[MF] House warming guest gave a rather nice warm & wet gift

TL:DR – Since its a long post, I moved in to my new home, had a small gathering with my friends. My friend invited his friend and that friend brought his girlfriend. I ended up sleeping with her after everyone left the party.


Back in April this year, I[M] finally go the keys to the CITY!!. Nah just joking, I did however got the keys to my little awesome cozy single storey house. I was ecstatic on finally owning my home and was able to finally move in. Our good friend Covid had to delay my plans for moving in but alas, here I am sitting in my home office as I write this out.

It took me a week to get my stuff in and rearrange it while setting up all the chores and utilities up. Once the dust settled, I figured it would be nice to have a small session of my friends to come over and share this exciting chapter with them. Due to covid we were restricted to a small number for social gathering which was about 10 I think. Well I only ended up calling about 6 of my friends as some were still not keen to go out socializing.

Nevertheless, I proceeded with the plan and organized a small session on a Friday evening. I was in my sky blue sports singlet with shorts began prepping a small BBQ pit as my friends started coming over. Suffice to say I was a little sweaty as being a good host serving and cooking for them. One of my friend, lets call him Mike, whom was coming alone called me up to ask if he could bring his friend over. Seeing how it was not above the required number allowed for social gathering, I said sure by all mean and his friend was going to bring over his girlfriend too. Again, as I didnt see any rules broken, I was cool with it.

Time went by, I continued cooking, drinking and playing various games with my friends. At this point, I’ll take a break and describe a little on the layout of my house that will come in handy throughout the story. As you enter the house, its basically your typical open concept of the living room right up towards the dining room. Two rooms on the right side, the first being the master room. After the dining area, is the kitchen that is separated by a wall with a sliding door and mid-size window. Beside it, is another room and a bathroom.

Mike and his friends finally arrived and here is where I met his friend’s girlfriend. She was wearing a nice floral dress with spaghetti strap(I think thats what its called, I’m rubbish with fashion labels) that looked amazing with her slender body. Her spaghetti strap sat nicely on her tone shoulders as it exposes her pale milky skin. She had striking cheek bone features, lovely collar bone definition and overall just lovely to gaze at. She introduced herself as (lets just call her Jane) and said what a sweet home I have, I returned the gesture and invited them into the house.

At this point, some thoughts ran through my mind on how I gorgeous she looked in that dress. Slowly and eventually my mind was occupied with hosting duties as I was constantly moving about. A couple of hours went by as we continued drinking and eating, when I had to go to the kitchen to prep some light finger food. Jane at that very time had to use the bathroom. I told her to come with me as I guided her towards the bathroom near the kitchen. She said thanks and went in as I continued to the kitchen and began prep work.

I was in my own world as I began prepping without realizing Jane had come out from the bathroom and was leaning at the side of the sliding door watching me prep. I looked up and gave a little shocked gesture. “Such a creep you are just looking and not helping”. She giggled and began apologizing, which was adorable as fuck. She came by and stood beside me to help out. At this point I was standing directly behind the window looking over the hall and I can see my friends hanging out. Jane’s boyfriend was sitting at the center of the couch and therefore his back was facing towards me and Jane. Jane’s view was partially blocked by the wall infront of her but could still see just about the same view as mine. So we began talking, occasionally brushing and touching each other’s arms and hands. At one point I had my left hand on her waist to guide her to do something for prepping the food.

She began giving long stares or rather gaze and I could feel some vibe in it. I straight up asked her, how long she’s been together with her boyfriend and she replied over a couple of years now. Slowly the scene around us began to slowly become deafeningly quiet. I would catch brief moments to stare at her long neck and shoulders whenever she look elsewhere to do something. I just felt something and began touching her more not knowing how she would react. Well as they saying goes “The house always win”, she reacted rather pleasantly and began turning towards me and she placed her hand around my arms. At this point I had to guide her to be exactly behind the wall so nobody see’s us, we began making out and each time I would open an eye to peek the side of the window to ensure no one was watching. My hand began running all over her body, suffice to say she taste rather nice and warm.

I wanted to go down on her right there when she stopped me. “I cant risk it while my boyfriend is literarily in the living room”. So I told her to go back to him and come up with some excuse to go back home and at the same time I would call it a night and let my friends leave. We agreed on that and went on to hang out a little more and began calling a night. She told her boyfriend she was sleepy and wanted to go back and I began doing the same to indicate my friends it was time to leave. As they were leaving, her boyfriend thanked me for hosting them and she just smiled and walked away.

Once everyone left, I began cleaning up as I waited for her text. It was about 2ish in the morning when she buzzed “Just got home, let me freshen up and will be at your place in 15mins”. I just replied with the smiley devil emoji and took a quick bath. She came over, this time only wearing pyjamas shorts or booty shorts and a loose gray tank top. I could see her black bra at the side of it as she got out from her car and began walking towards me.

We didnt waste any time and began ripping each other’s clothes off and began groping, fondling and teased each other on the couch. I wanna write all the sex scenes here but gosh the post is already too long. Basically we started our heaty and sweaty sex in the living room, dining table and the master room. She stayed over the next day and we continued in the showers as well. I didnt know I was going to christened my lovely home that quick.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/p28xnf/mf_house_warming_guest_gave_a_rather_nice_warm


  1. Yeah, this post definitely needs a parts two. Can’t rush the details for the sake of an overly long post

  2. Nice job with the setup and buildup but you can’t gloss over the action so casually either!

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