Getting Creampied and Spanked in Public [F19][College]

“How much for a bag, Jenn?” Hunter asked the blonde.

“Two-hundred,” she casually replied.

“Holy shit! You’re ripping these fuckers off! I’ll give one one-twenty,” he pressed.

“Why would I do that… and you’re right… the market price is set and some of your brothers have WAAAAAY too much cash,” Jenn smiled.

“Well, I don’t… besides, I’ll share it with you,” he winked.

“One-forty… and yeah, I’ll do a bump with you,” Jenn winked back.

Hunter counted out the girl’s money and she handed him the bag.

“Lemme do a nipple bump?” he asked confidently.

“Yeah, ok,” Jenn agreed, then hauled one of her massive tits that was already bursting out of her top.

Hunter carefully tapped a small portion onto Jenn’s puffy pink bud, then got close to snort it. After he consumed the white powder up his nose, he licked the remainder several times more than necessary until he was sucking on the blonde’s nipple.

“Oh my God… are you… are you lactating?”

“Yeah,” Jenn smiled.

“Are you pregnant?”

“Of course not! You know it’s a natural thing that happens if you just keep sucking on them,” she explained.

“I’ve never seen that before!”

“Then I guess foreplay doesn’t last very long with you!” she joked.

“Lemme do another one!” Hunter begged.

“I thought it was my turn!” Jenn teased.

“Umm… you can do it off my cock if you like,” Hunter pressed, unzipping his fly.

“No and ewww!” Jenn quipped. “Just cut me a nice line on the table… but don’t worry, you’ll have your cock out and in my mouth soon enough… just don’t get too excited!”

The boy tapped Jenn out a fat gagger and she ripped the line with one of the bills he had given her. The entire time she snorted the line with one tit out while Hunter looked greedily at the girl.

“Let me bump off your other nip!” Hunter blurted after Jenn had finished.

Smiling, she walked over to the door of his room at Zeta and locked the door. On the way back, she unzipped the side of her top and carefully pulled it over her head so as to not muss her make-up or hair. Then she casually lounged onto his couch topless and gave Hunter a come-hither look.

Still wanting to consume more of his bag, he tapped out another small white pyramid onto Jenn’s other nipple and snorted it. After which, he repeated his ritual of licking the remaining coke off then sucking her nipple until she began lactating into his mouth.

“Give me the bag,” Jenn soothed to the attractive upperclassman, suckling at her tit.

He reached into his pocket and happily handed over the small bag.

Jenn detached the boy from her left nipple and re-attached him to her right. With her left nipple wet with saliva, Jenn tapped a tiny amount of coke onto it and the powder chilled her nipple sensually.

“Oooh!” she moaned.

Feeling the time was right, Hunter began unbuttoning Jenn’s pants.

*Just as I thought, under one minute of foreplay!* Jenn giggled in her head.

Hunter pulled off his shirt then went back to work on Jenn’s pants. They were extremely tight jeans and, at first, the young, athletic man simply couldn’t pull them off the girl.

“One second!” Jenn insisted and walked topless into the small grungy bathroom in the fraternity bedroom.

At one point of time, the house must have been a gilded era mansion with opulent features, but now, everything smelt of day old beer. The pants Jenn had been wearing were incredibly tight before she drank several beers and slurped down. She wiggled and pushed, making a few inches of progress at each shove leaving behind deep creases in her soft flesh from the constricting garment. After a few more moments of struggling, Jenn completed her task then sat on the toilet to pee then walked out of the bathroom, completely naked, carrying her inside out pants with a pink thong intertwined.

When she walked out into the room, Hunter was already completely naked.

“I want to do a bump while I’m inside of you,” he demanded.

“Yeah!” Jenn cheered.

She walked over to the couch and Hunter spun her onto the cushion, grabbed the girl by her hamstrings, then attempted to walk his erection into her smooth slit. In addition to the copious amounts of drugs the young man had been doing, he had also polished off several beers with his friends. As a result, his aim was less than stellar and he struggled to enter the well positioned blonde.

“Let me help,” Jenn soothed.

As she spat into her hand, rubbed her saliva onto the boy’s cock, then guided it inside of her, Jenn had a strange, coke-addled epiphany.

*The old guys I fuck at the parlor are way better at this than young guys… that means that old guys have had WAAAAAY more sex than hot, young guys… and some of the old, gross guys I fucked probably used to be young, hot guys!*

As the man child thrust his hips forward, guided by Jenn’s hands, she remembered why she loves men her own age as his thick, hard cock, stretched her beautifully.

“Aaaahhhh!” she moaned, luxuriating in the fullness of her pussy.

Hunter began slowly but deliberately fucking her.

Ugh! And he isn’t cumming right away either! This is what sex is supposed to be!

With his cock deep inside of her, pressed into her cervix, Hunter fumbled around the table near the couch until he located the small bag and his car keys. He dipped a metal key into the bag then, offered the small bump to Jenn.

“Such a gentleman!” joked the girl, on her back and penetrated, atop a filthy couch at Zeta.

Smiling, Hunter scooped himself a healthy bump and shot it up his nose before resuming his swinging hips, smacking into Jenn.

“Another!” the blonde demanded and Hunter procured her another bump.

“Fuck me doggy!” she screamed and the man expertly spun her around.

“Pull my hair!” she moaned.

Jenn was quite high and thoroughly enjoying a sport fuck with the athletic man.


“WHO YOU FUCKIN’ HUNTER?” voices yelled from the other side of the door.

“CLAP THOSE CHEEKS!” the voices manically laughed.

“Do they have a key?” Jenn nervously asked, but before Hunter had a chance to answer, a piece of metal hit the lock and the door swung open.

Jenn was impossibly positioned, crammed into the couch, completely naked, penetrated from behind. Furious, Hunter tossed a blanket over her.

“GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!” he boomed.

“Fuck that! We’re getting in line!” one of them cheered.

Jenn was mortified, but remained anonymous, hidden under the blanket. She found it to be an incredible thrill and became intensely wet, knowing the boys could see her feet poking out from the blanket but not know whose pussy was full of Hunter’s cock.

*This is fucking hot!* She thought.

“Quit fucking around! Get the fuck out!” Hunter demanded in a serious tone.

“Lemme give ‘er one good smack and we’ll go!” one of the boys goaded.

Jenn panicked but at the same time became even more enthralled at the thought of a strange boy spanking her while still remaining hidden and nameless.

“Fine! Just one…,” Hunter agreed and lifted the blanket and Jenn felt her ass exposed in the room.

“Holy shit! Hunter’s fuckin’ a dude!” one boy yelled causing all of the unwanted spectators to fall over laughing.

Jenn had expected the boys to be excited to see her ass, instead she was humiliated at the boys laughing and making jokes. Instinctively wanted to escape, but there was nowhere to go; crammed into the couch cushions, hiding under a blanket.


The sharp, burning sensation of a hand, spanking her exposed ass sent shockwaves through her entire body. The cock buried deep inside of her skewered further inside, jutting into her cervix. Jenn stuffed the blanket deeply into her mouth to prevent her yelping out loudly which would have resulted in the boys hearing her voice, and possibly recognizing her.


Two more hands. Instantly Jenn pivoted back from humiliation to elation. The spanking was sweet pain delivered by men whose faces she couldn’t see but she knew they were taking immense pleasure in pummelling her flesh. All the while, the cock inside of her felt divine. She desperately wanted to rub her clitoris.


The final whack didn’t land on her ass but, evidentially, struck Hunter’s ass. She felt the impact reverberate through her spine from the cock, lodged inside of her. Jenn stuffed more of the blanket into her mouth. Her eyes watered. She desperately sucked air through her nostrils.

“This isn’t funny! Get the fuck out!” Hunter growled.

“Fine! We’ll leave you two guys alone!” One of them yelled.


Walking out the door, one last boy slapped her ass painfully hard. It was all too much. Jenn started to orgasm.

“MMMMMMM!” she grunted into the wad of material stuffed in her mouth as her pussy clenched.

“OH FUUUUUCK! Stop or I’m going to… to late – ” Hunter groaned.

Immediately Jenn felt his cock twitch inside of her. It was so deep she could tell the tip was at her cervix, pumping semen into her womb.

“MMNNNNN!” Jenn screamed into the blanked.

“RRRRR! FUCK!” Hunter belted, emptying himself into the blonde.

“WOOOOOO!!” the boys cheered, watching their fraternity brother inseminate an unknown co-ed, hidden under the blanket.

“Dude, is it weird that I’m turned on watching Hunter?” one of the guys remarked as the other’s snickered.

“Who’s the mystery girl?” Another demanded.

“In about one second, I’m going to pull out of this chick and beat your asses naked!” Hunter threatened.

“Do you want us to get naked so you can beat some more ass?” Another mocked.

“We’re going! We’re going!” one of them declared and Jenn could hear the troupe loudly exit the door close behind them.

As soon as the door clicked shut, Jenn withdrew the wad of blanked from her mouth just as Hunter extracted his cock which resulted in a massive gush of semen evacuating from Jenn’s well fucked pussy.

Jenn whipped the blanked off her and quickly elephant walked to the toilet with her hand cupping her vagina.

“Hey! Listen… I’m really sorry… those guys are such assholes… I’m just – ” Hunter stammered.

“It’s fine!” Jenn whispered through the door while cleaning herself.

“I’m gonna go kick their asses!” Hunter promised as Jenn emerged and began hurriedly dressing.

“Sure, just do me one favor, say it was one… no ALL of their mom’s under the blanket and leave me out of it!”

“Ha! Fine!”

“Good! Now open the fucking window for me,” Jenn demanded.

“Uh… we’re on the second story… it’s like a fifteen foot drop to the grass,” Hunter scoffed.

“Yeah, you’re going to lower me out the window by arms and I’ll drop like ten feet.”

“You’ll break your fuckin’ ankle!”
 “Rather a broken ankle than the walk of shame out your fuckin’ door!”

Shaking his head, Hunter helped the girl to sit on the windowsill. She had stuffed her flats into her purse which was slung across her chest. Holding her hands just above her shoulder’s, she peered past her dangling bare feet but couldn’t see the dark grass below.

“Hold me so fucking tight! Don’t let go until I’m ready!” she begged.

Hunter tightly gripped her wrists and braced himself. He was over six feet tall and a natural athlete but it was the coke, still ripping through his body, that gave him the confidence to pull off such a stunt.

“Ok… go!” he shouted.

Jenn scooted off the ledge and immediately fell a few feet until the slack in her arms ran out and her bones yanked at the shoulder sockets before she bounced into the wall, making a terrible racket.

Shook by the noise that half the fraternity house almost certainly heard, Hunter panicked and shouted, “Jump!” as he let go of the buxom blonde, dangling off the side of the fraternity house, still brimming with his semen.

The cocaine had also given Jenn a level of confidence in her own abilities that were bordering on ludicrous. With Hunter half way out the window when she was released, her legs and arms extended, she dropped the remaining six feet to the ground and landed in the soft grass at first flat on her feet but then tumbled onto her well spanked ass.

“Oof!” she grunted, landing sharply but unhurt. The biggest casualty of her fall would certainly be her designer jeans that now sported a terrible grass stain.

From within the fraternity house, she could hear a commotion and decided it was best to not be seen. Not bothering with her shoes, Jenn ran across the fraternity lawn and down the street until she was safely away before  casually putting her shoes back on and strolling into another fraternity house in order to move her remaining few bags of coke.


1 comment

  1. My Friends,

    This is an excerpt from a much longer original story I wrote which can be found below.








    This is volume two. The first part is below:










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