[MOD POST] Looking for more moderators and feedback

We are hoping to expand the team by quite a bit to allow for better moderation and remove lots of the spam that has been incoming (specifically reposting stories seems to be a big issue lately).

Interested? [Apply here](https://forms.gle/SVjCRGekxt9VkUCPA)

Also, please feel free to use this post to leave feedback about the sub. We will use this post when determining the types of mods we should add.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ozzfgv/mod_post_looking_for_more_moderators_and_feedback


  1. I refuse to read the fiction stories. I thought they were not allowed but I must be wrong. Thanks to those that volunteer there time to help clean up this site.

  2. I thought blatantly fake stories weren’t allowed here. It shouldn’t matter if the mods thought it was funny or well written, if it’s obviously fake it should be removed.

  3. It must be exhausting to moderate this sub. I don’t have time to help so easy for me to say.

    Over the last little while there are a ton of fake stories popping up that seem like they might be written by the same person based on the style. I have no idea how to effectively police that, of course. But, ya know, anything you can do would be great. Personally I think Rule 8 should be strengthened. Encourage readers to report stories that feel fake. Anything that feels fake can be removed at moderators discretion or even just flagged with a “feels fake” tag. At least then the spammer will maybe try harder to produce decent content.

  4. Can we please limit the “Part 1 of 3” stories. Or “ask me if you want hear part 2.” These types of titles/captions have become a red flag for me and now I generally associate stories with theses descriptions as most likely being fictitious, which of course has become more and more of an issue on this subreddit.

  5. Can we get a rule about not using initials? Theyre confusing and the comments on every post with initials is full of people saying so

  6. “specifically reposting stories seems to be a big issue lately”

    I believe that there *are* Reddit bots which are able to compare new posts to past posts *from the same subreddit* — however, it turns out that people sometimes top-mine *other* subs to get their tales; we’ve seen plenty from r/GoneWildStories and r/StupidSlutsClub pop up over at r/SluttyConfessions. (Googling a random 10-15 word phrase from the tale, however, often points us to those, and we can then remove them, after comparing usernames — sometimes, people are just karma-farming their *own* old stories.)

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