[Incest] [Brother-Sister] Wife’s Incestuous Family Ritual Ch. 01 (Part 3)


Next morning, I woke up to the aroma of fresh coffee. I opened my eyes to see Ananya with two steaming mugs by the bedside. I accepted a mug from her as she sat next to me sipping hot coffee.

“Where’s Ayush?”

“He went out to meet his friends. Won’t be back till evening.”

“So… shall we talk about last night?”

“How much did you see?”

“The whole thing. Till the very end.”

She blushed. “You are not mad at me, are you?”

“Are you kidding? I absolutely loved it. It was beautiful. I am guessing this wasn’t the first time for you guys.”

She nodded.

I sat up with the coffee mug in hand. “Since when? How did it start?”

She was silent for few moments, staring out the window. “I am going to share my family’s biggest secret with you. It may sound outlandish, but please hear it with an open mind. You’ve seen the Ashoka tree at daddy’s estate, right?”

I nodded, yes. The majestic Ashoka tree, with its beautiful red flowers, was the center point of my father-in-law’s estate. It was revered in Ananya’s family and treated with reverence. The area surrounding the tree had been beautifully landscaped into a small garden. I loved to visit it whenever I visited my in-laws.

She continued, “There’s a divine presence within the tree, who my family secretly worships. She protects us from mis-fortune and brings us prosperity. As part of the worship ritual, we offer Her our incestuous love as obeisance, as did my ancestors.”

“What do you mean?”

Ananya looked into my eyes and said, “The ritual can only be performed by a parent and child. I and daddy; Ayush and mummy; we take turns to worship the divine spirit. And while doing so, we make love to each other.”

My eyes went wide with shock and disbelief. Here I was, secretly carrying on incest fantasies about my mother, and there was my wife with her whole incestuous family! Images of Ananya with my father-in-law, and Ayush with my mother-in-law, embraced in passionate love-making, swirled in my mind.

“Who is this divine spirit? I haven’t heard of any such deity or worship ritual in Hinduism.”

“There’s a long history behind it. You should ask daddy when we visit next time.”

“What about you and Ayush?”

“That’s different. Whenever a parent-child couple undertake the ritual for the first time, another adult member of the family needs to officiate the event and make sure all the ritualistic formalities are correctly followed. I and daddy performed the ritual for the first time on my 18th birthday, which was officiated by mummy. Similarly, on Ayush’s 18th birthday, I officiated the ritual between him and mummy. That was the first time I saw him naked as an adult and appreciated how he had grown.

“During the course of the ritual, our parents showed and taught us the wonders of sexual pleasure and intimacy. But the ritual was performed only once in a week and we had no sexual contact with our parents outside of it.

“Few days later, our parents went to Europe for a 10-day vacation, leaving me and Ayush at home. We had to skip the ritual that week and I had already skipped it the week before due to my periods. Seven days into our parents’ absence, I was already on edge and Ayush was horny as well. He came to my room that night and we had a talk. Words turned into kissing and fondling. Soon we found ourselves naked on my bed exploring each other’s bodies. We made love for the first time that night. With our parents’ vacation coming to an end, we spent the next two days pleasuring each other all over the house.

“We informed our parents once they were back. To our surprise, they were actually happy about it, since they knew it was inevitable. They said they wanted us to stay safe and away from seeking sex with boyfriends/girlfriends at seedy locations. With the risk of unwanted pregnancy, STDs or unconsented video recordings, they felt it was best if we could find sexual release in the safety of our home.”

“Wow! I always thought your parents as cool, but that’s just next level!” I said, amazed.

“Yes, they’re the coolest parents.”

“How come I never had any clue about all this? Did you guys stop?”

“After our wedding, we decided to be very cautious and discreet around you. It was highly unlikely that anyone else would understand or approve of our lifestyle.

“Many times, when Ayush visited us, I’d return home from office little early, while you were still at work. Or when we visited my parents, Ayush would take you away from the estate for few hours. That way I’d been able to continue all my incestuous activities in parallel to our marital life. I had never thought of revealing it you.”

“What changed your mind?”

“Few days back, I was using your laptop. I discovered an incest story site in the web browser history. Suspicious, I dug deeper and found many incest stories accessed from the laptop regularly. I was secretly thrilled that you were interested in incest fantasies. To know more, I mentioned about incest to you, the other night. You took the bait and now here we are.”

“And here I thought I was the hunter; looks like I was the prey!” I laughed as Ananya smiled.

“Once you revealed your fantasies about mama, I became fairly confident. I discussed it with mummy, daddy and Ayush. They were skeptical about revealing our secret to you, but eventually agreed.”

“Whoa! So… they know about my incest fantasies?”

“Yes. And they were so happy when I told them. They had never thought they would’ve a son-in-law who could possibly understand our family ritual.”

“So… what now?”

“Now I would like to invite you to be a part of my incestuous family, if you wish.”

“What do you mean?”

“If you liked watching me with Ayush last night, then I won’t have to be discreet anymore with him or with daddy when you’re around. And I know that mummy fancies you. So, we shall see where that leads to.” Ananya smiled at me, conspiratorially.

I was thrilled as I imagined the possibilities. “I would love that, honey. But it all feels so awkward. How do I even talk to your family about this?”

“Don’t worry too much. Ayush won’t talk about it with you today. He’ll be gone tomorrow morning. Then we’ll figure it out.”

Ananya got up, empty coffee mug in hand. I handed her mine as well. She said, “Would you like to watch me and Ayush again, tonight?”

I nodded, excitedly. “Just like last night?”

“Tonight, maybe in the living room. I’ll keep the door slightly ajar. You can watch us from the hallway.”

“Sounds good. And honey, you can spend the night with him in the guest room if you want. I don’t mind.”

She smiled and kissed my lips. “I’ll see about that. Thanks for understanding! Love you.”

To be continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/p461k5/incest_brothersister_wifes_incestuous_family

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