Outsider’s Bane [Chapter 2: Lilian’s Corset] [MF] [Cunnilingus] [Desk sex]

*Author note: This is a LitRPG erotica. Trying to find a solid balance, but know there will be more kink and porn in future chapters. Thanks for reading!*

Outsider’s Bane
Chapter 2:
Lilian’s Corset


Level 2

Race: Outsider

Class: Not Assigned

HP: 15/15

MP: 10/10






**3 Unassigned Stat Points**

**Assign Now? (Y/N)**

Sam stared blankly at the screen and shifted 1 point each into Intelligence, Charisma, and Vitality. He wasn’t sure exactly what they all did, but he noticed his HP and mana pool both went up by 5. He wasn’t exactly sure what he needed mana for, but based on the similarities between what was happening now and past games he played, he was both scared and excited at the prospect of magic.

Dani had shown him down the merchant lane of Ariel, where several things stood out to him. Most notably was that not everyone seemed to be human. There were elves and dwarves. There were lizard folk, and giant orcs. And all sorts of other animal/people hybrids. He noticed them selling their wares and also shopping. This place he found himself in was steeped in human and human-like diversity. He had to stop himself from staring, lest he be the odd man out.

Once Dani found her stall, she pointed him to a large building toward the town’s center.

“That there’s the guild hall. There are numerous guilds and it acts as sort of a middle ground and safe place for people. You need to register with them.”

Sam was confused, “For what?”

Dani chuckled, “We get outsiders on a pretty regular basis. We don’t know how to send you home. And most end up dying because they aren’t prepared. Until you get a class, you can only get experience from fighting and killing monsters. Or other people, I guess. And if you do that, you have to register as an adventurer.”

Sam nodded to her and began to walk away when she stopped him.

“Hey, come visit before you go out adventuring. I’ve got some connections here, and honestly that quickie blowjob was the most action I’ve gotten in awhile. I’m also partial to not letting another outsider die.”

Sam nodded, then ventured off to the Guild Hall. This world was wild. He tried to remember any system he had played where sex was a way to gain experience, but came up short. *Maybe it was just a one off thing.*

As he wondered about the quest, a box popped up in front of his face.


**Register as an Adventurer**

*Look I’m not going to lie. Outsiders don’t last long here. The only way you’re going to make it is to be on top of your game. Sure, you may end up being a blacksmith or something, but we can at least get some action out of you before that*

*Reward: 15xp*

Sam made his way through the doors of the guild hall, asking a pretty grumpy Elven man where registration is, finally making his way to the back end of the building. Inside a dimly lit room was a small woman sitting behind the desk. Her skin was a forest green, her hair a dark black. She wore a striped corset and was playing with very sharp nails. She looked at Sam as he entered.

“Oh, hey there. Looking to register for an event?” The nametag on her corset read Lilian and she smiled politely at him.

“Um, actually I was wanting to be an adventurer.”

She chucled, “You seem a bit older than twelve to just be starting out. Hell, the only people that register in their twenties are..” she trailed off, her eyes going wide.


She gasped smally, then shook herself out of her surprise, “Yes. Wow. I didn’t know another would show up so soon. That’s sad.”

“Wait, why is that sad?”

She eyed him and bit her lip, “Well, according to the theory, only one Outsider can be in Ismelia at a time. That means the last girl…died.”

Sam gulped. He knew Outsiders didn’t last long here, but he was hoping their were a couple around to commiserate with. A kindred spirit would have been nice.

“Was she an adventurer?”

Lilian shook her head, sadly, “No, we tried to convince her but she refused. Monster attacks are pretty regular, so being prepared is best practice.”

Sam nodded, “Which is why I’m here.”

Lilian nodded curtly, and went to retrieve something. She brought back a large stack of papers with a stamp placed on top.

“Just fill these out and I’ll stamp your hand to let you pass the town walls and we’re good to go.”


The stamp left a mark that covered the majority of his hand. It was an intricate series of lines with some unknown magical purpose. Once the ink sunk into his skin, a box popped up.

**Quest Complete**

**An Adventurer is You!**

*It does my heart good to see some fresh meat on the battle field. Good luck out there, kid.*

*Reward: 15 exp*

**You Are Now Tentative Level 3. Please Complete Bane Quest to Level Up**

**Outsider Bane Quest**

**Lilian’s Corset**

*Look, the corset is straining under Lilian’s assets, and I would hate to see such a wonderful piece of fashion destroyed. Help me save it*

Sam rolled his eyes at the quest and cleared it. He turned back to the woman.

“So, tell me about yourself. We only have humans where I am from.”

“That’s sad. I’m actually half elf and half orc. Hence the green skin.”

“Are you green everywhere?” Something inside him tumbled, and when it finished, he felt good. Somehow, he knew his shoddy charisma rolled well on a random number generator.

Lilian blushed, “I mean, yeah. I can show you.”

She got up and moved behind him, locking the door to the registration office. She pulled her pants down revealing dark green legs and a nice ass.

She turned to face him, and slowly unlaced her corset. Large tits dropped as she removed it, and she let Sam admire her beauty. A box poped up in front of his face, but he mentally pushed it aside. He was level 3 now, but some things took priority. Namely his cock pushing against his loose trousers.

Lilian looked down at her throbbing erection and smiled. She made her way back to her desk and sat on it.

“Well, do you like what you see?”

Sam moved to her and their lips met. She dropped his pants to his knees as took his length in her hands, slowly caressing it as his hand found her round boobs. Their mouths moaned together and he dropped his free hand between her legs.

Her pussy was wet, slick moisture meeting the touch of his fingers. He played with her clit as her breath hitched, and she quickened her pace on his shaft. He shoved a finger inside of her and she gasped suddenly, halting her handjob before continuing.

They touched each others bodies as their tounges met, wetness pooling between them. Sam felt her hands trying to milk him, and stopped.

She looked deep into his eyes, “What’s wrong?”

He shook his head and dropped to his knees. She squealed in delight as she drapped her ankles across his shoulder. He gently outlined the edges of her labia with his tongue before tracing it up the middle slowly, finally landing on her clit.

He sucked it gently between his lips and continues swirling his tongue around it. Lilian’s hands founds his head and pulled her deeper inside her as his tongue finally entered her fully. As she came, the heels of her feet dug into his shoulder blades as her body shook. He continued plunging his tongue into her as she came, licking up the increased moisture with vigor.

She slid her legs off his shoulders, and pulled him up, grabbing his dick, and lining it up to her cunt.

“Fuck me, Sam. Show me how good you ahh^h^h^yes.” He slid into her quickly and deeply, pounding her pussy in place as her ass stayed suctioned to the table. She moaned and came and dug her fingernails into his back as she stretched her.

“Fuckfuckfuck^fuck^fuck YESSSSSS!”

She clenched around his cock as she came once again, this time taking him with her. He unloaded rope after rope of cum deep into her as their bodies quivered together. Their heads laid on each other’s shoulders as they panted.

“Fuck,” she giggled, “Now I’ve got to get this all cleaned up.”

They laughed together as he slid out of her, sending a jolt of electricity through both of them. Sam found some fabric and helped her clean herself off before she dressed. She gave him a soft kiss before he left and checked his achievement.


**Bane Quest Complete**

**Lilian’s Corset**

*~~Ok, you caught me. I just wanted to see Lilian’s tits~~ Holy shit, dude. That was above and beyond. I would give you more of a reward, but honestly, I think Lilian did it for me.*

*You are now level 3. 3 points unassigned.*

*Damn*,” Sam thought, “*I think I’m going to like this new world*.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/oy7572/outsiders_bane_chapter_2_lilians_corset_mf

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