A Young Futa Girl Had Dropped the Remote to the Powerful Vibrator on the Floor of a Local Coffee Shop, You Find It… (Remote Toy) (F/Futa) (Public)

It was an early morning and I (F23) was waiting in line at my local coffee shop for my normal morning coffee before heading into work. Everything was normal and it wasn’t very busy, then as I stepped forward my foot caught something, as I looked down to see what it was I was shocked and then turned on… I knew exactly what it was, it’s a remote to a vibrator, someone must have dropped it but who?
I bent down and picked it up looking around to try and guess who had the buzzing end, the thought of turning it on came across my mind and… Well I did.
Look around more my eyes where drawn to at the time what I thought was a female biting he hand, as I looked down I could see her legs where crossed at her ankles… It was Her she had the buzzing end of the toy and it looked rather powerful too as I had it on the lowest setting. She was wearing, from what I could see, a pair of shiny pink stiletto heels with white nylon pantyhose, I’m guessing some kind of dress, her hair was a light pink and was in a ponytail. I turned the toy off to see her relieved and being to look around, I actually natural as didn’t want to give the game away… Well not yet…

The guy at the counter is taking a while so I slide my finger over the on button and try to keep an eye on the girl, click, I switch it back on and I see the girls eyes widen and he body jerk forward. I left it on for a bit watching her enjoy it just as much as I was. I switched it back off as I got to the counter to order and quickly got my drink.

I made my way over the the girls table and with my finger on the button asked if I could join her.
She began to say yes and I switched the toy on so her yes became more of a Yessss!

I sat down and put the remote on the table, her eyes went wide before she smiled. I smiled back as it turns up the setting, this made her grip the table and I thought she was about to cum so I switched it off. The look she gave me was either a thank you for stopping or why did you stop I couldn’t tell…

I slowly drank my drink rubbing my finger over the button just teasing her with it. I clicked it on and she bit her hand again… I could tell she was really trying to hold back her orgasm so I picked the remote up and showed her my finger on the button that would make it stronger… I lean in as whisper “I wonder how high or goes.”

I watched as her eyes grow wide in shock and horror but I was having fun so click, click, click as fast as I could, I could almost hear the toy and from her reaction this was now very strong for her… She now had the look of please turn it off but I didn’t, that’s when I felt it a warm sticky liquid on my leg. Look down I could see that my whole left leg was covered in cum… She was a Futa and just came… I quickly switch it off and she whispers “Thank you.”
Shocked I didn’t know what to do, if I stand up everyone will see my leg covered in cum but I had no choice I need to leave or I’d be late for work.
I tried my best to clean up as much as I could before standing, leaning back over I whisper in the girls ear “have fun.” Before turning the toy back up to high and sliding the remote across the floor.

As I walk out I look back at her to see her stand up, her 7 inch futa cock sticking straight forward. As she stumbles towards the remote I leave the shop…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/p04jf9/a_young_futa_girl_had_dropped_the_remote_to_the


  1. That would be amazing fantasy to be playing with some stranger in public. Take control of their remote… 😈😈💦💦💦

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