My cousin, Mara [MF] [Cousin]

Hello everyone! I am reposting this chapter from a great story I was translating from Spanish. At the time I stopped because I was not having much free time, but I will be having a lot more during the next couple months so I want to see if it would be a good idea to go back translating it. The original story was posted [here](, by the original author “Hiphop911”. Depending on the feedback, I will keep uploading the other chapters, I already have a couple translated. Hope you guys like it. Enjoy! :)


It all started during the summer. Or at least, it was at that time when it all changed.

My cousin and I have always been close since we were children. There were times when we saw each other more frequently, and some less. There was always trust, many times we kept each other’s secrets. But this time, something different happened, neither good nor bad, just different.

First of all, let me tell you that my cousin is actually my aunt’s-husband relative, thus we don’t have anything in common except for some years hanging out.

She was always comfortable around me, not flirty but she would not feel shy or uncomfortable, mainly because we had mutual respect.

Many times, I got to see her in a bikini or underwear, mainly at the beach or the pool. She would ask me “how do I look? “or “does this look good on me? “. She would not get enough of grabbing my butt, or me grabbing hers (yeah right, I wish). She would not feel uncomfortable to walk around in a towel after taking a shower with me around. Although I have to say that it would not be with some teasing reasons or something like that, it is just that we were pretty much raised together.

She is gorgeous and pretty tall, around 5’4’’, her light-skinned face with freckles and beautiful green eyes. Her long hair reaching her waist, a light brunette that looks like shining as you stare. And that is not it. Since she was a teenager, she has some round boobs that drives you crazy, same as her butt. It is simply perfect, as her tits. Even though she is 25, she looks as good as she did when she was 18, probably just a little more spontaneous and about to graduate as an accountant. On the other hand, I consider myself as an average guy, despite my amazing charisma (yeah right). Average skinny and good looking. 6’ tall and I study law.

As I told you guys, nothing suspicious ever happened. There were only situations that happened based on the trust we had, nothing else. Although there were some “hot” moments I enjoyed, a lot.

I remember that time she was going out on a date with some guy and she wanted to wear a bra that would make her cleavage to look better so she asked me for help. I was there that time because her house was like a relative´s house. That´s how we are, we see each other all the time and in any of our places. But I guess that is not really what is important right now.

Despite the fact that I did not have any pervy thoughts about her, I enjoyed that trust and in that time I got in the bathroom with her, she was wearing some tight jeans that allowed anyone to see her curves and a bra. I could see thanks to the mirror how her boobs got squeezed as I tightened the bra from behind. It was a small black bra, barely big enough to cover her nipples.

The way the bra would squeeze her tits was simply amazing. I could feel how some heat started to run through my body. Her huge round butt almost brushing my pants. It was fun to help her, plus I began to think what my friends would say, how all of them wanted to bang her, they would die to be in my place. I would tell them all the stories afterwards, and it would blow their minds. They would not stop saying how lucky I was and to tell them more. I guess she would like it too, she would grin and blush like saying “you like it, don’t you? Naughty” But she would never actually say it, she would just blush a little.

Some other time, and thanks to the “urgency” of the situation, she asked me to give her a quick opinion of some clothes she wanted to wear.

• Which thong should I wear, this one or this one? Quick please, I am running late

I was surprised, but I told her it was okay, so she showed me two thongs. A red one and a black one. But they were not just thongs, they were pretty much g-strings…

I remember how I got turned on, not really because she was my cousin but because of the situation and how all my friends would die to be them instead of me. That erotism was heaven, but I would never cross that line, I mean, I think.

She was only wearing a long shirt that would reach just inches below her butt cheeks. Her nipples would make small bumps under her shirt. Yes, it was a fucking hot view the one I had. Just joking around I came up telling her that the black one looks better, but for a better and more reliable opinion I would have to see her wearing them on, and I laughed.

I only said that as a joke, to play around, although I liked those situations, but I was not expecting an affirmative answer: She looked at me, then looked aside and said:

• Mmmm, lets see… no, I can´t, I have to hurry and I have to leave soon, John pick one.

I was even more shoked, I was messing around. If she was not that late, was she going to do it? In front of me? My cock started to get a little hard. I just smiled as if nothing happened, and said “the black one, Mara”. And it all ended there, I went back to minding my own business, although a little turned on, got to admit it. If it would have happened, it would have been unprecedented. That night before I fell asleep, I was thinking about what if it would have happened. Getting to see her ass covered but the tiny strings of the black thong.


Those moments were just mad. I would leave and live my life. I would go out too. But again, I liked that “flirting”, although I never thought it would get somewhere beyond that. My cousin was fucking hot, but nothing else was going to happen, ever.

Thinking about how forbidden it was would drive me nuts, and even more because not anyone could live this “situations”. She is really cool, but she is very private with strangers, I mean, she is not able to pretend liking someone that annoyed her or was hitting on her and wanted to bang her. The way she trusted me was a priviledge. The next day she texted me, saying that her parents were out for a couple days, so if I wanted to keep her company those days. I was dying in a hangover, but I managed to reply that I would. Plus, I liked spending time with her, we always have a good time. Not just in a pervy way.

Something else that helped make these glorious things happen, is that she is an only child and her parents, having a good economic period would be constantly traveling, not usually being at home.

That day I arrived at her place, she receives me with a cute kiss on the cheek as usual, and tells me:

• Here´s a copy of the keys

• What for?

• For you to come and go at your will. It´s your place too *grinning*

• Oh thanks, awesome

• I´m gonna go take a shower and then I´ll show you something I want to buy.

And she left I was thinking “hopefully it´s a babydoll” lol. She took a while and came out. Her long hair was wet. Wearing some jean shorts and a pink tank top. Underneath, a black top that wasn’t too evident. The cleavage that her boobs would make was amazing. You would want to dive into it.

• Gonna show you what I want to buy

• Okay I said, as my mind started flying away

She went to her room and came back with her phone on her hand, looking for something. She sat next to me on the couch. Her big breasts touching my arm.

• Check this out, what do you think?

• Let´s see

It was not what I thought. Came back to Earth. It was a camera, a good one.

• Wow, nice camera

I said.

• Yeah, kind of expensive, but it´s great, you know I love photography

And she started scrolling through some specification’s pictures. Everything was normal, until these pictures were over, she scrolled the last picture and something heavenly happened. As she slid her finger, there was a picture of her. She was in her underwear, taking a mirror selfie. Her back facing the mirror, bending a little and pulling her ass out, making a duck face. I will never forget that moment. Her butt looked huge, perfectly round.

The bra was black, and the thong too as well. But the best part of all, is that it was the same black thong I told her to wear days before. The strings tucked between her cheeks. One could barely see it, it was amazing.

Just by thinking that it was the one I told her to wear and that she took that picture afterwards, I got turned on rightaway.

It was just a second, since she slid it away as soon as she noticed.

• Oh sorry

As she started blushing, completely red

• Haha no worries

• God, how embarrassing

• Why? It´s okay

• Did you see much? Don’t lie

• I saw, but you didn’t let me see much, you scrolled too fast haha

I was lying, it that fraction of a second, I memorized every curve.

• For real?

• Yeah, I just think I noticed something

• What? She replied, red as a tomatoe

• Those you were wearing…

• Those what?

• Nothing haha nevermind, nothing important

• Come on, now you must tell me, don’t be rude.

• Okay, those panties that you were wearing in the pic are the ones…

I noticed how nervous she got. She was passed red, she was purple, and rushes to say:

• Yes cousin, those are the ones you told me to wear the other day. God this is way too embarrassing.

You could see she meant it

• Come on, calm down, plus, it´s not like I´ve never seen you in a bikini.

• But it´s not a bikini, the string was completely tucked, jesus.

My blood started being pumped straight to my dick. I could not believe what she was saying. I only came up with saying I didn’t see much, that it was okay. She smiled saying “liar, okay”.

• Besides, it wouldn’t be that bad I said

• I don’t know, you never saw me so undressed

• Yeah I guess, but it was a fraction of a second

I would say with my best poker face

• Plus, I was just like that, god, it was terrible

• Why so terrible?

• I had just woken up, no makeup on or anything

I loved the feeling of lust. I got me really turned on

• I didn’t see much, but you´re beautiful cousin, why do you think you looked bad?

• Because I didn’t fix my hair, I had washed my face, god

• I don’t like girls that put too much makeup on, you don’t need that

• You think?

• Yeah, off course, you´re gorgeous Mara

• God, I´m so embarrassed, but thank you for that, you´re cute as hell.

And she kissed my cheek

Then we kept chatting normally about the camera that she wanted to buy and how much she loved photography. I, at the same time, was thinking about her picture. That juicy butt with the string tucked, pretty much exposed.

It was just a picture, but it was like it said, “this is my butt and I love how it looks”. I was left there with my dick hard for most part of the day. I don’t know if she noticed, but everything was normal. We were sitting next to each other and a couple times I slightly touched her breasts with my arm or elbow.

Once, she caught me staring blatantly at her boobs, as she smiled coyly. I don’t know if it was because she noticed or because I quickly looked away, but it was impossible not to stare at them. She knew that and I think that she liked knowing people were looking.

• Oh, I forgot

She says

• What happened?

• The girls are coming, but if you want, you should stay

• Nah, no problem, I can go and come back later, no drama

• Are you sure? I feel I´m kicking you out haha

• Not if I come back later haha, besides, I already have keys

• Yeah, I guess you´re right, plus you still have to help me pick which camera should I buy!

• Yeah off course, let´s keep looking later

• Alright, this time I will make sure to put it in a different folder so that you don’t see my nudes

Why did she say that? I was already getting rid of my boner, I guess not anymore. How hot it felt having her talk like that.

• I´m okay with them haha

I said, joking with her

• Yeah, I guess it doesn’t bother you

She replied with a sexy look, still a little blushed

• Why do you look at me like that?

I dared to say

• Nothing special, pervy, you wanted to see me naked

She said. The head of my shaft was so swollen that it was already hurting for being so tight in my pants

• Lol, you wish

• What? Would it be that bad to see me naked?

• Not at all, any guy would die to be in my shoes right now haha

• For real?

• You tell me, you´re hot as fuck, I mean it

• Haha thanks cousin, you make me blush

• Well, I´m telling you, and I´m not a pervy haha okay?

• I´m just playing with you, I´m gonna go change

• Alright, I´ll be back later

And I got up from the couch. I forgot for a second about the huge bulge I had, and how evident it was

Her eyes went straight to look at it, I could not even see, I did not know what to do. She stared for two seconds and got up to go to her room without saying a word. I kissed her cheek and said I would be back a couple hours later.

• Okay cousin, see you at night

Like nothing happened

• Alright

And she walked me to the door. I could feel something weird was going on with her, she seemed tempted

• See you, Mar

• See you… pervy!!

She said staring at me, with a naughty smile, like saying, “yeah, I noticed” and quickly got in the house.

I was shocked, how good it felt what as happening. How lucky. I got tons of things and feeling at the same time running through my mind and body. I couldn’t understand why she kept the game going, the game I was loving. It’s not necessary to say that that night I went home with my cock so hard I felt it was about to explode. I was thinking about if she kept thinking about it as she got in her house. Laying in my bed I was waiting for the night and what could happen. I wanted so bad to jerk off but I would feel guilty afterwards, so I did not do it.

hat night I arrived at my cousin´s house, after texting her I was on my way, and we ordered a delivery. We ordered a pizza and some ice cream. Everything was normal. She was telling me that on a weekend she took some landscaping pictures and that she wanted my opinion. Off course, I said I would help her, I loved it. We went to her room and we sat with her laptop, just before he heard the doorbell rang.

• The ice cream!! I’ll go get it

And she left the room

• Okay

Her bedroom was really organized, except for her laptop. Tons of opened folders, loose documents and internet tabs. It was a mess. Waiting for her to come back, I started closing tabs, when something unexpected happened. I could feel how I was getting goosebumps.

It was a picture of my cousin…



  1. Yeah please keep up :) nice story in the first place and a really good translation :)

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