Dark Delights [Non-Con, Sexual Violence, Assault]

**Firstly, I just want to say that consent is EVERYTHING. This is merely a work of fiction and needs to be approached as such. This is one of my darker works, so I’m going to give a quick warning: this story contains graphic violence and sexual assault. Reader discretion strongly advised.**


*”Shit.”* Riley hissed through her teeth, holding her palm out toward the sky as rain began to sprinkle down.

A lit cigarette hung between her lips and she cupped her hands over it to shelter it from the wet. The weather hadn’t called for rain tonight yet Riley found herself clear on the opposite side of town from her cramped apartment, with no choice but to make the trek on foot as as the rain steadily picked up pace.

The only sound was her Converse padding against the sidewalk and the soft patter of rainfall as it hit the concrete. With what she was wearing, she’d be soaked to the bone by the time she made it another few blocks.

All she’d worn tonight was her favorite black beanie, a black tank top, black cutoff shorts and an oversized black and grey flannel. If she had known it was going to rain, she would have at least brought a poncho with her.

Up ahead, to her relief, a gas station was alight like a fiery beacon against the night – a promise of warmth and shelter as she figured out her next move. She could always call Devon to come and give her a ride, but she knew well enough that that wouldn’t be a good idea.

She’d dumped his ass for a reason and she didn’t want to go and give him any wrong ideas.

If anything, she would just have to loiter around the gas station until the rain died down enough for her to finish the journey home. She *could* go ahead and finish the walk now, but she didn’t want to ruin her phone or an entire pack of cigarettes.

Once she’d made it to the gas station, she pressed herself against the building, far enough away from the doors that nobody would bother her and vice versa. There was a slight overhang that offered just enough shelter from the rain and she was thankful to be able to stay dry and finish off her cigarette.

She’d entertained the thought of going inside and buying something to drink, but decided to light up another cigarette before committing to the idea. Riley wasn’t necessarily a chain smoker, but tonight had been rather stressful and she had nothing but time to kill at this point.

If the weather decided to clear up sooner rather than later, then she would just go on her merry way and worry about getting a drink once she made it home.

However, not but a few seconds after lighting up her second smoke, the rain began to pour down relentlessly and a crack of thunder sounded in the distance.

“Fuck.” She muttered beneath her breath, resigning to the fact that she would be stuck waiting a bit longer than she’d hoped.

Just as she accepted her situation, a truck pulled into the station, parking not too far away from where she stood. It was an old thing – painted a matte black with a little bit of rust around the frame.

The windows were tinted, so Riley was unable to see inside very well, but whoever was driving didn’t make a move to get out and she had the overwhelming feeling that she was being watched. She shifted her gaze to her left, hiding her face from whoever was inside the truck, pretending to stare off into the distance as she puffed on her cigarette.

After about thirty more seconds, she heard the door of the truck creak open and she couldn’t help but steal a glance at the driver. He was an older man, perhaps in his mid to late forties with short salt and pepper hair – more pepper than salt – and enough facial hair that gave Riley the impression that he’d skipped a few shaves.

The man wore a dark tee shirt and blue jeans and their eyes met as he made his way toward the entrance of the store. Riley was the first to break eye contact, feeling his gaze lingering on her before he disappeared into the building.

She didn’t feel creeped out by the encounter, as it wasn’t necessarily unusual for people to stare in her direction. Sure, she was an attractive girl, but what really seemed to grab people’s attention was the tattoos, piercings and shaved head.

Riley certainly stood out in her judgemental little town.

Her body sported a number of tattoos – a handful that could only be seen if she was naked. She also had a good few piercings in her ears, as well as plugs and both her septum and right nostril also sported some metal.

After her breakup with Devon, she’d even gotten her nipples done – something she’d always wanted to do but he’d never approved of. It was a big fat *fuck you* to him as well as a form of empowerment for her.

She’d also shaved off all of her beautiful chocolate colored hair, only regretting not having done it sooner.

Riley didn’t mind the stares though, or the silent whispers. In fact, she didn’t give a single fuck what anyone thought about her.

It wasn’t until her cigarette was nearly half smoked that the man finally returned from inside, carrying a six pack of beer in his hand. Their eyes met once more before he climbed into his truck, seemingly in no rush to get out of there.

Again, Riley could feel his eyes on her through the tinted glass, but she shrugged it off, leaning back against the wall as she turned her gaze elsewhere. A streak of lightning suddenly lit up in the distance and a rumble of thunder rang out loud enough to make her jump.

“Excuse me.” She heard a deep, silky voice call out and she turned to see the man had rolled down his passenger side window.

They stared at one another for a long while before the man spoke again.

“I’m sorry to bother you, but I couldn’t help but notice you out here all alone. Please don’t take this as me being a creep or anything, but… could I offer you a ride somewhere?”

Riley took another drag from her cigarette, her expression like a stone as she deliberated to herself whether or not to take him up on his offer. Sure, she knew all about stranger danger – being twenty-five and all – and, under normal circumstances, she would have told him right away to fuck off – but she had to admit that a ride sounded a hell of a lot better than walking clear across town in this shit or being stuck hanging around here for who knows how long.

And if she was being honest, the man looked passably harmless.

Yeah, she’d noticed how lean and fit he appeared to be when he’d gotten out of his truck – able bodied and capable – but he looked nice enough. Besides, there were cameras around the parking lot, so if she did wind up missing, it wouldn’t take authorities long to figure out who had done it.

“I suppose I’m not exactly in the position to turn down such a generous offer.” She answered after a moment, taking one last puff from her cigarette before tossing it to the wet ground.

She made her way to the passenger side door and pulled it open, quickly noting how neat and tidy the interior was. Once she’d crawled in, the man started the truck and she fastened her seatbelt.

Now that she was close, she could see the man quite clearly. He was fairly attractive, especially with his rugged appearance and soft blue eyes – and he smelled the way she imagined a lumberjack would smell.

An earthy, woody scent that faintly reminded her of pine trees.

“Thank you.” Said Riley after settling into her seat.

“It’s no problem. I wouldn’t feel right just leaving you here without at least offering some assistance.” The man replied, shooting her an inviting grin.

“I’m Keith, by the way.” He added, as he proffered a hand.

She grabbed hold of it, feeling the rough callouses on his fingers scraping against her palm as she shook it. Working man’s hands, as her dad always used to say.

“Riley.” She returned, flashing a quick smile.

He released his grip on her hand, shifting the truck into gear before looking over at Riley once more.

“Where to?” He asked.

“Do you know Carlton Avenue?”

He thought about it for a moment before nodding his head.

“Yeah. Had an ex who used to live down that way. Just let me know when we’re getting close.”

With that, they were heading off into the night with the rain beating loudly against the roof. A few minutes passed before Keith reached into his pocket, producing a pack of cigarettes and an old looking Zippo lighter.

He rolled his window down just a crack before lighting up a smoke. Without a word, he held the open pack out toward Riley and she stared down at it with a blank expression.

“I saw you smokin’, so I figured I’d offer.” He said with a grin.

“Thanks.” She muttered softly, sliding a cigarette out of the pack.

The man flicked his lighter, the orange flame casting a sickly glow in the cabin of the truck, causing the shadows to dance around in an eerie display. Riley placed the cigarette between her lips, leaning in just enough to dip the end into the flame.

She pulled the smoke into her lungs and sat back, watching as Keith flipped the lid down over the flame to snuff it out. Darkness fell over them once more, doing little to ease the tiny ball of nerves that had begun to form in Riley’s gut.

“So, what’s a pretty thing like you doing out here all alone anyway?” The man asked after another few minutes of silence.

Riley could feel her cheeks grow warm, glad for the cover of night that hid her blush. She sucked in another lungful of smoke before answering his question.

“I was actually on my way home from work.” She admitted.

His underhanded come-on was certainly not lost on her, but she didn’t want to feed into it. There was no telling where things would lead if she did.

“Oh yeah? Where do you work?” He queried.

“I work at a little hole-in-the-wall bookstore on the other end of town.”

“Bookstore, huh?” He drew, moving his gaze between her and the road.

Tendrils of smoke snaked from his nose, giving him the look of an angry dragon. Riley could feel that knot of nerves swelling in the pit of her stomach, though she had no idea as to why.

Perhaps it was the way that the man looked at her, almost in the way a predator eyed its next meal. There was a hunger behind those pals blue irises that gleamed even in the darkness.

“You like to read, then?” Was his follow-up question.

“Yeah.” She answered slowly, turning her gaze toward the window.

“What’s your favorite genre?”

She thought about it for a moment, fiddling with her nose ring before taking a hit from her cigarette. There were a few genres that Riley frequented in her reads, but it was easy for her to pick one out of the bunch.

“I’d have to say thrillers are my favorite. I like anything that can keep me on edge.”

The man chuckled at that, nodding his head as he puffed on his smoke, one hand draped casually over the steering wheel. Lightning flashed across the sky and the crack of thunder that sounded shortly after was like a bomb being dropped nearby.

Riley couldn’t help but jerk at the sudden explosion, her entire body becoming alight with nerves. She took a steady drag off the cigarette, trying to quell the uneasiness she was feeling and the slight tremor that had started in her hands.

Perhaps this hadn’t been a good idea, after all.

Keith hadn’t done anything that raised any red flags, but Riley’s instincts were buzzing and warning her that something was amiss with the kind stranger.

As if he’d heard her thoughts, he took a turn down a road that led away from town, a road that in no way led to her neighborhood. This was when alarm bells really starting ringing in her head.

“Where are you going?” She asked, trying to hide the fear in her voice.

“I’m gonna take some back roads, if that’s alright.” He replied, his tone cool.

He didn’t so much as look at her as he spoke, his entire demeanor casual and relaxed. However, Riley knew better. She’d lived in this town her whole life and knew that this road only led to the rural outskirts – nothing but thick woods for miles on either side.

“This road won’t take us to Carlton, though.” She interjected, trying to keep her voice steady and firm.

She was on high alert now, the cigarette held between her fingers visibly shaking. Riley tried to hide it, but the man had already taken notice. He looked over at her, their eyes meeting in the darkness.

“Don’t be scared, Riley. I know what I’m doing, okay? I’ll get you home safe and sound.”

“You should turn around, man. I’m telling you, this road ain’t gonna lead us to my place.” Her voice cracked as she spoke and the man only smiled at that.

“I know what I’m doing.” He said again, his voice taking on a more sinister tone.

“Okay, man. Stop the truck. I’ll just walk the rest of the way.”

Keith said nothing, wouldn’t even look at her. Instead, he kept driving, carrying them further and further away from civilization. The ball of nerves in the pit of Riley’s stomach was now an entire boulder and her brain was screaming at her to get out of this situation.

“Did you hear me? Pull over. I want out.” Her voice was much harder now.

He laughed, still not saying anything nor did he show any interests in giving her what she wanted. Riley was quickly realizing that she had put herself in a very bad predicament. This man was obviously a predator and she had basically offered herself up to him without a fight.

She turned toward the door, reaching out for the handle only to find that it wasn’t there. It had been removed.

Keith laughed even harder, finally looking over at her. Their eyes met again and she could see the darkness in his expression, the way his eyes glimmered even in the shadows. This was bad.

*Very, very bad.*

“Let me out, Keith. I swear to God, I’ll call the fucking cops if you don’t let me out of this truck *right now!*” Tears sprung to her eyes, her voice shaking as they threatened to spill over.

“Is that right?” He asked sardonically, his voice dripping with malice. “Okay, Riley. I’ll pull over.”

He suddenly veered the truck to the left, crossing over to the wrong side of the road before steering straight into the trees. Riley had slipped into full panic mode at this point, her heart pounding and mind erupting into utter chaos.

She had to figure out how she was going to get out of this unscathed. There was no telling what this man’s intentions were, but it was clear that they weren’t good.

“What the fuck are you doing?” She screamed, fumbling in her pocket for her cellphone.

“I’m pulling over, just like you asked.” He taunted viscously, swerving around trees as he led them deeper into the woods.

The cab lit up as she unlocked her phone screen and before she could even navigate to the dial pad, Keith ripped it from her hands and smashed it repeatedly against the dashboard, completely shattering the screen.

“What the fuck!” Ripley cried, only to be met with a hard back hand to the face.

He managed to catch her right beneath the eye and she thought her face might explode from the force. She instinctively reached up to hold her cheek, stunned into silence by the sudden attack.

The truck came to a sudden halt, harshly flinging her forward. If it weren’t for the seat belt, she would have face-planted the dash.

Keith slammed the gear into park, killing the headlights before turning toward Riley. He unbuckled his seat belt, reaching over to do the same for her.

As he reached out to grab her, she immediately went into fight-or-flight mode. She pushed herself back against the door, letting out a shriek as she slapped his hand away.

Her cheek was still throbbing from the slap he’d delivered and she refused to let him put his grimy paws on her again.

He grabbed for her once more and this time, she threw a hard punch, successfully landing the hit. His head swung to the side before he let out a laugh, turning to look back at Riley with an expression of sick amusement.

“So you like it rough, then?” He asked, striking quickly like a viper.

He swung with a closed fist this time, catching her at the sharpest part of her cheekbone. She felt her skin split open and let out a pained yelp.

Before she could process what had happened, Keith had her by the back of the neck, his fingers digging painfully into her skin. He proceeded to smash her head against the dashboard – one, two, three times in quick succession.

Riley was vaguely aware of the warm blood leaking from her eyebrow and she knew that it had been split open the same as her cheek. She could also taste blood in her mouth, her lip having been busted as well in the violent assault.

Her head was spinning and the edges of her vision had blackened as she treaded right along the threshold of unconsciousness. She felt him release her, allowing her to slump back against the seat.

She was unable to move, her vision blurred as it danced in circles. It almost felt as if she were drunk and her entire body felt sluggish and weak.

Keith crawled out of the driver’s side door, slamming it shut before coming around to her side. He wrenched her door open and grabbed hold of her arm, forcing her toward him.

“Stop.” She begged weakly, her face wet with a mixture of blood and tears. “Don’t… touch me.”

He paid her meek pleading no mind, forcing her out of the truck and to her feet. She was unable to stand on her own, her head still spinning out of control.

Keith spun her around toward the open door, shoving her forward before pushing her head down into the leather seat. Her feet were still planted on the ground and she was now bent over, his hand pinning her battered face against the upholstery.

She winced in pain, too weak to struggle. Her heart dropped as she heard him fumbling with his belt and she desperately willed her limbs to move.

Keith grabbed her arms and pinned them behind her back – but it wasn’t until he began to bind her wrists together with his belt that the fog cleared from her brain as a surge of adrenaline shot through her. She began to buck and thrash, screaming as loud as she could into the night.

“No!” She bellowed, using all of her strength to try to free herself from his grasp.

He was so much stronger though and he managed to hold her in place long enough to secure the belt around her wrists. Tears poured from her eyes and she continued to scream until her throat started to feel raw.

He reached around her to grab her by the chin, his fingers biting into her flesh as he forced her head back until his mouth was next to her ear.

“Scream as loud as you want. Nobody’s gonna hear you. Nobody’s gonna save you.” He taunted.

He released his grip on her chin, using his hand to push her head down against the seat once more. She sobbed even harder, feeling all sense of hope quickly melting away.

“Please,” she begged, “please just let me go. I won’t tell, I swear. I’ll never say a word to *anyone.*”

He laughed darkly, pressing himself against her backside.

“That’s what they all say.” He spat.

With that, he reached beneath her and unclasped the button on her shorts, eliciting another series of desperate screams from Riley. She thrashed again but it was no use – he was in total and complete control at this juncture.

His fingers hooked beneath the waistband of both her shorts and underwear, yanking both garments down to her ankles in one swift motion. She screamed despite the burning protests of her throat, her bound hands wrenching and pulling against the belt.

Keith delivered a hard slap to her bare posterior, making her jump and release a deep sob.

“Now *that* is a fine ass, Riley. You should be proud.”

He was taunting her, making her feel like nothing more than a piece of meat. It didn’t matter what she did – he was going to use her any way he saw fit and there was nothing she could do to stop him.

This was happening whether she liked it or not.

He pressed against her again, reaching over her to drop something onto the seat beside her head. She looked up to see what it was, quickly noticing that it was a bottle of lube.

“I was gonna be nice and use some of that to help start things off, but since you want it rough, then that’s *exactly* how I’m gonna give it to you.”

Her heart threatened to launch itself from her body as she heard the familiar sound of a zipper being undone. She screamed again, flailing around as his hands took her roughly by the hips.

The tips of his calloused fingers dug painfully into her flesh as he pulled her derriere back toward his lap.

“No!” She begged, squeezing her eyes shut so hard she thought her eyelids might rip in half.

His hardness was prodding the meat of her bottom and she grit her teeth as she braced herself for what would come next. Riley could feel as he took himself into his hand, guiding his member to her entrance.

A shrill shriek tore its way out of her throat as he forced himself in, her walls gripping him tightly and burning from the friction. He was certainly a generous size, his intrusion proving to be much more painful and unpleasant than she had hoped.

She felt as if she were tearing apart, her screams echoing through the trees around them.

Once he’d bottomed out, he began to work in a methodical rhythm. He showed no mercy, driving himself in hard and fast from the very start.

Eventually, Ripley found that she could no longer scream, her throat too damaged to make much more than a pathetic wheeze. She was grunting now, teeth clenched tightly as she tried to fight through the pain.

As if things weren’t bad enough, Keith somehow managed to pick up his pace, his thrusts becoming much more violent. He was slamming into her now, the sound of his skin slapping against her filling the night.

She was horrified – even more so as the pain slowly began to shift into something far more humiliating. Her body was starting to react to the stimulation, in a way that made her entire being burn with shame.


Riley began to feel *pleasure*.

And it didn’t take long for Keith to figure it out, her wetness squelching loud enough for the both of them to hear.

“You like that, baby?” He asked, stretching himself across her back to bring his mouth to her ear. “Does the pain make you wet?”

He then grabbed on to the collar of her flannel, tearing it down to expose her bare shoulder before clamping his teeth down on it, hard enough to elicit a pained wail from her. There was no way to tell if his teeth had punctured her skin, but there would certainly be a nasty bruise left behind.

Before she could recover from the pain, he bit down again, this time a fraction higher and then again and again, trailing vicious bites from her shoulder to her neck. The pain was incredible, but it stirred something inside of her – something sick and twisted and dark.

Something that thrived on the pain and hungered for it. The throb she felt between her legs each time his teeth buried into her skin was enough to bring her to orgasm.

The most powerful orgasm of her life.

She moaned against her shredded vocal chords, insides gripping firmly around Keith as her body shook and convulsed from the intensity. For a moment, she lost her grip on reality, feeling as if she were far away – lost somewhere in the cosmos, floating amongst the stars.

There was a ringing in her ears as wave after wave of unrelenting ecstasy crashed through her and she was only scarcely aware of the wetness that dripped down the inside of her thighs.

And then, she began to come back down, her senses slowly tuning in to the here-and-now. Her body was still moving, shoving back and forth, and the ringing in her ears gave way to the harsh slapping of wet skin against wet skin.

“Holy shit.” Keith groaned into her ear, the collar of her flannel balled tightly in his fist as he held on to it for leverage.

“I don’t think I’m gonna last much longer. You’re *so fucking wet* and it feels *so fucking good*.” He growled, quickening his thrusts just as he bit down on the back of her neck.

Riley let out a broken moan as Keith swelled inside of her, erupting in a series of long spurts and violent spasms, his orgasm clearly as strong as hers had been. She could feel pump after pump as he emptied inside of her chamber, his weight collapsing onto her back as he reached his last wave.

He was no longer biting her, his ragged breaths billowing against the nape of her neck. They remained that way for a moment, catching their breath and regaining their senses.

Finally, after what felt like a very long time, Keith lifted himself off of Riley’s back, sliding his flaccid prick out of her. She didn’t move, locked in place as she listened to the distinct sound of a condom being pulled off – to her relief – followed up by the sound of his zipper being put back into place.

“Fuck.” His voice interrupted the silence. “I wish you could see how wet you are right now. It’s fucking beautiful.” He exclaimed with delight.

Her cheeks burned with embarrassment – furthermore, with shame. It was bad enough to be violated, even worse to enjoy it.

There was a brief flash of light that went off behind her and the shame licked even hotter beneath her flushed skin. She didn’t need to ask to know that he’d taken a picture of her, bent over, bare assed and dripping wet.

She jumped at the suddeness of his fingers against her skin, realizing a little later than she’d have liked to admit that he was only pulling her shorts back up.

He then took hold of the belt that coiled around her wrists, pulling her back until she was standing on unsteady legs. Her skin was soaked with sweat and her face was a mess of blood and tears and running mascara.

Keith spun her around so that she was facing him and he used the pads of his thumbs to wipe away some of the wetness from her cheeks. He was absolutely beaming.

“You took that fucking like a champ, you know it?” He smiled, eyes glittering with a dark satisfaction.

“Now, how am I supposed to give a girl like you up?” He asked, the question obviously rhetorical.

His eyes flickered over her face for a few seconds, as if he were thinking hard about something.

“Here,” he said after a minute, guiding her up into the truck. “Sit. Relax.”

He slammed the door shut once she was settled onto the seat. She watched in silence as he made his way to the driver’s side, pulling open the door before crawling in next to her.

When the door shut behind him, silence filled the cab of the truck and they both just sat in an awkward stillness before Keith reached for his cigarette pack and pulled two from within. He lit one, and then the other with the first before placing one between Riley’s lips.

He took a few drags off of his before he began to speak.

“You see, my original plan was to get in, get out and then threaten you into silence. But now…” His voice trailed as he took another hit.

“Now, I’ve got a new plan. Instead of leaving you here, I’m gonna take you with me.”

Riley shook her head at that, tears welling in her eyes. She wanted to speak but she knew that she couldn’t – not after all of the screaming she’d done.

Keith smiled back at her, unphased by her reluctance.

“I’m not done with you yet, Riley.” He said matter-of-factly. “In fact, I’m just getting started.”

He leaned across the seat, eyes locked on hers as he took the seatbelt and locked her into place. She didn’t fight.

She knew it was pointless.

Her heart sank as the engine roared to life and Keith shifted the truck into reverse. He looked at her once more before putting his foot on gas.

“It’s okay, baby. I’m gonna take *real* good care of you.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ozv4yh/dark_delights_noncon_sexual_violence_assault


  1. Funny how this is called Dark Delights. The text itself is so dark I couldn’t see anything.

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