Girl strips at party to seduce ex [FM] [Humil]


“Don’t worry about it. It’s good to see you, Lena.”

“I should have looked where I was going.”

“It’s not a big deal. I expect to clean up worse than that tomorrow morning with those wobbly undergrads getting handsy in the guest room.”

“I could make it up to you.”


“Matt, I would love to make it up to you.”

“It’s a tiny spill on hardwood, takes literally two seconds to wipe up.”

“I know but Matt—can I conversationally put my hand on your chest?”


“Thank you. But so Matt, I can make it up to you. I could do you a favor, a big favor, or more than one even.”

“How much you drink tonight?”

“Focus on the favors, Matt. Tell me how I can make it up to you.”

“One sec, Lena. Yo, Ben! C’mere a sec—can you keep an eye on the party?”


“Okay, Lena, favors. I’ll humor it.”

“I hoped you’d tell me what to do, to make up for it. Tell me to do anything Matt and I’ll do it for you, please.”

“Like you’re saying if I asked, you’d strip right here in my kitchen in the middle of this party? Because that’s something and something is part of anything.”


“Thought so. You talk too big. Go enjoy the party.”

“Wait. I’ll do it.”

“You’ll do it? Really?”


“Hmm. Hand me your clothes then. I’ll hide them somewhere safe from the guests.”


“On top of the plate cabinet probably.”

“But I’m short.”

“Then when you’re ready to go, just come find me.”

“Can we go to your room?”

“How about this. You give me your clothes now, and if you’re still here when the party’s over, we can go to my room.”



“Promise we can go to your room after?”





“Bra also.”


“You said ‘anything’, Lena, not me.”

“Fine. Here.”

“You cold now?”

“No, I just—”

“Because you’re folding your arms like you’re cold.”



“Can we go to your room now?”

“This hasn’t been about the spill, has it?”


“Be straight-up with me.”

“I want you to use me Matt. Sexually. Degrade me.”

“That’s what I’m doing, like right now. You don’t seem to like it.”

“Because I want more.”

“That’s the degrading part, doing all this and wanting more and still not getting it.”

“Let’s go to your room.”

“Want to know what I’d ask you to do, if we went to my room?”


“I’d ask you to take off that underwear, kiss my neck, and get yourself off while I ignored you and read on my phone.”


“What? That’s degrading. You said you wanted degrading.”

“No, it’s that that—that’s hot.”

“Are you sure? You look hurt. Are we certain this isn’t because you want me back and feel like all you’ve got to entice me with is this shit?”

“Yes I’m certain. I want to go to your room and do that. Please.”

“Well if you like it degrading, why not out here? Let’s go to the living room and you can do it on the couch next to me.”


“—actually want to date again, and are ready to come out and say that with some self respect?”

“No. Let’s do it. In the living room.”

“Okay. Hand over the underwear.”


“See. You’re hesitating.”

“I’m not.”

“Well, my hand is curiously empty.”

“Fuck you. Here. Take the underwear, god damn.”

“This is a low point for you.”

“Shut up.”

“We doing this?”

“Matt, can we go to your—”

“I’ll be in the living room, sitting on the couch, reading on my phone.”

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