[M]y first kiss, and games gone wild with my [F] co-worker

This is my first post on reddit, so go easy on me. this happened around 3 years ago. some of the events of the night have been changed as to protect my identity. fore warning, there is no seggs in this story.

setting; this took place in mormonville utah. I was 18 at the time, 6’3″ (give or take an inch) overweight, but did not seem it most of the time. employed at a popular sandwich chain in the area. I was raised as a good mormon boy, but long before this story occurred I had decided not to pursue that/any faith. I wanted to get out there and start living life but that was a momentous task to an introverted shy man like me.

sorry for the extensive background before the good stuff. two of my co-workers John (19) and Savanah, sav (20) were also trained as closers and pre closers. Sav tho typically worked the pre close, clocked out and hung around and sometimes helped out when it got overwhelmingly busy. sav was cute, but out of my reach as their seemed to always be an awkward age gap due to my lack of experience. she was a wild girl drinking and smoking pot with our manager who was simping to no avail. she would talk to me about all her slutty stories in her time as a cheerleader; streaking across town, kinks, and to my personal interest strip games. she was living the wild life I was to afraid to.

John was a good mormon boy (in dramatic contrast to sav)… and since he had the experience I did not he and sav really hit it off. she would tell me stories, like how when they made out in her car the steam would cause the windows to fog up so much it almost ruined the exhibitionist experience. I envied John but was almost proud of him, he and I were friendly as well so it was fun hearing both sides of the story. John, not long after starting a serious relationship with sav, he up and decided to serve on a 2 year preachers excursion referred too as a mission. he would send back weekly messages to all his contacts updating them and telling stories he had been doing on his mission.

one day during the overlap with the pre closer and closer on shift I ventured into a storage room and discovered a ladder fastened to the wall leading to roof access of the strip mall our shop was located at. we have all seen this ladder before but no one had ascended it or even gave it a second look, not this time for I was about to find what lay in this curious and un explored area. I checked that I had no immediate duties to fulfill and climbed the ladder to the hatch (aprox. 20′ up) the lock was a simple 4 digit combination lock that took me little time to brute force decode. I cracked the hatch and low and behold, the roof. before climbing out I decided to tell sav who was watching the store front at the time and perfect timing as I came down business started to pick up.

sav stuck around after he shift ended to hang out with me, witch I always appreciated the company. when we closed the store and finished my duties we went to the storage room and she decided to climb to the roof. about 15′ up she realized her phone in her back pocket was not the smartest idea as her plump, built, and cute ass was really tight to those small pockets. now her version of a smarter idea was to throw down her phone to me as a playful game… after fumbling with it for a comically long time her phone inevitably slammed to the ground shattering the screen… she was a chad about it tho and did not let it bother her. she checked out the roof and we parted ways after leaving the building.

the next few days she did not have a phone… one of these days was the day to receive the update form John… she asked to sign in on my phone and let her know when it comes in. but to respect her privacy with its contents. when it did come in I could not resist myself and read it in my notifications menu as to not make the email look opened when she sees it. bad news. good news… to those familiar to the term “dear jane/John letters” he broke up with her to dedicate himself to god… and this one would hurt… he wanted nothing to do with her as she would simply be a distraction. the good news was for me, as I was the only male left to make a move on her. I let her read the email, and I pretend everything was normal. setup was a go. she stayed with me after her shift and just hung out, she likely just wanted to be around someone. after clocking out at the end of the day we resorted to playing multiplayer games on my Nintendo switch. parted ways to see each other just the next day.

—the good part—

the next day proceeded as normal until her pre close shift was over. she said her good byes and hinted at returning after she gets her new phone. well she returned, freshened up after a shower and a change of clothes, nothing to fancy but damn did it show off her curves. from here things took a path never before taken in my life.

she jokingly let me hit her ass, no matter the excuse she had wow that was a step for me. we talked about our sexual desires, we started playing truth or dare… I was all ways to cautious to make this go anywhere, my mind was full of anxiety and fear I would take it to far. I was to reliant on her to make moves that she got sick of it and as we were playing on the Nintendo after close in the break room, we agreed on a bet. a game of “strip 1,2 switch” (XD)

you bet I was excited, this was likely the time I was going to see my first naked woman! I was so excited that I was in denial the whole time it was happening. I thought to myself “if ever she is uncomfortable, we stop, no pressure” but somehow we kept going shyly tho… this was strange to me as I was a lonely inexperienced virgin, whereas she was a smoking hot bundle of fun and borderline slutty. the other always turned around when an article was removed until we were both down to our underwear.

I owe you guys a description, Savanah was probably 5’2″ around 100lbs perfect and toned ass and adorable small perky tits… although I would not know much more as I was never able to get her fully naked… (in retrospect I think this was a problem in my confidence manifesting.) her sports bra held back her stiff nipples as my boxers held back my raging boner. her rich chocolate eyes perfectly matched the shade of the trillions of freckles akin to a galaxies in the night sky across her body. her long flowing hair was a beautiful deep dark brown as well. our game of strip came to a close when either of us had the confidence to truly strip naked. (another explanation would be a fear of commitment) after we left we decided our little adventure was not over. she said we should go somewhere, get a drink or something together in her car, just anywhere but alone at home when the night comes to a close. so we left and continued our adventure having fun just building up confidence in each other.

we ended up on an elementary playground at 2am when I walked up to her climbing the jungle gym and said

“we never finished our game of truth or dare did we?”

“nope, and wasn’t it your turn”

she chose dare,

“kiss me…” I said, about to excuse my extreme blunt statement, I was cut off… a warm sensation grew roots down through my chest and into my stomach, the wetness of her lips caressing mine. passion, relief, excitement, and a thirst for more was all I knew. as relaxed as I was in that moment, I felt I was on top of the world, I had nothing holding me back, I felt powerful instead of a shy chicken to afraid to relax. after making out for what felt like a lifetime, we both took a break and made the same comment, it was around freezing ~ 32F and despite the frost forming on the grass we felt warm. we did not make it another 100 ft before she took her turn,

I chose truth,

“would you have gotten naked earlier during our game?”

“definitely, now” I responded and in turn asked her the same question.

“her response “knowing where it would have likely gone after that point, not likely able to stop ourselves… yeah!”

“wait let me go again”

“okay, dare!”

“kiss, me!”


“we…” jumping at the opportunity, and we were back at it. this time I felt confident enough to start getting handsy, but when the gesture was not returned I hesitated to continue. we made out for so long that the reason we stoped was my back was aching bad from bending down to her.

the night didn’t end there but that was definitely the climax of this story. after that I carried her on my back to the car, and we kissed a few more times that night, but it never progressed more than that. we never really became more than that and soon after I realized that I was just the rebound. I never became sad at where things landed, I had lived some and learned some, it was Time to move on. she moved away and I quit. I’ve peaked at her insta since and I think she had a steady boyfriend and settled down, and I’m happy for her. and Savanah (not your real name) if you find this, thanks!

sorry for the tremendous length, its my first post and struggle excluding parts of this story. ill try to answer questions, comments. when I wake up.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/oz1rye/my_first_kiss_and_games_gone_wild_with_my_f