[MFF] I (29M) had an unexpected night with my wife (27F) and our neighbor (33F).

Hi, my name is Levi and I’ve wanted to work on my writing lately. So I thought there couldn’t be a better way then to write down some of my experiences I’ve had with my wife Sara.

A little bit about us, we have 3 kids with the third arriving only a few months ago. I work in IT and she is stay at home mom, so if you’re already snoring I wouldn’t be surprised. It’s not that life is boring, it’s just a normal life. Everything hasn’t been vanilla though, there have been brief moments in our relationship where we’ve done crazy things. These will be the starting points of my writing practice. I will create some fiction stories as well to get both sides of coin.

To describe myself, I am an Afro Latino man with a short and stocky dad bod. My cock is nothing to rant and rave about, 71/2 in with about an inch or more in width. My wife is a country girl from the southern US. She has med blonde hair and the most gorgeous hazel eyes. She’s typically average size, like 145lbs. But, after just having a baby, she is a little thicker. Lucky for me the majority of the weight has gone to her thighs, ass, and tits. So a lot to grab in the back and a mouthful up top.


Story starts here

To further reiterate the milk toast manner of my life, this story begins with a neighborhood cook out at my house. We had had an uncharacteristically warm day for the Midwest. Sara had suggested we’d cook out for some of our neighborhood friends to kick off the spring right! We called up a few of the families on the street, this includes the neighbor in question. We will call her Nicole, who has a kid and a boyfriend who is NOT the father. That last tidbit is important as this guy comes and goes frequently.

The day was typical, I grilled an assortment of meat, drank an assortment of beer, and just all around enjoyed my time. As the street lights came on, most of the families said their goodbyes. Nicole and Sara had discussed maybe continuing inside with a game of Cards. This was Sara’s first drink since having the baby and she wasn’t ready for the party to end. So while I and the bf cleaned up, Nicole and Sara put the boys down for bed.

The night continues on, we are all drinking and laughing our asses off at the stupid shit we put together in cards. You know the usuals, “Bubble butt bottom boys”, “dead babies”, etc. Nicole’s bf had been making jokes all night that were funny at first. Nicole is kinda sensitive and her bf thinks it’s funny to make jokes about her or things she likes. As I stated it was harmless and funny at first, but the more he drank, the meaner he got.

The last straw wasn’t really that bad, but at this point Nicole was not having fun. The card was “what’s that smell?”, her boyfriend points at Nicole and says “her ass” and Nicole erupted. After some insults and yelling, her bf storms out and leaves in his truck.

Sara and I just kind of sat there in an awkward drunken stupor. Nicole sighs, “oil pen anyone?”, “I’m down” I oblige. Nicole motions to Sara, but she declined “I breast feed silly”.

We all get up and move to my living room. I’m in just a pair of basketball shorts, white tshirt, and slides with socks on. Sara was wearing a pink sundress that flowed down right above her knee. It hugged all the right places, I could see her ass jiggle as she made her way to the couch. Lastly, Nicole, who I wasn’t paying much mind as my mind was on other places, was wearing jean shorts and a tight tshirt with a rap group logo on the front. She sits first, Sara sits with more than enough room for me to be in the middle.

My sectional has a longer bed like portion on one end and the rest of the sections are open recliners up until the last seat which has arm rests. Nicole sat layers back on the portion, while Sara sat reclined next to me. I sat down and received the pen from Nicole, took a few drags and passed it back.

About an hour later, I’m stuck in place, rambling about some random current event. Nicole was intently listening, but most likely completely clueless. Sara, however, was obliterated. She sat there, with a stare she only gets so often when she is out of it.

Suddenly Sara stands up, I braced as I thought it was to vomit. But oh so contrarily, she states “I’m wet” and proceeds to toss off her sundress. Before you click away and say, “really? This story is a bust”, her tits were wet. This isn’t a segway into a night of debauchery, well atleast not in the sense you may think.

Sara’s tits were leaking milk as she hadnt fed our boy since she put him down 4 hours prior. Now he had been fed, we aren’t monsters, just not straight from her tits. Her nudity wasn’t a big deal as Nicole had seen her naked plenty of times in dressing rooms, etc.

“I need um, to dump.” Sara had a hard time conveying her message. She decided, instead of pumping, which in hindsight would’ve awakened the boys, to sit on my lap. “Suck, I’m full” she said as she prodded my lips with her soft swollen nipples. This was normal, I often helped her with her milk when she was engorged but didn’t/couldn’t pump. However, never in front of someone. “Here, open”, she insisted, “no babe, Nicole is here, chill”. I said, I was annoyed because I didn’t realize the opportunity here. I was too concerned with upsetting Nicole with something so uncomfortable.

“I’m high, LOL” Nicole said, I assumed this was her way of saying that she didn’t care. Still apprehensive I asked “this wouldn’t be weird?”, Nicole said “mmmmm no, not like your eating her out or something hahah”. She had a point I thought, so reluctantly, I opened my mouth and welcomed Sara’s supple nipple into my mouth. I started to pull a little to engage the let down. Eventually it came and I started to feed. Again, this isn’t some kink, I legitimately help her this way. Listen, I’m not saying that I wasn’t a little turned on, I mean a titty is a titty. Besides, the fact that someone else was there made it better.

I had my eyes partially open so Nicole couldn’t see me gauging her reaction. She wasn’t paying much mind, but she still stole some glances. As if she just noticed her, Sara asks, “you ever try breast milk”? It took Nicole a second to realize she was the person being asked. Eventually she replied, “No, I could never produce my own.”

The mood was killed for a second until Sara brought it back, “here try some!” Sara proceeded to shoot milk at Nicole, who in turn squealed and jumped back, bursting in laughter. I’m sure the weed helped, but I was nervous this would’ve been taken badly.

Nicole gathered herself and stuck her tongue out timidly to get some off of her arm. She said “It’s seems good, but I can’t tell”. “Come closer” Sara mumbled. Nicole scooted forward and as she got near, Sara suddenly shoved her tit in Nicoles mouth with a chuckle.”mmmfh” Nicole grunted, she de-latched. Before she could protest, Sara grabbed the back of her head and put her back on.

Nicole accepted her fate and scooted next to me. I had Sara straddling both my legs as Nicole leaned in and pulled from her left tit. I was on the right one and had my right arm above Nicoles head resting on the top of the couch. This went on for what seemed like an hour, but likely 10 mins. Sara sat with her head tilted back, hissing and very lightly panting. This made my member solid as a boulder.

This went on for a little before Sara started rocking back and forth. Her hot mound slowly stroking my erect shaft through our thin cloths. I had my eyes closed but could hear some smacking. I peeped with my right eye and saw one of the hottest things I’ve ever saw.

My wife was making out with my hot neighbor. A bead of milk sliding down her chin while my wife’s tit slowly soaks Nicole’s shirt. Nicole disengaged to pull the shirt over her head, revealing large gourd like breasts. Stark white with pink puffy nipples. Once her shirt was off, Nicole went back to suckling as Sara played with her tits.

I started to drift in ecstasy, but Sara started to fall back. I caught her with my left arm. I moved my right hand to get a better grip, “Sara”? I said, shaking her. She breathed slowly and shuffled a little. “You sleep? Seriously?” I chuckled. To test I said, “I’m grabbing Nicole’s nipples”. I didn’t obviously, but this didn’t draw a response, so she was sound asleep.

“Here, let me”, Nicole said. She got on both her knees beside me and stretched across me to lay Sara down. Still very high, she struggled to get Sara down so I helped, however I fell over to my left and we started laughing uncontrollably.

I not so gracefully got myself to a sitting position as Nicole flipped over on her back. She was still on my knees dying of laughter, with her legs bent, feet up to her butt. I rested my hand, inadvertently, on her belly. Just kinda idly rubbing her stomach. This was honestly out of habit and I kinda forgot who was on my lap.

Nicole calmed down, “what are you doing??” She chuckled. “No clue”, I said passively, I didn’t stop, I was pretty stuck. “I don’t mind, I’m pretty comfortable”, Nicole said. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh. You ever been so high that you just have to do something in order to focus? That’s what was going on here. I just rubbed her stomach, in slow rhythmic circles.

Not sure how long this went on for, but one of my passes strayed too far. My finger tips dipped under her waist line. You know the sensitive portion, right at the naval? A quick inhale from Nicole broke me from the trance. Her eyes were still closed, my dock was still hard, and my heart was pounding.

I decided to say fuck it. On my next rotation, I went lower than before, this time brushing her short stubby bush. Another quick breath, but no more of a reaction than before. So I got braver, I slid my hand directly down her waist band. I ran my finger down her slit gently and ran my middle finger back up to her clit. I made sure to press a little to gauge how wet she was. It was so slick and smooth. She gasped and looked at me, while I rubbed circles on her clit. Locking eyes she bit her, closed her eyes, and bent her head back.

I cupped her soft silky tits and suckled her sweet nipples. She started moaning and writhing, shaking Sara’s leg with every movement. She was still dead to the world. My hand started aching with the angle, so I unbuttoned her shorts. Nicole lifted her ass so I could slide her shorts down over he beautiful ass. Soon as the shorts cleared her feet, she slid down and turned over, “what are …” “shh” she said, with her index finger on my lips.

She grabbed my waist band and I freed my cock from its fleshy prison. Pre-cum slinging everywhere, Nicole took advantage of the natural lubricants and used them to send my cock into bliss. I tilted my head in ecstasy, thinking it couldn’t get any better, when suddenly, a warm cascading pillowy sensation enveloped my shaft. I audibly grunted, not sure if I was just teased, high, or in love (joking) but fuck this was good

The blow job was rapidly coming to an end and with that, my opportunity to fuck this smoking specimen of a woman. To distract her, I cupped the bottom of her ass and started teasing her asshole. She gasped and squealed, “I’m not used to that” she giggled, “want me to stop?” I teased. No answer was an answer enough as she continued to work.

The end was approaching again, so I took upon myself to escalate. I leaned over with both hand and grabbed the back of her knees, bending them so she was on them. “Come here” I breathed, as she threw her leg over my lap, sitting down facing me. We locked eyes again and sloppily kissed for the first time.

Grunting and exhaling, Nicole lifted herself over my throbbing and oozing cock. She let out a long moan as her pleasure cave was filled with my member. She rested her forearms on my shoulders and squeezed my legs with her thighs for a couple seconds before slowly rocking her ass up and down. Light clapping noses resounded off the walls. Tufts of pussy, ass, and ball musk started to fill the air. You know it, the smell that isn’t exactly pleasing but isn’t exactly bad either. The smell of sex, it made me harder and it almost seemed like it caused her to speed up.

Slapping, moaning, grunting, a cock so blissfully lost in a space that could have only been designed by a god itself. I again was brought back to reality by a feel good pain. Nails into my shoulders as she shuddered and a familiar welling in my balls. It resonated through my shaft. As she shook and squeezed me, I erupted hot cum deep into her. Wrapping my arms around her, i shuddered as my cum filled her hole.

We sat there, our juices becoming cold against our exposed skin. “That was umm…. fucking fantastic”I started, but she finished. “Yes that too….. and unexpected” I nervously chuckled. “Don’t worry, she won’t care or remember in the morning. We were heading into that direction if she had stayed awake.” Nicole reassured. I nodded in agreement and decided to start cleaning up. Nicole took the hint and started to do the same.

We shared an awkward goodbye hug and thanked each other for the time. I decided to feed our son from a bottle when he woke up shortly after. Got him back down and spent the night next to my wife.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ozzbfr/mff_i_29m_had_an_unexpected_night_with_my_wife


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