Thirsty for His Nectar [F/M] [Part 1] [Long]

“Let me get this straight … you just pick one and then … suck it?”

“It sounds crazy, but that’s it,” Elizabeth said in a hushed tone, trying to hide a devious smile. “Well, that’s if you have the assistant come stroke the one you pick until it’s ready. There’s only more to it if you choose to rub it yourself until … ”

Elizabeth stuck her tongue out, grinned mischievously, and dramatically twitched an eyelid while she swallowed a thick, imaginary cumshot with an audible “gulp.”

Olivia hoped that the good-looking receptionist seated a few feet away hadn’t seen her best friend’s obscene mime act. (He had.) This whole thing felt awkward enough already without Liz being her usual unusual self in public.

As she leaned back in the plush chair, Olivia stared at the paperwork on the holoscreen in her hand. Skepticism was written all over her face as she read about the taboo experience that awaited them on the other side of the large, frosted-glass door to their right.

The two women were sitting in the lavish waiting room of the Ambrosia Rejuvenation Clinic, the first of its kind in their upscale Dallas suburb. The space was bathed in white light from the solar-cell skylights in the ceiling, which cast a slight glare on the screen in Olivia’s hand. She adjusted her posture slightly and went back to reading.

“Mankind has pursued the mythical Fountain of Youth for centuries. Explorers roamed the earth far and wide seeking the fabled water that could restore their bodies and minds. In 2027, Ambrosia’s breakthrough medical research finally uncovered the secret of timeless beauty, and it flowed from one of the most unsuspecting places.”

“You can say that again,” Olivia mumbled to herself.

“Our pioneering team of scientists discovered that minor genetic modifications to human testes could yield a revolutionary anti-aging serum that, when consumed, can turn the biological clock back years … even decades. The results of this Nectar may seem like magic, but they are the result of countless clinical trials from the most rigorous scientific study ever conducted in the beauty industry.”

Olivia glanced up at Elizabeth, who was not-so-subtly staring at the receptionist as he worked. The nerds in the sperm lab had done their job well. The results of Nectar were impressive.

Liz had always been beautiful, arguably the better looking of the two of them since they’d met in college, Olivia admitted to herself. But as they had entered their late thirties, decades of UV rapid tanning had taken its toll on Elizabeth’s skin. (Rapid tanning had been banned by the FDA for nearly two decades at this point, and the only machines you could find today were sold on the darknet.)

After only three “treatments” at the Ambrosia clinic, Elizabeth had the glowing, radiant skin of a 20-year-old. Her already-large breasts and ass somehow looked perkier, something the guys had obviously noticed when the girls went out to vaporbars on the weekends. Her lips even looked fuller, though it was hard to tell at the moment since she was biting her lip while eyefucking the front desk worker.

Olivia elbowed a distracted Elizabeth and pointed at the screen. She whispered, “If they’re so smart, why couldn’t these scientists find a way to extract their ‘special serum’ so I wouldn’t have to suck a complete stranger’s cock today?”

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and scrolled knowingly to the bottom of the paperwork, stopping just before the signature line for the waiver. This was obviously not her first rodeo.

“Like many of the most valuable things in this world, Nectar is fragile. Immediately after the serum leaves the testes, it immediately begins to decay and rapidly loses its anti-aging properties when exposed to oxygen. Early attempts to replicate the chemical compound artificially or store it for extended periods of time were unsuccessful, proving that nature can still withhold some of her secrets. For this reason, Ambrosia Rejuvenation Clinic has enlisted the help of paid on-site donors who generously share their gift of Nectar with the world.”

“Elizabeth, we are ready for you.” While Olivia had been caught up in the fine details of the magical cum she was about to drink, a slender, professionally dressed woman had silently opened the frosted-glass door and was now smiling in their direction.

Olivia’s eyes got big. “I thought you’d said we’d go in together since it’s my first visit,” she said as Elizabeth was getting up. There was more than a hint of frustration in her voice.

Elizabeth did her signature carefree laugh and said, “I had to say that to convince you to come … only one patient allowed back at a time. Anyways, what do you need me with you for? You’re a natural!” She walked toward the door, obviously giddy, and just before the door shut, she shot Olivia one last look: It was the tongue-out, eyelid-twitching, cumshot-drinking face again.

Betrayal. The receptionist smirked for a split second until his eyes met Olivia’s and then he hurriedly went back to typing on his keyboard as if he’d seen nothing.

Olivia pouted before signing the waiver, setting the holoscreen on the table next to her, and retreated to her thoughts. More accurately, her insecurities. She definitely was not a natural.

Though Olivia was no stranger to sex, blowjobs were not her forte. She thought about her last boyfriend, whose cock was average but still unmanageable. Connor was always kind and understanding when she’d opt for a handjob after gagging one too many times.

She secretly thought he liked the raspy sound of her trying to force his firm shaft as deep into her throat as possible. Every time she’d start to choke a little, the swollen head of Connor’s cock would get even harder, probing deeper down her already-tight throat and triggering her gag reflex. Even then, sitting in the waiting room, Olivia felt her stomach churn.

They’d always take a momentary break for Olivia to catch her breath, get a drink from the kitchen, and reposition her hair before she would push Connor onto his back on the bed. She’d then straddle Connor’s face and lean over to finish his still-throbbing cock with her hand.

She only had to grind and stroke for a few minutes before they were both dripping with cum. His dick may have been average, but the size of his load was anything but. Streams of milk-white juices would run down the sides of his shaft and mix with the clear spit that had gathered around the base of his shaft, a glistening reminder of her attempted blowjob.

This mental image made Olivia noticeably wet. She repositioned herself in her chair and collected her thoughts. She didn’t want to be blushing when it was her turn to go back.

But the memories of Connor’s cum brought up Olivia’s second fear: Would she even be able to swallow the Nectar? She’d never swallowed Connor’s seed … or anyone’s for that matter. Now she was paying for the privilege. And for what? A few less wrinkles and a slightly juicier ass?

She was only a few seconds away from reconsidering this whole trip and walking out the front door when the slender lady emerged once again. “Olivia, we are ready for you now.”

There was no turning back now. Olivia was too curious and, if she was being completely honest, a little bit too horny to leave. She had to know what was down the hallway.

She was already acquiring a taste for Nectar.
