Late-night Intruder [MF] [Femdom] [Gentle] [Non-con] [Male Victim]

I’m startled from a deep sleep due to a sensation in my lower region.

I blink my eyes open, my mind hazy and foggy. Confused, my eyes trail down to see a small hand wrapped around my cock, jerking it up and down.

Horror rips up my spine, and the terror makes my stomach churn, putting my brain in a frenzy. I scream, but not much comes out because of a gag. Further panic arises, and I immediately shoot my arms forward to attack the intruder, but that’s cut short when my wrists automatically snap back. Pain registers from a rope burn, but I don’t stop fighting to escape, running on adrenaline.

A voice cuts through my scrambled mind.

“Shhh…” My attacker begins to rub my head, making me struggle even more. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m not here to hurt you.” I barely process her words because I’m too preoccupied trying to escape. My arms continue to painfully tug against the restraints, legs kicking.

Her arms embrace me, startling me and wrapping me in her warmth. “I’m just going to make us feel good, okay?” Her voice is oddly soft. Affectionate. Loving. But it doesn’t do anything to alleviate my panic.

“Please, let me go. If it’s money you want, I’ll get some for you! Just don’t do this,” I beg helplessly. It comes out as a bunch of muffled words, but the meaning is clear as day as my eyes water when I desperately stare at the stranger.

My stomach drops when the psychopath only smiles at my pleas for her to stop. She leans in closer, and I tense, expecting her to cut me up or punch me. My teeth start to chatter, and I fear I may pass out. Maybe that’s for the best.

I feel one of her hands cup my cheeks, and she starts planting soft kisses across my face.

She’s completely ignoring my pleas to be released.

Her other hand is still jerking my cock, and I grit my teeth to suppress the pleasure building up. My arms and legs continue to thrash, but that slows down when my limbs gradually become sore. Eventually, I lay there limply, doing my best to ignore the hot feeling in my lower region and her kisses and coos.

It occurs to me that I have no way of escaping. A sob rips out of my throat, and my watering eyes produce tears that trickle down my cheeks. I will likely be murdered, and it brings a heart-aching sadness that I never got to say goodbye to anyone.

My attacker pauses when she notices my tears, and in no time, she starts licking them up. I whimper and try to pull my head away, but she aggressively pulls me back and holds me by my hair tightly, making me wince and stay still as pain shoots up my scalp.

She pets me when she notices my compliance. “You’re such a good boy,” she purrs, practically glowing with pleasure. I shudder.

Her gaze trails to my cock she’s been jerking, and a grin spreads across her face.
“You’re hard!” she gleefully squeals.

I look down frantically. She’s right.

I shut my eyes. This can’t be happening. This can’t be happening. There’s no way I should be getting hard from some stranger terrifying me and sexually assaulting me. I should be completely unaroused. She probably thinks I’m consenting to this. She’s sure crazy enough to believe something like that.

I don’t sense any other movement from her, so I open my eyes. She’s still straddling me, but now she’s leaning back and staring at my erect dick.

A hotness immediately creeps up my cheeks. Suddenly, it feels like I’m under a microscope. The longer she stares, the more I squirm uncomfortably. I was terrified of her killing me, but if she is going to do it, I think this is the best time.

“You have such a pretty cock,” she whispers, breaking the silence. “It’s such a nice size.” Before I can process her words any more, she lunges forward and peppers my member with kisses and licks. With every action, a tingle of pleasure dances in my dick. Between kisses and licks, she breathes out other praises.

“Do you know how much I fantasized about this?”

“I’ve been waiting so long to have you.”

“You’re even more beautiful than I imagined. It’s so nice to see you up close.”

“I love it so much. I love *you* so much.”

My mind spins like a dreidel. This is too much for me. A million thoughts bounce around at once. Who the hell is this woman? How long has she been watching me? Why do I feel so warm inside? And did she just say she loves me?

*I—fuck.* I try to suppress it, but I can’t help but let a few moans slip out of my mouth.

*No, no. no.* I can’t make her believe I’m enjoying this. I’m not. I’m not. I try to turn my lower region away from her, but she plans her hands firmly on my thighs, continuing her assault of kisses and licks. I have no choice but to lay there and take it. I feel myself getting harder and harder, despite trying to block out the sensations. My breath shortens. I just want the ground to swallow me up.

“Time to properly suck you off,” she happily says.

Looks like I’m getting swallowed, but not in the way I was asking to be. I let out more noises of protest behind the gag, but she pays me no attention.

She takes me into her mouth slowly and intimately, gradually sinking down from the tip. It feels warm and wet and just *so damn good*

No! No, I can’t be thinking things like that. I don’t want this. I don’t want this. I tremble from my inner turmoil as my attacker lets out hums of pleasure. She uses one of her hands to continue jerking me off as she sucks, making my eyes widen. I bite back a guttural moan. Her right hand strokes my thigh in some kind of attempt to be comforting, but it does nothing to calm my anxiety. Out of reflex, I try to wiggle away once again, but that only seems to excite her more.

“Stop! Stop! Stop!” I shake my head back and forth furiously, as if trying to shake myself awake from a nightmare.

When I feel her tongue swirl against the shaft of my cock—to my utter embarrassment—my muffled begs halt when I let out some depraved noises instead. She closes her mouth around my hard member with a suction, bobbing her head up and down at various paces. She’s all over the place; she goes quick, slow, and travels from the tip to the side to the bottom. She swipes her tongue around the sensitive area underneath the head of my cock, then slides her tongue downward along a vein. I harshly bite my lip to shut myself up, but I can’t keep silent this time. She’s sucking and slurping on my cock so enthusiastically like she’s been waiting her whole life to taste it.

After a few more minutes of failing to block her out, she releases my cock wrapped around her lips with a *pop*. She gets up to the side of the bed, and my body relaxes a bit. My cock remains unbelievably hard, but I’m relieved it’s over.

But she doesn’t turn to leave. Instead, she slips off her panties, revealing her pussy. I let out a shrill scream behind the gag, and my arms and legs jostle and thrash harder than before. It’s painful because they’re already sore, but I barely feel it.

“Not that! Don’t! You’ve done enough. Don’t ride me. Let me go!” I shake behind the gag, hysterical. More tears flood down my cheeks as I let out my garbled words.

To my surprise, she pauses for a moment. She frowns and sadness flashes across her eyes.

“Aw, it’s okay. Everything will be okay. I promise I really won’t hurt you. In fact, you’ll feel really good soon.” Her hands rub my sides affectionately and occasionally go up to tousle my hair. “You’ve been so good. You’re doing so well.” She plants a kiss on my cheek.

When she positions herself above my member, my heart does a cartwheel. She lowers herself, and I watch as her pussy splits open to wrap around the head of my cock. As she does so, she gazes into my eyes, and I can’t look away. I’m sure there’s nothing but shock and fear and anger in mine, but in hers, I see lust, desire, care, focus, and—somehow—love.

Absolutely delusional.

I’m cut out of my thoughts when she lets out whimpers and gasps of pleasure. Unfortunately, that just goes straight to my dick.

As she further envelops me, she lets out noises of pure ecstasy. I can hardly think straight as well when I feel her pussy hug my cock. Like her mouth, it’s warm, wet, but this time it’s just so *unbelievably* tight that I suck in a breath.

She begins to rock back and forth, and her tight, soaking pussy tries to milk my cock. The bed squeaks loudly.

*Fuck, fuck, I—shit. Fuck.*

I try to buck her off, but that just makes me thrust right into her, earning a pleasured yelp from her and more pleasure go straight to my dick. It’s all making me delirious.

I shut my eyes in frustration. I can’t try to get her off, because that just makes me seem compliant. But I feel helpless just lying here.

Suddenly, she leans forward and wraps her arms around my neck. She leans her face on my shoulder, and I hear her moans clearer than ever. I feel gentle sensations against my neck as she kisses me.

“*Oh,* your dick is too good.”

“You make my pussy feel so incredible. I think your cock was made for me.”

“I’m so happy I can finally relieve myself properly.”

“You’re so amazing. That’s right, baby, let me have you. You’re mine.”

My traitorous heart unwittingly does some flip-flops hearing those words of praise. I try to ignore her, but it’s so damn difficult when she’s moaning out such naughty things right next to my ear while her pussy walls continue to clench around my cock.

Terror strikes through me when I sense my dick getting increasingly harder and bigger until it feels like it’s going to burst.

I can’t cum. I can’t cum. No way in hell can I cum and give her that satisfaction.

And she didn’t even put on a condom.

I start up my muffled cries again, eager to get her attention. “Get off! Get off! I’m going to cum.” My wide, distressed eyes make it clear that I don’t want to give her a creampie.

She only giggles, wrapping her arms back around my neck. “Don’t worry, love. You’re so silly, thinking I wouldn’t have planned for that beforehand. I’m obviously on birth control for this very reason and that there was no way I would’ve fucked you with a condom on. I need your cock raw inside of me.”

I choke out a sob as her tight pussy continues to jerk me off.

The pleasure is overwhelming, and the build-up begs for release. I try to think about anything else except for what currently feels so *disgustingly* wonderful.

Suddenly, she speeds up her pace, cups my cheeks, and gazes into my eyes. She speaks in a breathless whisper that will be ingrained in my mind forever, filled with adoration and yearning and affection and pure obsession.

“You drive me crazy.”

I can’t hold it in anymore. I explode violently. Blood rushes to my head, and I see stars. I swear I lose my sense of hearing for a moment.

She slumps on top of me, and both of us are gasping to catch our breaths after experiencing powerful orgasms. I feel myself soften inside of her. Some of my cum slips out of her pussy, and I feel her tongue lap it up soon after.

Our breaths stabilize as we rest for some time. It’s finally over.

I peek an eye open, and I’m caught off guard when I see her looking at me. I don’t like that look. It makes my stomach flip with uneasiness and a guilty twinge of excitement.

She reaches forward and starts to jerk me off.

How does she have the energy? She appears to be in a trance, insatiable for me and my body and using it to satisfy her desires. I’m panicking, horrified. I want to beg again for her to stop. I want to kick and try to break out of the restraints. But I don’t have the strength to fight any longer. I simply close my eyes and let her have her way.

She takes me three more times. By the time she’s done, the sun begins to rise. The sky turns that gorgeous purple orangish tint. We’re an exhausted, sweaty, flushed mess. After a moment, I hear the *pitter patter* of her feet when she gets up to open my window, letting in the fresh scent of the chilly summer morning air. She returns to me, and my wrists sing in relief when she unties the rope. She gathers me in her arms and grabs my wrists to kiss my red sore spots, muttering out an apology. She takes off my gag.

In my haze, I’m not sure what to say. I end up stuttering out, “You raped me.” I attempt to push her away, but she pulls me into her with a surprisingly tough grip.

“What are you talking about, baby? I made love to you. We made love.”

She cradles me tightly and kisses my nose. I can barely keep my eyes open. My blankets are comfortable, and her body is soft. I’m so warm. I know I should try to run, but my legs refuse to move. She leans my head against one of her breasts like a pillow. I feel her stroke my hair as I flutter back to sleep, whispering how much she adores me.


Special thanks to u/oddishsoups, who motivated me to continue writing my fantasies out via narratives.

Part 1 of the story from the attacker’s perspective:

Hope you enjoyed.



  1. The man’s emotion is well delivered, I could actually feel his fear. Nicely done!

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