The Big Bush Nudist ( F em Exhib/Softcore/Lewd/Situational)

Just sharing a long side project of mine that is still in scraps, but it’s starting to come together. There are still about 40 other pages of content Im trying to tie in, so I imagine by the time this is finished (someday) it will be about 50-60,000 words at least (if not more). Anyway, it’s a little lewd- apologies in advance for anything that is off, this is mostly un-edited and it was also written in pieces over time (still is). Just sharing the general setting and idea, only the first 8 chatpters for now

**Chapter 1: Mom’s and Dad’s Secret Plan**

“Jen, did you bring anything? Shoes, clothes, or no?” Jennifer’s mom says looking back through the rearview mirror. Jennifer Scott sits bored in the backseat of her parents SUV as they continue their long drive down the desolate interstate. She had long run out of things to watch and do on her phone, but was pretending to listen to music to make her mother think she couldn’t hear. She looks away, zoned out the window. She sits with her leg’s spread wide, almost but not totally out of her seatbelt as she sat sprawled out in the backseat.

“Jennifer Marie Scott! I am talking to you, don’t pretend to ignore me… I can hear you scrolling by the way… I know you’re not listening to anything!”

“No, Mom… “ Jen retorted with the usual surly eye-roll.

Jen’s mother shakes her head in disapproval and continues to berate her daughter. “Not even a bathing suit? Seriously, Jen? You don’t even have anything… what if we were in a situation where you needed to dress?!”

“It’s all good, it’s her birthday- cut her some slack!” Jen’s dad says to lighten the mood, and to also get back to the radio as his wife had interrupted the song he was listening to, “I know, I know… I just don’t see how someone can- ugh, never mind. Fine. Wait a second, Jenny. You TOLD me you were going to wear something to cover yourself! What happened to that?!” Jennifer’s mother says inquisitively. “You specifically told me that…” she says harping on her daughter.

“Oh my God, Mom! Do you have to harp and harp on everything… I AM wearing cover, I told you that I’m wearing my bush. See?!” Jen says sarcastically while raising her pelvic section, but still in a sitting position on the backseat of the car.

“Oh my God, Jennifer…” her mother says burying her face in her palm shaking her head. Her husband laughs and urges her to calm herself as she smiles and laughs at herself a bit.

“You didn’t ask what the cover would be! I am wearing cover, and it’s my pubes… and honestly I don’t even see why that’s different than if I was just wearing a bikini bottom or whatever…” Jen says looking at her phone, disregarding her mother’s nagging.

For the Scott couple, their daughter wearing nothing ever had gotten out of hand long before this point. Jennifer’s most bizarre trait was her habit of choosing to be completely naked when she was at home, or anywhere she could- the moment she could. This was a behavior that started since she could remember- so long now that no-one was even sure when or how. She would completely protest wearing anything unless she had no choice or had to leave the house. Even then she’d try to put up a fight; trying to rationalize her going to a public store or place in the nude as if it were no big deal at all. She wanted to be naked no matter what. Each time she made it quite clear she was ready to argue with them to the end. The more they fought, the more she seemed to obsess over “being a nudist” and “nude culture.” Unknowingly to Jen, none of that existed outside the internet. Out of her entire family, none of which had ever even been to a nudist resort; Jennifer was the nudist.

Soon, it reached the point where Jen wouldn’t even dress or wear a thread unless her parents specifically asked, and by ask; it was more of a firm demand. Constantly fighting with their daughter had gotten exhausting over the years, and her parents began to give up, or “let her win” in most circumstances. She was an 18 year old adult now, technically. When Jen would ride in the car with either or both her parents, she would just hop right in naked and barefoot without a thought or worry. She’d sit in the passenger or backseat, bare buttocks on seat and slumped back in comfort; lost in her phone or the music she was listening to on her headphones. Of course, she would have to wait in the car while her parents would go inside. Half the time, Jen didn’t care or think to ask where they were going even- she just went along and acted as if her nudity wasn’t anything to gawk at. It was as if the concept didn’t even exist in her mind- aside from the annoyance when her parents demanded and begged she wear something when required. If they said nothing, she wouldn’t say a word or take any initiative to dress.

Most of her life she was a sheltered child, and generally a homebody. She was quiet around people she did not know and preferred to spend her free time around the house either reading, drawing, or playing games on her computer in her room. She had a different upbringing than most normal teens. She attended an online homeschool program instead of the traditional public-school experience. They lived in a quiet, wooded and rural area; thus, it was easier to do homeschool for her. Unfortunately, she did not have many friends her own age growing up there. Her parents both had jobs that required travel, for up to weeks at a time. It was very standard for them to be not home for days.

They knew she was still very isolated, and they always encouraged her to take part in whatever activities they could think of to get her some socialization, to no avail. They just let her be a “free spirit” as they knew she would be happier left alone and that she was for the most part a loner. They could not blame her due to them living so far away from the suburbs.

Jen was finally finished with school and had completed the required online curriculum to get her diploma. She struggled with some of her classes throughout the years, while she was a very smart girl, she simply had a low attention span. It wasn’t uncommon for teens to have issues focusing, she was no exception. She just barely passed a few subjects with a C-, but her parents were glad she finished high school completely given her struggles with homeschooling. They were not really sure what to do now though. They felt it was time they needed to nudge their daughter out of the house more, and give her a fair shot at being a self-sustaining adult in the world. Where to start? That was the question…

It was a difficult question since Jennifer was quite different. Jen wasn’t the “girly girl” type. She was not at all into wearing make-up or painting her nails. The cosmetic kits her mothers had tried to get her throughout the previous years were untouched, and mostly unopened. She wore the same ponytail she wore most of her life – assuming she even bothered to style her hair at all.

She would spend days- even weeks without wearing even sandals. She did her chores, even the yard work, always in the nude. It wasn’t a surprise that she chose not to bother shaving, or even trimming her pubic hair. She had an extremely thick and unkempt bush, with long tufts of black hair that could easily been seen sticking out from the side at any angle. She certainly did not have plans to stop it from growing all naturally. Most women would faint in embarrassment to be seen not only naked, but with a big bush of pubic hair; Jen didn’t mind one bit, however. She would go around sometimes with crude pig-tails in her pubic hair. Of course, since she never once trimmed; her giant bush was also part of the norm and people were pretty much used to it. She “styled” it even and seemed to enjoy it. She was ALWAYS twisting her pubes when she had nothing to do with her hands, typically while talking.

If you asked them years ago if they would support their daughter going Permanently Naked, the answer would have been a quick “No f***** way” from her parents. However, they were just about over it all by now… and would be willing to just let her do what she wanted; if only to end the constant clothing battles with their daughter. At least they could put it out of their lives, even if she was going to be naked everywhere. It seemed to be what Jen wanted, despite her having almost no experience actually going out in public in the nude. This was what worried them above all else….

They had actually planned this to go exactly as it was. The big family reunion at their shared lake cabin was going to be the “test” if anything for Jen. They knew she wasn’t going to remember or listen to them as they spoke about it the previous weeks. She was always lost in her phone, addicted to her videos and favorite streamers. “Uh-huh… I got it” was the usual response. Her mother and father knew that even while they carried full suitcases and packed the car, Jen was going to climb right in the car for the trip; nude as ever. She didn’t know it, but they hoped to place her in an actual real-world scenario; as she had requested for so long. The “reality check” would either snap her out of all this (to her parent’s last faint hopes), or make her commit to being “a nudist” as she called herself, unconvincingly to her parents. They were going to try what they hadn’t before; simply asking her and supporting her choice

“Well, just know that your uncle Todd and aunt Deborah are going to be meeting us… and your cousins as well. We didn’t bring anything for you, so you’re going to have to go like that…” her mother says again turning down the radio.

“Ok? That’s fine.” Jennifer says indifferent and not even looking away from her phone screen.

They parked and Jen’s father began to unload the luggage and gather their supplies. There were other cars around the cabin- family members that Jen hadn’t seen in years. Only her uncle knew about her “way” out of the family, so no one else had even the slightest idea that Jen wasn’t one to skip the clothes. Her mother seems to be interested in walking down to see the water before they settled into the cabin.

“Honey, walk with me a second…”

After a few more moments of complaining and huffing from Jennifer, she walks with her mother as she looks only forward or at the ground.

“Oh, Jenny… I love you. Your father loves you.”

“The reason we did this? We didn’t stop you to tell you to dress? Well… that’s because it’s time to make a decision on all this. I’m tired of “I’m going naked, why do you have a problem with that?!” or “I’m going to bring a backpack with clothes, I’ll put them on when it’s time” and you DON’T. You’re 18 years old now… you’re not a kid anymore. Is this Permanent Nakedness thing really what you want for your life?”

“I mean, I have thought about it for years, mom! I’m a nudist, so… yeah. I plan to do it… at some point, I guess after I move out…” Jen says, still defensive from before.

“Well. If you are seriously going to do it anyway, then we’d rather it be with our support.”

“Wh-what? For real? I-I… is so not how I saw today going.”

“The ultimatum is this: If you are going to register and be naked, register and be naked. If you’re not- then wear your damn clothes. Not this ridiculous game of “is she naked, or not today, who knows? I guess we have to?” Jen’s mother says throwing up her arms to vent her frustration with her daughter.

“Even dad won’t be… mad?” Jen asked still skeptical of the whole conversation as it was happening.

“No. We planned this together. I’ll also say this, if you are doing this Jennifer Marie Scott- YOU are going to be the one to tell everyone this weekend. I brought your clothes… if you say ‘no,’ then I’ll give them to you and you will dress and that’s the final verdict. You’re going to stay that way, hear?”

They find a small stop area, with a dumpster, recycle bin, and a clothing donation bin.

“Or if I sa-“

“If you say ‘yes,’ then I’m donating these to your cousins- and you’re going to stay freaking naked, for good. We’ll take you when we get back to the city hall… and, *sigh* I guess take you to register.”

Jennifer’s mom hold’s up a heavy suitcase- unzipping it slightly to show her daughter the contents. It contained what was left of Jen’s wearable clothing from her closet at home.

“What’s it going to be, hunny?” her mom says.

Jennifer’s mind races as she wears and uncomfortable facial expression while she processes the situation. After a few minutes of silence, Jennifer stops, turns to her mother and while mustering as much confidence as she can tells her “I’m going naked.”

“Ok, You’re going to go ahead and do it. That’s what I thought” her mother says. Her mother doesn’t seem to react to the answer, she just nods and ponders.

“You’re going to be the only naked person, probably everywhere you go, all the time. You’re going to be alright with that?”


“Fine. Then that’s that. Aside from telling everyone, which I expect you to do- that’s the end of the topic. That’s the final verdict, then…”

She takes the heavy suitcase, as she unzips it and gestures towards the bin to dump the clothes in, she pauses to take one last look at Jennifer. “Alright? Good?” She ask.

“Do it!” Jen shouts in eagerness.

Jen watches as her mother dumps the clothing into the bin, then shuts it and deposits the old outfits for good, no way to open them now.

“Thanks Mom. I love you.”

I love you, too.

They share a tight hug and then turn back to the campground.

Her mother begins to chuckle. “You seriously didn’t bring a thing did you? You hopped right in the car naked as anything… I knew right then and there you are just going to be a nudist, and that’s that.” She shakes her head and smiles.

“Well, I kind of knew… I don’t know exactly but I know it’s right for me.”

“If you’re be naked the rest of your life, you still have to live that life. We still want to see you find a job and start building your future. We could use a hand here and there, too, ya know?”

“I will mom, I promise. I know there are plenty of places I can work, I totally plan to find a job ASAP. Now that it’s gonna be official; I think it’s gonna be easier for me to be more comfortable.”

**Chapter 2: A Family Re-United**

Her father swings open the front door to the large cabin. Jennifer’s aunt and uncle and her two cousins- both of which were nearly her age are already there and arrived a few hours ago.

“Goodness, she’s naked!” says a male voice that breaks the awkward silence as the room begins to teem in laughter. “It’s her birthday, so birthday suit…” says her aunt as she laughs hysterically at the naked Jennifer standing red faced in front of the crowd. says an old voice that breaks the awkward silence as the room begins to teem in laughter. “

The room is in an awkward fog, some snicker and some are silent as they look on in confusion. Her mother elbows Jen and gestures with her head to step up to the middle of the room. “Go ahead, Jen. Tell everyone your big news.”

“Erm… well…” Jen stutters and struggles to find the words as she crowd of her family is watching her. “She want’s to be a nudist… or try it ” Her father says as he chuckles and winks.

“Dad!” Jen says embarrassed. “Are you going to register as a Permanent Nudist?” he ask as the room get’s quite again.

“Oh my God!” Jenny says. “Yes, I’m sure- for the millionth time!”

“Yeah, she dumped them all in the donation bin just a few minutes ago… she’s for real…” her mother says with a serious face as she sighs and tries to find the balance best fitting her emotions.

“Yup” Jen says again.

She sat at the table as her family prepared dinner. She was glad it was so, easy, being naked in front of her family. seemed to be indifferent to Jennifer’s outfit, except her two cousins across the room. They were here age, older, in college but they were both home for the summer. Her cousins Sarah and Dylan were not at all like Jen, they went to public school, had friends, went to parties, and everything that Jennifer didn’t do growing up. The exchanged small acknowledgement waves, clearly bored and possibly here against their will. Her parents decided to still take photos of the small party despite their daughter’s nudity. As usual, she was the only one naked

After some time her two cousins Sarah and Dylan broke their no-talk streak as Sarah approached Jen walking back from the restroom.

“Hey Jennifer!” Sarah said startling Jen as she passed/

“Hey” Jen says back nervously stopping as she turned.

“Dylan and I were going to, break away for a bit and maybe walk around or chill somewhere else…want to come with?”

“Sure, okay!”

Dylan waits by the door as the 3 teens exit the house and start to walk down a trail leading to another camp site. They stop at a car.

“Yo, what’s up, Jen?” Dylan says glancing back.

“Hi” Jen says. They end up waiting as Dylan seems to be taking some things out of the car, then becomes them to follow him into a tent set up a few feet away. He turns on an electric lantern that lights the tent. Jen sits with her legs crossed in the small circle they’ve formed in the middle of the tent. She is anxious as she doesn’t know her cousins too well, it had been a few years since last they’d spoken.

“So, we were going to get faded” Sarah says as she holds up a hand rolled cigarettes, which appears to be marijuana.

“OH… cool. Erm, I’ve never done it before.” Jen says watching her put it in her mouth and light it.

“Want to? I kind of figured, but I think you’ll really like it.”

“Same… smoke weed everyday” Dylan says.

Her cousin holds the joint for Jen as she takes a baby puff, immediately coughing her lungs out after blowing it right out. The chuckle as Jennifer coughs harder than she’s probably ever coughed before.

“Oh yeah… she got that one!” Sarah says,

“I… I don’t really feel different…” Jen says.

They repeat this a few more cycles, each time her cousins laugh as they hold the rolled cigarette up to her lips as she over-inhales and explodes into coughing fits.

After a few moments, her cousins are both silent as they seemed unsure even what to say to Jen.

“You, I can’t even lie- I can’t believe you walked in that house butt-ass naked!” Dylan says as he starts to crack up, Sarah joins in after a few moments of trying to hold it in.

“Like, bro- Okay… Jen, why… why are you naked?!” Sarah says shrugging at her brother as they both shake their heads, seemingly second hand embarrassed for Jen.

Jen doesn’t realize it, but the weed had definitely worked it’s magic on her. She sat across from her cousins, a huge goofy grin seemed to be stuck on her face and her eyes shined with a bloodshot glaze. She’s also far more relaxed than when they first entered the tent… she makes no effort to hide the fact she’s twisting her pubes as she sits leaned back and cross-legged in front of them.

Jennifer laughs uncontrollably for a few moments, seeming unable to stop herself. Finally after she pulls herself together, she looks up and responds with “wait- what did you said again?”

Sarah looks to her cousin and laughs. “Oh my God, you’re fucking stoned…” Sarah says. “Anyway, I was asking like, what do you mean you’re “an official nudist”

“Huh? Oh- I’m not sure, heh. I guess since I’m going to go register to be Permanently Naked- that way I don’t need to wear clothes when I get a job and move out and everything.

“OH… not to be mean, but, do you not trim your pubic hair?”

Dylan laughs out loud and buries his face in his palm as his sister punches his shoulder.

“That’s just… a pretty big bush you got going on…”

Jen looks down and pulls on her hairy tufts and inspects her hairy vagina. “Well, I’m a nudist of course, but my pubes are kind of like my clothes, so…. I’m just going to let it keep growing probably.”

“… aloof…” Sarah says looking at her brother as they laugh again.

“So, you don’t like… feel embarrassed when everyone just… see’s that?”

Jen laughs but isn’t quite sure what her cousin is asking. “Like, erm… what did you mean exactly?”

“I mean, like – never mind… that’s just like, normal for you isn’t it?”

“I don’t know. I guess, heh. I never really looked at it like that. I mean, my pubes cover as much as most swim bottoms, right?” She ask as she gestures at her vagina as she moves her arms and spreads her legs apart. They both seem to catch a quick glance before scoffing and looking away. They still are not comfortable looking directly in that area, they still seemed to just getting over the second hand embarrassment for Jen.

“I’m going to go register on Monday though. So, I won’t have to worry about anything then.”

They watch as Jen’s hands have gone from playing with the insane pubic tufts, to now rubbing her clit. She made no effort to hide or stop herself, and she didn’t even seem to realize she was fully masturbating. A few moments go by as they stare in shock. She looks down with a short smile, and sighs in relief as juice starts to splatter and spray from her hairy vagina.

“So… not only are you a nudist, but you masturbate openly too…?” ask her cousin Sarah after a few more moments of staring as they can’t seem to believe their eyes as they start at the ground where Jennifer’s juice was.

“Sorry about that! I totally wasn’t even thinking about it …” Jen says realizing her cousins seem troubled, but unsure what to say. She didn’t openly masturbate around her parents, and had never done that before- but she assumed since they were “adult free” and getting high, it would fit to go ahead and masturbate. “Well, I hope one day to be able to tell my mom and dad, but I’m a “Nudist Masturbationist.” Jen says as she tries to keep her “cool” and “laid back” demeanor.

“What the fu-“ Sean says as Sarah cuts him off. “What else can you tell us?” Sarah ask while elbowing her brother. She whispers “just be cool, Sean! Don’t ruin what I’m trying to do…” sharply with a hiss in his ear. “Ok… chill Sarah, bitch.”

Jennifer been secretly posting online about how she wanted to become a “Nudist Masturbationist” or so she called it; her made up term that she wanted to label herself as. She loved to walk around the house, frequently stopping and masturbating where she stood. She would role-play scenarios in her head, acting as if she were masturbating in a social setting. She pretended to casually masturbate as she talked to people, totally indifferent as she played with her hairy vagina without shame standing in front of them. She knew her parents would be upset if she walked around them and openly masturbated, so she convinced herself that aside from them, it wouldn’t be a big deal once she made some cool friends to hang out with.

They finished up with their smoking, and Jen and her cousins walked back to the house together. The family converged that evening, everyone sat out back having a few drinks and just hanging around. Jennifer stands as everyone else in the circle sits, she sometimes enjoyed just listing and hanging out while her parents talked and told stories from when they grew up.

Of course, Jen was the only one naked out of her family around her. Jen listened and laughed as her uncle was entertaining everyone with a story from his college days. Jen hadn’t even the slightest hint of uncomfortableness or shame about being completely naked in front of everyone. It just didn’t click for Jennifer, even when her cousins couldn’t help but laugh when they were in the tent smoking pot together. Her uncle stops his story he’s telling to the group to take a sip of his drink, which he finds is empty. He ask Jennifer to grab him another beer from the cooler. She quickly tip toes to the cooler and yanks it open to grab the drink, and while not paying attention, closes her pubic hair in the lid.

“Ow!” She yelps as she grabs her crotch and realizes what’s happened, opening it enough to free her caught tufts,

“Oh- are you OK Jen?” says her mom with concern. Her mother is studying the situation with worry. “Yes, Mom. I’m OK…” Jen says embarrassed. “What happened?!” she ask Jen as if she was worried to death. “Nothing… I’m fine!” Jen replies. Everyone was now watching Jennifer and her mother’s worrisome reaction had everyone curious. “S-stupid cooler…” she says looking at her pubes as she clenches her teeth. She lifts open the lid and frees her tuft of hair from the cooler seal. Dylan laughed as everyone soon followed realizing Jennifer was completely fine. “You got your pubes caught, didn’t you?” her other mother ask smugly as they are all having a laugh at her expense. Jen rolls her eyes as she sits in the chair across from them after handing her uncle the beer. Her parents start to chuckle and Jen just tries to look away as she is now embarrassed about her mother’s teasing her in front of everyone. She hated when they made fun of her around everyone, she definitely was proud to be officially considered an adult and always tried to act mature for her age. She was especially embarrassed that her cousins had to see Jen’s mother worry about her like she was 10.

“I wonder where she get’s it?” Rachel ask Jennifer’s mom after studying her niece. Jen was annoyed with her mother as she tried to look away with a “whatever” attitude. “No clue! I have never figured it out…” Jen’s mom says. “What are you guys talking about?” the naked teen ask them again rolling her eyes as she continued to not look a them.

“Nothing, you nudist! We just wonder sometimes… that’s all” her mom says with a smile and poke at Jen.

“Oh my God, Mom. I… I don’t know! I just… like it?” Jennifer says rolling her eyes takes a seat in one of the patio chairs. “I don’t bother you guys about the way you dress!” she says defensively. She slouches back as if to disregard them, just sitting there twisting on her pubic hair with an irritated look. She’s slightly embarrassed as she’s put on the spot by her parents, yet she sits fully spread in front of the crowd without a single thought.

“She want’s to go register for Permanent Nudity, this girl is a diehard nudist. Just like when she was little” her father says casually. Jen tries to stare at her father to show her disapproval in the topic but he doesn’t notice.
