[M]y [F]irst affair…the beginning

Back in the mid 90’s I worked for a small company. There was a woman, K that was about 9 years older than me. We had worked together for about 3 years and got to be friends. It was easy in such a small business. I was always one to come into work early. I liked the quiet, I could get my paperwork done and get out on the road to see my clients.

K was the same way, she was the bookkeeper so for her it was just being able to have the quiet. We got to where we would spend a little time chatting. This went from 5 or 10 min to 30-40. Up till this time I hadn’t thought about her sexually, we were both married so it just wasn’t on my radar. Then things changed, as she was talking one day I realized just how beautiful she was, I don’t know what triggered it, it just happened.

She then started talking about her past more how she was abused as a little girl, and my heart melted for her and all she had been through, and the subject soon turned to her marriage. He was all about himself, drank too much, kind of all the cliches. As she got up from leaning on my desk to leave my cubicle, I just stopped her and Kissed her. She kissed me back and when we broke she was just so beautiful standing there. The doorbell to the main entrance went off she made her exit. No one was the wiser at this point. We talked about what happened and agreed there was a line that was just passed what we dis that couldn’t be crossed. So for about the next month or so we would talk and end our time with very passionate kissing.

I was 27 or so at the time, so this obviously became fantasy material I used imagining what it would be like to fuck her.

It did happen, it was the amazing start to a 6 year affair, I have lots of stories to share if the interest is there. She was one of 4 women I had affairs with between 95 and 2011.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/oy60r6/my_first_affairthe_beginning

1 comment

  1. Tell us anything and everything. I also had a few work affairs. I remember then fondly. I would love to hear about yours.

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