[fm] homewrecker

Adam was staring at Danielle’s tits, in a sort of absent-minded way. It wasn’t like he was the only one. She had the kind that guys dream about, round and full and jiggling all over the place as she moved behind the bar. She understood very well the relationship between her neckline and her tip jar.

And she liked the attention. Not all the time, of course. There were always guys who took it too far, but a handsome young professional like Adam? She didn’t mind him looking at all.

“You ready for another?” she said. His beer was down to the mostly-backwash stage. He looked up, a little sheepishly, and she popped her shoulders back, as if to say “Hey, my tits are down here.”

“Yeah, I guess so,” he said slowly. He wasn’t, really. He was in no shape to drive, first of all, and it was getting late. He’d already gotten the first text from his wife, just making sure everything was ok. He texted her back, saying he went out with the guys because one of them was leaving. Which was true, technically. He did go out with the guys. They had all gone home.

Danielle set a fresh pint in front of him and looked at his face.

“Everything ok. hon?” she said.

“Yeah,” he said, uncertainly. Then more surely, “Yeah, I just….” And it started to come out. Jenny wasn’t the worst person in the world, but after five years of marriage, he just didn’t want to go home. How was he supposed to feel sexy about someone who bitched at him for leaving the sink full of dirty dishes?

It was petty, yes. There were a million petty little things, and Danielle kept nodding and looking at him with those big brown eyes. And every time she’d walk away, his eyes would follow her ass. It was nice and tight, winking out from under her shorts.

Danielle watched Adam trying to work out the tip. He was having a hard time with it. Finally, he wrote some numbers and scrawled his signature on the bottom.

“Thanks,” he said, standing up, none too steadily.

“You’re not driving are you?” she said.

He looked at her. “No?”

“Come on,” she said. “An Uber’s cheaper than a DUI.”

He sighed. As if on cue, his phone pinged. She’d noticed him looking at a lot of texts. Not responding, getting more and more sullen about the trouble he knew he was going to be in.

“How about I buy you one more and I’ll give you a lift?” she said.

“What about…?” he waved his hand at the bar.

“My shift just ended,” she said. “I just need to do my drawer and I’m out of here.”

Adam hesitated for a moment before he sighed and slumped back into his barstool.

Half an hour later, they walked out. He was weaving pretty good, she was having second thoughts. He was really hammered. He seemed like a decent enough guy. Just having a bad time. But when she unlocked the door of her pickup truck, he moved up behind her. Arms around her, hands on her belly, hard as a rock after nine beers.

“You’re so sexy,” he said. His hands moved up to her chest. “Jenny might be prettier, but she doesn’t know how to use what she’s got. Not like you.”

Danielle froze. He was coming on way too strong. But then, hadn’t she been flirting with him all night? Telling him how cute he was, how she would never give him a hard time. Hadn’t it been her idea to give him a ride? Hadn’t she been thinking about fooling around with him?

And as crude as it was, it felt good. He was just the right amount of rough. And him making the first move… well, that absolved her, didn’t it? She giggled and pushed her ass back. He grabbed her tits harder, for balance.

“She’s prettier than me?” she said.

“No,” he said quickly. “I just mean, you know….”

“Get in the fucking truck,” she said.

He did. She went around to the driver’s side and got in, and as she pulled out of the parking lot, she put her hand on his dick. He was rock hard, and her hand slide along the length. She moaned. What was it about married men that made her so hot? She pulled into another parking lot.

“What are we doing?” Adam mumbled.

“What do you think?” she said, and peeled her tee shirt off. Then she crawled into his lap. She started kissing him, which was a sloppy, boozy mess. She undid her bra and hugged his head to her chest. He went after her nipples like his life depended on it, and soon she was moaning and grinding against his cock.

When she slid back to wriggle out of her shorts, he grabbed her hair and pushed her head down. So she got on her knees and pulled his cock out. It was big enough that she filled her mouth and kept a hand wrapped around the shaft, and he groaned when she started sucking it. Jenny hadn’t given him a blowjob since his birthday.

Soon he was leaking precum and she pulled up, panting.

“I want you,” Adam growled.

She climbed into his lap, and guided his cock to her waiting pussy. She was trembling as she slid down, feeling him stretching her opening, filling her nicely. As she started rocking, working him deeper and deeper, his fingers gripped her ass tight.

“You like that big dick,” he growled, and she moaned.

“Yes, it feels so fucking good,” she whimpered.

She pumped frantically, knowing in his drunken state there was no telling when he might cum, or pass out, or go limp. His hands gripped her, bruising her asscheeks, and she slid a hand down to finger her clit.

Just in time, as it turned out, because he gasped, and his whole body stiffened.

“Wait wait wait!” she screamed, but then he started to jerk inside her, and it was too late. Except, the hot flood of cum flooding her unprotected pussy was the missing ingredient, and she started to cum with him.

Half an hour later, Jenny looked at her husband as he stood in the front doorway. He was swaying, still trying to fit the key in the lock even though the door was open. There was lipstick on his face and neck, and what looked like cum all down the front of his pants. The truck that had dropped him off was gone, but she was sure it had been a woman. He still stank of her pussy.

“Come to bed,” she murmured as he tried to focus on her.

There was no point in doing anything tonight. He wouldn’t remember anyway.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/p4dea5/fm_homewrecker