Don’t fuck it up.”

Karinna smiled at me but Summer was quick to smack my arm, “Shut it.” She looked at Mia, “Continue Mia.”

Mia nodded and read the question.

Karinna listened and thought for a moment before she answered, “ummm Sweden…I think.”

Mia, “Where in Sweden?”

Karinna thought before she shrugged and pouted knowing she lost out on having her clit sucked or my balls sucked.

Mia spoke, “Stockholm.”

Karinna looked at me, “Sorry.” She sighed, “Guess it’s my turn.”

She reached out and picked up a card and read, “Gabe. It’s your card.”

I nodded and rolled the dice. I got ‘*TEASE*’ and ‘*BREASTS/NIPPLES*’.

All the girl’s smiled at seeing the combination.

Karinna spoke, “What is the process of putting a message into symbolic electrical form?”

I thought about it for a moment knowing it was from my beginning media class and smiled at Karinna, “Encoding.”

Karinna smiled and looked at Summer, “Our first right answer.”

Summer nodded and smiled, “Well Gabe seeing how you won who’s tits you going to *tease*?”

I looked at each girl and thought about which one would be the most fun to tease.

I could tease Summer but I get to do that every day. Same thing goes with Kel. And yes both their nipples are sensitive AND get easily riled up once played with.

That only left Morgan, Karinna and Mia. I could tease Morgan but only problem is that it’s hard to tell if it was turning her on because she constantly bites her lip trying to remain quiet which isn’t really fun in my mind.

Karinna would be fun to tease.

But there was one person who’s nipples were stupid sensitive and would be really fun right now….Mia.

I looked at Mia and gave her a shit eating smile.

Mia blushed but I got up and walked around the table. Mia in turn stood up.

When I faced Mia, “You’ll be the first victim.”

Mia gulped but nodded.

I grabbed her shoulders and spun her around until she was facing away from me and pulled her into me.

Seeing how I was so much taller and she was so short I just reached down and grabbed on her breasts on top of all the fabric. I only groped for a second finding her bra was protecting her from everything.

I spoke, “This isn’t going to do. Clothes off.”

Summer quickly spoke, “The dice didn’t say strip so the clothing stays on.”

I looked at her, “That’s a shitty pair of dice.” I looked down, “But it did say tease.”

With that I reached through her head opening of Mia’s shirt and under her bra quickly finding her nipple which Mia quickly let out a ‘Yiiieeeeee’ the moment I kneaded her nipple before she started to moan.

I switched from one nipple to the other causing Mia to moan with a reflexive ‘Oh Fuck!’

After a moment I stopped and pulled my hand and arm out of Mia’s clothing leaving Mia panting.

I smiled and walked back to my spot and sat down.

I looked at the flustered Mia before she regained her composure and sat back down.

I looked at her and spoke, “Did your nipples get puffier?”

Mia blushed hard but nodded.

I smiled, “Well they definitely felt bigger.”

Mia blushed even more but muttered out a, “Thanks.”

Karinna blurted out a loud, “Thanks!!! Thanks!!! You spent how long trying to get out of the itty bitty tittle committee and the first person to notice you’re out of the committee you say ‘Thanks’?”

Mia hissed at her friend, “Hush!”

I started laughing as Summer spoke, “Oh yeah you got bigger?”

Mia blushed but nodded, “My A cup bras were thrown away a couple of weeks ago.” She actually brightened, “I’m finally a solid B cup.”

Both Summer and Kel spoke, “Congrats girl.”

Mia blushed, “Thanks.”

She wiped a tear from her eye, “Let’s get back to studying.”

And on we went grabbing someone’s flash card and them rolling the dice.

At first the girl’s were brain farting their own fucking notes while I was guessing mine at roughly 90% but eventually they raised their guesses and were hitting the answer about the same as me.

All I got to do was *rub* Morgan’s shoulders and *kiss* Summer’s ass which I assumed also meant bite.

At first the dice kept landing on *KISS*, *LICK* and *SUCK* hardly landing on *SMACK* and *TEASE* the *FUCK* kept flashing teasing us but never landing just showing on one of the sides.

But *FUCK* a *NECK* or *BREASTS/NIPPLES* is kind of difficult unless you treat the words with throat-fucking and boob-job. In that case I’ll throat fuck Summer and get a boob-job from Kel.

Though it was nice seeing Kel kissing Mia and Summer sucking on Karinna’s nipples.

Soon it wasn’t long before all the girl’s were laughing, giggling, and cackling as the naughty things were helping them *remember* their notes just to continue *enjoying* themselves.

After the four or fifth *suck/lick* *breasts/nipples* came up the girl’s let their tops disappear freeing their breasts.

The bottoms quickly followed after the first *kiss* *pussy/dick* combination came up.

I of course followed suit when the girl’s were nude my own flesh begging for attention.

Then the idea of *studying* was quickly forgotten, though we had gotten a third of the deck done, as I watched Morgan laying on her stomach eating out Mia while she groped her own breasts moaning both girl’s completely nude. Well I watched for mere moments before the remaining females pushed me down.

Before I was *forced* down I could tell whatever *treatment* Mia was taking to leave the itty bitty titty committee was working as her small bb’s that she sported with nice nipples had inflated her flat chest into actual breasts and had mysteriously puffed her areolas out another inch or so and had extended out her nipples to stand out more begging for attention of some sort.

Then as I was *forced* down by my three giggling girl’s one quickly straddled me by one of them begging me to appreciate what hovered mere inches from my mouth. I laid on my back and begun kissing the lips finding the lips hid exactly how much wetness was in between the lips until my tongue worked it’s way in and tasted Karinna as two mouths kissed, licked, and sucked by lower hardened flesh as I could easily tell which mouth was on what as they coaxed as much precum from my dick and they shared the clear glaze leaking out like I was the most flavorful popsicle.

All of us got lost in the action as a cacophony of moans were heard throughout the house.

Karinna fell over catching herself as she achieved orgasm and raised her ass as she tried to get her now sensitive pussy away from the thing that made it sensitive….my mouth.

She panted and let out, “God have I missed that.”

I sat up smiling at the sight I was seeing. Looking down at my crotch was my two special girl’s who worshiping the thing they love…my cock.

Typical fashion from then was Summer was kissing the root of my dick….with my dick firmly down her throat. Kel had her lips firmly wrapped around my nut sack.

I wanted to make a joke asking Kel how she unlocked her jaw to fit my beach ball sized nuts in her mouth but I groaned as I felt her roll my inflated nuts with her tongue.

Then I watched Summer lift her head as her throat let go of my dick as she came up for air until my tip had entered her mouth and Kel sucked one last time as she pulled her face away letting my nuts pop out one at a time until my sack was the last to leave her mouth.

Slowly my dick and balls had exited both mouths.

Then the girl’s switched places as Kel lowered her mouth on my dick and Summer kissed my sack and sucked until my balls popped into her mouth.

Which elicited a groan out of me and I laid back down to enjoy the sensation.

Karinna was still panting which I grabbed her hips and *forced* her lower lips back to my mouth and renewed my meal causing Karinna’s body to quiver.

Time passed and I lost count of how many times my leeches tagged each other to switch places.

Karinna for her part tried multiple times to get away from my mouth but her strength was slowly zapped from her as my mouth brought her upon orgasm after orgasm.

I had no idea what was happening to Morgan or Mia as my mind just enjoyed everything.

Eventually my beach balls started bouncing in whoever’s mouth they were in and I started thrusting my hips up into whoever’s face was kissing my base and my orgasm started and I felt the molasses cum get fired through my pipes as what was more than likely fast but felt long because of how thick the viscosity of my cum was.

Spurt after spurt happened as the thick fluid slowly moved through the small tubes. The orifice that housed my dick bounced in the owner’s throat as it unloaded their meal until my orgasm subsided and the person used their lips to masturbate my dick as they got the thick glaze out of my dick until both parts were released.

I in turn let go of Karinna who had just enough energy to move forward and collapse.

Now with the female that I ate done I looked up to see both my girl’s kissing one another leaving my hard on still standing.

They broke their kiss and smiled at me. Summer speaking, “how you doing lover?”

I smiled, “Like I want more.”

She smiled, “May I offer myself?”

I smiled and grabbed Summer by the breast to bring her into me.

