The Big Bush Nudist ( F em Exhib/Softcore/Lewd/Situational) PT 3 (Chapter 5-6)

**Chapter 5: An Accepting Friend**

A few minutes later, Jen parents and Joe announce they are heading to bed for the night as he puts out a pillow and a massive stack of blankets for Jennifer. “Here you go! Do you think this will be enough for you, Jen? I can always have Chris sleep on the couch, and you take his bed if you need.” Joe says as he makes sure Jennifer can sleep comfortably on his pullout sofa. He tells Chris to get it ready for her when she is ready to sleep and take care of anything else she needed. Jen thanked him and assured him she was all set. Her mother’s kiss her goodnight and ruffle her hair as she rolls her eyes, embarrassed to have them do it in front of her new friend. They take a side each as Joe wraps his arms around them and smiling, they seem to all retreat upstairs.

“Did you want to watch some TV, or we can do something else too if you want?” Chris asks nervously. “Sure! Um- you can choose, I’m not picky or anything” Jen says back only glad that he still wanted to hang out. They watch a show on a Netflix, after a few episodes so and then Chris brings up getting snacks from the kitchen, and Jen agrees and leaps up and trots behind him as they go raid the kitchen together. Jen is impressed by all the various snacks and junk food they have as she decides to make an ice cream Sunday with Chris. The naked girl and her friend decide they are going to make the ultimate ice cream Sundays and she prances around and looks for ingredients. Chris eats whip cream right out of one of the cans as Jen says “Lucky!” and he hands it to her with a creamy smile. She nods in approval as she puts the whip cream on her Sunday and then some right into her mouth from the can. They compare their final products and Jen is jealous of Chris’s much taller and far more topped ice cream bowl.

They head back to sit where they were in the living room- Chris asked she could see from the side chair she was still sitting in before- offering the couch if she wanted. Chris was of course nervous in asking her this as she could tell. She gladly accepted and sat next to her clothed friend on the couch. She manages to spread her legs and relax as she watches TV. They laughed together and ate as they watched the next episode. Jen spills some of her ice cream on herself as she giggles and shows him the drop of ice cream on her bush. He hands her a blanket as he says “Here you go! Just use this”. Jen follows him back when they are done to put away her bowl and offers to help him clean the mess they made so he wouldn’t get in trouble. As they clean, Chris mentions he has a whole list of chores his dad was making him do- in a rant as he explains what a clean freak his father was.

“He seems really nice though and cool. I am sorry for my MOMS- oh my God. Sorry you had to see them being so weird” she says back to him as they are both wiping separate counter tops. Chris replies “they are really nice, too. That’s cool you have two moms also.”

“I guess they are OK. They were chill when I signed up to be permanently naked for life- and they support me a lot too. They are just too much sometimes, and weird- heh” Jen says as she helps him clean. “I’m sorry about earlier also” Chis says. “I didn’t know, and I definitely wouldn’t have gone out there if I knew you needed some privacy. I hope you don’t think I’m like- a creep or something…” he says apologetically. “Oh- no! It is all good! I was worried that YOU would think I was the pervert! I thought for sure like, you were not going to talk to me after that. I’m so sorry I did that; I don’t know what came over me” Jen says with a red face.

“I’m so glad! I was so worried, too! Uhm, I do not hang out with a lot of girls- but sorry if this is weird but… did you want to maybe be f-friends? Erm-” he says looking away nervously and afraid what she would say. “Yeah! I don’t hang out with many people either, so I hope I’M not weird- I’m totally down to be friends! I am so glad you asked! Shake on it?” she says as they shake.

“Also, that’s really cool you’re naked- I’m not a nudist myself but I don’t mind that you are- if that’s OK… I just don’t know if I could get n-naked…” he says seemingly ashamed of his body as he’s slightly overweight. He puts his gut and looks down. “It’s OK! I definitely understand, like- we can totally be friends and that wouldn’t matter to me at all!” Jen says proudly. “Hey- did you want some help with those chores tomorrow?”

Jen offers to help him with the chores and declines any cut of the money. She has never had a real friend her age before so she’s glad to help Chris so maybe they can hang out more after. They play his game console together for a while before she falls asleep on the couch. When she falls asleep, Chris quickly drops a blanket on her- afraid to touch her and have her wake up and look like he was looming over her. He heads off to bed after, after putting a glass of water on the table quietly next to her to make sure his new friend had everything she would need. The next morning, she awakes to see her parents in the kitchen sitting around the dining table having coffee, she can smell bacon cooking and Joe seems to be preparing a huge breakfast. Her mother the walks in the room to see Jen slowly rising from her sleep. The activity in the kitchen still did not wake the sprawled out naked girl from her deep sleep on the couch.

Morning comes around before she knows it.

“Hey- good morning! Breakfast in a few OK?” she says to Jen. After a quick trip to the bathroom, she walked into the kitchen to see her parents and Joe already seemed showered, dressed and ready to start a day. “Hey Jen, good morning! Did that sleeper do OK?” he asked. “You want some coffee, also- how do you like your eggs?”

“Yes sir, thank you! I didn’t even need it actually; I fell asleep last night it must have been when me and Chris were playing his PS4! Oh- and scrambled as she takes a cup of coffee and adds her cream and sugar.” She kisses her other mother Nicole on the cheek as she says good morning and she sits with her parents.

“So, did you guys stay up late playing video games?” Rachel asked with a smile. “Yeah- he plays a lot of what I do. Oh- moms, I was wondering if I could help Chris with his chores today? Maybe you could pick me up later?” Confused, one of them answers “OH- well, I mean I don’t know honey Joe may have things going on today…” says Nicole looking to her partner and then to Joe. “I don’t mind at all! I will be out for a few hours today of course but Chris could use the help! I’ll be glad to pay you too!” Joe says seemingly happy that she brought it up. “Well- OK I suppose, right?” Nicole says looking to her wife. “When can we pick her up?” Rachel says as they begin to think. “Here- if this works, I’ll take an Uber to my buddy’s house and he’ll take me to my thing. I’ll leave my car and Chris can take you home when you’re ready.”

Everyone agrees as one of her mother’s mentions to Jen “make sure Chris is OK with that!” Joe asks Jen if she wouldn’t mind heading upstairs to wake Chris so he can talk to him before he heads out. He jokes in a slightly serious tone to just “kick the door down” if needed. She knocks nervously, hating to annoy him but here is a “yeah?” as she lets him know she was just asked to wake him. “I’ll be right out!” he says back as she acknowledges and prances away. When the bed-headed Chris walks downstairs and sits at the table, they eat, and everyone heads off as Jen and Chris are given a few more details on the chore list by Chris’s dad. He jokes as he encourages Jen to make sure he is helping as he leaves. “Keep him in line, now!” he jokes as he puts his son on the shoulder and then walks out the door. “Really, Dad?” Chris says back rolling his eyes.

They start the chores together, and they talk as they work- before long they complete the list with plenty of time to spare. As they were finishing however, again- Jennifer again felt that same urge to masturbate and have an orgasm. She normally masturbated up to a dozen times at home- for her the time between last night and now was a long stretch. She was beginning to get wet, and it was getting harder and harder to hide the shiny drops of clear groom as it seeped from her pubic hair. Before long, Chris notices her trying to catch a drip of her juice seeping out before it hit the carpet and she smiles in modest embarrassment. She apologizes to him and he lets her know it’s okay and if he should leave for a few minutes or whatever she needed. She assures him she’s fine and they continue. As they are sitting on the back porch chairs for a few mins, she asked him “Hey- um, can I ask you a weird, personal question?”

“Yeah- heh” he says back nervously, clearly wondering and afraid of what the question was going to be. “How many times do you masturbate a day? I’m sorry- but I was just wondering because I usually do it like- maybe 10 times or more depending… heh” she says awkwardly. “OH- well, maybe once… if I do it that day.. here” he says smiling, now very uncomfortable. “Oh, that’s it? Or- no I’m sorry, I’m not trying to be rude. I just would be dying I must be a freak” she says laughing and disappointed as she’d hoped he would say about the same. She wondered if other people masturbated as much as she did- surely, they had to she thought. “It’s OK! It’s not offensive- but maybe just everyone’s different when it comes to it. Also, if your a nudist it’s probably quicker to do it so thus, more often.” Chris says as he attempts to find logic. “Maybe you’re right. Well… I hope this doesn’t make you run away because I really hope we’re going to be friends- but would you be cool we went outside? It’s totally cool if not… I know that’s really weird… I just need to, erm, well- you know…” Jen says looking down at the floor bashfully.

“Oh- I mean, honestly- I don’t think I would mind at all. Just let me know when you’re done” Chris says scratching the back of his neck. “Well, I was wondering if you would maybe just come with me… I mean- like, it’s cool if not. Or… I, oh my God I’m sorry” Jen says covering her face. “N-no, it’s okay- I can f-for sure if you want me too” Chris says with smile and flushed face. Jen chirps in excitement as they make their way outside. She twirls in a circle as they get outside to the back patio, and then stands adjacent to her friend. “T-thanks for understanding” she says a bit embarrassed as she spreads her stance and leans back a bit. She thrust her hairy crotch outwards and looks down in excitement as her hand moves to her vagina and begins to stimulate her clit. She wasn’t sure why but she wanted to masturbate in front of him, just to show him. She grins as she tries to keep talking to him while playing with herself.

“Heh… it’s okay. I actually don’t even feel that weird about it! I think it’s kind of because you’re naked already and it actually fits” Chris says after a few quick glances at the naked girl’s hairy vagina as she stands leaning back and pushing her pelvic area outwards.

“Actually, I’m so glad you said that! It’s exactly how I feel; like I feel the same way. I would so much rather let it out! I’ve never showed anyone, but check this out…” Jen says as she starts to breathe a bit harder and her hands moving much quicker. In just a few short moments, she starts to reach her orgasm. Her head reeled back as she let out a satisfying moan with a dopy grin as she released her squirts. They exploded out in thick, lazy gushes and fell on the deck like drops of heavy rain. She smiled at her friend accomplished and proud of how much she was able to squirt. “N-nice… heh” Chris says as he stares at the naked girls hairy vagina. Jen breathes a deep breathe as she finishes. “Okay, so much better! Phew!” Jen says nodding her head and looking down at her pubes while she pulls and runs her fingers through them.

They head inside and she washes her hands, and they carried on with the rest of the chores together. They are outside again as they have a few things left to do out there’re is more relaxed, and has no inhibitions now around her friend. She rants a bit about how she felt like masturbating was “part of being a nudist” and about her bush and her no-shave-no-trim personal record; never. He joked about how “it was almost the same as a bottom” and she lit up in excitement as she agreed. She challenged him to try to see her labia through the thick hairy mass- in which he couldn’t see, even as she spread her legs and leaned back. “Dang… yeah- I definitely can’t see it!” Chris says after squinting his eyes and studying her crotch. She laughs and then again starts to masturbate furiously with her knees bent and a huge grin. “See?! It gives me the same cover as a swim suit- AND I can masturbate whenever I want in total comfort!” Jen says right before she gasp and let’s out a lazy gush of groom in an impressively quick orgasm while she proudly stands with her hands on her hips.

“So like… I really think you are a badass. The way you… Just aren’t ashamed or anything…” Chris says. Jen chuckles as she says “thanks. I appreciate that a lot. You know… I hate how people think masturbating has to be about sex. That’s not how I roll. Just because I’m naked and squirting doesn’t mean I’m a slut- like, what the fuck!?” Jen says as she thrust her hips out and touches her labia. “But I feel like masturbation for me is kind of like, just a way to express myself or I don’t know- like body language kinda. Sometimes Ill build myself up slowly and then get to orgasm in short burst and it sucks I can’t- like; be proud of it” Jen says standing and staring in deep thought as she is twisting her pubes around. “Well, I’m not a nudist or anything but it makes sense… to me at least… when you put it like that.” Chris says watching his naked friend play with her pubes as he marvels at the length.

They talk a while as Jen continues to show him her vagina as she tries to squirt and masturbate.

“I guess it’s hard to find people as chill as you, who don’t care I’m like this.” Jen says after a fairly large spurt as she finishes violently masturbating again in front of her friend.

“Maybe you should just be more, I don’t know- like open about it?” Chris says. “Like, you’ll never know if you don’t come out with it- you know?”

“Yeah… I guess it’s hard to talk about, especially when your alone.” Jen sighs.

Chapter 9: A Different Kind of Nudist…

They make plans to meet later, for now he takes her back to her mothers’ house.

Jen’s parents and Chris’ father are excited that Jen and Chris were becoming friends. While most parents wouldn’t take such an interest in their teen’s friend list; especially at 18 years old- Jen and Chris were both exceptions.

Chris, just a little older than Jennifer- was a very awkward person who struggled with severe social anxiety. His struggle, for all of his life, and currently- was socially. He had a severe fear when it came to social interaction, and he never had many friends growing up. He was more than socially awkward, and unlike Jennifer- he attended public school up until 10th grade. His father, unsure at all how to help his son’s obvious problem at school with bullies and getting picked on daily; felt there was no option other than pulling his son out of public school, to finish online at home. While Chris, like Jen, also managed to complete his homeschool program and improve his grades- was simply milestones behind other teens as far as social development went. He never experienced even having a true friend, since elementary school if even then. Chris’ father and Jennifer’s parents had hoped Chris and Jennifer would find a friend in the other. They were delighted that the two teens were already asking to have “a sleepover” already, after only meeting at the group dinner.

When Chris father left in the morning for work, Jen and Chris would move their “headquarters” out to the living room. They hooked up the Playstation10 to the giant TV, and played games together. The living room had a hardwood surfrace on one half of the floor, and a soft rug on the other. It was perfect for them, Jennifer enjoyed openly masturbating as they played. Jennifer’s favorite part of the generous set-up her friend made her was being able to squirt and no worry about the carpet or furniture. Of course, she didn’t want to get her new friend in trouble with his dad because she squirted on the furniture. When she would beat her friend in their intense game- she enjoyed trashtalking and taunting as any gamer would. “BOOM! Get wrecked, son!” Jen would shout at her friend after winning a match, while subsquently standing up to do a goofy dance in victory; then quickly rubbing her labia to a squirting orgasm. She would do her silly dances, or jokingly give the middle finger to her friend while splattering gushes of vagina juice on the hardwood. She of course would clean it up shortly after. It was pretty much the same if she lost, she would taunt him after dying in-game with expressions like “Oh boooo! Squirt on that bullshit! That was so cheap” or “Oh, eat my fucking pubes! I totally blocked that spell!”

One day, while Chris father was again supposed to be at work as far as Chris and Jen knew- he left work at noon to come home early. Unbeknownest to Jen and Chris, who had no idea and thought they had the house alone for hours more at the least. They had made their standard “chill spot” in the room. Chris with his beanbag on the rug, and Jen with Chris’ other beanbag on the hardfloor part. The plastic type material on the outer layer of the bean-bag Jen had was perfect for her, it was virtually waterproof and “squirt friendly” for Jennifer. They had just finished a long, and very intense game and didn’t even hear the front door open as Chris’ dad stepped into the house.

“Aw yeah boiiii!” Jen said loudly as she cheered and Chris threw up his hands in suprise of his sudden loss. “Oh, what!? That’s a total glitch, and you know it! You SHOULD NOT have lived through my curse string…” Chris said.

“Say it to the vagina!” Jen said as she spread her stance and leaned back, bending her knees to her usual “hey, look at THIS” pose. With a few quick motions of her index and middle finger, she moved her hand away as she splattered the glistining mess everywhere. She stood with both arms on her hips like a victorious general surveying a battlefiend, as the stringy drops ran off her wild, wild pubic hair.

“Heya, kiddos!” Chris dad says after noticing they both have completely missed him entering the house and didn’t seem to even see him. They both jumped and gasp, startled and white as ghost as they looked behind them to see him leaning on the wall. It was obvious he’d been there for a little while. Chris looked at Jen, who stood frozen like a deer in headlights after realizing he had definitely observed and witnessed her masturbate right in front of Chris. She began to look now around her, there were still pools of juice on the floor and the beanbag was obviously wet. Chris gestured to her as if to assure her not to panic.

“Dad… you’re home really early?” Chris said after he came forth from being startled a second ago. “Yeppers! I’ve got to make a site visit this weekend a few hours away- bossman let me take the rest of the day off though. So, suprise!” he says chuckling.

“Mr B, erm- I c-can explain… I -” Jen begans to studder as stammer as her face seems to be turning more and more red somehow. She looks to Chris compeletely scared as he continues to try and calm her. “Umm, you see, dad- we w-were, so yo-” Chris begans to start to say, obviously unsure what to do himself. “Don’t worry, it’s all groovy, man! Hey, I’m a cool dad Jen, don’t let Chris make you think I’m a not “vibe,” I’m all about “the vibe.”

“Wow, dad… please… c-can I talk to you a second?” Chris says. “Can’t it wait, bud? It’s rude to do that with guest over, ya know!”

“Oh, it’s OK M-mr Smith. Erm, so I… wanted to just say what you just saw a few minutes ago, erm- tha” Jen starts to say before he interupts her. “All I saw, was you having fun- I get it, I appreciate you being so considerate of my rug and furniture! So hey, as long as that’s the case- it’s cool. So, that’s all I gotta say, unless you wanted to add anything- that’s all there is to it!” he says with a smile. “Hey, I’ve gotta make some phone calls though- but in a bit you guys down for some za?”

“Sure, dad. Pizza would be great. We’ll move back upstairs, too.” Chris says. “I don’t mind if you guys hang out here, I insist. Chris, you know I’ve been begging you to try your game on this TV I got last month, dude!” he says. “Dad, do you have to pressure us?”

Later, Chris and Jen decide to walk around the woods behind Chris house before it got dark. Jen wanted to explore the trails, despite her friend assuring her it lead to nothing, except a small lake and creek. They sat on the bank and skipped stones as the sun got ready to set. “Fuck man, I’m so so so sorry! I did NOT hear your dad!” Jen says. “It’s totally fine, don’t even worry about it. Ugh, sorry he had to come home and make it weird too… but honestly I think he doesn’t mind. I mean, honestly I don’t think he’s even thinking about anything of it. He’s annoying, and he does pick on certain, really annoying things, but I feel like that’s something he wont care about. I mean, assuming it’s you and not me- heh.”

“I just don’t want you to get in trouble because I was masturbating… please, be honest; are you?!” She ask eagerly. “Nah, like, literally, it’s all good. Im really sorry he walked in like that…. see that’s an annoying thing he does.”

“Ok… shit man… I get if I’m not allowed to hang out after this here.”

“PIZZA’s HERE YOU GUYS” shouts a voice from a few hundred feet away. “Oh, shit! I forgot! Wanna get pizza?” Chris ask with excitment. “Yes. Yes, I think after pizza, I’ll be good. Pizza solves all problems.” Jen says. “Race you back!” Chris says after a few seconds of taking of into a sprint in front of her. “Hey, cheater!” Yells Jennifer as she chases after him and tags him and beats him to the back porch. “Whoa, what did you guys just run a marathon?” Chris dad ask as he notices them panting and catching their breath as they enter from the back sliding door into the kitchen. “Basically! Someone tried to CHEAT with a headstart!” Jen says as she laughs with her friend. “It’s only fair, doens’t being nude make you more aerodynamic? So…” he says back. “I mean, that’s one of the many reasons going in the nude is superior… so yup!” She says.

Chris dad chuckles and nods. “What do ya think, Chrissy boy?” he ask his son in a teasing manor. “Nope, I like my shirts and chain-link wallet just fine, thank you!” Hey, just sayin… you don’t need to be from a nudist family to be a nudist! Of course, you know that, right Jennifer?” He ask.

“I’m the only nudist in my family, so, definitely true!” she says with a smike and nod. “I’ve known your mom and dad, since before we were in highschool. They are like siblings to me, but they are cool cats, that’s forsure. Even when Scotty and Nicki don’t exactly understand or agreee with something, they try to find a way. So, they probably give you crap but deep down you parents are glad you are happy. You got good folks.”

“Yeah… I guess your right. I do get tired of my mom complaining about my pubic hair, heh. But, yeah- I love them and I always will love them.

Well, anywho- family of Scotty and Nicky is family to me and Chris. So, please- don’t feel like a guest here, you can be at home here. I didn’t mean to scare you guys earlier and ruin your bate’ and brag session earlier, heh.

“Dad… really?” Chris retorts.

“It’s cool. Erm…” Jen says, she looks to her friend and then again to his father, Chris seems mainly worried about her feeling irritated by his father, as Jen tried to assure him how she didn’t mind. She nods after a few moments of eye contact. He gestures back with a facial expression that seemed to convey worry, as if to say “are you sure?”

“Can I tell him, Chris? I think I want to try.”


“Uh-oh, what’d you guys do?”

“Oh, heh… well- Mr Smith, I really, really hope that I am not offending you, and just tell me if you are- but erm… the thing is, and Chris… erm, knows… that I actually identify as a “Nudist Masturbationist.” LET ME EXPLAIN, though… It’s not like, a sex thing. It’s just like, ,my kinda… thing…”

“That’s the truth, dad. Are you listeiniung?”

“Heh, well- I mean, I PLAN to identify as a nudist masturbationist… Chris is actually the first, and only person I have shared it with.”

After he listens to Jennifer lay out some of her parameters on “Nudist Masturbation,” seemingly unsuprised at all for some reason- is almost too easy to convince. “Hey, all good with me. I don’t know how, but I knew as soon as I walked in earlier, I somehow knew that was the case! Well, like I said- family of my friends, and also friends of Chris are family to me. Like I said, please don’t make me have to get stain removal from my carpet and furniture, which you haven’t- so, please- be at home! This house welcomes nudist of all kinds!”

Chris smiles and looks to Jen with excitement, while he wasn’t sure how his father would actually react about what Jen just told him, he had doubts that he wouldn’t like it. He was almost that un-predictable… or Chris had just grown so distant to realize how accepting and willing his father was to see Chris happy. Chris seemed to assume him to be a tight-wad, but in fact Chris father was a modern hippie-in-disguise as an office manager.

“I- I really appreciate you listening… is it really OK to.. m-m-masturbate? As, as long as it’s on the floor like earlier? I’ll keep it to myself, or whatever you would like. But that’s what was going on. I just didn’t want you to be mad at Chris for anything I was doing.”

“See, Chris seems to think I’m this huge jerk who doesn’t allow anything! I’m all “good vibes” though- you do it as much as you want. You just let me know if we start to run out of paper towels, and I’ll keep thems stocked. How about this! I’ll set up a few paper towel dispensers around the house, just for you! You just gotta let me know when to get more. My goodwill gesture to you!”

“Ok. You guys were right.” Jen says to her parents. “About what, babe?” One of them ask. “I wanted to talk about… well- being a Nudist Masturbationist.” Jen says a bit embarrassed. “I guess I am ready to tell you about it.”

Her mother laughs and gesture to her that they are listening. “Okay, dear- tell us about it!”

“I guess I am glad to finally tell you about the real me” Jen went on to talk about her wish to not only live permanently naked, she also wanted to be able to openly masturbate too. She talked on and on about the various situations she could just masturbate openly and without shame. To her, as a “nudist masturbationist,” masturbating was so much more than just having an orgasm or getting off. She talked about how awesome she thought it would be to express herself by masturbating and squirting. Either having fun at a party, or just as a way to say “Hey!” So… that’s me… “

“Oh Jen, you dork- what do you think we were laughing at the other night? We knew dear… we stumble across your little blogs all the time.”

“We weren’t sure if you were serious about that one as you were about being naked. Anyway, I guess we can’t stop you now. If it’s like you say, and it’s not about… ya know, sex… then I guess I can live with it.”

“Please make sure you are using a mop and cleaning it up… I’ll even set up stations, but if you can’t handle it then the privilege is gone.”

“… really? I – I never thought I would be able to cross this bridge… I – of course I will clean.”

“Okay, love.”

“YAY!” Jen squealed as her father before she knew it- she was in the zone. She danced and hopped around after hugging her mom and dad. She sang a silly song “Mom and Dad are the coolest parents in worllddddd! Uh-Uh-Uh-huh”” and danced around the kitchen. Her moves emphasized her vagina as she thrust it about. She leaned back, legs apart, intentionally bring all the attention . After an impressively quick few seconds of intense rubbing- she grinned as she released her squirting orgasm and it splattered the kitchen floor. The first few gushes shoot several feet outward, and several more spurts followed. It ran from her bush, and she danced as the thick streams of juice plopped to the floor. She laughed and continued to dance and sing, her vagina still spurting juice where she stood in powerful gushes.

Her father shook his head and walked away to grab a beer as he signed and seemed to be remarkably accepting of Jen’s decision. Her mother stood with her arms crossed, not angry but also not uncomfortable in any way. “Okay, grab the mop! Chop chop, naked girl!”

**Chapter 6: The Nude and the Nerd**

Chris drives up to Jen’s house, the duo was bored and Jen’s parents were going out of town for the week- so Jen’s place could be their “chill zone” for the time being. She checks her phone to see the text message “Here” from Chris, which she replies and tells him just to head right in and the door was open. She quickly pranced across the living room making sure to get to the door before Chris opened it and walked in… she had a “funny surprise” for her friend today.

She called it a “nudist hello,” or at least planned to start calling it that once she was “ready,” to make it her thing, by her standards. She wanted to greet her friend at the foyer with a perfectly timed squirting orgasm, but the timing had to be perfect to achieve her goal. She takes her stance across the hall from the door and can see Chris’ silhouette walking up. Jen spreads her legs apart and leans back as she tries to push our her pelvic area out forward. She checks her standing and adjust hoping to find the best stance that will give the most full and visual presentation of her wildly hairy vagina. Jen leaned slightly backwards, emphasizing and rubbing her vagina vigorously. In less than 20 seconds, the door slowly opens as Chris steps in. “Sup?!” she says as she makes peace sign gestures with each hand trying her best to hold them steady as the orgasm began. Between her index and middle finger on both hands, you could see the clear and glistening juice from her vagina hanging off her fingers. Her timing was nearly flawless, she timed it just right and her vagina rained juice as Chris’ eyes locked on in surprise as he timidly stepped in the house. She had certainly practiced this, her facial expression held the same huge smile, she only gasped a bit and her eyes stuttered a bit with the climax, and a huge gush that plopped on the hardwood floor like a fat raindrop.

Chris at first is caught off guard and watches uncomfortably as Jen proudly displays her crotch leaning backwards with her legs apart and bent. He then smiles and laughs as tries to decide where to rest his eyes.

“That’s how a real nudist says ‘Waddups!’ Jen exclaims pulling her pubes as she laughs with her friend.

“Heh… I guess I can’t say that I’ve ever been greeted like that before…” Chris says with a giggle. “What? With a hairy squirting vagina?” Jennifer says with a sarcastic grin. “That’s just how this topless girl rolls, homie” Jen says as she burst into laughter again. “Hang on, though- I got to clean that really quick…” she says as she turns and quickly jogs down the hall to the kitchen to grab a roll of paper towels and a spray cleaner. “Want me to do anything?” Chris ask as he watches the nude Jennifer squatting on the floor wiping the tile. “Oh- no, you’re good. Actually, can you see if I missed any spots?” she ask him as they scan the area making sure all of the liquid was cleaned up.

“So, what are you up to today?” Jen ask as she puts away the cleaner. “Well, erm… Nothing much, I guess I was just seeing what you were up to. Just bored I guess…” says Chris as Jen stands in front of him tugging her pubes around. She’s looking down and rummaging in her think bush, using the glistening juice as if it were styling gel to hold the crude locks of pubic hair in place.

“Same… I guess my parents want me out trying to find a job too, ugh” she says. “Like… they are in such a rush- it’s not like I can just go to the job tree and get one that easy, like where even is hiring?” Jen says to him as she rolls her eyes. “I’ve been trying to get a job, too” Chris says. “If you want, we could maybe see if there are any places around here hiring. I have my dad’s car today” he suggest. “Okay! I actually have some cash too, I can help with gas!” Jen says excited. She grabs her copy of the house key, and her phone which also has a wallet case with her cards, cash, and ID. She doesn’t even think or bother with shoes, the nude and barefoot Jen lead’s her friend out the front door as she locks it behind him. She sits down in the passenger seat of the small two door car, and carefully buckles her seatbelt making sure her bush didn’t get caught in the buckle part. “The one thing I hate about riding in cars now: my bush getting snagged in the seatbelt buckle” Jen says. “That’s got to hurt” he says gritting his teeth. Jen tells him about the other times she’s gotten her pubic hair caught in something.

She’s looking down and rummaging in her think bush, using the glistening juice as if it were styling gel to hold the crude locks of pubic hair in place. “Do you think I should put that I’m naked, or topless? I mean yeah obviously on paper I’m “naked” but does my bush really count for nothing?”

Chris ponders as he looks at Jen’s pubic rainforest of hair. “Good question… I mean, maybe wait until they ask? I feel like you should just put topless and then explain if they ask later on… like- if they even did?” He says hoping to support his friend with a good answer.


1 comment

  1. Hey there, sorry the other chapters are too long to even post 1 at a time… if anyone wants a little more, just message me

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