[MF] Taking full advantage of my company office and the conference table

I’ve been a long time lurker so I decided to make a throwaway account to chronicle the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever done.

Okay, so this happened in November 2019, pre-covid era. Little background: I’m in a conservative country which is what makes this story extra ridiculous, we obviously have the more progressive metropolitan cities where people are more open to sexual adventures where this happened.

About me: I’m 5’10 decently handsome better than average size for my country and I was pretty fit pre-covid when this happened.

So back then I was working at a tech start-up, had a few hookups and one night stands after parties, nothing to brag about but this time I decided to try tinder, got a few matches, got a decent match, she looked good, caramel skin, black hair, I’d say about 5’5 a bit thick but not chubby by any means, decently big boobs. Let’s call her Sara. Now, I’ll admit I like skinny girls with small boobs, that’s just my type, but she seemed pretty interesting in meeting up and it turned out she was studying in my college that I graduated from so I immediately knew what to do, I texted her to meet me a bar right next to the college which all the students frequented, that would refresh the old days for me too.

I had put in laundry that day so all I had left were my nike gym clothes that I wore to my office that day, luckily no one else had decided to show up that day, this was a small time tech start up and things were pretty slow on some days, the office was swanky though, way better than what were doing in it, the CEO had pulled some strings for it and it was the sort of office that one could potentially decide to bring a date to, specially when that one was the key holder.

I decided to fake-shut down the office sending the only other guy home, My game plan was to go bar hopping with this girl, I had read somewhere the best thing to do on a date is to do something like bar hopping. I had a bike, but I knew I couldn’t use it too much if we were gonna be out late, and oh boy we were.

She arrived in a maroon top with black leggings, decently casual, we weren’t going to a club or anything. That day we stayed out until the sun set and into midnight, bar-hopping about 6-7 times, paying alternately, having real fun, at about 10pm we hit up a bar that was completely empty with a dance floor so we asked the bartender to play music while we danced, just the two of us. She was ridiculous. Turned out she was a pro at dancing, I had never felt so much attention on just me ever in a club, she was giving me a semi-lap dance, damn she knew how to work her way around that floor, after getting tired we decided to grab some food and then hit up one last bar. I chose the one next to my office, I had been inching closer with every bar-hop to get there. This time when we were on the bike she put her arms around my midsection and gave me a hug from behind. I was in heaven, that was the first time a girl had done that to me on my bike, and honestly that was something I always dreamed about.

After hitting up the last pub I knew she was down, and she asked if were taking an Uber back to my place. I had my own plans. I suggested we check out my office, we grabbed two mini bottles of wine and made our way there. Now my office was pretty swanky but we just worked on a center conference table while all the private rooms were just laying empty. We all brought our own laptops so the conference table was now empty and perfect to do anything on. There were no CCTV or security either as the start-up was pretty small.

We were flirting all night, a little touch here and there, a little hand on knee, we couldn’t do much beyond that without getting oogled at by others as this is still a very conservative country. I could see the sexual tension fill up to the brim. We just needed a private space. The office idea still felt like a bit of no-go in my mind as us people in our conservative country aren’t that open to try anything as adventurous as this unlike the people of western countries, so I was looking out to see if she would say no to abort the plan but thankfully that was not the case, oh she was down.

We first sat opposite each other one the office chairs just eye-fucking each other like who would make the first move. She did. She got up from her chair, took one last swig of the wine bottle, finished it, took mine, put it to my my mouth and made me finish mine and put her shins on top my thighs as I sat in my chair, sort of kneeling on me, her boobs were up to my eye level, staring directly at me, she then bent down and started making out. Now I’ll admit I had no idea how I was at making out, I had been with a fair share of girls but only hookups and never a relationship where I could get pointers if I was good or bad. Apparently I was meh.

“You haven’t kissed around a lot, have you?” Ouch.”No, maybe you can teach me” I said, and she took it to heart. She was putting her tongue inside my mouth, swirling it around, biting my lips, which was honestly my favourite part.

“Bite my lips now” As you wish, I started biting and she started moaning, her hands started to explore my body for the first time after being wrapped around my shoulders. She was really enjoying this a lot and that made my dick bulge, I took one of her hands and put it on my crotch. She massaged it gently “Oh fuck, you’re getting good at this” she exclaimed. Biting her lip felt so amazing, this was the first time I was enjoying making out so much. She then took her face off my face and then proceeded to put her hands around the back of my face and buried my face in her chest. Okay so this was what the hubub about big boobs was. I had only been with either A cups or B cups. This was my first D cup and goddamn those fun bags caressed my face like pillows of heaven. I sort of motor boarded her over her top for about ten minutes. I was not pushing the foreplay zone too fast, I knew women liked it, After those 10 minutes I could feel she was ready to go. Her breathing was heavy, my dick was hard, at this point I lifted her and myself off the chair and placed her onto the conference table with a thud. I took her top off and then took another 3 minutes to undo the most complicated bra I had ever seen. She was giggling at my hard work.

“Why don’t you take it off” I said in a teasing manner “No I wanna see you take it off” she laughed. What a tease.

I finally got it to unhook and holy fuck she had pierced nipples. Again, this is a conservative country, and pierced nipples are very hard to come by. Large brown areolas that I sucked and licked for a good few minutes while she moaned while playing with my hair. After that I went on to take off her leggings and my clothes until we were buck naked. Her laying on the conference table, legs spread, me with my dick out until both of us realised neither of us had a condom. Goddamnit. I knew she wouldn’t be on birth control, it’s a conservative country, no one is. The only other option would be a morning after pill which I immediately told her I wouldn’t want to put her through. She seemed to really like hearing that because she immediately got up, pinned me on the wall behind me and went down on me. This was my first proper blowjob. I had got ones before but that was for a few minutes in between foreplay and sex, this was going to be my first cum in mouth blowjob, and boy was she a BJ queen. She was slurping and twisting like a pornstar. Her mouth felt heavenly. Her brown eyes looking at me like there was nothing else she would rather be doing in this world. Her tongue making me feel sensations I had never before. I surprisingly held it in for a long time, maybe about 10 minutes. She didn’t speak a word, she was in a meditative state going down on my dick and I didn’t want to disturb her with words either. After I couldn’t hold it anymore and came in her mouth, no verbal heads up, just straight up filling her mouth, and she didn’t seem to mind, she took it like a champ, looking back up with the most satisfied face I’ve seen.

She got back up, swallowed it and went back to check her phone as she was expecting something

“Fuck, 10 missed calls from my parents”

Yeah, that was gonna be a problem. Again, conservative country, strict parents who were probably wondering where their daughter was at 12am in the night. She immediately called an uber and I escorted her to the outside. After she was gone I just stared into the night under a lamppost wondering what I had just done.

The next morning I had a text from her, “We should do this again, sometime ;)”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/p0xmze/mf_taking_full_advantage_of_my_company_office_and


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