Filling each other’s void [M/F]

_”Fuck James, your cock feels so good.”_ Jamie moaned softly as she continued to grind against James’s hips with his cock still buried inside her pussy. It was rare that she had managed to find an angle that she enjoyed while being on top of him as her legs straddled either side of him. With her back arched, she continued to ride with enthusiasm making her firmed breasts jostling up and down, her nipples hard and peaked between James’s fingers. Jamie had one of her hands gripping behind her husband’s thigh as an anchor as she moved harder downwards to thrust his narrow cock deeper.

Anticipation built as she realized that perhaps this was the time she would finally be able to experience an orgasm with James and not from her hand. Using her freed hand, Jamie grabbed hold of James’s wrist and placed it on her neck trying to get him to grip her neck in the hope that he would somehow get the idea to manhandle her, to choke her for her arousal. Alas, James simply stroked her neck lovingly and Jamie returned with soft moans to hide her frustrations.

_”Baby, you have to keep it down. Dad and mom might hear us.”_ James spoke softly, his sentence peppered with gruff and restrain as he was nearing his climax. Nodding her head as though to try and add momentum to her movement, Jamie continued to move faster and harder with her pussy pulsing and contracting around the rubber condom separating then. Just as she thought she was close to her orgasm, James suddenly let out a satisfied groan, his thighs tilted up, hands squeezing her breasts as he lightly jumped up inside her while cumming. Resigned not to be able to finish, Jamie faked her orgasm as her tensed body relaxed, hips slowing down and James’s cock slid out of her as he finished.

Closing her eyes with her head tilted up, Jamie recalled years ago when both of them were in their teens. The late-night sneaks in, laying on the bed planning their future. Counting down the days when they would be together once they turned eighteen only to get brought down with some regret towards their vanilla sex life. She truly loves James but there was a void inside her knowing that she wanted to experience more in the area of sex after their first sex on their wedding night. Her thoughts were interrupted by the kiss of James on her lips.

_”That was amazing baby. I love you.”_ Looking at James’s face left her guilty for entertaining the thought that their six years together was perhaps the wrong decision. Jamie grew up in a broken family and James had saved her from her mother, rescuing her from her version of hell at eighteen with marriage. They had been married for two years and moved a state away from their hometown with James’s family to continue college and work.

_”I’m going to the bathroom.”_ Jamie spoke, pressing a quick kiss on James’s lips, grabbing the robe by the side of the bed. Standing as she wrapped the robe around her toned body from years of dancing, fixing her shoulder-length blonde hair out of her face, holding her hand out to take the now tied condom. She could feel the slickness of the condom and noticed the semen inside that had never been inside her. James was her first and only partner and they had both agreed that waiting a few more years before having a kid was a smart choice given their current circumstances. Flashing a small smile at James whom was laying on the bed, eyes closed, Jamie left the bedroom quietly.

Walking down the hall making her way into the bathroom, she closed the door behind her before proceeding to relieve herself and clean up. Wrapping the condom in toilet paper, she disposed of it in the trash. Washing her hand before kneeling to look under the sink cabinet, she searched for the box of tampons, opening it, and reached in for the lighter and cigarettes. Jamie wasn’t an avid smoker and nobody knew of this bad habit other than James who thought she had quitted but smoking was her trusted solution to blow away her frustration. Sliding the items in the robe, Jamie sneaked our to the backyard, hugging the robe around her tightly with the cool air stirring goosebumps. Finding a spot at the corner of the shed she raised the tip of the cigarette to hold between her lips as she moved the lighter in front to flick on and lit the end. She knew from experience that James would be asleep by now and would not notice how long she was gone.

_”Do you happen to have a spare cigarette for me?”_ A voice brought a jolt to Jamie’s body as the silhouette of a man appeared from the other side of the shed. _” Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”_ As the moonlight shined more light on the silhouette she recognized the owner of the voice as Rick, James’s dad, her father-in-law. Taller and plumper with balding greyed hair, a protruding beer belly that couldn’t be hidden by the robe he was wearing, Rick was physically different in many ways when compared to James.

_”Here.”_ Jamie extended the box of cigarettes before helping Rick to lit his up. He had been nothing but nice to her ever since she was introduced to this family and a small request like this was something she was not going to turn down. _”What are you doing out here Rick?”_ Jamie asked in between the deep puffs of the cigarette.

Rick was pondering in his head whether if he should tell the truth. He vividly remembered when James brought Jamie home at the age of fourteen. Initially dismissing it as nothing but a teenager’s puppy love, he only realized how serious James was when he announced his intention to marry Jamie once they both turned eighteen. After hearing from James about Jamie’s situation, they had a family meeting and decided to move away as a family to provide shelter for the young couple while they built up their financial foundation. It was after they lived together two years ago that Rick took notice of Jamie. With the smooth blonde hair, shining blue eyes, and a toned and sexy figure from years of dancing, Rick occasionally had to wrestle with himself, reminding the fact that Jamie was his daughter-in-law, the wife of his son James.

_”Believe it or not, same reason as you.”_ Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the pent-up frustrations or maybe it was both, Rick decided to tell the truth. Looking at Jamie’s confused face, Rick continued. _”I know how to differentiate between a fake and real orgasm. Sorry I was on my way out for a drink when I heard you two doing the deed and it’s not the first time. The rooms aren’t exactly soundproof you know.”_ Jamie’s eyes went wide and her face flushing with red at the mentioning of her fake orgasm.

Silence followed and Rick feared that he might have accidentally crossed the line apologized. _”Sorry it was inappropriate for me to say such a thing to you. Here, you can have the rest of the beer and follow me. Let me show you where you can hide your cigarette without Emma finding out. Hiding them in a box of tampons without masking the smell isn’t exactly hiding.”_ Rick said handing his half-empty can of beer to Jamie before leading the way to the other side of the shed, stopping in front of an old rusty metal storage box.

Jamie hesitated for a moment before taking the beer and took a sip of it hoping that the bitter cool liquid would somehow ease her nerves as her father-in-law not only knew about her cigarette habit but also her sexual needs.

_”Here, Emma won’t look in here as she is not into this.”_ Rick said while opening the box. Inside the box were a large variety of sex toys, handcuffs, rope, paddles, collar, and leash just to name a few. _”I bought these in the hope of exploring with Emma but she was not interested at all. If you and James are interested, you know where to get these toys.”_

Jamie nearly spat out the beer in her mouth when her eyes saw the content of the metal box. In it were many toys that she knew James would never agree to use. Recalling that time she tried to introduce something as simple as a cock ring or vibrator only for James to turn it down like it was some form of insult. Her fingers gripped the can of beer and cigarette tightly to stop herself from searching the content of the box out of curiosity.

_”Take this spare key and lock up when you are done smoking. I will see you in the morning.”_ Rick said as he handed his spare key to Jamie. Jamie took it and slipped it into her pocket as Rick began to turn toward the house.

_”Rick, wait..another?”_ Jamie offered the box of cigarettes out before gulping the remaining of the beer in one shot. Placing the empty can on the floor, she took her lighter out in a bid to keep Rick from leaving.

Feeling the cold wind brushing against the bare skin at the back of his neck, Rick reached out for the cigarette on offer. _”No harm having another puff in this weather I guess,”_ he said as he lowered his face to the lighter Jamie was holding out. _” It’s been ages since I last have a puff, thank you.”_ Tipping the lighted end towards Jamie to show his appreciation, Rick smiled at Jamie whom attention was once again drawn towards the content of the box.

_”You won’t tell James right? I would hate to hurt his feelings, he does his best and if I were to just spoil it for him, I don’t think neither of us would be feeling equipped for a second round of something if I made him feel..inadequate.”_ Jamie sighed, knowing the excuse was probably cringe-worthy and certainly not helpful with any of her future orgasm. She had been pushing for plenty of things to try out when it came to bedroom fun but it seemed he only took interest in missionary or having her on top.

_”Of course not, Jamie. I would also like to ask the same from you to keep this from Emma. She grew up in a rather conservative household and is not comfortable for us to have this conversation.”_ Rick replied taking a glance at Jamie’s breasts hiding underneath her robe and at the same time wondering where this was leading to.

_”What about you and Emma? You mentioned something earlier…I thought you guys would be into these things with time on your side. Not that you two are old! I don’t mean it like that. I mean I would be so interested in trying out any of these toys if James would permit it”_ Jamie bit her lips to stop her anxiety from spilling any more thoughts out. Moving to lean against the shed as she took the last drag of her cigarette before putting it out.

_”Well all of us have our kinks and more often than not our life partner does not share the same interest nor desire.”_ Rick replied trying to sound as neutral as possible. _” Yet we still love then for marriage life is not just about sex. Once Emma was not keen to try, I respect her and resort to porn and imagination to satisfy that curiosity. Besides she is those who view sex as a procreation process and not something recreational.”_ Rick said with a tinge it sadness as he recalled that their sex life was practically none after the birth of James.

Jamie winced at the idea of never getting the chance to explore because of James. Would she deprive herself of the opportunity? She loves her husband as Rick does to his wife but the fact of the matter is that would porn resolve or aid her needs?

_”He won’t even watch porn with me. He said it’s too invasive.”_ Jamie huffed as she recalled that particular argument that led to them not talking for the rest of the day before she made it up to him with a blowjob that she knew would never be given back.

_”James takes after his mother I guess.”_ Rick said while wrestling within himself. Should he put an end to this? Here out in the backyard behind the shed in the middle of the night, he was having conversations in sexual fetishes with none other than his daughter-in-law. He loves his family and would never want to do anything to hurt any of them. What would Emma do if she finds out about this? How would James react? Wait…Jamie is part of the family too. Should he help her purely from the point of assisting a family member?

Looking over at the box as she dropped the cigarette carton in, Jamie barely flit her fingers over some of the items almost wishing she could take one for a test drive right there _”Which one have you used? Or preferred I suppose?”_ Refusing to look over at Rick as she whispered the question.

Rick could feel something stirring in his groin as he noticed Jamie running her fingers across the various toys. _”Well sadly none. Although I would love to try out the collar and leash before I die.”_ He chuckled as he shifted his body slightly to hide his growing bulge. _” Sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?”_

_”The collar?”_ Jamie inquired as her hands landed on the red one that had a little heart tag on it making her smile in amusement. _”No no, it’s fine. I’m just curious to see what all the fuss would be about from something like this.”_ Raising the collar up as to try it on, slipping the buckle in properly so that it was snuggly around her neck before turning around to face Rick. Raising her shoulders in a shrug, _”it feels nice. Though I guess I’m more used to chokers.”_

As Rick watched her putting the collar on, the inner conflict in his mind stopped. The primal desire to own someone was unleashed with the sight of a beautiful 20 years old standing in front of him with nothing else but a robe and collar which he had dreamt of putting on someone for years. Then Jamie did something he was not prepared for at all.

Jamie chuckled, grabbing the leash that seemed to match the collar, and tried clasping it wanting to see if perhaps the additional leash would trigger something different. Finding it difficult to clasp the leash as she was not able to see the metal ring, _”A little help?”_ Jamie asked with a nervous smile casting her eyes onto Rick.

Rick froze. He knew the complications but also was aware that he might never have another chance at this. _”No one can know about this Jamie.”_ Rick said in a serious tone as he stepped towards her and took over the buckle end of the leash. Jamie’s eyebrows furrowed in a moment of confusion. Of course, she had no intention of letting a living soul beside the two of them that she had tried on a collar.

Right before he buckled the leash onto the collar, Rick froze again. Last chance Rick, his mind made a last futile attempt to stop him from crossing a line he knew he shouldn’t. He took a deep breath as his hand steadied itself before hooking the leash into the collar. Jamie felt her body shuddering as she noticed a change in the demeanor of Rick’s face as he clasped the leash on before his gaze wavered down her body making her stomach fluttered with butterflies, her nipples pushing against the fabric of the robe.

It was something both of them never felt before. Rick felt liberated like a caged lion finally escaping from years of shackles while Jamie felt helpless yet it felt natural and there was a sense of excitement at the same time.

_”Kneel, Jamie.”_ Rick commanded as a surge of authority flew through him as his dick erected to its full length pitching a tent in his boxer.

Jamie knelt in an instant, her head tilted slightly up looking at Rick whose hand held the end of the leash. As her eyes noticed the bulge in front of her, she let out a small gasp as she realized how turned on Rick was in this situation. She instinctively bit her lower lips, thighs clenched together as images of her being pulled by Rick flashed across her mind. Her robe slowly slipped down her shoulder due to gravity revealing more of her cleavage. Placing both her b hands on her thighs, she waited patiently for the next demand from Rick.

Rick’s hand was now trembling with anticipation, excitement, and a slight tinge of nervousness. When he stepped out of the house earlier to have a drink, he was full of frustration as the intetnet connection was down, denying him the chance of masturbating to porn. At this moment, in front of him was someone willing to submit to him, and she was none other than her daughter-in-law. He slowly raised her chin so that he had her full attention for what he was about to say. Jamie took a deep breath unsure of what was about to happen but could feel herself getting aroused by the tension in the air.

_”Strip. We wouldn’t want dirt on the robe to raise any suspicion do we.”_ With his eyes closed, Rick tilted his head up savoring the moment.

Jamie hesitated. She could feel the fluttering in her stomach, goosebumps crawling along her arms and her arousal building up knowing where this was leading to. She knew the correct thing was to put a stop to this, get herself back on her feet, and make a beeline inside, back to the room James was laying. Perhaps even woke him up to ease the sudden turn on she was feeling for her father-in-law. Yet she also knew that if she let this opportunity slipped there would never be a second chance. James could never give her what Rick was offering and she reckoned just one orgasm was all it would take for her to go back to being the perfect wife.

Taking a deep breath, Jamie’s hands raised to undo the knot of her robe, letting it splayed around her slender waist as the sleeves slid down her arms to reveal her chest. Her pair of 32C perky breasts with pink areola and nipples pointed out in excitement and drawl. With her hands out of the sleeves, she pushed the robe up and off entirely her leaving her with nothing but the red collar on. With her seated position on her knees, her cleanly waxed pussy was hidden from Rick’s view while her taut ass sat against the heels of her feet.

As Rick bent down with his face leaning against hers, Jamie’s face reddened and she craned her head up instinctively to reveal more of her neck to him. Her body shuddered as she knew this was something she desired and was intending to give in to on this night.

_”You smell good.”_ Rick commented as he took a deep sniff at her long smooth blonde hair. _” Have a walk with me and listen to what I have to say. By the end of the walk, you can decide if you want to continue this or not.”_ Rick paused taking a deep breath to compose himself before continuing, _”Nod if you understand and agree.”_

Upon hearing Rick’s words, Jamie’s heart was beating fast. She wasn’t sure if she would be simply crawling beside him or should she stand and followed him around. Uncertainty filled her as she nooded not knowing if she would regret the decision or not.

_”Stay on your hands and knees while walking with me.”_ Rick said upon seeing the unmistakable noodling of Jamie’s head and as if he knew the question in her mind. Placing his hands behind his back, he took a step and paused. He felt young and powerful again. The sense of having control was what he has yearned for years and it was out of his grasp until now.

Jamie let out a shaky breath as she put her hands down to the grass, given no choice but to follow him with the pull of the leash attached to the collar around her neck. Her hands and knees feeling cool against the dew grass as they made their way around.

_”Let’s be honest, we are both going to wake up tomorrow feeling guilty about what happened at this moment. That is human nature..”_ Rick took a glance at Jamie who was on all fours crawling beside him, the smooth skin of her back glowing under the moonlight. Once he was sure that the pace was comfortable for her, he continued, _”..but we also cannot deny the fact that we found our true calling during this hour. The desire that we craved for but deny by our other half.”_

As they made their way past the first corner of the shed, Rick paused and placed his hand on her left breast, cupping a feel causing Jamie to blush. Pleased that her nipple was erected from arousal, he continued walking.

_”We love James and Emma and it feels selfish for us to hurt them in our quest to find out more about ourselves. However, we can also turn it around and say that it is selfish of them to deny us of our true pleasure and nature.”_ Rick said intending to not just convinced Jamie but also to himself that it was ok for him to place himself first for once. _”The pent-up frustration, will consume you one day. It doesn’t hurt to feed our mental needs so that we can remain sane to love them does it?”_

Making the second corner of the shed, he stopped once again this time looking at Jamie, hoping to see any form of agreement from her as his hand reaches out for her right breast. Upon seeing the movement of Rick’s hand, Jamie subconsciously pushed her breasts forward into his hand as she let out a small whimper as she sat back on her heels.

Jamie knew that what Rick had mentioned was right. At the end of the night, she was going to walk away whether it was now or in an hour, regretting this night and her decision so what more harm could it do to linger and see where this might go. It was ok to prioritize her own needs for once, she decided. She nodded gently and uttered in a soft voice, _”Yes Master.”_

Rick couldn’t believe his ears. Two simple words which sent a shiver down his spine. Two simple words which signify that Jamie had given him control over her. Shaking with excitement, he turned around and continued the walk.

_”You know even though I did not have the chance to use these toys. I continue to look for them online imaging what it may feel like to use them. It is like an unquenchable thirst..”_ Rick paused turning to look at Jamie, _”..playing on your mind over and over until it eats into you and make you resent your partner. I don’t want that to happen to you. You will end up hurting James unknowingly.”_ Rounding the third corner, he placed his right hand on her left ass cheek. it felt smooth, hot even on this cold night.

Jamie couldn’t help but feel a flutter of fondness at the mention of James. She could feel that Rick was trying to protect his son in his own way not wanting for her to be the cause of his pain down the line of their marriage. Then she felt his hand placed in her ass to remind her of her bare body. Seemingly making sure that she knew that even though he was the one in charge, she had just at much control in the situation. She was giving her submission to Rick and he did not take advantage. No, he was cherishing every moment of it and it was making it easier for her to give in.

_”Stand up, back against the wall when we reach the storage box. I will remove the collar for you. Enter the house 10 minutes after me. You can have a look at the toys inside the box and pick one that you will like to try next.”_ Rick said as he placed his right hand on her right ass cheek as they made the final corner.

As they reached the storage box, Jamie began standing up on shaky legs as she pressed her back to the shed’s wall. Rick leaned in closer to unbuckle the collar, his erected cock pressing against her toned belly of Jamie through his boxer and it was wet. Jamie could feel how turned on Rick was and a whimper escaped her mouth as Rick lowered himself, holding her hands by her side, and sniffed at her clean waxed pussy.

_”You had been good and certainly deserve a reward for tonight.”_ Rick said and without giving Jamie any chance to react, proceeded to lick her from the base of her slit to the tip of her clit. _”You taste good too. Relax and let me help you cum tonight.”_ He added before going down on her again.

Jamie moaned at the continuous assault by Rick’s tongue. It felt alien to have a tongue on her pussy but it felt good and she did not want this to end, her hands twitching in his hold, trying to free herself so she could grab his head and hold him in place. As his grip tightened, Rick proceeded to go deeper into her pussy with his tongue, moving it side to side, up and down, and finally in a circular motion. He was observing her every reaction, making a mental note of which action could get a more pleasurable reaction from her. Pulling out, he planted a kiss on her clit before going back to lick while sliding one of his fingers in and Jamie couldn’t help but moan louder.

Keeping his finger inside of her to continue his search for her g-spot, Rick stood up and turned his attention to Jamie’s face. Sweeping her blonde hair behind her ear, he started kissing her letting her have a taste of herself as his left hand slowly moved towards her neck. As their tongues continued to intertwine, Rick slowly tightened his grip around Jamie’s neck. It was a firm yet gentle grip, enough for him to hold her in place but not enough to hurt her. As he continued playing with her g-spot with his fingers, Jamie’s breathing started to get more rapid and it was a sign that she was approaching her climax.

Taking that as a cue, Rick knelt placing his mouth over her pussy, and began inserting his tongue once more, dancing around inside her. He placed both his arms around her thighs, the palms at her lower back holding her, and ate her our till her body tensed up and with a loud moan began to orgasm in ecstasy. It was nothing she had felt before, her eyes rolled back as her body spasmed uncontrollably with each wave. She could feel Rick was happily lapping up her juice and then her body relaxed, her knees gave away as she sat on the ground, back against the shed trying to catch her breath.

Satisfied that he had given Jamie her first orgasm, Rick placed his hand in her head giving her a little pat. _”Good girl. You will experience more of this in time to come. Catch your breath, compose yourself before heading back. I will see you in the morning.”_ He said before planting a gentle kiss on her lips and headed back to the house.

Jamie sat there confused as to what she had just experienced and watched Rick entered the house without looking back. She had been imagining what it would be like for James to go down on her and make her orgasm from it but never had she imagined the feeling was like this. It was addictive and a part of her wanted to experience that again and again. Slowly she began to pick herself up, patting away the dirt on her skin before putting on the robe around her once more. As she locked up the storage box, a sense of guilt crept up and she hurriedly headed back in and went straight to the bathroom to clean up her thighs which were wet from her earlier orgasm.

Once Rick was in the house, he went straight to his study room and began stroking his cock. His eyes closed as he recalled the earlier excitement of leading Jamie on all fours and feeling the breasts and ass he had secretly been glancing and longing for. Within a minute he began to cum and it was the best masturbation he had felt in months. After he cleaned up, he saw Jamie walking back to the house and he went straight into his bedroom. As his eyes fell on Emma who was fast asleep, he felt guilty for betraying her trust. He was conflicted, the speech he gave earlier did not convince him that it was ok to be selfish for once. His hand reached for his phone and he began to text Jamie.

As Jamie entered her room, her eyes caught on the blinking light on her phone indicating that there was a message. It was a relief that she had put it on silence mode earlier knowing she was about to have sex with James. Glancing at James’s sleeping face, the sense of guilt crept back yet when she saw that the sender was Rick, her heart fluttered once more as her body recalled the pleasure of the earlier orgasm.

_¦Just now was amazing but we are going to have that doubt and guilt once more as we laid beside our partner. It is normal but I can understand and respect your decision if you want to stop. You had your real orgasm which could be enough. Think it thoroughly through the night. If you are sure you want to explore more, wear something black to breakfast tomorrow. If you want to stop, wear something white instead and we will pretend tonight never happened.¦_

Finished reading the text, she switched off the display and laid on the bed.



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